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(Message started by: tenacious on Aug 26th, 2004, 3:41pm)

Title: got nausea?
Post by tenacious on Aug 26th, 2004, 3:41pm
OK, I know I'm going out on a limb here, but I think the coast is finally clear to try again.

I am a clusterhead with all the classic symptoms.  I also have some atypical symptoms.  With a full-blown HA, I always get nausea and sensitivity to light.  

I know these are not common symptoms, and do not contribute to a diagnosis of cluster, but my research and the replies to my earlier thread indicate that they don't automatically eliminate it as a diagnosis either.  

Proper diagnosis is very important, as the treatments can be very different for different types of HA.  At best, the wrong treatment will not help, and at the worst it can be hazardous or even fatal.  Anyone who thinks they might have cluster should definitely get a diagnosis from a qualified doctor.

So I ask again, does anyone else out there have nausea and/or light sensitivity?  I hope those who said yes on the earlier thread will post again here.  Also, for those who do, do you have any suggestions on how to deal with these symptoms?

Title: Re: got nausea?
Post by floridian on Aug 26th, 2004, 4:04pm
I remember a few people here who said they have either nausea and/or sensitivity to light.  It happens, but is not typical as you noted.  

You could have a cluster with migraine symptoms, or could have migraines triggered by the cluster.  In any case, the treatment is pretty much the same - unless you have a hemiplegic or basilar migraine ... in which case, triptans are not a good idea.

Title: Re: got nausea?
Post by Margi on Aug 26th, 2004, 4:05pm
Uh, Angela?  Hasn't this already been asked and answered enough?  Why stir the pot yet again to the point of (you should pardon the expression) ad nauseum?

sorry if this comes off as brash, but honestly...I've been here at nearly six years now (will be official 10/30/04) and I've seen a lot of folks get run over for rehashing subjects like this.  Just a word of caution to you - not trying to upset you.

once again:  try Gravol.  

Title: Re: got nausea?
Post by Lizzie2 on Aug 26th, 2004, 4:29pm
I don't get nausea from headaches, but I get it from med side effects.  So far, Zofran is the only thing I've found to be effective for me.  I can't tolerate compazine, phenergan, or benedryl....we think I may be allergic to benedryl, which sounds weird, but true.

I have light sensitivity all the matter if I have a headache or not.  And sound sensitivity too.  I like it to be quiet.  Bright lights don't just aggravate an already-in-progress headache for me.  Any flashy or bright lights can trigger a headache.  Not necessarily a cluster...just a headache in general.  I keep my dark sunglasses handy at all times.  Always been that way since I was a kid.

Good luck

Title: Re: got nausea?
Post by tenacious on Aug 26th, 2004, 4:39pm
Margi:  I'm not trying to be difficult.  I'm a little sick (pardon the pun) of the subject myself.  I just want people who come behind me to be able to find the answer without the 5 pages of clutter.  I didn't think that was unreasonable, since a search was the only way I could find it at all on this site.  I wasn't just asking for my own benefit, but to try to be of help to others.

Title: Re: got nausea?
Post by broomhilda on Aug 26th, 2004, 4:57pm

on 08/26/04 at 16:39:26, tenacious wrote:
 I wasn't just asking for my own benefit, but to try to be of help to others.

Ang, bear with me however I fail to see what your point is of raising this again? Folks come here for information and read the site(we can hope) and there exists the archives for info that is needed, I guess my question is are you here to help people and if so how, do you have an answer, idea or opinion on nausea? If not it seems like you are stirring the pot... Just my humble opinion...

Edit for sp's


Title: Re: got nausea?
Post by don on Aug 26th, 2004, 5:00pm
I'm starting to get a little nauseus now.

Title: Re: got nausea?
Post by Margi on Aug 26th, 2004, 5:02pm
Don, you think it could be the ham?  Or was it the turkey?  I thought something smelled a little off, myself....

Title: Re: got nausea?
Post by Bob P on Aug 26th, 2004, 5:16pm
From the OUCH Research Library:

Quantitative evaluation of photophobia and phonophobia in cluster headache.

Vingen JV, Pareja JA, Stovner LJ

Department of Neurology, University Hospital of Trondheim, Norway.

In order to evaluate photophobia and phonophobia in cluster headache (CH), light and sound-induced discomfort and pain thresholds were measured quantitatively in 50 patients and 50 sex-matched and age-matched headache-free controls. During bout (i.e., during the active period with attacks), CH patients were more sensitive to light and sound than controls (p < 0.001). Outside bout they did not differ significantly from controls except for binaural stimulation. Patients were more photophobic and phonophobic during bout than in the remission period (p < or = 0.05). However, for those tested during bout, the sensitivity to light and sound was not related to the presence of pain during test, usual pain intensity, or pain laterality. In response to a questionnaire about their sensitivity, a significantly higher proportion of patients considered themselves sensitive during bout than outside (91% vs 46% for light [chi 2 = 5.9, p < 0.05] and 89% vs 49% for sound [chi 2 = 4.7, p < 0.05]). These results indicate that photophobia and phonophobia are important accompanying phenomena of cluster bouts.

