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(Message started by: lana_banana on Sep 6th, 2004, 10:48pm)

Title: I am new, but not new to CHs.
Post by lana_banana on Sep 6th, 2004, 10:48pm
I just started another cycle. It really sucks, but it has been over 15 months since my last. I guess I should at least be grateful for that. It really sucks because I just started a new job 2 months ago and am nervous that I will start missing work. And if that's not bad enough, I am currently without health insurance and just moved to the Milwaukee area a few months ago, and I don't have a doctor here right now. Major bummer. But what can I do I guess? No oxygen for me, hopefully my cycle will be short. I will be ayiong many prayers I guess.


Title: Re: I am new, but not new to CHs.
Post by ShaneWJordan on Sep 6th, 2004, 11:49pm

          Hey I had CH's and found a great herbal aromotherapy that worked great for me.  You may try looking into that.

Shane Jordan

Title: Re: I am new, but not new to CHs.
Post by nani on Sep 6th, 2004, 11:56pm
Okay - are you going to share the aromatherapy blend? Some of us will try just about anything...I work with essential oils - I have a soap and bodycare business- I haven't come across a blend yet...

Title: Re: I am new, but not new to CHs.
Post by ShaneWJordan on Sep 7th, 2004, 12:06am
I suprisingly found it on ebay.  Its for migraines but I used it for CH's.  Here the link where i order mine.  Its been the only thing I have ran across that has provided any type of relief for me.

I hope it will help you as it did me.  I hope you can get to that I dont know how to link.

Shane Jordan

Title: Re: I am new, but not new to CHs.
Post by KanKan on Sep 7th, 2004, 12:20am
funny enough, the person who replied, lives in the same city as the person who is selling it on ebay....

Title: Re: I am new, but not new to CHs.
Post by nani on Sep 7th, 2004, 12:26am
Thanks Shane ...I'm going to try it. :)

Title: Re: I am new, but not new to CHs.
Post by ShaneWJordan on Sep 7th, 2004, 12:34am
CHeck my feedback @@ conspiracy theories everywhere.  Yea so I had to pay sales tax 9.25% BTW my ebay that I posted feedback was willshanejordan

Shane Jordan

Title: Re: I am new, but not new to CHs.
Post by pubgirl on Sep 7th, 2004, 2:07am

I'm sure it's lovely stuff and will smell great, but personally, I'd put it in the bath, because I know for sure it won't stop cluster headaches for me or about 99.99% of the people here (except Shane that is)


Title: Re: I am new, but not new to CHs.
Post by ShaneWJordan on Sep 7th, 2004, 2:14am

      Im not trying to sell Nani anything, just simply stating what has worked the best for me.  This is a message board right.  I am not a doctor.  I just know I've tried everything and this worked for me.  I've taken every drug on the market and all they have helped me is to give me rebound headaches. I'm not going to get into a silly debate with you.  Im sure if Nani has dealt with essential oil she knows the bennifits of going the herbal route.

Shane Jordan

Title: Re: I am new, but not new to CHs.
Post by pubgirl on Sep 7th, 2004, 2:26am

on 09/07/04 at 02:14:42, ShaneWJordan wrote:

      Im not trying to sell Nani anything, just simply stating what has worked the best for me.  This is a message board right.  I am not a doctor.  I just know I've tried everything and this worked for me.  I've taken every drug on the market and all they have helped me is to give me rebound headaches. I'm not going to get into a silly debate with you.  Im sure if Nani has dealt with essential oil she knows the bennifits of going the herbal route.

Shane Jordan

If you are not selling anything, why not post about your condition and your symptoms and introduce yourself first, rather than almost immediately post a link to a selling source?

It is NOT silly debate, and you have every right to post what works for you, the same as I have every right to point out to new people that Cluster headaches don't respond to herbal treatments. They make you feel better, they may even make a few attacks feel better, but nothing beyond chance or the placebo effect,
they they won't abort or prevent the pain.

If Nani want to try it, that's her choice, but she needs to be aware that if she is going to spend her money, the chances of your miracle herbal remedy helping are almost nil


Title: Re: I am new, but not new to CHs.
Post by synergy on Sep 7th, 2004, 3:49am
The only advantage with the herbal stuff is that you can smell nice during an attack!

Do these people think we are stupid or what - as if we havnt got down this route before.

Title: Re: I am new, but not new to CHs.
Post by farmboy on Sep 7th, 2004, 11:25am
DAMN dose this guy sound just like chopper or was it the other one that was not selling anything from mesma or something like that.

The verbage seems the same to me.

