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(Message started by: ArCane on Sep 3rd, 2004, 1:17pm)

Title: Dreaming with a shadow
Post by ArCane on Sep 3rd, 2004, 1:17pm
Today I got woke up early with a very powerful CH.  After an hour of intense pain it subsided and I just had a lingering shadow.  I was so tired (havent had a good night sleep in weeks) I fell asleep with the shadow still going on.  When I fell asleep I started to dream.  In this dream there was a man that had a very powerful presence, it was like i knew him, yet he had no face.  He began torturing me by hitting in the head right where I get my CH.  I got on my knees, crying like a baby, and told him to either stop or kill me.  I then awoke with another CH and tears all over my pillow.  I am convinced that the man is the beast.  Needless to say I'm sort of freaked out by the whole thing.  I never want to have that dream again.

Title: Re: Dreaming with a shadow
Post by Superpain on Sep 3rd, 2004, 3:30pm
I get weird shit in my dreams when I get a headache too.
When I get hit while dreaming the dream changes quickly. The only thing I can compare it too is the movie "The Cell"... I hear this evil noise like a giant metal door shutting, black clouds close in and the air goes dark and all of a sudden there's an overwhelming sense of evil and danger. Then I wake up and know that the shit just hit the fan.

Title: Re: Dreaming with a shadow
Post by E-Double on Sep 3rd, 2004, 4:09pm

on 09/03/04 at 15:30:47, Superpain wrote:
I get weird shit in my dreams when I get a headache too.
When I get hit while dreaming the dream changes quickly. The only thing I can compare it too is the movie "The Cell"... I hear this evil noise like a giant metal door shutting, black clouds close in and the air goes dark and all of a sudden there's an overwhelming sense of evil and danger. Then I wake up and know that the shit just hit the fan.

Holy Shit!!!
I know exactly what you mean!!

Title: Re: Dreaming with a shadow
Post by don on Sep 3rd, 2004, 5:48pm
It's called REM Sleep.

Title: Re: Dreaming with a shadow
Post by Tom K on Sep 3rd, 2004, 6:40pm
I had a pretty major head injury when I was a kid, right over my right eye.  Any time I am in cycle and wake up with a CH, I dream of the accident.  I usually wake up just as the pain part of the accident happens and viola, CH is up and raging.

Title: Re: Dreaming with a shadow
Post by E-Double on Sep 3rd, 2004, 7:30pm

on 09/03/04 at 17:48:09, don wrote:
It's called REM Sleep.

You suck!!! lol


Title: Re: Dreaming with a shadow
Post by Kris_in_SJ on Sep 3rd, 2004, 8:28pm
Did I miss a joke, Eric?  

Actually Don is right.  It's during the REM cycle of sleep that we dream.  The literature is pretty clear that clusterheads who are hit at night, are usually hit right when they enter a dream (REM) cycle.  It's also why so many people get hit when they lay down during the day for a nap.

In this case, the dream is only telling you that the beast is here for a visit.

Try Melatonin 6-9mg just before bed, ArCane.  It helps to suppress the REM cycle of sleep and helps many sufferers with night hits.


Title: Re: Dreaming with a shadow
Post by vig on Sep 3rd, 2004, 9:49pm
I was dreaming that I was at a party and everybody was having a good time...  ;) anyway, I started telling people about CH and headaches and started to have one in front of everybody. which time I woke up in reality with an attack.

Title: Re: Dreaming with a shadow
Post by E-Double on Sep 3rd, 2004, 10:19pm

on 09/03/04 at 20:28:22, Kris_in_SJ wrote:
Did I miss a joke, Eric?  

Yes you missed a joke & I certainly didn't mean to offend if that indeed occur. Just the abrubtness of the reply. plain and simple it's called REM I took for being a wise guy.

Yes I am quite familiar with what it is as well.
I honestly thought he was being and funny so in jest I replied in a fashion that I have observed and used before.

I guess taking for granted that it is possible that not everyone knows what it is I thought I was being funny.

Guess not.


Title: Re: Dreaming with a shadow
Post by crazy_mj on Sep 3rd, 2004, 10:21pm
Out of cycle I dream and remember.
In cycle I dream and forget.

Title: Re: Dreaming with a shadow
Post by BobG on Sep 4th, 2004, 6:12am
Many time I will dream that I am having a cluster attack and wake up to find I'm having a cluster attack.

Dramamine can help you stay out of the REM sleep mode.

Title: Re: Dreaming with a shadow
Post by don on Sep 4th, 2004, 8:00am

I certainly didn't mean to offend

I am deeply offended.

Time for my nap.

Title: Re: Dreaming with a shadow
Post by Jonny on Sep 4th, 2004, 11:23am

on 09/04/04 at 08:00:03, don wrote:
I am deeply offended.

Time for my nap.

Yeah....fuckin dirt nap  ;) ;;D

Title: Re: Dreaming with a shadow
Post by Genoman on Sep 5th, 2004, 10:51pm
I wonder if we are being punished for something while we are still on earth. I can't imagine what I have done so wrong to warrent this though.
Just a thought.

Title: Re: Dreaming with a shadow
Post by Jaime on Sep 6th, 2004, 6:52am
Screw the punishment idea. Any diety that operates on the level of reward and punishment isn't worthy of the job.

Material reality is tricky. Most of us have had a paper airplane that refused to fly in a straight line, no matter how carefully we fold it. The two week old burrito in the fridge can do some pretty crazy things to blood chemistry.

I have a body and a central nervous system that won't fly straight. There is a bend where there shouldn't be one, or some receptor is clogged, or some combination of factors that have more to do with a roll of the dice than with a malevolent superbeing, god or devil.

There isn't much comfort in it, but I get through the day and night by repeating over and over that "I am not my pain." Message Board » Powered by YaBB 1 Gold - SP 1.3.1!
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