Light and sound sensativity are common in cluterheads.
I like some light but not direct, bright light.  I also like some sound but not loud and no freakin heavy shit!

I also used to become nauseous during an attack.  Usually only the long lasting ones and after getting a belly full of cafergot.  Barfing would end the attack.

Title: Re: got nausea?
Post by IndianaJohn on Aug 26th, 2004, 5:40pm
I have an extreme sensitivuty to light, and a moderate one to sound.  During a CH last week there was a thunderstorm going on.  The lightning flashes bothered me quite alot. and the thunder was quite irritating. When I'm gettng a Ch, I prefer it dark and quiet.  Bright light almost always seems to make CH's worse for me.  And I can't tolerate continous loud noise.  Even static from a radio, if left on too long will trigger a CH for me.  I know it's weird but that's what happens.....

When my CH goes really high like Kip 9 or 10, I get nausea, with some disorientation.  Sometimes I also get it as a side effect from the Imitrex nasal sprays that I prefer.  I usually end up sniffing some to the back of my throat and getting some stomach upset.  I would rather have that than a CH.

The very rare times I have vomited while having a CH, my HA went away immediately afterwards.  almost as if the act of vomiting forced the beast to go away.  Again, weird huh?


Title: Re: got nausea?
Post by tenacious on Aug 26th, 2004, 5:43pm
As I said, I'm not trying to stir the pot.  I'm just trying to put something in the archives that is relevant and easy to find.  I am not very computer literate.  I don't know much about how to do a search, and what I found was very limited and not very helpful.   :(

I am not going to keep defending this position.  I found a gap in this site.  I was just trying to help close it.  I feel very sorry for the next person who comes along and tries to ask the same question.   :'(

Thank you for your relevant replies.   ;;D

Title: Re: got nausea?
Post by Margi on Aug 26th, 2004, 6:01pm
here's what happened when I typed "nausea" into the search button above, and then pressed search at the bottom of the same screen (I'm telling you procedure in case my copy and paste of the search doesn't work here):

of course, the first few replies are the threads that you have started, Angela, but keep scrolling...there have been quite a few mentions of nausea here - I only searched for the first 25 hits.  Yes, they do mostly indicate migraine, but as you've seen answered in this and also in your threads, it's not totally uncommon in clusterheads.

Title: Re: got nausea?
Post by 1MajorPain on Aug 26th, 2004, 6:46pm
This is a tuff room to work for sure.


Title: Re: got nausea?
Post by Kevin_M on Aug 26th, 2004, 7:29pm
I didn't answer before because nausea has never affected me in relation to clusters.  It was not a part of or relevant to my bouts of cluster as experienced.  Light and sound sensitivity, yes.

How would I deal with light/sound sensitivity?

Turn the lights and sound down or put up with it.

Kevin M


Title: Re: got nausea?
Post by Biker on Aug 26th, 2004, 7:42pm
During a extremefull painful bout, I have felt like barfing.  Perhaps I should have from what I just read.  Perhaps that would help.  But most of the time, my stomach feels fine.       There have been a few times I have a senesitivity to bright light, but that is pretty uncommon for me.    Most of the time, the CH just plain hurts.  Sometimes, it hurts real bad.  Even shadows hurt, but the pain is tolorable compared to the real deal.  Although I experience CH, I am no authority on the subject.  I have learned from my readings in this site that each one of us are a bit different.  I am sorry you feel like hurling every time you get an attack.  Seems like more burdon to bear.   Dayumm,   talk about adding insult to injury.   I hope your episoes end soon.

Title: Re: got nausea?
Post by don on Aug 26th, 2004, 9:03pm

I found a gap in this site.

Well then.................

I don't know much about how to do a search,

I guess that explains that.

Title: Re: got nausea?
Post by crazy_mj on Aug 26th, 2004, 9:22pm
I have light, sound, and temperature sensitivity as well as nausea during an attack.  My neurologist told me that I have clusters with migraine symptoms.  

Title: Re: got nausea?
Post by Filbert on Aug 26th, 2004, 9:38pm
IMHO I think light sensitivity has been underestimated in CH. I can't stand bright sunlight or bright artificial light in or out of cycle and the more posts I read the more convincing that becomes. Never had the nausea though.


Title: Re: got nausea?
Post by AnthonyT on Aug 26th, 2004, 11:04pm
In some of the more severe attacks, I'll have a twinge of nausea. I feel like my system wants to rid itself of something (I also feel like blowing my nose and spitting) -- like this is as desperate a reaction to "get rid of the pain" as my externalized physical ones.

