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(Message started by: PittsburghJoe on Aug 30th, 2004, 4:04pm)

Title: Odd occurrence
Post by PittsburghJoe on Aug 30th, 2004, 4:04pm
OK, so I went out of cycle in April, and if the beast keeps his regular schedule, i'm not due again till summer of '05.

Anyhow, I woke up from a nap on Saturday with that familiar feeling... only got to about a K-5, and I told my man it was just a tension headache.

No other htis since then...

Is it possible to get an isolated CH out of cycle?


Title: Re: Odd occurrence
Post by crazy_mj on Aug 30th, 2004, 4:17pm
;;DI personally am never free and clear of the beast.  I went almost two weeks without and then bam, last Wednesday and then again yesterday.  That was a good week for me too! So, I am hoping that it was just an isolated incident for your sake!!!
Good luck ;;D

Title: Re: Odd occurrence
Post by BobG on Aug 30th, 2004, 4:27pm

Is it possible to get an isolated CH out of cycle?


Title: Re: Odd occurrence
Post by Superpain on Aug 30th, 2004, 4:47pm
I'm not due for another cycle for at least a yr, probably 2 yrs... But yesterday I felt the precursor symptoms of a shadow for most of the day. I sure fuckin hope it was an isolated incident!

Title: Re: Odd occurrence
Post by IndianaJohn on Aug 30th, 2004, 6:34pm

Is it possible to get an isolated CH out of cycle?

yup, sure is.  the beast is a sneaky bastard!

Title: Re: Odd occurrence
Post by lionsound on Aug 30th, 2004, 8:05pm
When that has happened to me, while cooking along in a PF zone, I try to ignore it for my own sanity.

Title: Re: Odd occurrence
Post by Biker on Aug 30th, 2004, 8:18pm
I use to get hit in Clusters     2-3 months at a time, then nothing for awhile, then back into the clusters.   I went nearly 2 years what I consider pain free.  I would get one every once in a while.   No rhyme or reason as to when or why.  I didnt count those as anything unusual.  Just every now and again one would sneak into my head.  Now, Im back on meds.    Hope to be getting off these pills soon.  One or two a month isnt too bad.  Its this 3&4 times a day for weeks (months) that get me down.  

Title: Re: Odd occurrence
Post by don on Aug 30th, 2004, 9:43pm

Title: Re: Odd occurrence
Post by farmboy on Aug 30th, 2004, 11:31pm
yes i get them  sometimes  1 at a time between cycles

Title: Re: Odd occurrence
Post by ExPat_jac on Aug 31st, 2004, 5:45am

on 08/30/04 at 16:04:23, PittsburghJoe wrote:
Is it possible to get an isolated CH out of cycle?


bless your heart joe.....

sorry, can't help much with an answer for this one...I'm chronic...for me, I just prey for a day with OUT a headache :(

Hang in there...and good luck...lets just hope it was the weather :)

Peace my friend.....


Title: Re: Odd occurrence
Post by kimh on Aug 31st, 2004, 8:48am
Yup.  I always think i'm just being paranoid.  It does not happen often, but i've had that experience as well.  The last time i recall out-of-cycle visit was when  i was at the beach all day in hot sun and also drank a few beers.  Got home, took shower, and went to lie down for a bit - ole stinky was loitering big time.

Title: Re: Odd occurrence
Post by ExPat_jac on Aug 31st, 2004, 10:21pm

on 08/31/04 at 08:48:16, kimh wrote:
  i was at the beach all day in hot sun and also drank a few beers.

dude...tempting fate there a bit ???

(opps....hehehe I see you are not a bad  ;) )

shudder...I could not even *imagine* that!All day, hot sun and add a few beers???? Oh beast is perking up his ears just hearing about this!

A few weeks ago I took part in some strange indoneasian greased pole climbing event (trust me, short of National Geo. I would never imagine such an event).  It kept me out in the tropical sun from about 1:00pm till evening, while being part of a team of 5 people climbing on the backs of each other to reach the top of this pole covered in grease...needly to say that evening, I was hit fighting about Kip 9.999999999 that just kept coming and coming....

