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(Message started by: KanKan on Aug 26th, 2004, 6:59pm)

Title: Today.... I Crashed.
Post by KanKan on Aug 26th, 2004, 6:59pm
Well, after 3 years of having CH's, today is my most painful and long day.  Its been about 2 weeks into this cycle, and still no meds worth talking about ( My GP is ignorant to CH, and waiting for Neuro to get me in).  In the last 5 days, I would estimate atleast 16 headaches, all occuring at night except one, estimating about 9-12 hours sleep total in those 5 days.   Woke up on the floor after another headache last night, and attempted to go into work.  I work in a warehouse, that you could call "loud". Well, 2 hours later, I left to hospital.  

In the hospital, they were smart enough to give me a room with the light off.   After a shot in the butt of Tramadol, I was off to get EKG (dont ask me why) and catscan.  All tests showed that I dont have anything unusual again, so once again I had to hear a doctor inform me what cluster headaches are, although something told me I knew more about them then he did.  He scripted me lortabs because he said I will only get worse If i dont start sleeping more then 1-2 hour a night.  I hope these let me sleep....

(for anything that sounded like my son wrote it, its because of the day i had)

Title: Re: Today.... I Crashed.
Post by Superpain on Aug 26th, 2004, 7:14pm
Lortabs are going to be useless.

Have you thought about obtaining O2?

Title: Re: Today.... I Crashed.
Post by KanKan on Aug 26th, 2004, 7:19pm
Im hoping my neuro will hook me up with some kind of o2 / trex combo, but untill then, im just trying to get to sleep.

Title: Re: Today.... I Crashed.
Post by IndianaJohn on Aug 26th, 2004, 7:24pm
You're right about the lack of sleep...I get to the point that lack of sleep will start triggering some really baaad CH's.  It's a really vicious circle.  CH won't let you sleep, you go without, even more CH's happen.  You might get your GP to prescribe prednisone and verapamil.  The pred has done a good job for me in getting a little relief.

Hope things get better for you..

Title: Re: Today.... I Crashed.
Post by Superpain on Aug 26th, 2004, 7:35pm
Try melatonin. It works wonders for many to get some sleep.
And if you can't get O2 from your neuro or soon enough I'd suggest getting some welders O2.

Title: Re: Today.... I Crashed.
Post by Biker on Aug 26th, 2004, 7:46pm
You could try looking for a headache clinic near you.  They seem to be growing in numbers.

Title: Re: Today.... I Crashed.
Post by Kris_in_SJ on Aug 26th, 2004, 8:25pm
I agree with the Melatonin idea - can truly be a great help for some night sufferers.  At least it might help a little until you can get your GP to wise up or your neuro appt. happens.

When I'm in cycle, I take 9 mg/night about an hour before bed.  Some people take more.  The best thing about it?  It's available OTC at your friendly neighborhood pharmacy or grocery store!

Hugs and wishes for a good night's sleep,


Title: Re: Today.... I Crashed.
Post by E-Double on Aug 26th, 2004, 8:28pm
I am becoming a huge advocate for melatonin.
It seems that many of us have caught a break from the night time hits by taking it prior to attempting sleep.  

I personally take 6-9mg about 1/2 an hour before I'm going to lay down. I've taken back my nights and have pretty much eliminated the night hits. Sleep is a bonus for most of us and rarely occurs. I feel lucky because of this.

Good luck and hope you can get some sleep as well as catch an all around break!



Title: Re: Today.... I Crashed.
Post by KanKan on Aug 26th, 2004, 8:43pm
Ok, now if i was not tottaly loopy from all the crap that was stuck into me today, id rush and buy some right NOW.  I WILL be buying some of that tomorrow after my 16 hour shift *god help me*

Thank you all for your help, nasty to see that all this pain can be brought on such nice ppl.