Recently (as in just this cycle), I've had something which could be mistaken as light sensitivity... All my significant (>kip6) attacks have been wake-up calls this time. And when I turn on the lights, I get the usual light-sensitivity-due-to-unadjusted eyes. But the odd thing is that my eyes have not been adjusting quickly at all. While pacing about like a cripple I'll be amazed that I cannot get my eyes to tolerate the light. If I can manage to sit at my computer with intent to read these forums, I might sit there "bathing" my closed eyes in the light and trying to open them... once it took me half an hour just to be able to adapt to a dim lamp and low-intensity screen. I've never experienced this before a couple weeks ago -- normally a 3am wakeup would find me adjusted to bright room lighting within a few minutes.

So, I'm not exactly light sensitive during an attack, but lately my eyes have been very slow to adjust from darkness/sleep to light, though all cases of this have coincided with attacks. I don't know if this matches the light sensitivity some others might be experiencing.

Title: Re: got nausea?
Post by pubgirl on Aug 27th, 2004, 3:15am
Well, the new name certainly fits better ;;D

Title: Re: got nausea?
Post by tenacious on Aug 27th, 2004, 12:50pm
It's true light sensitivity is not as rare as nausea.  You shouldn't have to know how to do a search to find that out.  It's much easier to find on the Canadian and UK sites.   [smiley=huh.gif]   I wasn't asking for a lesson, which didn't work when I tried it anyway.   :(   The gap is in the site, not the searcher.

And, yes, this is a very tough room!   :(

Thanks again for all relevant replies.

Title: Re: got nausea?
Post by Lizzie2 on Aug 27th, 2004, 1:00pm
I don't understand why you say that doing a search is hard here?  Just now I clicked on Search at the top of the menu, typed in nausea, and got a bunch of matches.  What do you mean hole in the site?

I just don't understand exactly what you are trying to accomplish with this nausea thing?


Title: Re: got nausea?
Post by Jonny on Aug 27th, 2004, 6:14pm
Man, I must be the freak on this site. in nearly 30 years I have never barfed with CH, I like the heavy metal real loud when im pacing and I find that looking just to the side of a light bulb helps.....the more light the better.

Your all a bunch of fucking meegrainers.......LMAO ;;D


Title: Re: got nausea?
Post by crazy_mj on Aug 27th, 2004, 10:16pm
I have never thrown up with a cluster, but I DO/DID throw up with migraines.
Kinda weird if you ask me, because I get nausea with both.  

Title: Re: got nausea?
Post by bluesunshine on Aug 28th, 2004, 1:36am

on 08/27/04 at 13:00:44, Lizzie2 wrote:
I just don't understand exactly what you are trying to accomplish with this nausea thing?


I think she is a student in neuropsychology, doing live experiences on ourselves...   DING DONG!!!  ca troue le cul!!!

Title: Re: got nausea?
Post by miarella on Aug 28th, 2004, 10:35am

I've been reading this forum for a while and i am a little dissapointed to read so many "oh not that again, go to the archives, please" (well sometimes it gets harsher actually).

I think one of the most relevant and appreciated things about a message board is the chance to interact with other from your own experience. You need someone to YOU he/she feels the same way. Its not the same reading it from archives. That part of the support. Otherwise books are good enough.

So, I don't know, maybe the adm could create a recycled topics folder??


btw. in my last cycle i got serious nausea, and it does make the headache quite worse. And yes i am a certified clusterhead, lol.

Title: Re: got nausea?
Post by Jonny on Aug 28th, 2004, 12:13pm

on 08/28/04 at 10:35:44, miarella wrote:

I've been reading this forum for a while and i am a little dissapointed to read so many "oh not that again, go to the archives, please" (well sometimes it gets harsher actually).

I think one of the most relevant and appreciated things about a message board is the chance to interact with other from your own experience. You need someone to YOU he/she feels the same way. Its not the same reading it from archives. That part of the support. Otherwise books are good enough.

So, I don't know, maybe the adm could create a recycled topics folder??


btw. in my last cycle i got serious nausea, and it does make the headache quite worse. And yes i am a certified clusterhead, lol.

Seems to me you can read the archives and e-mail those people who have posted something your interested in.

As for asking the webmaster to do more work than he is already doing is kind of like asking someone doing you a favor for free to do even more. ::)


Title: Re: got nausea?
Post by Prense on Aug 28th, 2004, 12:21pm
Damn, leave for a week to work, come back and we are still discussing this?

Let's just make a nausea board...

If you follow the boards, new folks will share their symptoms when they initially post here.  If light, noise or nausea is bothersome enough, they will state it.  Other than that, the archives...  Either way, nausea is not a common symptom.