"Im not trying to sell Nani anything, just simply stating what has worked the best for me.  "    ?????????

An Andaconda is a  _ _ _ _ _

Stuff in ground in Iraq  _ _ _

Stuff that dosen't work but is being hawked as a it dose.

2 words   _ _ _ _ _   _ _ _

Jonny would you like to give it a try?????


Title: Re: I am new, but not new to CHs.
Post by nani on Sep 7th, 2004, 11:51am
Thank you all for your concern. :-* I realize that there are lots of snake oil vendors out there. I actually read the label on the product description, and because I have all the aromatherapy oils already(I have a small soap business) was going to try my own mix. I'll still pretty much try anything -  but will not spend a lot doing so. I don't have much :'(

Title: Re: I am new, but not new to CHs.
Post by FZfan on Sep 7th, 2004, 12:47pm

welcome to clusterville, sorry you had to get hit with a snake-oil recommendation right out of the box. Please try to understand this jerk has been trying to hawk his shit under different names for the past few weeks, and we can't seem to get rid of him.

There are a few clusterheads in your area. Maybe they will chime in. I understand being without health insurance really sucks. Here's a couple things you can do even without health insurance:

1) Try melatonin - lot's of real sufferers here report success with this for putting a stop to the night attacks. It's available over the counter - I believe recommended dosages are anywhere from 3 mg to 9 mg, but please do a search on it here for more information.

2) Get welder's o2. Again, lots of info available here on this. Welder's o2 is identical to medical o2 and doesn't require a doctors prescription, plus it's lot's cheaper. Definitely look into this. Great alternative if you have no insurance.

3) Do NOT try some stupid aromatherapy and/or diet supplement. READ CAREFULLY as much as you can here and at the OUCH web site and you should be able to sort out the real information from the bad information quite easily.

Good luck in your battles with the beast and I hope you find some relief soon.

Title: Re: I am new, but not new to CHs.
Post by floridian on Sep 7th, 2004, 2:10pm
FZfan is right.  Try melatonin. Try welder's Oxygen.  Try B-vitamins and magnesium. Consider the clusterbuster treatment.  These all have a proven track record - they don't help everyone, but they help enough people that you should try them first.

Title: Re: I am new, but not new to CHs.
Post by lana_banana on Sep 7th, 2004, 2:22pm
Thanks all for your concern. I am trying to see if my old doctor from my hometown will call in a Rx for prednisone without having to actually see him in his office. At least prednisone is cheap and might give me some relief. It has a few times in the past broke up a cycle, but not always. I will look into the welders o2, though I have never heard of it. I will also try melatonin. I agree, it doesn't hurt to try. I will bypass the ebay, herbal concoction. Thanks again!


Title: Re: I am new, but not new to CHs.
Post by clarence on Sep 7th, 2004, 3:48pm

on 09/07/04 at 11:51:22, nani wrote:
(I have a small soap business)


So you're a saponificator!  Man I love that word!  I don't know why, it just sounds cool.


Title: Re: I am new, but not new to CHs.
Post by nani on Sep 7th, 2004, 4:31pm
well Clarence - I've been called a lot of things before, but never been called that... it is a cool word though.  ;)
and it describes me perfectly!

Title: Re: I am new, but not new to CHs.
Post by Genoman on Sep 7th, 2004, 5:14pm
Lana, you say you are afraid of missing work? Do your attacks overlap with your working hours? The only reason I ask is mine always show up after I at home from work or in the middle of the night. I am lucky enough to where I only lose some sleep. Sure I have to drag myself out of bed some mornings but at least I don't look like a crazy SOB working around the office. <<<Knocking on wood>>>

Title: Re: I am new, but not new to CHs.
Post by FZfan on Sep 7th, 2004, 6:18pm

on 09/07/04 at 14:22:43, lana_banana wrote:
I will look into the welders o2, though I have never heard of it.

Apparently, lots of doctors are not aware of it either, but trust me, roughly 80% of us find at least some level of relief with oxygen but it has to be used correctly. High flow rate (10 - 15 lpm) breathed through a non-rebreather mask for 10 to 20 minutes. Check out the oxygen link on the menu to the left.

Personally, I LOVE it. It's like liquid gold to me. Definitely give it a try.

Title: Re: I am new, but not new to CHs.
Post by BlueMeanie on Sep 7th, 2004, 6:55pm

on 09/06/04 at 23:49:03, ShaneWJordan wrote:
Hey I had CH's and found a great herbal aromotherapy that worked great for me.  You may try looking into that.

