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(Message started by: E-Double on Sep 5th, 2004, 11:44am)

Title: stuck with out my prevents...  nervous questi
Post by E-Double on Sep 5th, 2004, 11:44am
Was at a get together last night (fiances sister had people over while her parents were away)...

Someone "backed up" the whole main line of the plumbing and Igot stuck here being mr. fix it and having to wait for the real plumber this morning....

Here's my point and question:

typically 6 am dose of verap. then 2 pm....

Already looks like I'm going to miss the next one as well.

Fucked up thing is I feel like I'm ramping up and very quickly.
I haven't had a major hit in about a week and I just wondered if it is really possible for these things to be that under control by the verapamil that missing only 1 dose @ 120mg for that matter can actually be effecting me so much.

Is there anything I should be doing(not to abort) or possibly taking instead?...

I do have my trex and my O2 which I'm going to hit once I finish with this...

Just curious if missing this one dose can actually drag me back in again.

Thanks guys just feeling nervous again.


Title: Re: stuck with out my prevents...  nervous questi
Post by eyes_afire on Sep 5th, 2004, 11:55am

I just wondered if it is really possible for these things to be that under control by the verapamil that missing only 1 dose @ 120mg for that matter can actually be effecting me so much.

Could be.  I can only talk from experience.  Recently, I tried to taper from 360mg to 240mg (only a 120mg drop).  About 19 or 20 hours after the eliminated dose, I had a minor CH.  The next day (yesterday) I got clobbered hard and abandoned my taper.  Funk dat.  Personally, it takes no more than 2 days for me to feel the effects of verapamil... whether I be ramping up or down.

Without verapamil, I don't know where I'd be.

--- Steve

Title: Re: stuck with out my prevents...  nervous questi
Post by IndianaJohn on Sep 5th, 2004, 11:56am
Hi Eric,

Sorry to hear you're having to deal with shit on top of all the other shit.

I gotta think that missing a verap dose can't be all bad.  Though I wouldn't go too long without it.  It does take a long time to build up in your system and I have to think that it takes a long time to get out.  But I woud definately NOT miss another dose if you can help it.  I was taking 480mg/day 240 am, 240 pm.

Hope things are going well for you bro'


Edit:  I think that there has to be somekind of threshold limit too.  If you're way above it and miss a dose it may not have any serious consequences.  If on the other hand your dosage is right on the edge then a small drop may cause you to get hit.  

Vibes to ya bro', screw the shit and get your meds!

Title: Re: stuck with out my prevents...  nervous qu
Post by Jonny on Sep 5th, 2004, 12:00pm
Indiana dude is right.

It takes days to leave your system.


Title: Re: stuck with out my prevents...  nervous questi
Post by E-Double on Sep 5th, 2004, 12:09pm
maybe just coincidence...

Just got back form me tank. GOd bless that shit (no pun) lol...

I asked because I hinestly think that my metabolism may be quite different then the norm....

When I first started with verapamil I honestly felt a difference within 2 days.

And a few weeks ago when I was having what appeared to be low blood pressure issues at just 480mg. I felt a big difference within 1 day of tapering down to 360.

Also for some reason I can "feel" when it is nearing time to take my meds and I don't mean abortives.

It's weird but anything is possible.

I've been the 1 in a million statisitic with other meds before having had the side-effects that only 1 out of 1 million people ever get so who knows (whole other story)

Thanks so much for quick input & if nothing else brothers... support ... **tearing**

Thank you!!!!!

Title: Re: stuck with out my prevents...  nervous questi
Post by IndianaJohn on Sep 5th, 2004, 12:18pm
Love ya bro'

Sounds like your dosage is right on the hairy edge.  Do yourself a favor and go get your freakin' meds.  Shit will wait.