Title: Re: got nausea?
Post by miarella on Aug 28th, 2004, 1:44pm

on 08/28/04 at 12:13:20, Jonny wrote:
Seems to me you can read the archives and e-mail those people who have posted something your interested in.

dear mr, if this is still your email adress i'd like to discuss what you posted a year ago  ::)

on 08/28/04 at 12:13:20, Jonny wrote:
As for asking the webmaster to do more work than he is already doing is kind of like asking someone doing you a favor for free to do even more.  

well, it was just an idea, I thought the webmaster maybe wants this place to be supportive


Title: Re: got nausea?
Post by miarella on Aug 28th, 2004, 1:57pm

on 08/28/04 at 12:21:00, Prense wrote:
Damn, leave for a week to work, come back and we are still discussing this?

Well, you don't have to click on the "got nausea" link if you don't want to talk about it

on 08/28/04 at 12:21:00, Prense wrote:
Either way, nausea is not a common symptom.

So? Cluster is not a common form of headache, and it is not common in women, and it is not common in non-smokers, and it is not common in people who don't drink alcohol, and blah, blah, blah....

I understand it's important that specific symptoms are well defined, but if people could just stay a little more open minded i'm sure medical science could work at a faster pace...

Title: Re: got nausea?
Post by BobG on Aug 28th, 2004, 2:06pm
Nausea and light sensitivity. (please select only 1 choice, and stick with it.)

1. Yes, we all get nausea and are light sensitive.
2. Yes, we all get nausea and are not light sensitive.
3. Yes, we all never get nausea but are light sensitive.
4. Yes, we all never get nausea and are not light sensitive.
5. No

Note: all = every clusterhead ever, anywhere, at any time in the history of the world.

Except me. That's my choice and I'm sticking with it.  8)

Title: Re: got nausea?
Post by Kevin_M on Aug 28th, 2004, 3:17pm

on 08/28/04 at 10:35:44, miarella wrote:
I've been reading this forum for a while and i am a little dissapointed to read so many "oh not that again, go to the archives, please" (well sometimes it gets harsher actually).

I think one of the most relevant and appreciated things about a message board is the chance to interact with other from your own experience. You need someone to YOU he/she feels the same way.

See now, I would think that if somebody did get nauseated and clicked on a thread about nausea, then they would begin to discuss with others who also do, all about their nausea.  How you feel, making it to the toilet in time, how full the toilet got, if you got splashed, you know, all the things inherent in throwing up.  But it doesn't seem that that was your purpose in posting.  
 To proclaim that you do throw up and have clusters seemed to be the extent of the conversation about nausea.  But yet, then from you there is:

Well, you don't have to click on the "got nausea" link if you don't want to talk about it

So please, go on with your conversation of nausea and throwing up and don't mind those who interject, therefore your input on nausea will then be archived for those who wish to know more about it in the future.  Just in case others need to know what it is like to throw up, I understand there is a curious 'gap' in the archives as to more being written on this.  Take this opportunity to leave your record to be accessed in the future.  Do not mind the other content.  
 Whether or not one gets nauseated or not with clusters seems irrelevant to you, so please feel free now to continue discussing the details and such of your nausea.  That 'gap' isn't going to just fill itself now.  You have suggested that should be one's purpose in clicking on a "nausea" thread.

Kevin M

Title: Re: got nausea?
Post by miarella on Aug 28th, 2004, 3:35pm
Sorry Kevin M, I don't think you got what I tried to say. But if being agressive to strangers makes you feel better, that's fine with me.

Title: Re: got nausea?
Post by Kevin_M on Aug 28th, 2004, 3:45pm

on 08/28/04 at 15:35:34, miarella wrote:
Sorry Kevin M, I don't think you got what I tried to say,

Excuse me for trying to keep the thread on track.  We need more on nausea to send to the archives apparently.  If I'm not mistaken, you were saying you would like nausea to be discussed here without being refered to the archives.

Kevin M

Title: Re: got nausea?
Post by miarella on Aug 28th, 2004, 3:49pm
of course, you are excused  [smiley=laugh.gif]

oops! I was trying to say that some of us need interaction, despite the topic (as you know, nausea in this particular case) may have been discused many times before.

Title: Re: got nausea?
Post by Jonny on Aug 28th, 2004, 3:53pm

on 08/28/04 at 13:44:36, miarella wrote:
dear mr, if this is still your email adress i'd like to discuss what you posted a year ago  ::)

Its still my address, has been for many years......mail away


Title: Re: got nausea?
Post by Kevin_M on Aug 28th, 2004, 3:59pm

on 08/28/04 at 15:49:07, miarella wrote:
of course, you are excused  [smiley=laugh.gif]

oops! I was trying to say that some of us need interaction, despite the topic (as you know, nausea in this particular case) may have been discused many times before.

Interaction is always fine, the topic of discussion didn't leave much room for constructive conversation once it was acknowledged nausea seems to affect very few.  Was there something more about nausea that needed to be expounded upon?  