Shane Jordan

You HAD Cluster Headaches ? Are you saying that your aromas cured you ?  ::)

Title: Re: I am new, but not new to CHs.
Post by pubgirl on Sep 7th, 2004, 6:57pm
Oh Gawd!

Don't start him off again ;;D


Title: Re: I am new, but not new to CHs.
Post by BlueMeanie on Sep 7th, 2004, 7:01pm

on 09/07/04 at 18:57:14, pubgirl wrote:
Oh Gawd!

Don't start him off again ;;D


Sorry Wendy, couldn't resist.

Title: Re: I am new, but not new to CHs.
Post by Jonny on Sep 7th, 2004, 7:20pm

on 09/07/04 at 11:25:29, farmboy wrote:
Jonny would you like to give it a try?????

You kidding me Farm Dude?.......LOL ;;D

Lets see if we can get some entertainment before I pull this plug ;;D


Title: Re: I am new, but not new to CHs.
Post by lana_banana on Sep 7th, 2004, 9:29pm
Yeah, I get my headaches in the middle of the day sometimes. I have gottne them at just about any time of the day. They ususually come about 3-6 am in the morning but last week I got one at about 8 am. I am supposed to be at work at nine, and mine always last about an hour or so. Lucky me!  I got my first CH when I was 17 and am now 26. I bought some melatonin tonite, so we shall see how the night goes. Thanks all for the advice.


Title: Re: I am new, but not new to CHs.
Post by don on Sep 7th, 2004, 9:47pm
Dear Shane.

I hope your daily tension headaches stay away.

And are replaced with acidic medicine ball size hemmoroids.

Then just stick your oils and up your ass for a nice aroma.

In the mean time you need to stop sending legitimate suffers down the aromatic fucking river.

Title: Re: I am new, but not new to CHs.
Post by IndianaJohn on Sep 7th, 2004, 9:49pm

on 09/07/04 at 21:47:56, don wrote:
Dear Shane.

I hope your daily tension headaches stay away.

And are replaced with acidic medicine ball size hemmoroids.

Then just stick your oils and up your ass for a nice aroma.

In the mean time you need to stop sending legitimate suffers down the aromatic fucking river.

Couldn't have put it better myself...Thanks don!

Title: Re: I am new, but not new to CHs.
Post by unsolved1 on Sep 7th, 2004, 11:52pm
I had clusters once.

Aromatherapy worked great !























Title: Re: I am new, but not new to CHs.
Post by don on Sep 8th, 2004, 6:29am

I had clusters once.

The one I had lasted 36 hours. That tight band around my head was turmoil.

Then I passed a flower garden, inhaled and it was gone.

Am I chronic?

Title: Re: I am new, but not new to CHs.
Post by Lizzie2 on Sep 8th, 2004, 1:40pm

on 09/08/04 at 06:29:05, don wrote:
The one I had lasted 36 hours. That tight band around my head was turmoil.

Then I passed a flower garden, inhaled and it was gone.

Am I chronic?

LMMFAO Don!!  Deeyammm I can't believe people still think the "cure" is found in things like aromatherapy.  <sigh>

Ah well....

Go buy smelly things if ya want, y'all!  But personally, things with scents give me a headache to begin with (and no...not a CH).  LOL

Lizzie :)

Title: Re: I am new, but not new to CHs.
Post by farmboy on Sep 8th, 2004, 5:24pm

on 09/08/04 at 06:29:05, don wrote:
The one I had lasted 36 hours. That tight band around my head was turmoil.
this is what i did.

My brother says to me"  Hey i can cure that headache of yours!"

so i says " yeah so you can , can you"

Well by golly i surree can, be right back.

So he goes out in the shop get his 72 torino with a 429 scj under the hood and proceeds to do a line lock really smoking the tires ......................  He then says now smell this big brother.  Big deep breath .

hey tire smoke did it cured my CH right there on the spot.

Hey i am no doctor just telling you what worked for me. I am also not trying to sell anything either.

Visit me at   i have bottled the smoke and it is only 49.95 plus shipping and handling.

am i full of it or what.

Title: Re: I am new, but not new to CHs.
Post by alleyoop on Sep 8th, 2004, 8:03pm

on 09/08/04 at 06:29:05, don wrote:
The one I had lasted 36 hours. That tight band around my head was turmoil.

Then I passed a flower garden, inhaled and it was gone.

Am I chronic?

I had one lasted 6 hours. The tight band around my waist was hell.

Then I passed an 'aromatic gas', inhaled it and was gone.

Johnny was a scientist, but Johnny is no more.

What he thought was h2o, was h2so4.

................................................alley ;;D Message Board » Powered by YaBB 1 Gold - SP 1.3.1!
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