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(Message started by: rubberplant on Sep 7th, 2004, 6:20am)

Title: Smoking. Are we all smokers?
Post by rubberplant on Sep 7th, 2004, 6:20am
Hi all,

just joined yesterday, thankyou all for the support posted back!!!

I was finally diagnosed last thursday and am in remission since beginning of August. Thank the many moons of Uranus!

The Neuro at KCH London basically told me to quit, quit, quit! He said that smoking was not a clever thing for a CH to do. Is it true that most of us are heavy smokers or like a drink?

I know this has probably been covered before, what can I say, I thought I would never know about or need this site. But thankyou whoever is in charge that it IS here.


Title: Re: Smoking. Are we all smokers?
Post by BobG on Sep 7th, 2004, 6:46am
This site is owned and operated by DJ. He started this about 5 years ago. Have you clicked on the 'new vistor' button on the left side of your screen? seems that the number of clusterhead smokers are at a higher percent than in the general population. Smoking does not cause clusterheadaches.
Your neuro is right in telling you to quit smoking just for good general health. But, I have never read that stopping the smokes will stop or lessen the attacks.

Drinking.......many clusterheads enjoy their drinks. Some don't drink at all and some really, really enjoy a drink. Most don't drink during a cluster due to the fact that it is a well know trigger. Drinking does not cause clusterheadaches.

My theory is the reason so many cluster sufferers smoke and/or drink is because we tend to have a addictive personality (another thing the hypothalmus is good for). That does not mean we are all addicted to smoking, drinking or their cell phones (the sin habits) only. Some may be addicted or have a habit for reading this site, washing their hands every 5 minutes, driving too fast, or a thousand other habits.

I am a smoker. I started smoking at least 7 years before my first attack. I have smoked before, during and after an attack and it made no difference good or bad.

I am not a drinker. Alcohol was a big trigger for me. I stopped the boozing in 1985. It felt so good to be sober that I never started again.

Title: Re: Smoking. Are we all smokers?
Post by E-Double on Sep 7th, 2004, 6:49am
Very Glad you are pain free!!!!

Somehow I get the feeling that a tremendous amount of people here smoke. Dare I say majority.

I don't know if it will help CH but since you are pain free and don't "need" that extra crutch....

Go for it!!!  The dumbest thing I did was going back to it.
In fact I was down to a few a day when cycle hit & thus came the chain smoking.

If for no other reason You'll be healthier. (Although somehow my lungs are as clear as if I didn't smoke. go figure lol still should quit though)

Good Luck and enjoy the remission ;;D


Title: Re: Smoking. Are we all smokers?
Post by rubberplant on Sep 7th, 2004, 6:59am
Thanks both,

It makes perfect sense, have an eight week old son as well, which makes it a goood enough reason! Just seems to have been something I've read about us being smokers and what-not. Smelling a drink is enough during a cluster.

Strangely, my last cluster started when my wife was overdue and I had a massage to get my shoulders relaxed. BANG. 1/2 hour after going to sleep I was grinding my head into the mattress.

I feel that you might be right about the addictive personality business, BobG.

This is the last of my addictions, will have to find something else. Will probably be this site.

James (Patches, Gum, 2 fags a day) Quit day Friday!

Title: Re: Smoking. Are we all smokers?
Post by clarence on Sep 7th, 2004, 7:14am
I don't smoke, never really have.  And my head still hurts.


Title: Re: Smoking. Are we all smokers?
Post by Jaime on Sep 7th, 2004, 7:16am
I quit smoking and quit drinking over 16 years ago. I started getting CH 5 weeks ago.  In my case, they are unrelated, unless the past drinking and smoking did damage that only just recently caught up to me. I suppose that is a possibility - however unlikely.

Title: Re: Smoking. Are we all smokers?
Post by Rock_Lobster on Sep 7th, 2004, 7:24am
Never smoked.

Do not drink enough to be called a 'drinker'... 2-3 drinks per week, perhaps.

Title: Re: Smoking. Are we all smokers?
Post by lionsound on Sep 7th, 2004, 7:35am
Don't smoke
Don't drink
(never did either one)

Had these since i was a kid.