Kevin M

Title: Re: got nausea?
Post by Prense on Aug 28th, 2004, 4:05pm

on 08/28/04 at 13:57:21, miarella wrote:
I understand it's important that specific symptoms are well defined, but if people could just stay a little more open minded i'm sure medical science could work at a faster pace...

How selfish of me...


Title: Re: got nausea?
Post by miarella on Aug 28th, 2004, 4:12pm

on 08/28/04 at 16:05:32, Prense wrote:
How selfish of me...


Title: Re: got nausea?
Post by BobG on Aug 28th, 2004, 4:17pm

I understand it's important that specific symptoms are well defined, Nausea is well defined in connection to clusters. It is defined as uncommon and unusual. but if people could just stay a little more open minded The people here are probably the most oped minded you'll find anywhere on the planeti'm sure medical science could work at a faster pace... Yeah right! Clusters have been around since the beginning of time. So has the common cold. Maybe if we are open minded both will be cured by next weekend.

This string is giving me a migraine.  ::)

Title: Re: got nausea?
Post by miarella on Aug 28th, 2004, 4:36pm

on 08/28/04 at 16:17:28, BobG wrote:
Yeah right! Clusters have been around since the beginning of time. So has the common cold. Maybe if we are open minded both will be cured by next weekend.

IMHO, cluster-related research is not exactly extensive. I believe it's quite recent and not much of it is known by docs. Am I right?. Well, not to mention that general population don't have a clue about us.

I am sorry if  my comment sounded bad, but I work as a researcher and not being guided by pre-conceptions is a very important issue.

(yes, I know, waaaaaay out of nausea)

Title: Re: got nausea?
Post by miarella on Aug 28th, 2004, 4:56pm

on 08/28/04 at 15:59:45, Kevin_M wrote:
Interaction is always fine, the topic of discussion didn't leave much room for constructive conversation once it was acknowledged nausea seems to affect very few.  Was there something more about nausea that needed to be expounded upon?  

I think there might be some interesting derivatives from the nausea topic. Besides of getting splashed. Although, that could be interesting to some people as well, lol

For instance, I'd like to know what happens to the nausea-clusterheads who use oxygen. Does it end the nausea as it kills the headache?? Anyway, this should be under another thread.

Actually all of this should be on another thread,  [smiley=laugh.gif]

on 08/28/04 at 15:59:45, Kevin_M wrote:

Thank you, I really apreciate this word from you. I think this is what we need to keep this board healthy, and we must do so, it's the only one we have, don't we??

Title: Re: got nausea?
Post by Kevin_M on Aug 28th, 2004, 5:07pm

on 08/28/04 at 16:36:20, miarella wrote:
I work as a researcher and not being guided by pre-conceptions is a very important issue.

You mean pre-conceptions as in kinda like this:

I thought the webmaster maybe wants this place to be supportive
 We are not supportive?

Or like this:

but if people could just stay a little more open minded
We are not open-minded?

Or this:

if being agressive to strangers makes you feel better,
It does?

A dozen posts and these are surmised.

I see the empirical data is in.

Kevin M

Title: Re: got nausea?
Post by pubgirl on Aug 28th, 2004, 5:17pm


Title: Re: got nausea?
Post by Kevin_M on Aug 28th, 2004, 5:19pm

on 08/28/04 at 16:56:36, miarella wrote:
For instance, I'd like to know what happens to the nausea-clusterheads who use oxygen. Does it end the nausea as it kills the headache?? Anyway, this should be under another thread.

Oxygen would not be used to treat nausea, but what is your experience with the nausea once the headache subsides?  I wouldn't know, you might be better to answer that question if you use oxygen.  Or are you not currently using it and wonder if the nausea would go away when the headache does using oxygen.  Does yours linger with your preventative and for how long?  Does it need to be treated separately afterwards?
 I believe Lizzy2 made mention of a medication for nausea.

Kevin M

We might as well complete this thread on nausea, so if you have questions, feel free.

Title: Re: got nausea?
Post by miarella on Aug 28th, 2004, 5:28pm
Kevin M,

Those are not pre-conceptions nor empirical data. It is just my opinion about what I've read on this board for the last 9 months or so.

And now you are only confirming that being quiet is by far the best choice for me at least. This has been a funny day, but I don't think that being attacked is something I want to accept in the long term in order to talk to some nice people once in while.

Oh, and I do think you need some relaxants, herbal maybe?? uh-oh and a mood stabilizer as well, you almost seemed nice in your previous post, lol

Title: Re: got nausea?
Post by miarella on Aug 28th, 2004, 5:38pm

How many Kevin Ms are out there?!?!

