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(Message started by: Genoman on Sep 7th, 2004, 12:46pm)

Title: Bad teeth and CH? any connection???
Post by Genoman on Sep 7th, 2004, 12:46pm
Trying to figure out how many of us with CHs have tried to associate dental work such as root canals or periodontic scaling trwatments with your first CH cycle.

Title: Re: Bad teeth and CH? any connection???
Post by floridian on Sep 7th, 2004, 2:05pm
A few cases reported in the literature of people developing clusters after dental work. Hard to tell if it is just a coincidence, or a real cause and effect.  Dental work could irritate the trigeminal nerve, which could contribute.  But people would have to be susceptible from other factors in the brain, blood, etc. ... most people who get dental work dont get clusters, maybe a few who were 'on the edge' of clusters get pushed over the edge.  

I think this one is like the brain injury correlation or the TMJ correlation - more cluster heads have had brain injuries or TMJ, but its not the main cause, and what can be done?  

Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod. 2001 Nov;92(5):499-502.      
   Relationship between oral surgical and endodontic procedures and episodic cluster headache.

   Penarrocha M, Bandres A, Penarrocha MA, Bagan JV.

   Valencia University Dental School, Spain.

   OBJECTIVE: We sought to evaluate the possible relationship between oral surgery and endodontic procedures and the subsequent appearance of cluster headache (CH) in 54 patients. STUDY DESIGN: This study included 54 patients diagnosed and treated for episodic CH. The characteristics of pain, the extractions, and the endodontic procedures performed in the same or a contralateral quadrant were recorded and analyzed by using the chi-square test. RESULTS: Prior tooth extraction or endodontics had been performed in the pain-affected quadrant in 58% of cases and in the contralateral quadrant in 33%. The differences between quadrants were statistically significant. After the onset of pain, extractions were performed in the affected quadrant in 44% of patients. CONCLUSIONS: Although the appearance of pain after dental extraction could suggest a relationship between damage to the nerve supply and the development of CH, the possibility that dental extraction and endodontics may have been performed in response to CH-related pain must also be taken into account. With respect to the differential diagnosis of pain, it is easy for CH to be misdiagnosed as dental pulp pain.

Title: Re: Bad teeth and CH? any connection???
Post by don on Sep 8th, 2004, 6:30am
Might trigger one, doubt it would cause them.

Title: Re: Bad teeth and CH? any connection???
Post by ArCane on Sep 8th, 2004, 1:24pm
I have perfectly good teeth and I have CH.  Like don said its a trigger not a cause.  I find little stresses of the body can push me over the edge and give me one.  Like being dehydrated, being hungry, or having to go take a shit.  However my colon can be empty and Im slaming down water and food and can still have one.
My father has CH, also, and he had all his teeth pulled when he was in his 20's.  Not because of pain but because his teeth where soft and he broke alot of them.  He continues to have CH even with no teeth.  I know it would be nice to pin point a cause to all the pain but its a lot more complicated then that.

Title: Re: Bad teeth and CH? any connection???
Post by chuck on Sep 10th, 2004, 4:17am
Okay guys, go easy on me.  I want to make a few comments and I'm relatively new here and as some of you know, I am one of the "thinner skinned" ones of us.  So, here goes....

I'm very intrigued be what I am reading in this thread and in some previous to this one, and that includes, yes, you're going to hate me, but some of what Chopper was writing.
Tell me I'm on a dead end train of thought, or share with me some similarities that maybe you have too.  Hopefully it will give us something to ponder, at least for a minute.

I have chronic clusters, psoriasis, nail fungus, my teeth rotted last year and I spent $5000 fixing them, I've had bouts with yeast infections on my mouth, excessive urination, abnormal test results on liver and pancreas function.

Could there be ANY link at all to some internal "infection" that causes the body to malfunction or fall apart in so many ways?  Cringing and awaiting replies to hear all of your guys' other weird medical disfunctions!!!  

Title: Re: Bad teeth and CH? any connection???
Post by Genoman on Sep 10th, 2004, 10:39am
Hey Chuck, Sorry to hear about all your mis fortunes in health. Wish you the best of luck with all.
On the other hand, I know exactly how you feel. With every letter I type on these post I feel like I'm walking on egg shells that's why I'm gonna start only reading and quit posting so much.

What are your personal habits without getting to personal? Weight, smoker, exercise. etc?

I will be anxious to see you replies.