Title: Re: Smoking. Are we all smokers?
Post by rubberplant on Sep 7th, 2004, 7:39am

It appears that someone somewhere made a rash generalisation.

It's good to be able to come here and ask. Going to the GP or the neuro they are interested in getting people to quit. Understandable!

thanks guys


Title: Re: Smoking. Are we all smokers?
Post by pubgirl on Sep 7th, 2004, 7:45am
The London Institute of Neurology strongly recommend that CH sufferers give up, not because they say it is a trigger but heavy smokers are very likely to end up with heart trouble later in life, and with the current drugs available for CH prevention, treatment becomes difficult.

James, if you come to one of the OUCh Uk conferences you would laugh at coffee time, because there is a veritable stampede outside.
At the Birmingham conference, I would guess there were probably at least 50 of us outside puffing.
I have seen estimates that 60+% of us smoke or have done for years.
It may well be one of the ubiquitous "other factors"



Title: Re: Smoking. Are we all smokers?
Post by rubberplant on Sep 7th, 2004, 7:54am
Cheers Wendy,

I am on my way to the ouch site this weekend. ( I am meant to be working!) It's true this is addictive this site!

I guess this is where the neuro was coming from. It's just playing on my mind. It's my craving mind telling me to find a reason to have a fag!

I can do it!

I should imagine the figures would be the same for any condition as severe and misunderstood as CH.

If I have one more person tell me "Oh, I get migraines and headaches as well!!!"

Not bitter, not annoyed.

Just craving!


Title: Re: Smoking. Are we all smokers?
Post by pubgirl on Sep 7th, 2004, 7:56am
I understand the craving very well and wish you success. I'm a 40 a day woman myself :-[


Title: Re: Smoking. Are we all smokers?
Post by unsolved1 on Sep 7th, 2004, 8:52am
I smoke.

I quit for a year to see if it would have any effect on my headaches  BUT  >> I still had them ... everyday.

So, I started smoking again !!  ::)


Title: Re: Smoking. Are we all smokers?
Post by vig on Sep 7th, 2004, 8:53am
I'm like Lionsound on this one...
don't drink, don't smoke.

Title: Re: Smoking. Are we all smokers?
Post by nani on Sep 7th, 2004, 9:03am
I'm a 2 pack per day woman. I won't quit. At least not for now. True - I affects my Imitrex use (my doc suggests I only use it for the kip 7 and above). One thing she said that made sense though is that CH seems to be a vascular issue, and we know what smoking does to our blood vessels...
I think that if I didn't smoke this pain would make me so anti-social I might have to kill someone. [smiley=smokin.gif]

Title: Re: Smoking. Are we all smokers?
Post by BobG on Sep 7th, 2004, 9:08am

One thing she said that made sense though is that CH seems to be a vascular issue,

[smiley=huh.gif] Seems to be?  [smiley=huh.gif]

I think your doctor needs a little education about clusters.

But, that's just my opinion.

Title: Re: Smoking. Are we all smokers?
Post by Redrum on Sep 7th, 2004, 10:44am
I was a smoker when the headaches started (20 years ago).  I quit for about 2 years but never noticed a change in my HAs.  I started again when I had to take a job in a bar and couldn't drink (definite change in HAs when I quit drinking  :'( ).

Title: Re: Smoking. Are we all smokers?
Post by farmboy on Sep 7th, 2004, 11:02am
Quit smoking about 16 yearts ago or there abouts.

don't drink it is a big time trigger for me.

Title: Re: Smoking. Are we all smokers?
Post by ArCane on Sep 8th, 2004, 1:34pm
I dont smoke, but I do like my drink.  Alcohol is a BIG trigger for me, so when Im in remission I love to party hardy and enjoy being pain free.  Everyday is a celebration when Im in remission.  Im in a cycle right now and I can't wait to drink again.

Title: Re: Smoking. Are we all smokers?
Post by rubberplant on Sep 8th, 2004, 1:56pm
I know that feeling!!