:o [smiley=laugh.gif] :'( [smiley=laugh.gif] :'( [smiley=laugh.gif] :'( :-* :) :-[ :P :( ;;D :o 8)
[smiley=huh.gif] [smiley=huh.gif] [smiley=huh.gif] [smiley=huh.gif] [smiley=huh.gif] [smiley=huh.gif]

ok, Kevin?? I will put this straight: I want to be friends with you, the only thing I ask from you is not to make fun or dismiss what I try to say. excuse me I have to return to my mental asylum

Title: Re: got nausea?
Post by don on Aug 28th, 2004, 5:39pm

well, it was just an idea, I thought the webmaster maybe wants this place to be supportive

God knows how unsupportive we are. Shame on us.

By the way. Do you actually have CH or do you just surf around critiqing (sp) message boards?

Title: Re: got nausea?
Post by Samantha_Smith on Aug 28th, 2004, 5:47pm

 I strongly prefer to vomit into a bucket beside my bed rather than rush to the bathroom and vomit in the toilet bowl (because particles do tend to splash back on to my face.) What are other people's vomit receptacle preferences?

 Sometimes when I just can't take the nausea anymore and think I could bring it to an end by just vomiting I stick my finger down my throat to quicken the process. What are other people's vomit quickening techniques?

  I love vomit.  I really really love it.  Samantha

Title: Re: got nausea?
Post by Kevin_M on Aug 28th, 2004, 5:48pm

on 08/28/04 at 17:28:29, miarella wrote:
Those are not pre-conceptions nor empirical data. It is just my opinion about what I've read on this board for the last 9 months or so.


Whatever, they seem to be quick conclusions and taken from a thread on nausea, it is hard to see the topic turn constructive.  But, if you are looking for help with the nausea, I am sure there were some answers earlier concerning it.  Feel free to ask if you need some ideas about it anyway.

And now you are only confirming that being quiet is by far the best choice for me at least. This has been a funny day, but I don't think that being attacked is something I want to accept in the long term in order to talk to some nice people once in while.

It would be nice to perhaps interact on a different thread, this one got detoured way before you posted and was wending its way into nowhereland.  I was not attacking, only showing that this present conceived notion of the board is perhaps not the truest one.  Keep posting ok?  This has been less about the subject of nausea than about starting your thread here knocking the support and asking for more interaction about the subject of nausea.  It is not apparent what questions there could be about it other than it is rare.  Stay and keep posting ok?

Kevin M

Title: Re: got nausea?
Post by miarella on Aug 28th, 2004, 5:48pm

on 08/28/04 at 17:19:12, Kevin_M wrote:
Oxygen would not be used to treat nausea, but what is your experience with the nausea once the headache subsides?  I wouldn't know, you might be better to answer that question if you use oxygen.  Or are you not currently using it and wonder if the nausea would go away when the headache does using oxygen.  Does yours linger with your preventative and for how long?  Does it need to be treated separately afterwards?
 I believe Lizzy2 made mention of a medication for nausea.

Now that you ask, I've had 5 bouts in the last 9 years. Only the last one came with nausea included. And well, I didn't like the combination. (actually it scared the hell out of me, i was sure a had a brain tumor or an aneurysm)

Doc put me on preventives (verap, pred, amytrip) and the headaches stopped immediately. So did the nausea linked to the ha. (no separate meds)

On the next bout I plan to use oxygen. I've never used it before, so I don't know if it works for me, but it would certainly be a relief to know it could get rid of pro-vomiting feelings too.

So if anyone knows....

Title: Re: got nausea?
Post by BobG on Aug 28th, 2004, 5:52pm

on 08/28/04 at 17:47:26, Samantha_Smith wrote:
 What are other people's vomit receptacle preferences?
The air conditioning vents of my ex-wife's car.

 What are other people's vomit quickening techniques?
The ex-wife


Title: Re: got nausea?
Post by miarella on Aug 28th, 2004, 5:55pm

on 08/28/04 at 17:47:26, Samantha_Smith wrote:
   I love vomit.  I really really love it.  Samantha

lol, yeah, i can tell that's true

thanks for your lovely input

Title: Re: got nausea?
Post by Kevin_M on Aug 28th, 2004, 6:02pm

on 08/28/04 at 17:48:45, miarella wrote:
Now that you ask, I've had 5 bouts in the last 9 years. Only the last one came with nausea included. And well, I didn't like the combination. (actually it scared the hell out of me, i was sure a had a brain tumor or an aneurysm)

Why after 5 bouts of clusters would you think it was an aneurysm or brain tumor with the addition of nausea?  It is best to get a CAT scan to alleviate those worries.  Usually they are quickly refered by doctors when clusters are mentioned.

Doc put me on preventives (verap, pred, amytrip) and the headaches stopped immediately. So did the nausea linked to the ha. (no separate meds)

I don't see an abortive here for use. Did the pred stop the entire cycle?

On the next bout I plan to use oxygen. I've never used it before, so I don't know if it works for me, but it would certainly be a relief to know it could get rid of pro-vomiting feelings too.

So if anyone knows....

Oxygen would be good, as for the nausea, I wouldn't get high hopes though.

