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(Message started by: ArCane on Sep 1st, 2004, 1:27pm)

Title: Bad morning
Post by ArCane on Sep 1st, 2004, 1:27pm
Im in a cycle and at the moment I need all the sleep I can get.  However getting sleep isnt the easiest thing to do at my house.  Today my brothers started fighting right outside my room 3 hours before I was suppost to wake up.  They won the genetic jackpot and dont have CHs, so they have no idea what I really go through.  Their fight combined with getting woke up gave me one hell of a CH.  I felt like I had gotten 2 hours of sleep and still had work and school to go to.  Lets just say when I got home they got it from me.  When I get a really bad one, like this, I usually think about how much I hurt.  This time all I could think about was how much they where going to hurt when it stoped.  Dont get my wrong I love my brothers but sometimes they're asses.  Thanks for letting me vent.


Title: Re: Bad morning
Post by Ronny on Sep 1st, 2004, 4:31pm

That's right, you do need all the sleep you can get. (no sleep is a trigger for me).

Maybe you can let your brothers read some of the articles here, you never know. They might start to understand.

And yes... brothers are like that!


Title: Re: Bad morning
Post by thomas on Sep 1st, 2004, 4:54pm
I was thinking, he could just kick their asses. ::)

Title: Re: Bad morning
Post by IndianaJohn on Sep 1st, 2004, 5:31pm

on 09/01/04 at 16:54:47, thomas wrote:
I was thinking, he could just kick their asses. ::)

A can of whup ass can go along way...

Title: Re: Bad morning
Post by don on Sep 1st, 2004, 10:05pm
Next time you get an attack just walk right up to them and stare at them.

They'll never bother you again, guaranteed.

Title: Re: Bad morning
Post by ArCane on Sep 1st, 2004, 10:21pm
My brothers and I had a long "talk" about everything and they wont do it again.  Atleast not next to my door  :).  Its hard for them to understand what I go through.  I can tell them about it, my father can tell them about it (he has CH) and they can read stories about it, but they really dont know how painful it really is.  I wish I could be like them.

Title: Re: Bad morning
Post by Tom K on Sep 1st, 2004, 11:57pm
Smack them in the forehead a couple of times.  When they say, ow that hurts, smack them again.  Or just go get yourself a stun gun.... ;;D

Title: Re: Bad morning
Post by eddie on Sep 2nd, 2004, 12:30am
im new this whole CH  but not to the pain see i have
this pain 20 or more yrs. people and family sometimes
just dont listen or understand . that makes me so mad
im scared of what i will do to someone i have a bad
temper its hard good luck with your bros
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