Title: Re: Smoking. Are we all smokers?
Post by plateglass on Sep 8th, 2004, 3:57pm
been smoking and drinking for about 16 yrs now, I don't drink durring cycles, miss it but still can't do it.  It is a guranteed HA.  

Title: Re: Smoking. Are we all smokers?
Post by mellie on Sep 8th, 2004, 4:24pm
I quit smoking in July of 2003.  I didn't have my normal episode in the winter so I thought that quitting smoking really helped--until July 2004 when  I got hit.  I don't drink while in an episode because I've tried it and sure enough a CH will come usually before the 1st drink is down.  I do drink, a lot, while pain free!

Title: Re: Smoking. Are we all smokers?
Post by Karla on Sep 8th, 2004, 5:07pm
I dont smoke or drink.

Title: Re: Smoking. Are we all smokers?
Post by clarence on Sep 8th, 2004, 5:11pm
I went to the Neuro today.  He said I was strange because I don't/have never smoked and I still have CH.  Maybe I will start to see if it makes the headaches go away...At least then I might not be "strange." 8)


Title: Re: Smoking. Are we all smokers?
Post by alleyoop on Sep 8th, 2004, 5:22pm

on 09/08/04 at 17:07:08, Karla wrote:
I dont smoke or drink.

Friggin Saint!

...........alley ;;D

Title: Re: Smoking. Are we all smokers?
Post by Genoman on Sep 9th, 2004, 12:53am
I am 33 yo. I started smoking at 21 then tried weed at 23 (due to an eye injury I suffered from an elastic bungie cord which left me blind in one eye and in pain). I quit weed cause of the stigma it carried with it along with a run in with the law (minor offense). I quit smoking cigs two weeks ago after tooth surgery. They told me I could get dry socket from this. Well when the CHs started I decided to keep up the cessation. I decided to quit for good because if suffering from CH is this bad, WTF will it be like when I get cancer. I know I could get cancer anyway but I am trying anything I can to decrease my chances. Hell, CHs even affected my family (especially my wife, god bless her) I can't stand the thought of putting her through something like cancer for something as unnecessary as me enjoying a vice like smoking. It's just not fair to her.

Title: Re: Smoking. Are we all smokers?
Post by Darlyc on Sep 10th, 2004, 6:22pm
Just tell me how one can quit smoking dealing with the stress from this pain and I'll do it and don't say "Just don't smoke."

I quit smoking for 4 years and yes my headaches went away until last year. They came back but weren't as bad.  Oxygen would abort them in about 10 minutes but I was waking almost every 2 hrs. They lasted 8 weeks.

Now, I have picked up the smoking again. I am getting signs that the headaches are coming. I guess they are going to be real monsters this time.  :(

Title: Re: Smoking. Are we all smokers?
Post by IndianaJohn on Sep 10th, 2004, 7:10pm
I'm a filthy rotten smoker too.  Started when I was 18 and I'm almost 40.  I've had CH for 12 years now so drinking has never been a big part of my life.  Quit weed years ago when I became a father.

Title: Re: Smoking. Are we all smokers?
Post by Genoman on Sep 11th, 2004, 4:20pm
Darlyc, I don't think there is any way to quit without coming to terms with it individually. I have now quit been quit for 3 weeks. I rarley even think about it anymore. Now that I have been smokefree a while,  when I smell someone elses cig. it smells bad to me. So whenever it even crosses my mind I try to imagine the same smell.
Here is a kinda funny. My brother quit smoking but instead of getting the patch ot the chewing gum he taped scoal bandits between his big toes. He said you toes absorb more since they are very tender and alway sweaty and moist when your shoes are on. He also said it makes your shoes smell good. hehe :P

Title: Re: Smoking. Are we all smokers?
Post by nani on Sep 11th, 2004, 6:22pm
EEEWWWW ....thanks for the visual Genoman... [smiley=gocrazy.gif]

Title: Re: Smoking. Are we all smokers?
Post by StanTheMan on Sep 11th, 2004, 8:35pm
The good news -

I don't smoke (I haven't since high school, which was more than 25 years ago).

I don't drink -- used to be a very light drinker, but I quit when I got married, since my wife required a "dry" house.