I * still* hurt thinking about it!

Nawh...other than the times I am very stupid (like that time) I try and watch carefully what I do...the real shame is as a cluster head we (or at least I do) find myself making excuses to keep from attending outings etc...

I guess just another way we cope....


Title: Re: Odd occurrence
Post by eyhavhedaches on Sep 1st, 2004, 11:37am
I normally get 1 or 2 Isolated ch attacks during my remission period. They are somewhat easier to control and most of the time do not need to medicate to control them. I believe my docter calls them shadow Headaches, but I call them a reminder headache, for it often reminds me of what is to come at the beggining of december!

Title: Re: Odd occurrence
Post by ArCane on Sep 1st, 2004, 1:37pm
I have never had an isolated CH out of my cycle, however Im young and have only had them for 5 years.  When Im out of cycle I cant give myself one.  I can even drink alcohol in the morning and I wont get one.  This is just me though.  Everyone is different when it comes to CH.


Title: Re: Odd occurrence
Post by floridian on Sep 2nd, 2004, 8:38am
Happened once over the last decade of CH - and that was 4 around years ago.  Other than that, they have come only in episodes in late summer/fall.

Title: Re: Odd occurrence
Post by Giovanni on Sep 2nd, 2004, 10:23am
I have had a single, random, out of the blue attack out of cycle.  Scared the hell out of me.


Title: Re: Odd occurrence
Post by marfanoidus on Sep 2nd, 2004, 4:32pm
Hey all.

As has been already said, you bet your ass a CH can pounce on you out of nowhere.

Its very interesting to note the similarities in how some of us get slammed when we are outside in the heat too long. The worst CH I ever had came on a night following several hours of intense sweating.

I'm about to say something I know is going to set off a frenzy, but I'm only presenting it as a hypothesis, NOT a theory. Don't make me pull a Teresa Heinz Kerry and tell you to 'shove it'  :D.

If we sweat a lot, just like athletes, its a given that we're altering the electrolyte/mineral levels in our bodies, so its not much of a stretch for me to think at a certain point this could become a trigger for some CHeads.

No, I'm not suggesting Gatorade. So don't even go there!!!

But really, some of the popular meds for CH are calcium channel blockers and ion influx inhibitors (I'm not making that up, either). Verapamil is in this category. They're doing something with mineral uptake/absorption/utilization.

If I sweat a lot, even if I pour gallons of water down to compensate, I WILL get weird things going on in my head. Shadows immediately appear, and then its like my head has its own thermostat, set on high, and nothing will remedy it except sleeping.

We're all just a little weird in the head - some more than others. Besides - whats normal?

good luck to all

Title: Re: Odd occurrence
Post by BobG on Sep 4th, 2004, 6:23am

If I sweat a lot, even if I pour gallons of water down to compensate, I WILL get weird things going on in my head. Hmmm....sounds like heat stroke to meShadows immediately appear, and then its like my head has its own thermostat, set on high, and nothing will remedy it except sleeping. Could it be that you've gone inside and cooled off while asleep.

I live on the edge of the Mohave Desert where daily summer temps are 105 to 120. The warm summers have never affected my attacks.

Title: Re: Odd occurrence
Post by marfanoidus on Sep 7th, 2004, 11:29am
As usual, people read what they want to.

I've considered heat stroke - but this would mean I've had heat stroke about 50 times in my life. I've spoken to my neuro about it and she indicated the symptoms are fairly common and probably related to fluctuations in electrolytes due to sweating.

Oh, and by the way, I'm glad your hot summers don't bother you. I know this may be hard for you to comprehend, but as this thread shows - "some of us" have problems with the heat, not all of us.

Title: Re: Odd occurrence
Post by wally on Sep 8th, 2004, 7:29pm
for the first 5-6 years, my cycle ran once a year starting the 1st week in may, then i moved and it started feb 5th lasting 5 weeks and it went on for 4 years. now this year i skipped my feb cycle and im now in one that started about a week and a half just when i think i have this thing figured out, the monster starts to screw with me..... Message Board » Powered by YaBB 1 Gold - SP 1.3.1!
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