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(Message started by: KanKan on Aug 31st, 2004, 5:48pm)

Title: Melatonin + Depakote
Post by KanKan on Aug 31st, 2004, 5:48pm
Its been 3 nights or so now, and still havent woken up once in the middle of the night (9mg Melatonin).  Seen my Neuro/Pain Specalist today, he told me to drop the Melatonin, because it is an herb suppliment, and to start on Depakote.  IM not to keen on stopping something that has worked 3 straight nights, since NOTHING they have givin me ever got me a full nights sleep.  He said it "Might" interact together, although Ive done a couple drug interaction checkers, and nothing.  I feel like waiting to see if Melatonin ever fails before i start the depakote, any suggestions?

Title: Re: Melatonin + Depakote
Post by thomas on Aug 31st, 2004, 5:57pm
Well, I would use the melantonin, it's cheap, relatively inexpensive, and effective.  BTW day time hits are easier to deal with, if you get some sleep the night before.

Title: Re: Melatonin + Depakote
Post by farmboy on Aug 31st, 2004, 6:00pm
my DR. gave me melatonin so i could sleep at night.

Title: Re: Melatonin + Depakote
Post by KanKan on Aug 31st, 2004, 6:02pm
I rarely get day attacks, probably 10:1 from NIGHT:DAY attacks.  I dont need to buy the depakote, he gave me a huge bag full of them in boxes etc...  

I will definitly stick with melatonin till it fails me, if it dont, Ill have some Depakote to throw away one day

Title: Re: Melatonin + Depakote
Post by E-Double on Aug 31st, 2004, 9:28pm
Thomas nailed it!!

You can take both.

Iwas taking Depakote as my first preventative med. Didn't do a thing for me other than make me dopey and did nothing for the night time hits.

My only miracle has been the melatonin.
Stay with it. Why not? It can't hurt and if you're no longer getting night visits then just smile and enjoy!

Eric :D

Title: Re: Melatonin + Depakote
Post by eyhavhedaches on Sep 1st, 2004, 11:56am
I would not suggest holding off on the depakote untill the melatonin fails. Although I do not know much about melatonin and have never tried it myself, I do however have plenty of knowledge about your depakote. I have taken depakote for many many years. I do not take depakote for the whole year but I begin taking it about 60 days before my ch season arrives. The drug depakote is not an abortive it is a preventative and shows a much better efficacy for me if I take it this way for depakote takes some time to level out into your blood stream. This may be some peoples anserw to the drowsiness and dopey feeling of the drug as well. For the first 30 to 40 days I do get the drowsy dopey feeling from depakote but if I continue taking it without skipping any doses for the remainder of my ch cycle the drowsiness and dopey effects go away, however if I am careless and start missing my doses and do not take my depakote accordingly it is enough to throw the effectiveness of the drug off track and will increase the drowsy and dopey feelin because your body begins to build the level of the drug through your blood stream again untill it again levels out. That may explain the drowsy and dopey effect. I have had very positive effects from depakote when taking with verapimil. Although my headaches are still severe, they are more managable and in extreme cases I abort them with Immitrex Injections. The Immitrex is a last resort for me though for it is a very harsh drug which often more than not is followed by vommiting and tightness of my chest, however these effects are very much more welcomed than the beast! Immitrex has saved me countless and countless times, though I question the effects that it may some day have on my health. The key to my CH Management is to start my med therapy 2 months before I start my season. By doing this and not taking the meds year round the efficacy is much more better for me. Message Board » Powered by YaBB 1 Gold - SP 1.3.1!
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