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(Message started by: juliek on Aug 31st, 2004, 5:47pm)

Title: Help for new sufferer
Post by juliek on Aug 31st, 2004, 5:47pm
Can anyone tell me how to help my husband cope with cluster headaches?
I've read your messages, and they don't reasure me at all.  How do you cope with these things for all those years?
His started in October last year.  He got no help from his doctor, who told him that there is no specific treatment, and, as he was suffering from mild depression at the time, that they may go away when he feels better.
But how can he feel better if he's woken up two to three times a night with headaches so severe that he just wants to punch the walls?
He hasn't gone back to his doctor, because his brother has suffered from the same thing for many years, and nothing seemed to give him much relief, despite many trips to London to see a neurologist.  Also, he is reluctant to take medication as he also suffers from Congenital Glaucoma, and he has to be careful what he takes because of that.
We are both at our wits end, and, when I looked at the messages here, all I can see is that nothing can be done anyway!

Title: Re: Help for new sufferer
Post by KanKan on Aug 31st, 2004, 5:51pm
I would make his doctor refer him to a Neurologists, these headaches are nothing to "shrug" aside by any doctor.  He knows what kind of pain he is in, and his doctor should take that into consideration.  There is a lot of usefull information on this board to print and take to him if he is still not listening.  The usual Catscan will take place first, then it comes to trying to medicate, or control the situation.

Title: Re: Help for new sufferer
Post by farmboy on Aug 31st, 2004, 5:57pm
get  another DR.  

THere meds that will help with the CHs.

Title: Re: Help for new sufferer
Post by don on Aug 31st, 2004, 7:54pm
Contact OUCH UK. They can give you the best guidance.

In fact there is an OUCH UK wench around here somewhere. I'll drag her over for you.

Title: HRe: Help for new sufferer
Post by Filbert on Aug 31st, 2004, 8:31pm
Hi Julie
          I'm sorry that your husband is suffering so much at the moment.I understand your despair and can't pretend that clusterheadaches are something that are easy to treat or learn to live with.
          However there are things that can be done to improve things. There's lots of medical info here and on OUCH UK that are worth reading up on and will at least enable you and your husband to gain some knowledge about cluster headache treatments.
          I echo what has been already said in that it is crucial that you get a medical diagnosis and then things should progress from there,
         Don's right you will get a friendly response from OUCH UK and I hope to see you over there soon!

      All the best Filbert

Title: Re: Help for new sufferer
Post by Jonny on Aug 31st, 2004, 8:36pm

Links dudes, links!


Title: Re: Help for new sufferer
Post by kissmyglass on Aug 31st, 2004, 9:32pm
Look into getting wonders for many....

Good Luck!


Title: Re: Help for new sufferer
Post by Mr. Happy on Sep 1st, 2004, 1:37am

on 08/31/04 at 21:32:34, kissmyglass wrote:
Look into getting Oxygen

They're from England, Kev. Think, man. O2 is like pulling hens teeth over there, yet shrooms ( are sold on every corner.

Go figger,

Title: Re: Help for new sufferer
Post by pubgirl on Sep 1st, 2004, 2:27am

Hello there, I'm the "wench" Don is referring to. My name is Wendy.

Despite the doom and gloom you may read about CH, the position on a cure is gloomy, but for many people, particularly episodic sufferers, the condition can be 'managed' in such a way that life is not that bad.

The key to this is either educating your Doctor or neuro about the right treatments, or changing to one who knows or will listen.
Your current Doctor is a fool if he says there are no specific treatments, of course there are, and they are readily available on the NHS.

There is a lot to tell you about, too much for one post, so the best thing is either to post on the OUCH Uk support board (link above, thanks Jonny) ring our Helpline, or get your husband to as he may feel miles better just to talk to another person going through what he is (all Helpline volunteers are knowledgeable sufferers) or I am happy to talk to you privately.
I have messaged you with all the contacts you need.

Don't despeir or let your husband do so, life will be a whole lot better when he gets the right help


Title: Re: Help for new sufferer
Post by thomas on Sep 1st, 2004, 9:42am
If he is getting woken up with them try melatonin.

Nighttime hits?
Ch is a terrible condition and they hurt no matter what time of the day you get hit.  Personally, the ones that kill me the most, are the ones that come while I am sleeping.  Many people have had success avoiding the nighttime hits by using melatonin, which in the U.S. is available over the counter.  The dosage varies from person to person, but most usually have success with anywhere from 6-9mg.  Some have had luck with much lower doses as well; you may have to experiment with the dosage, in order to find the one that is best for you.  As with any medication, check with your doctor before you start using it.
PFNAD to all.

Title: Re: Help for new sufferer
Post by juliek on Sep 1st, 2004, 5:02pm
Thanks for the replies.  I'll certainly have a look at ouchuk.  Meanwhile, I've persuaded him to go back to the GP, as his own doctor is on holiday.  Maybe he'll have more look with another one! Message Board » Powered by YaBB 1 Gold - SP 1.3.1!
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