Title: Re: Today.... I Crashed.
Post by KanKan on Aug 27th, 2004, 6:19am

The lortab, as expected, made me extremely drugged feeling, and had absolutely no effect on my sleep.  I woke up within 20 mins of falling asleep, but this time was unable to cope as good as I can sometimes, since i was SOOO stoned, thank you doc....

I willl be picking up some melatonin today.

Title: Re: Today.... I Crashed.
Post by Ronny on Aug 27th, 2004, 8:01am

on 08/26/04 at 18:59:44, KanKan wrote:
he said I will only get worse If i dont start sleeping more then 1-2 hour a night.


My cycle is running at his end (i hope). Last week i drove to Germany over night and the next day: Wham, conclusion "No or little sleep triggers CH for me" I thought it before because i never sleep long but now i'm sure of it.


Title: Re: Today.... I Crashed.
Post by ex_pat_asia on Aug 27th, 2004, 12:53pm

on 08/26/04 at 18:59:44, KanKan wrote:
Well, after 3 years of having CH's, today is my most painful and long day.  Its been about 2 weeks into this cycle, and still no meds worth talking about ( My GP is ignorant to CH, and waiting for Neuro to get me in).  In the last 5 days, I would estimate atleast 16 headaches, all occuring at night except one, estimating about 9-12 hours sleep total in those 5 days.   Woke up on the floor after another headache last night, and attempted to go into work.  I work in a warehouse, that you could call "loud". Well, 2 hours later, I left to hospital.  

In the hospital, they were smart enough to give me a room with the light off.   After a shot in the butt of Tramadol, I was off to get EKG (dont ask me why) and catscan.  All tests showed that I dont have anything unusual again, so once again I had to hear a doctor inform me what cluster headaches are, although something told me I knew more about them then he did.  He scripted me lortabs because he said I will only get worse If i dont start sleeping more then 1-2 hour a night.  I hope these let me sleep.... Kan't Kan't. Let yourself off the hook I mean. You need to take charge of your care. I suspect that you may benefit a great deal from the info you can find here. Trust me, a neuro, by virtue of his certificates, isn't necessarily going to be any more helpful, though it is likely he will be. You really have to accept the challenge that cluster presents us...that is to be proactive in our treatment. Frankly, letting a dr. prescribe, and then taking, lortabs isn't a good start. One of the posts above mentions melatonin. Thats a great start. It has been shown to be effective in studies, and it seems to ameliorate the attacks I get, especially those at night. By adding verapamil and a steriod taper, I broke up the 7-8 attacks per day I was experiencing. By making Oxygen and Imitrex available, I have been able to abort  those attacks that get through. I am not completely out of cycle yet...but I am manging the one I am in without sleeping pills or tramadol. (By the way, tramadol is actually a lightweight for cluster. It is used for moderate to moderately severe pain. Cluster is severe, and if you must have relief from a stubborn attack then you should pursuade them to give you demerol or equivalent. Be warned, however, that rebound pain may come on with any of these and, in general, they are not very helpful unless you have reached a point where you must be knocked out. (It does happen).

Get to some Oxygen, melatonin, and a neuro right away. No need for you to go on with what you describe.


Title: Re: Today.... I Crashed.
Post by KanKan on Aug 28th, 2004, 12:15am
I tottally agree.  I feel like I have to educate everyone that hears the word "cluster headache" because of the comparison it has to "migranes".  I try explaining to people that this isnt just a "are you over them yet?" kinda thing.  I wrote my slip when I entered the ER as "CLUSTER HEADACHES", but when I left, they told me that "Their conclusion was I had cluster headaches..." .  I wanted to say " HELLOOO YOUR LIKE 5 HOURS TOO LATE on THAT CONCLUSION!!".

I made an apt with Neuro today, its for Tuesday, and I will not walk out of there without satisfaction.  Last night I ended up butt ass naked in the shower on the coldest temp it would go, for 10 mins, till i layed shivvering in pain on the bathroom floor.  Not the kind of night we look forward too I know. Message Board » Powered by YaBB 1 Gold - SP 1.3.1!
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