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(Message started by: unsolved1 on Sep 5th, 2004, 6:26pm)

Title: When you can't make it home
Post by unsolved1 on Sep 5th, 2004, 6:26pm
Gosh, that sucks ! I've had this happen several times before ... and it sucks everytime.

Today, I was grocery shopping and about to check out when the pain started behind my eye. I knew right away that I had only minutes left until some severe pain set in. I thought I'd never get out of there but I finally made it to my car. There was NO WAY I could drive since my head was completely POUNDING by now. I took a 4mg shot of Imitrex and had a 15 minute torture session in my car. Thank god I had Imitrex, dark tinted windows and cold A/C !!

Worn out and glad to be back home !  :(


Title: Re: When you can't make it home
Post by don on Sep 5th, 2004, 6:36pm
Same thing happened to me at the market but no trex in the car.

Had an Rx waiting at the pharmacy 2 minutes away or my stash at home 5 minutes away.

Went for the stash.

New trigger: Supermarkets.

Title: Re: When you can't make it home
Post by Genoman on Sep 5th, 2004, 6:58pm
So this imitrex really helps you guys? I hope the doc finds out what my magic number is on monday or tuesday.
I swear I pray for you guys everynight.

Title: Re: When you can't make it home
Post by IndianaJohn on Sep 5th, 2004, 7:02pm
Imitrex is a life saver for many of us.  Most use the injrctions, I prefer the nasal sprays myself.  I've been hit on the way home from work, without any imitrex.  All I could do was pull over, turn the AC on high and ride it out.  

PFDAN to All


Title: Re: When you can't make it home
Post by E-Double on Sep 5th, 2004, 7:23pm
Never leave home without it ;)
I have it on hand wherever i go. keep it in my "European Carry-all" (seinfeld anyone?) along with everything else I need with me @ all times.

Don't leave my car without it for just that reason. Learned the very same hard way.


Title: Re: When you can't make it home
Post by Redd715 on Sep 5th, 2004, 7:29pm
I had the wonderful joy of being the freak show last night.  My brother and I were up at the bar on the corner after a nice long night cycle ride.  There was simply NO way to get past the crowd, and around the horseshoe bar and out the door in time, the beastard came on THAT fast.  All I could do was reach into my coat pocket, grab the syringe and stick myself as my brother got a front row seat.  I don't think I'll be going back into that place again... :-/

Title: Re: When you can't make it home
Post by Kris_in_SJ on Sep 5th, 2004, 8:16pm
I think this is the reason I become a little "antisocial" during cycle.  For 2-3 months, I plan my entire life around when my biological clock says the beast will be visiting.

I guess if there's anything good about being an episodic clusterhead, that would be it - there's a little "wiggle room" for planning.  My heart and soul goes out to all my chronic friends - plus, I know it could be my turn at any minute.



Title: Re: When you can't make it home
Post by nani on Sep 5th, 2004, 9:53pm
I've had to pull over and vomit (motion sickness?) on occasions when I've had no meds with me. Then I drive as long as I can before the next wave. Fortunatley it's only during my REALLY bad ones(kip 9 or 10). Most of mine are kip 5 or 6.

Title: Re: When you can't make it home
Post by farmboy on Sep 5th, 2004, 10:25pm
In june i went to buy a TV at circuit city and was paying for a tv when pow Ch attack and no med ,forgot them.  full blown k8 or 9 right there in store. good thing my mother was with me. went down right there in the isle way of the store. won't do that again

Title: Re: When you can't make it home
Post by lionsound on Sep 6th, 2004, 12:49pm
You all can drive after taking trex?

I can't.

(Keep that O2 in the car though)

Title: Re: When you can't make it home
Post by Tom K on Sep 6th, 2004, 2:46pm
I keep Trex, O2 and a emergency ice pack in the car at all times.  That way, even if I'm at work, I can go to the car and get relief.

Title: Re: When you can't make it home
Post by Redd715 on Sep 6th, 2004, 3:13pm

on 09/06/04 at 14:46:43, Tom K wrote:
I keep Trex, O2 and a emergency ice pack in the car at all times.  That way, even if I'm at work, I can go to the car and get relief.

Two syringes in my desk drawer at work, two in my purse at all times.  If I'm on the bike with my brother, one in the pocket of the leather....

(at least one by the bed, sometmes more depending on just how I think I feel)  

Title: Re: When you can't make it home
Post by toolong on Sep 6th, 2004, 3:59pm
Can't take any triptans so Imiterx is out of the question,although it seemed to work most of the time.(stat dose)I've been trying to find a way to keep O2 with me when I travel.My dose is 15 ltrs./for 15 min.Can't seem to find a portable to fit my need.Anyone else out there that has the same problem with not being able to take the triptans?  [smiley=huh.gif]

Title: Re: When you can't make it home
Post by unsolved1 on Sep 6th, 2004, 5:58pm

on 09/06/04 at 12:49:14, lionsound wrote:
You all can drive after taking trex?

It's not the Trex that keeps me from driving ... it's that eye jabbing, head-pounding pain that stops me ! Imitrex helps within minutes.

I'm sure that many can't take Triptans due to uncontrolled high blood pressure or heart problems.


Title: Re: When you can't make it home
Post by lionsound on Sep 6th, 2004, 6:45pm

on 09/06/04 at 17:58:06, unsolved1 wrote:
It's not the Trex that keeps me from driving ... it's that eye jabbing, head-pounding pain that stops me ! Imitrex helps within minutes.


Title: Re: When you can't make it home
Post by notseinfeld on Sep 7th, 2004, 4:13pm
If you see some idiot sucking on a small clear tube while driving and clutching his right temple...well, that's me. The interference in my life has GOT TO be reigned in at some point and so I just refuse to be grounded or pull over if I'm driving. So far, so lucky w/the travel 02 in the car.

