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(Message started by: toolong on Aug 27th, 2004, 3:14pm)

Title: Orgasim
Post by toolong on Aug 27th, 2004, 3:14pm
This might be a little personal to discuss on an open forum,(or maybe it has already been discussed)but has anyone had a sudden increase in pain or new intense pain at the point of orgasim?This experience makes sex very frustating for me.It is not just an occasional thing,but every time.Help!!! Still have a libido but the frigging clusters are a killer.David

Title: Re: Orgasim
Post by thomas on Aug 27th, 2004, 4:15pm
There are a few people in whom orgasim will trigger a ch.  

Title: Re: Orgasim
Post by Redd715 on Aug 27th, 2004, 4:18pm
Would that then be......

"Not tonight dear... you give me a headache?"

Title: Re: Orgasim
Post by pubgirl on Aug 27th, 2004, 4:39pm
Dear David

I think this is unlikely to be a cluster headache symptom (though of course I stand to be corrected ;;D) as it is actually a separate , known headache type. The headache you are describing is known by a number of names, including benign coital headache or coital cephalgia. It's a distinctive, very abruptly appearing headache that occurs just around or sometimes after orgasm. It's especially common in people who have migraine.
It's considered completely benign Most often it occurs unpredictably, but if it is regular there are treatments available. For example, there is a long-acting form of indomethacin which can taken and is often very successful in preventing attacks.

The following link is very informative

Hope this helps


Title: Re: Orgasim
Post by vig on Aug 27th, 2004, 4:42pm
Of all the curses of Cluster Headache-land, I'm glad I didn't get THAT one...

Title: Re: Orgasim
Post by Redd715 on Aug 27th, 2004, 5:05pm
I can't say I've NEVER gotten attacked after orgasm....but not in a long long long long time.....

Title: Re: Orgasim
Post by don on Aug 27th, 2004, 5:18pm
I wish.

Title: Re: Orgasim
Post by Redd715 on Aug 27th, 2004, 5:22pm

on 08/27/04 at 17:18:17, don wrote:
I wish.

[smiley=huh.gif] [smiley=wtf.gif]

Title: Re: Orgasim
Post by don on Aug 27th, 2004, 5:24pm


waaaaayyyyyy to long.

Title: Re: Orgasim
Post by Redd715 on Aug 27th, 2004, 5:31pm
well that too.........

but hey,   we're not tempting the beast either.....(bright side)

Title: Re: Orgasim
Post by KanKan on Aug 28th, 2004, 12:22am
Theres been times when Ive used umm "orgasm" to try to rid a shadow.  It usually only "delays" my headache for 10-20 mins :)

Title: Re: Orgasim
Post by nani on Aug 28th, 2004, 12:46am
On a VERY serious note- be wary of an orgasm induced headache. Not to freak anyone out - but I had a burst brain aneurysm from an orgasm. It's lucky that I passed out for a few minutes, or I may have just assumed it was another really bad headache. Let's just say I'm reeaallyy lucky to be here. If only I didn't have these headaches... :(

Title: Re: Orgasim
Post by pubgirl on Aug 28th, 2004, 2:22am

Good point to make. If you check the link, it clearly says that headaches linke to sexual activity need to be checked very carefully via scans etc as they can be a sign of a problem in the brain such as an aneurysm.

Frightening that an orgasm really could be a "petit mort"


Title: Re: Orgasim
Post by Pinkfloyd on Aug 28th, 2004, 3:11am
OK, the key here is to BREATH before and through it. Not only is it likely to end (or ease) your headache problem but will increase your pleasure. (this last effect includes those of you that don't get coital headaches)
You are all encouraged to try this medical research at home.  ::)


Title: Re: Orgasim
Post by synergy on Aug 28th, 2004, 3:51am
Marc doesnt get "hit" at point of orgasm but about 10 mins later he will get the beginnings of an attack - its never past a KIP5 but it still isnt nice - but it hasnt put marc off.

Title: Re: Orgasim
Post by miapet on Aug 29th, 2004, 6:54pm
D has had a couple of CHs at orgasm (I'm not asking him if there were more *g*) . . .it didn't deter him from sex . . . but holy-moly, I was like:  daaaaaaaayyyyyyyuuuummmmmmmmm i can't do this to you!!! He was like:  YOU BETTER.
On a more serious note, it did make us sit back and think . . .and when his cycle would be more severe . . .we would be very careful.
*positive light and energy*

Title: Re: Orgasim
Post by don on Aug 29th, 2004, 7:36pm

D has had a couple of CHs at orgasm

He was faking it.

I dont mean the CH either.

Title: Re: Orgasim
Post by ex_pat_asia on Aug 29th, 2004, 7:38pm

on 08/27/04 at 15:14:59, toolong wrote:
This might be a little personal to discuss on an open forum,(or maybe it has already been discussed)but has anyone had a sudden increase in pain or new intense pain at the point of orgasim?This experience makes sex very frustating for me.It is not just an occasional thing,but every time.Help!!! Still have a libido but the frigging clusters are a killer.David

You didn'y say, but do you mean the orgasm triggers a cluster? You mention pain but is it the same symptoms as a full on cluster attack? If not then it is likely something else.