Title: Re: stuck with out my prevents...  nervous questi
Post by eddie on Sep 5th, 2004, 12:39pm
i have read in a pill book that cimetidine and ranitidine
increases the amount of verapamil in your bloodstream
and this is found in tagemet . then it will increase the
effects of the verapamil. i didnt know this.

Title: Re: stuck with out my prevents...  nervous questi
Post by lionsound on Sep 5th, 2004, 12:42pm
Having the 02 and the trex with you was very smart.
Was looking here for veraphalf life info.

It varies greatly. But it doesn't surprise me that you can feel the time to take meds. regardless of what it's doing for your CH's, your body is missing something and it knows it.

Now, remember who this is coming from...
When I miss a prevent it makes me leary and anxios and is more likely to set up chemical conditions in my body to cause fireworks.

Is the tiolet/plumming fixed yet?

My husband's been the unofficial plummer on call this year.....intstalled many toilets this in our house, on in my mom's, two in the Rabbi's (really). I don't rememeber the other.....I could send him down there..he might make it before the plummer.

GO get your meds!

Title: Re: stuck with out my prevents...  nervous questi
Post by E-Double on Sep 5th, 2004, 1:03pm
thanks brothers and now sistahs lol

Hanging in there. plumbing fixed and have just been cleaning in between hits.
figure if i'm pacing ... I might as well do it with a mop. LMAO!! maybe I'll put my tank in a back pack. "D's" are small enough. Then I  could use it and play Rocket man lol.
Obviously getting delerious hahaha [smiley=laugh.gif]

Thanks again unfortunately I kinda feel like I have to help and take care of my soon to be sister and brother in law. This was the first time in years apparently that their parents (my in laws to be) have gone away.

Always the case huh? ;)

Thanks again


Title: Re: stuck with out my prevents...  nervous questi
Post by don on Sep 5th, 2004, 5:39pm
I dont know the half life of verap. but missing a dose or two should not have an effect.

Title: Re: stuck with out my prevents...  nervous qu
Post by Kris_in_SJ on Sep 5th, 2004, 8:28pm
Hi Eric,

Sorry to hear about all the "shit" you're dealing with.

If you're not on extended release Verap, it's possible you'd ramp up after missing a dose - especially if you're at some kind of peak in the cycle.  If it's extended release (ER or SR), it shouldn't make too much of a difference.

However - you must remember that the above statement is coming from someone who can't seem to taper down off of Verap very successfully.

In fact ... I take it all back.  I'm the one full of shit!

*smiles* and hugs,


Title: Re: stuck with out my prevents...  nervous qu
Post by alleyoop on Sep 7th, 2004, 7:56am

on 09/05/04 at 12:39:21, eddie wrote:
i have read in a pill book that cimetidine and ranitidine
increases the amount of verapamil in your bloodstream
and this is found in tagemet . then it will increase the
effects of the verapamil. i didnt know this.

VERY INTERESTING! I also wonder if omeprazole(Prilosec), my acid reducer of choice, has the same effect?

..................................alley [smiley=huh.gif]

Title: Re: stuck with out my prevents...  nervous questi
Post by eddie on Sep 9th, 2004, 9:28pm
also read in my pill book that verapamil decreases
the amount of lithium in our body that may be why
it works for some and others not as well
but i dont want to take lithium
i dont think taking tagemet hurts you
im not sure if anyone finds any info
please share the info, may work well
so you dont have to take it right away
i take mine at 11:00am and 4:00pm
my verapamil, but my cycle has been
going for over a year with little or no relief.
may need clusterbuster to break it
i have done the pred taper 3 times
this summer had enough of prednisone
EDDIE [smiley=huh.gif]

Title: Yutz 101: stuck with out my prevents...
Post by Mr. Happy on Sep 10th, 2004, 12:34am
This conversation is all well and fine........but...........E2, you know the routine by now......and "I forgot my meds" ain't an option, eh? Sort of like a quadriplegic forgetting his wheelchair. Ya just don't do it.

Constant vigilance,
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