Title: Re: Bad teeth and CH? any connection???
Post by chuck on Sep 10th, 2004, 3:51pm
Hey Genoman.  I "look" healthy, not overweight, but inside, that's a different story.  I've smoked for 13 years, I drink MASSIVE amounts of Pepsi.  I used to love to exercise but I found out a long time ago that exercise triggers my CH so I try to keep as Lazy as possible, the result?  Well, ten years later, that list of my ailments from above.  I'd like to know more about all of us, whether we have other problems too, or JUST CH's.  Take care!!

Title: Re: Bad teeth and CH? any connection???
Post by Genoman on Sep 10th, 2004, 5:51pm
Well, I too smoked for about 10 to 12 years. I give a rough estimate because I actually went on quitting sprees for long periods of time. I have never been much of a drink cause I usually get sick including headaches. Not necessarily CH but just crappy in general.
I am overall pretty healthy. I am 6' 5" tall and have never weighed over 190 pounds. I did landscaping from 14 years old till 18 years old part time then full time for the next 6 years.

I suffered an injury on the job when I was 21. An bungie cord broke and smaked my eye. I went through 2 retina detach surgeries (in my right eye) and ended up blind in that eye anyway.

I have always had a pretty clean bill of heath when it came to routine Dr. visits other than the teeth issue.
Don't get me wrong, I don't have major issue all over my whole mouth. Just 4 teeth. But they were real problems.

Anyway, that's my story.

Title: Re: Bad teeth and CH? any connection???
Post by IndianaJohn on Sep 10th, 2004, 7:07pm
Hi guy's

Been a smoker for 22 years now.  I just freaked out as I typed that - wow.  Anyway, my teeth aren't the greatest but they're not bad.  I have CH trigger from going to the dentist and having them "lean on" my jaw while cleaning.  But not other than that.  When I first got CH I was misdiagnosed with TMJ.  My wife has psoriasis and the fugal infections in her nails, but she is CH free.

I used to work out in martial arts and have had CH attacks during work out.  I toughed them out and it did seem that the HA's and cycles were shorter because I worked out.  But in 2001 I underwent operations on both arms for tennis elbow (tearing of the tendons in your forearm) and cubital tunnel in both arms (pinched funny bone nerves). And a pinched radial nerve in my left arm.  So ended my martial art aspirations.

You guy's are all right, I know first hand how intimidating these boards can be.  Read what you can, post when you feel like it.

PFDAN to ya!


Title: Re: Bad teeth and CH? any connection???
Post by chuck on Sep 10th, 2004, 10:33pm
Thank you John!!!

Title: Re: Bad teeth and CH? any connection???
Post by yikes_another_one on Sep 12th, 2004, 4:19pm
 I never smoked, but lived with smokers for most of my life.  

i found that exercise (jogging and aerobics) was a trigger and have tried to avoid for past 5 years,
but still have the episodes.

We can run ... or not run....
   but I guess we can't hide.

Best to just live, and do and be....
                                       then deal.


Title: Re: Bad teeth and CH? any connection???
Post by clarence on Sep 12th, 2004, 4:45pm
My input for your survey, in cane you wondered:

I don't really have bad teeth, a couple of cavities filled, one root canal about 18 months ago...that's about it.

I do have TMJ though.  Had it since I got in a fight in about Grade 9.  Got puinched in the jaw, and its never really been the same since.  It pops like crazy when I eat certain things, and I can pop it on command.  Pretty loud too.  
Other than that, had my appendix out, but that was before CH.

Chuck, sounds like you've really had a go around with a number of things.  I am sorry to hear it.  Glad you're here and glad for the opportunity to know you, though I wish it were under different circumstances.  You too Genoman.


Title: Re: Bad teeth and CH? any connection???
Post by chuck on Sep 13th, 2004, 3:17am
Thanks for the reply Casey.  Hey, btw, in the ninth grade, did you at least make the other guy pay for that shot?  Where I come from, take one, give two back!!  8)

Title: Re: Bad teeth and CH? any connection???
Post by clarence on Sep 13th, 2004, 4:50am
Yeah, he got me pretty good in the mouth.  But I would say I won that particular fight.  Unfortunate though, we were never friends again after that.  


Title: Re: Bad teeth and CH? any connection???
Post by unsolved1 on Sep 13th, 2004, 8:22am
I've always been in pretty good health (except for CH)and pretty good shape (except for I put on a few lbs. this year due to steriod use). My teeth are not bad. I've had a few cavities filled and my wizdom teeth cut out.

My clusters began out of nowhere. No recent dental visits, tooth problems, or any other health problems or injuries right before the first cycle.

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