One added note since we are on this sensitive topic: For those of us who benefit from Cialis or Viagra, in-cycle might be a very celibate time, unless we accept that intimacy can still be enjoyed without the normal, desired moment of grand finale (which I do). In my case, BPH prevents full erection. So Cialis or Viagra is a great enhancer. However, during cycle, I might as well drop a tab of nitroglycerin and wait for the beast to arrive in response to the invitation.

I sort of take a  resigned view that while in-cycle I direct my money to the makers of triptans, and when I am out of cycle I direct it to makers of erectile dysfunction medicines. In both circumstances I am doing my fair share of contributing to the economy. In addition, in either case, I get screwed, it is just that one type is better then the other.

Title: Re: Orgasim
Post by Redd715 on Aug 29th, 2004, 7:41pm

on 08/29/04 at 19:36:28, don wrote:
He was faking it.

I dont mean the CH either.

He's just jealous because he's not getting any.....

neither am I for that matter.....

(slinks back to her corner again) :-X :-X

Title: Re: Orgasim
Post by E-Double on Aug 29th, 2004, 7:57pm
I actually got hit  during some nookie (and not in the fun way ;))
It scared her quite a bit and she actually became afraid to come near me for a while. I had to essentially tell her that it was ok and certainly worth the risk.


Title: Re: Orgasim
Post by pubgirl on Aug 30th, 2004, 3:02am

apropos of nothing, is that a Clash album sleeve on you profile?

If so, you have taste!


Title: Re: Orgasim
Post by E-Double on Aug 30th, 2004, 7:08am

on 08/30/04 at 03:02:19, pubgirl wrote:

apropos of nothing, is that a Clash album sleeve on you profile?

If so, you have taste!


Yes indeed Wendy!

Maybe I should put "SEX Pistols" up for this thread ;)

Take care,

E-Double-the-libido-prior to these damn meds [smiley=laugh.gif]

Title: Re: Orgasim
Post by toolong on Aug 30th, 2004, 10:42am
Guess I didn't make myself too clear on when the demon strikes with sex. If the shadows are lurking and I have an orgasm sometimes my head,neck,eyeball,scalp all feel like they are going to explode.It lasts for just a few min.but then I suffer with a CH sometimes for hours.If I have a kip 5 or higher but still want to engage in'll push me to the very edge.So dealing with an everyday demon I have to find the right time to bang without too much after bang.My doc.has said no triptans,so all I have is my O2.Any suggestions? [smiley=ugh.gif]

Title: Re: Orgasim
Post by E-Double on Aug 30th, 2004, 5:08pm
I don't know brother......

To bang or not to bang? That is the question ;;D

Since most of us can't be still during a hit maybe that is when to engage in the old "in/out" lol.

Seriously though....... Not a clue. Sorry


Title: Re: Orgasim
Post by BobG on Aug 30th, 2004, 5:32pm

on 08/30/04 at 10:42:10, toolong wrote:
.If I have a kip 5 or higher but still want to engage in'll push me to the very edge.[smiley=ugh.gif]

You have a kip 5 and still want to do the dirty deed? Wow! That takes balls.
To misquote somebody-somebody "You're bigger man than I, Gunga Din"

Title: Re: Orgasim
Post by Bob P on Aug 30th, 2004, 6:09pm
Section 4.6 of the International Headache Society diagnostic criteria talks about headache associated with sexual activity.  You can find the criteria in the OUCH Library - General section.

Title: Re: Orgasim
Post by eyes_afire on Aug 31st, 2004, 6:31pm
Here is another link:

Title: Re: Orgasim
Post by ClusterChuck on Sep 1st, 2004, 8:47am
I have to admit, I am one of the unfortunate that gets nailed with a KIP 7 or better, within 10 minutes of "popping a nut" ... One of the few triggers I have ... Why did it have to be THAT one?  Sometimes I try going right "to the edge" and then back off.  Doesn't always work, and frustrating as hell.

It has slowed me down, a LITTLE, but not much.  Sometimes ya just gotta do what ya gotta do, and take the consequences.


Title: Re: Orgasim
Post by toolong on Sep 1st, 2004, 9:32am
Thanks Cluster Chuck you do understand. I live everday with these fucking CH.But my life does go on,and making love to my beautiful wife is part of it.Along with work and family.I use a little relaxation and meditation to help,along with O2 right before the dirty deed.My witch doctor has me on so many meds sometimes I can't finish the fun but it's still worth trying.I refuse to let the demons run my life,they may slow me down,BUT THEY WILL NOT WIN!! [smiley=lick.gif] Message Board » Powered by YaBB 1 Gold - SP 1.3.1!
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