The bad news -

I still have CH's.

Regards to all on the board!


Title: Re: Smoking. Are we all smokers?
Post by longfatyoung on Sep 12th, 2004, 11:08am
Don't smoke
Don't drink
(never did either one)

Had these since i was a kid.

Title: .  Re: Smoking. Are we all smokers?
Post by Melissa on Sep 12th, 2004, 4:14pm
Let's see...

Started smoking when I was 15 yrs old.
CH's began when I was 16.
I get them for approx. 35-37 days every other year.
Quit smoking in March 2002 for 1yr and 4 months.  
Began smoking again in August 2003 after the birth of my son, due to going into cycle while he was 2 & 1/2 weeks old, and not having any meds.
Quit smoking again March 11 2004, started up again the beginning of July, quit again on my birthday Aug. 17th when I turned 30yrs old.

My clusters came whether or not I smoked.  They even helped me ride out my attacks during my last cycle until I was able to see a neuro and get some meds.

Am now scared shitless because I have been having a lot of chest pains lately, and will be making an appt. to not only get my lungs checked to make sure I am not in the beginning stages of lung cancer, but will also be getting a mammogram done to check for breast cancer.

I don't want to sound like a pita here, but please quit as soon as you can.  Quitting is 10% addiction and 90% psychological.  Don't ever think it's too late to do so...


Title: Re: Smoking. Are we all smokers?
Post by sandie99 on Sep 13th, 2004, 4:19am
Hi there! :)

I have never smoked in my life, but when I was growing up my dad smoked a lot. So, no, we are not all smokers!

Best wishes & lots of PFdays,

Title: Re: Smoking. Are we all smokers?
Post by rubberplant on Sep 13th, 2004, 7:02am
Thanks for the responses peeps.

Interesting to see that a lot of non-smokers have CH. The neuro made it seem like they were linked.

I guess he was just doing his bit for my health.

Going to quit anyway.
If anyone has any advice, tell me please!

General Post; Tips for quitting smoking?!? Please!?!

(Don't know how to place a link on this post!)


Title: Re: Smoking. Are we all smokers?
Post by brightontrader on Sep 14th, 2004, 10:44am
I am a smoker, heavy one 40+ day but have been in remission for 5 years for no apparant reason. Had no success in London getting diagnosed but after several sinus ops and wisdom teeth ones finally found Harley Street doc who knew what a CH was.

He told me that smoking was the most common trait for CHers. Put me on Verapamil and had 3 or 4 seasons of CHs and verapamil worked in alleviating but coffee played a large part, never gave up smoking though.

Am on this board now cos I seem to have early signs of CH starting again after years off BTW.Looking for better ways to deal with it..

Title: Re: Smoking. Are we all smokers?
Post by Darlyc on Sep 15th, 2004, 7:41pm

For quitting smoking you might want to check out the website

It's a very lengthy course but it makes a lot of sense. Deals alot with the psychological addiction.

I am quitting soon too.

Title: Re: Smoking. Are we all smokers?
Post by EmpressJMB on Sep 22nd, 2004, 1:48pm
Here's my 2 cents.  (Just read these)  I do smoke 1/2 to 1 pack a day.  However,  my HA's started BEFORE I started smoking.  Parents were heavy smokers though.  [smiley=huh.gif]  They're also both dead.  I have tried the American Lung Assoc. program 3x, hypnotism, accupuncture, the patch, the gum and the lozenge.  Still smoking.  I will continue to try though.

