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(Message started by: Lizzie2 on Aug 30th, 2004, 9:56pm)

Title: DEXA-SCAN (Info for Prednisone users)
Post by Lizzie2 on Aug 30th, 2004, 9:56pm
I saw a rheumatologist at the beginning of this month for some problems that I've been having for quite some time.  He took a good history of my headaches, medications, hospital stays...etc.

One thing he asked me was if I ever had a DEXA-Scan.  This scan is done to test bone density and is used to diagnose osteoporosis.  It will also show if someone is on their way to osteoporosis.  I think most women usually are recommended to get this scan after age 40?  Not sure.

At any rate, I'd never had one.  He told me it was vitally important because of the fact that I take prednisone/decadron/salumedrol pretty frequently.  We all know that corticosteroids have bad side effects.  One of these side effects is that it breaks down bone.  So it is pretty important to get a test done like this scan to find out if the steroid use is causing damage.

I wasn't going to be able to get the scan when I had my HMO insurance...probably because of my age and the fact that the HMO may not have paid.  However, now that I have my PPO insurance back, I can get the scan.  It makes me infuriated that the medical system works this way!!  But anyhow that is besides the point...

I'm due to get the scan on the 14th.  Any of you who use the steroids frequently to knock out your cycles, I would definately recommend asking your doctors about this!

Lizzie :)

Title: Re: DEXA-SCAN (Info for Prednisone users)
Post by IndianaJohn on Aug 30th, 2004, 10:58pm
Do you think that this would apply to men as well as women?  I've used pred for years...

Title: Re: DEXA-SCAN (Info for Prednisone users)
Post by Lizzie2 on Aug 31st, 2004, 12:54pm
I'm not sure John.  Generally men aren't as prone to osteoporosis as women are, but I'd think that with the pred use, the risk is higher.  Maybe just at least ask your doc what he or she thinks?

Title: Re: DEXA-SCAN (Info for Prednisone users)
Post by UN_SOLVED on Aug 31st, 2004, 1:25pm
I've used as much steriods as anyone.

I just recently had the highest dose that i've ever had ... After a Decadron injection at the ER and a Medrol DosePak a week earlier ... I entered the hospital for 500 mg Solu Medrol (IV infusions) every 12 hours for 3 straight days followed by a Prednisone taper that I began @ 100 mg per day ... an 18 day taper.

Docs have said i'm gonna "fall down and break some bones & be in a wheelchair" ... but they still have never suggested a bone scan.

Like Imitrex ... I'll probably use it til I die !!


Title: Re: DEXA-SCAN (Info for Prednisone users)
Post by Lizzie2 on Aug 31st, 2004, 8:52pm

Ask them about the bone scan.  My neuro never recommended it either.  My theory behind this is that the rheumatologist recommended it because he deals with bones and joints.  He's the one who takes care of the people with osteoporosis.  Why would my neuro care?  That's not his area. LOL  And if there is a bone density issue, then steps can be taken now to prevent it before it gets worse...and that does not necessarily mean stopping the steroid use.

That's my thought on it anyways.  At least try to catch it before it gets bad!

Lizzie :)

Title: Re: DEXA-SCAN (Info for Prednisone users)
Post by Pinkfloyd on Sep 1st, 2004, 1:22am

on 08/31/04 at 13:25:25, UN_SOLVED wrote:
Docs have said i'm gonna "fall down and break some bones & be in a wheelchair" ... but they still have never suggested a bone scan.


It's not just about falling down and breaking bones. Long term corticosteroid (like prednisone) usage can cause Avascular Necrosis. Bone death. This type of damage plays no favorites between male and female. It comes from cutting off the blood supply to the bones and joints through vascular constriction. In this case you don't break a hip and wait for it to heal, you replace it.
Radio Isotope scanning will show this damage much earlier than the usual radiograph testing.

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