Have been trapped on the floor at Costco w/a K6 trying to explain how 'this will pass' to management that wanted to call an ambulance and whose knees were knocking over a lawsuit about God knows what. Uh Bob, should we call the ambulance b/c if not, and he dies, we're in big trouble...etc..

Title: Re: When you can't make it home
Post by J.ten_Dam on Sep 7th, 2004, 5:24pm
I was hit in a supermarket several times. I just grabd a bag of frozen pees and shoved that on my eye. I had quite an audience and people were worried. The frosen pees slowd the attack down enough for me to explain what was wrong.
I no longer care if people see what happens. I try to live a normal life. I do not drive I dont even dare to ride a bick inkase I get hit whilst cycling.

Title: Re: When you can't make it home
Post by Biker on Sep 7th, 2004, 6:16pm
I have imitrex tabs in all my vehicles, and a small O2 bottle that I can carry in a small backpack.   Even on the motorcycle, I carry O2 during a series of attacks.  I cannot count the times I have been attacked without any medication at all.  I have lost jobs cause of these dayumm headaches.  I have pulled off the road cause of these dayumm headaches.  Has anyone ever had a cop pull over and make ya do DUI tests?  Dayumm headaches.  I have learned to hide whenever I get an attack.  

Title: Re: When you can't make it home
Post by BlueMeanie on Sep 7th, 2004, 7:09pm
I've left the house forgetting my Trex a few times. I'll drive back home 100 miles to get it if I have to. Oh, I hate those roadside visits.

Title: Re: When you can't make it home
Post by wally on Sep 8th, 2004, 7:10pm
its funny this topic should come up because just yesterday i made the stupid mistake of trying to take a 1/2  hour car ride between bouts....and sure enough just when i got into bumper 2 bumper traffic it hit me...went from a kip 2 to an 8 with in seconds and lasted about 20 minutes. the only thing i could do was pull into a kmart parking lot and ride it out doing a little swearing and screaming

Title: Re: When you can't make it home
Post by Gator on Sep 8th, 2004, 9:25pm
I've made the mistake of "Leaving home without it."  I went into town to pick up the wife from work.  I realized it halfway into town.  It didn't make sense to go back and get it.  It's just a 30 minute round trip - what could happen, right?  WRONG!!!  Had to pull over and let the wife drive home while I thrashed about in the passenger seat.  That had to be a sight for the drivers passing by.

Since then I don't go anywhere without two Zomig NS's in my pocket.  Some of you who use it, say Zomig NS keeps the beast at bay for you for anywhere from 10 to 24 hours.  I am happy for those with that kind of success.  Schitt lasts about an hour and a half for me.  Since I have been forced to switch to trex (Insurance company crap), we'll see how well that theory works with the Imitrex Injections.



Title: Re: When you can't make it home
Post by Linda_Howell on Sep 9th, 2004, 2:36pm
Copied and pasted from the calouch site since this is relevant and at the risk of embarrassing myself.  I have since called the National Headache Foundation to get an ID card to carry with me with Dr.'s name and a brief explanation of CH so this won't happen again. Hope that helps anyone.

CalOUCH Member

Courage, is being the only one who knows you're sc


Posts: 276
 Police and CH don't mix
« on: Aug 23rd, 2004, 9:00am »  Quote  Modify  Remove  


  Friday night Jim and I went out to dinner at Applebee's restaurant.   Half-way through dinner I got hit very fast and ran to the bathroom where I proceeded to bang my head into the tile wall in a stall.  Some woman comes in...asks if I'm O.K. (it was a 10 by this time)  I managed to say "no.  I'm having a very serious headache.  Just leave me alone, I'll be o.k. in a while"   So what does she do?

   Yup she calls the cops.

About 15 mins. later the Trex has done it's wonderful job and I walk back to the table only to see this "LOOK" in Jims face.    Now this all happened very fast, but on one side of me I see the police cruiser outside the window on my left and that was followed by this enormous man in black to the right of me at the table. All I could get out of my mouth was, oh you have GOT to be shitting me?

I have got to hand it to Jim though. 40 years of working in a professional mode helped me out tremdously.  He calmly got up and took the cop outside of the restaurant to explain CH to him and how it makes one look and behave etc.  He assured the cop I was not on drugs or drunk or anything. If it hadn't been for him, I'd be in jail.    Mind you this is a Friday night and the place was Packed!!!!!!!  and I was being stared at by the whole entire restaurant.  

When Jim got back, I told him I had lost my appetite and we went home.   I am sure I will laugh at this whole incident someday.  But NOT for a while.  I should have gone to the car instead of the public bathroom.  I should have stayed at home.  I probably should have done a who;e lot of other things too.  Let this be a lesson for anyone reading this.

Cops and CH don't mix.  Be prepared like I should have been when you go out in public.


Title: Re: When you can't make it home
Post by Karla on Sep 9th, 2004, 9:54pm
Ive been pain free for 5 months and I still carry imitrix ns with me wherever I go.

Title: Re: When you can't make it home
Post by chuck on Sep 10th, 2004, 3:19am
Well, I've learned that with a very understanding fiancee and modern advances such as the Microwave, Red Lobster tastes really good at home after being boxed up, just after the appetizer.  (just don't order anything "all you can eat" cuz they won't bring more to your house)  

This used to happen to me quite often so I tend to live a little more secluded now.

Thank God for understanding friends, family, and fiancee, even her 14 yr old daughter, who understands when told, to box up her dinner, we're going home!!! Message Board » Powered by YaBB 1 Gold - SP 1.3.1!
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