Title: Re: Smoking. Are we all smokers?
Post by bobbio56 on Sep 23rd, 2004, 6:51pm
Just to sound in. I was on this site about 3-4 yrs ago. It was, and is still the best CH resource I've found. 8 yrs for me, skipping between episodic and chronic. Cycle now since March, 4-8 per day, 5-9 kip. Got really awful near Labor Day, almost to the minute, typical for me. I dread Labor day.
I've quit smoking for 18 mos, started again, quit again for a year. Seems to have no affect on my CHs. Alcohol does, but not as bad as some say. I don't drink nearly as much as when I was younger, but still a couple a day on average. Verap, Lotrel, Neurontin, Lithium, now Keppra, acupuncture, chiropractic, you name it, I've tried it! Lastly though, shrooms are on my list. Good luck, be HA FREE!!! PS-Stat dosed up to 7 a day for 2 weeks,(I have great insurance, and am very fortunate in that regard), Doc says I have a very healthy heart, for what it's worth. I'm blessed with a "very" supportive family and partner. I haven't always found the same understanding with employers though.
Question.........I'm 48 and male. Anyone know the approx age of when theses bastards leave? I was under the impression it was about early to mid fifties. Thanks for the forum!

Title: Re: Smoking. Are we all smokers?
Post by aprilbee on Sep 24th, 2004, 5:55pm
I've had CH since I was 12, I smoke, I don't really drink, just when I am craving a beer (which is very very seldom)  smoking has no effect either way for me....but Kudos to you for trying!!   ;)  Heres hopin' you stay pain free!!

Title: Re: Smoking. Are we all smokers?
Post by BobG on Sep 24th, 2004, 9:13pm

Hey bobbio

Question.........I'm 48 and male. Anyone know the approx age of when theses bastards leave? I was under the impression it was about early to mid fifties. Thanks for the forum!

I'm 57 and haven't had a true cycle in about 4 years. Unless you call attacks 4 nights in a row a cycle. That happens every 6 or so months. I do still get individual attacks 2 or 3 times a month. That I blame on my rotating work schedule. There are some here older than me that still have cycles and at least one guy about my age that hasn't had a cycle in 10 years.

Title: Re: Smoking. Are we all smokers?
Post by Jaime on Sep 25th, 2004, 1:57am
I smoked a pack a day for 8 years.  I quit smoking and drinking in 1988.  CH only started at the end of july this year.  

The best tips I learned for quitting smoking are as follows:

Smokers only inhale deeply when drawing on a cig,  and the extra oxygen is what relaxes,  so take 10 slow, deep breaths when you get hit with a craving.

The toxins get stored in fat cells.  When those cells get used,  the toxins release into your blood and cause the craving.  Drink a glass of water and instead of telling yourself "I want a cigarette" - tell yourself that the craving feeling is what you get for poisoning yourself, and that the water is cleansing the toxins from your body.

I bought myself a $40 leaded crystal goblet to use for drinking "special" ice water with lemon slices in it. That way I wasn't grieving the loss of an old friend, I was celebrating my victory instead.

I also put the cash I would have spent on cigarettes each day into a jar on my kitchen counter.  At the end of 1 year, I had $1500 in that jar. I spent $700 on a custom made ring I designed myself.  It is made out of white gold,  with a large star sapphire and 3 x 1/3 carat diamonds.  I still have that ring,  and it has appreciated in value during the past 16 years.  It's actually worth more than when I had it made.  The rest of the money I spent on a vacation.

There have been times during the past two months worth of CH that I thought about drinking and smoking!  I'm glad I haven't,  but I'd be lying if I said they hadn't crossed my mind.

Title: Re: Smoking. Are we all smokers?
Post by shawn_c on Oct 4th, 2004, 10:16pm
I to just joined a couple of days ago and smoke to.Im in the middle of an 8 week attack.My nero also keeps preaching that i should stop smoking but tpld me not to do it while having headaches to wait until im in remission.

Title: Re: Smoking. Are we all smokers?
Post by rubberplant on Oct 5th, 2004, 6:52am
Hi shawn,

Had i been in the middle of a cycle, I wouldn't have bothered trying. I have now quit for 20 days and 21 hours! (had a couple of slip ups but going strong)

My GP backed my neuro up with the O2 in your blood when you smoke and all that. After my last fag I tested at 36 on a CO monitor, scared me slightly. you can fill your blood with cells that carry no oxygen near your brain at all! that can only help the hurting!

Bit concerned about how I will cope with my next cluster, I'm 2 weeks overdue. My last cluster came late, just before my son was born in july this year! At least one good thing came out of it all!!!

I hope the cycle ends soon Shawn,

PFDAN to all and best wishes!

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