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(Message started by: Suzanne0929 on Sep 2nd, 2004, 11:35am)

Title: Residual Headaches
Post by Suzanne0929 on Sep 2nd, 2004, 11:35am
Can anyone tell me if during a cluster cycle if inbetween an actual cluster headache if one experiences a continious lowgrade sort of throbbing headache with the occasional stab. This is only my 4th bout with all this and I am still figuring it all out. Thank you.

Title: Re: Residual Headaches
Post by Jonny on Sep 2nd, 2004, 11:47am
Yes, we call them shadows.


Title: Re: Residual Headaches
Post by don on Sep 2nd, 2004, 11:51am
You betcha.

Its the only residue I haven't been arrested for.

Title: Re: Residual Headaches
Post by Suzanne0929 on Sep 2nd, 2004, 11:56am
Thanks for both responses- do you treat them in a certain way? I haven't had a cluster in 4 days but this headache is hanging on.

Title: Re: Residual Headaches
Post by thomas on Sep 2nd, 2004, 11:58am
Try a magnesium supplement or some aerobic excercise.  What are you using to abort the headaches.  I find I have fewer shadows with zomig as opposed to imitirex.

Title: Re: Residual Headaches
Post by nancyc on Sep 2nd, 2004, 12:05pm
Suz, what are you taking for your chs? This could be shadows or this could be a rebound headache if you are taking OTC meds or pain meds....smiles,nancyc

Title: Re: Residual Headaches
Post by Suzanne0929 on Sep 2nd, 2004, 12:18pm
This time I have taken both Imitrex & Zomig for the actual headache. Zomig was used last, yet that was now 4 days ago so I am doubting it is a rebound from the Zomig.  I was on 6 day taper of steroids last week-completed on Monday morning- last cluster...Monday night!!  My wonderful Neuroligist/headache specialist wants to put me back on Verapimil at this point but without a recent cluster I'm hesitant. I know she knows best but I'm just wondering what has perhaps worked for others.

Title: Re: Residual Headaches
Post by FZfan on Sep 2nd, 2004, 1:00pm
Hi suzanne, welcome to clusterville.

Can't help with triptan advice, but for shadows some folks report success with Excedrin Migraine. Me, I knock 'em down with Oxygen. I highly recommend you get some. Please read the oxygen link under the menu button to your left. Used correctly, oxygen can be a good substitute for imitrex or zomig for aborting attacks allowing you to save your expensive triptans for attacks that o2 doesn't abort.

Title: Re: Residual Headaches
Post by farmboy on Sep 2nd, 2004, 2:28pm

Not good thing to mix the triptans ,

Yes in between  i have shadows.  

sorry to hear that you  have this affliction.

Title: Re: Residual Headaches
Post by Suzanne0929 on Sep 2nd, 2004, 2:43pm
Thanks you all for your advice and reasurrence. ( I only "mixed" the triptans because of an adverse reaction to the new fast dissolving Imitrex formula) FYI: I thought it worked great however. It knocked out the headache "quickly"... within 20 min.  I just had some bad after effects so my Dr. switched me to the Zomig. Now if I could just get rid of these "shadows"!

Title: Re: Residual Headaches
Post by marfanoidus on Sep 2nd, 2004, 4:39pm
Hey Suz, I know exactly what you're talking about.

Regarding the Verapamil - give it some cosideration. My last cycle was handled very well by a Pred taper, and 2 months of Verapamil and Caffergot.

Maybe one of them did the trick. Maybe Pred kicked its ass and the other two just kept it down.
Some people have side effects. After about a month, my intestines were acting like I had a stomach virus, but that turned out to be just a symptom of Caffergot overdose.
Verapamil will pull your blood pressure down, which can be irritating to some.

good luck to you,

Title: Re: Residual Headaches
Post by Kris_in_SJ on Sep 2nd, 2004, 8:11pm

Glad to hear your CH's are done.  Sorry about the shadows.  I just consider them a part of the cycle.  I generally experience a pretty continual shadow for a week or so after the HA's are gone.  It gradually gets less in intensity until it's more like an occasional twinge.

Verapamil might help, but it sounds like you're near the end of your cycle and it can take days to kick in, so you might want to save it for next time around.  When that time comes, you'll want to get started on it right away!

I haven't really found anything that helps with the shadows, except that when they seem to be inching up toward the kip 5 range, a double espresso or latte' can usually knock it back down a bit.

Hang in there!


Title: Re: Residual Headaches
Post by Suzanne0929 on Sep 3rd, 2004, 9:42am
Thank you again- this has all been very valuable.  Yet, with another ch last night I guess I have no choice, but in defeat, to go back to the Verapimil!! But at least I know now what all those inbetween headaches are about.  many thanks! Message Board » Powered by YaBB 1 Gold - SP 1.3.1!
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