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(Message started by: Bob_Johnson on Sep 16th, 2004, 4:58pm)

Title: Some history to appreciate....
Post by Bob_Johnson on Sep 16th, 2004, 4:58pm
There are folks who take us seriously! This group has been a driving force in trying to help.
Funct Neurol. 2004 Apr-Jun;19(2):73-81.

Cluster headache: the history of the Cluster Club and a review of recent clinical research.

Ekbom K, Waldenlind E.

Department of Neurology, Karolinska Institute Karolinska, University Hospital, Stockholm, Sweden.

In September 2003, a scientific meeting was held in Rome to revive the International Cluster Headache Research Group (or "Cluster Club") tradition. This group of specialists was originally formed in the late 1970s by Ottar Sjaastad in order to promote research ideas, and to generate papers and other important information in this field. Its meetings, the last of which had taken place in 1994, had been informal events at which there was ample time for lively discussion. The last decade of the 20th century brought a significant increase in clinical and experimental research into cluster headache (CH), and this review summarizes some of the results of this research. The male preponderance of CH has been shown to be progressively decreasing over the years. Revised clinical criteria and a modern classification have been presented. First-degree relatives of probands with CH have been shown to have an increased risk of suffering from CH compared with the general population. Genetic analysis suggests that an autosomal dominant gene plays a role in some families. Functional neuroimaging has contributed to a better understanding of the pathophysiology of the condition. Positron emission tomography during provoked attacks has shown activation of the ipsilateral inferior posterior hypothalamus and it has been suggested that CH might be a functional neurovascular disorder of pacemaker or circadian regions in the hypothalamic grey matter. Subcutaneously administered sumatriptan has emerged as a highly effective acute treatment, but, in our opinion, the emphasis should be on attack prevention. Deep brain stimulation of the inferior posterior hypothalamic grey matter seems to be very promising as a novel treatment targeting the presumed central origin of pain attacks.

PMID: 15274514 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

Title: Re: Some history to appreciate....
Post by pubgirl on Sep 16th, 2004, 5:05pm
"In September 2003, a scientific meeting was held in Rome to revive the International Cluster Headache Research Group (or "Cluster Club") tradition"

In case people have forgotten, (or I've lost my marbles today) Don, Chris Willis, John and Mo from OUCH UK, Riccardo and the lady (sorry I forgot her name) from OUCH Spain were all there

There were detailed reports from all the speakers to read on the various OUCH sites but they've all been archived I think.

Please someone confirm I'm not losing my marbles?


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