Kevin M

Title: Re: got nausea?
Post by miarella on Aug 28th, 2004, 6:02pm

on 08/28/04 at 17:39:12, don wrote:
God knows how unsupportive we are. Shame on us.

By the way. Do you actually have CH or do you just surf around critiqing (sp) message boards?

ok, sorry, I know you are supportive most of the time. But I don't think knocking the newbies for asking over asked questions is a good thing to do.

Also, searching in the archives is an excellent option when you are looking for info, but in my opinion, if you want support it's better to talk to somebody.

Gawd....  ::)

Title: Re: got nausea?
Post by Kevin_M on Aug 28th, 2004, 6:10pm

on 08/28/04 at 17:48:45, miarella wrote:
Now that you ask, I've had 5 bouts in the last 9 years. Only the last one came with nausea included. And well, I didn't like the combination. (actually it scared the hell out of me, i was sure a had a brain tumor or an aneurysm)

Doc put me on preventives (verap, pred, amytrip) and the headaches stopped immediately. So did the nausea linked to the ha. (no separate meds)

This last bout seems peculiar, with the addition of nausea and the quick stemming of the episode.  I am no doctor though.

Kevin M

Title: Re: got nausea?
Post by miarella on Aug 28th, 2004, 6:12pm

on 08/28/04 at 18:02:13, Kevin_M wrote:
Why after 5 bouts of clusters would you think it was an aneurysm or brain tumor with the addition of nausea?  It is best to get a CAT scan to alleviate those worries.  Usually they are quickly refered by doctors when clusters are mentioned.

I read somewhere that the combination of severe headache+nausea could indicate a very serious condition. Although the ha was familiar to me, I was misdiagnosed many years ago (tension ha), so I wasn't sure what it was at that time. Actually I was diagnosed during this last bout. I had a MRI done and everything was fine.

I don't see an abortive here for use. Did the pred stop the entire cycle?

Yes, Pred worked great. Anyway, since oxygen seems safer I really want to give it a try.

Title: Re: got nausea?
Post by Kevin_M on Aug 28th, 2004, 6:19pm

Well, now you've given enough info to be commented on.  The pred is not an abortive though, what did you use in previous episodes?  This last episode is more unusual.

Kevin M

Title: Re: got nausea?
Post by miarella on Aug 28th, 2004, 6:46pm
I didn't use any meds in the previous episodes, after being misdiagnosed, except for muscle relaxants which did nothing to relieve the ha, but helped the muscular pain I get right after.

I remember back in 1998 or so I found this site, and I though clusters were a likely explanation since descriptions were exactly what I was going through. The following bouts were awful, but I could still carry on with my everyday life, because the attacks came at night and very rarely in the morning. So I didn't go to see any docs.

But this last bout, as you point out, was indeed unsual. All the ha's came at 8 am and were VERY extended (2 hrs, they used to last only 30 mins before). After the ha's I was exausted and a softer pain remained until 7 pm. There was these 3 weeks when I couldn't go to work or get anything done.

So, I went to a 1st neuro who said I had CPH because I was a woman and cluster was for "heavy drinking males" and put me on a high dose of indomethacin, which of couse didn't help at all.

Then, I finally got to the 2nd neuro, I described the symptoms and he laughed and said. "God! It's so obvious you have cluster, you have every symptom"  ::)

Well, he gave me my first meds and I couldn't believe I got my life back in 24 hrs. That's why now I call him the neuromagician.  ;;D

awwwww, happy?? ending  :o

Title: Re: got nausea?
Post by Kevin_M on Aug 28th, 2004, 7:07pm

on 08/28/04 at 18:46:52, miarella wrote:
I didn't use any meds in the previous episodes, after being misdiagnosed, except for muscle relaxants which did nothing to relieve the ha, but helped the muscular pain I get right after.

I remember back in 1998 or so I found this site, and I though clusters were a likely explanation since descriptions were exactly what I was going through. The following bouts were awful, but I could still carry on with my everyday life, because the attacks came at night and very rarely in the morning. So I didn't go to see any docs.

This is entirely off the radar screen for clusters.  No meds would be rarity in 1998.  Muscular pain is not really a symptom.  Attacks at night are common, but only at night are not.   Being able to carry on with everyday life doesn't sound right without seeing a doc.  Perhaps a self diagnosis from reading the board?

But this last bout, as you point out, was indeed unsual. All the ha's came at 8 am and were VERY extended (2 hrs, they used to last only 30 mins before). After the ha's I was exausted and a softer pain remained until 7 pm. There was these 3 weeks when I couldn't go to work or get anything done.

A very extended headache that came once a day and then shadowed all day.   I don't know Miarella.  

So, I went to a 1st neuro who said I had CPH because I was a woman and cluster was for "heavy drinking males" and put me on a high dose of indomethacin, which of couse didn't help at all.

This was a wrong conclusion from your previous words.

Then, I finally got to the 2nd neuro, I described the symptoms and he laughed and said. "God! It's so obvious you have cluster, you have every symptom"  ::)

I don't see much related to clusters yet.

Well, he gave me my first meds and I couldn't believe I got my life back in 24 hrs. That's why now I call him the neuromagician.  ;;D

awwwww, happy?? ending  :o

This is uncommon too.  

Don't know Miarella, but I am glad you are pain free now.  It's jumpy puzzle all around but the pieces don't fit well for clusters.  

Anyway, you'll know if it comes back, clusters are unmistakably debilitating without meds and unmanageable with meds.  I hope it's not going to happen.

Kevin M

Title: Re: got nausea?
Post by miarella on Aug 28th, 2004, 9:26pm
Well, Kevin, I had a top neurologist to diagnose me with cluster headache, so I don't have much of a doubt about my diagnosis. Also he stated that the effectiveness of the meds he put me on was another signal for him that cluster was the right diagnosis.
I do believe him, although I am open to accept it could be something different, but I don't think so.

Anyway, I don't think I need to tell you my symptoms because you know them. Half sided non switching excruciating pain behing the eye, temple and down the jaw. Raises in 5 mins, goes away in 15. When it's going away, sometimes I get this large needle/electric thing in the back of my head, which comes every 30 secs or so and lasts 10 mins. Stuffed nose on the side of the ha, read, tearing eye, face flush sometimes. Occurs at the same time of the day. Bouts last 1-1,5 months, remission last 1-2 years.

As for the muscle pain, I read somewhere it is an effect of having your muscles contracted during the attack, it's like how would you have your arms if you lifted a car for 2 hours a day??

I wish I could show you a proof I am a clusterhead, because another thing I've observed here is that somehow you have to "qualify" to be recognized as a clusterhead. Many older posters go "hummm, are you sure you are a cluster?? do you fit 100% our profile?? because this sounds like...."

I know there's many people who like to diagnose themselves based on internet info, but being so suspicious about is ridiculous. I mean anyone who's not mental does not want to be here. I do wish I had tensional ha or migraine or a screwed muscle on my back. But everything points out that I have cluster ha's.

ok, now flame me again people...

Title: Re: got nausea?
Post by Kevin_M on Aug 28th, 2004, 9:51pm
I'm not here to change your beliefs.  You are pain free now.  Don't worry about what your diagnosis is until it comes back again.  If you can stop clusters in 24 hours, I wouldn't even worry about it.  It just seems that's something no one else has been able to do yet.  Be happy it all worked for you.  
 Clusters or not you are one lucky person.  Like I said though, you'll know if it's clusters when it comes back and you find the pred only works for about two weeks and you find yourself without an abortive.  You will know.  I'm no doctor but you have three diagnosis' to choose from and the pred stopped it in it's tracks, and your nausea in 24 hours, that's all that is known so far.  If clusters works that way for you, you are one special person.  Unfortunately, that is not an experience I've read before here.  
 I am not judging, just hoping it keeps working that way for you.  Perhaps it may not even return for you too.  If it does, and it's clusters, be ready for something you may not be prepared for.

Best to you.


Kevin M

Title: Re: got nausea?
Post by Prense on Aug 28th, 2004, 9:51pm

on 08/28/04 at 21:26:43, miarella wrote:
Anyway, I don't think I need to tell you my symptoms because you know them. Half sided non switching excruciating pain behing the eye, temple and down the jaw. Raises in 5 mins, goes away in 15. When it's going away, sometimes I get this large needle/electric thing in the back of my head, which comes every 30 secs or so and lasts 10 mins. Stuffed nose on the side of the ha, read, tearing eye, face flush sometimes. Occurs at the same time of the day. Bouts last 1-1,5 months, remission last 1-2 years.

No nausea?


Title: Re: got nausea?
Post by Jonny on Aug 28th, 2004, 10:08pm

on 08/28/04 at 21:26:43, miarella wrote:
Anyway, I don't think I need to tell you my symptoms because you know them. Half sided non switching excruciating pain behing the eye, temple and down the jaw. Raises in 5 mins, goes away in 15. When it's going away, sometimes I get this large needle/electric thing in the back of my head, which comes every 30 secs or so and lasts 10 mins. Stuffed nose on the side of the ha, read, tearing eye, face flush sometimes. Occurs at the same time of the day. Bouts last 1-1,5 months, remission last 1-2 years.

Hmmmmm.....CPH?  ::)


Title: Re: got nausea?
Post by Kevin_M on Aug 28th, 2004, 11:56pm

You are a puzzle because in one post these are your symptoms:  at night only, can carry on with life.

I could still carry on with my everyday life, because the attacks came at night and very rarely in the morning

Same post but next bout of headaches:  in the morning  only, can't carry on with life.

All the ha's came at 8 am and were VERY extended (2 hrs, they used to last only 30 mins before). After the ha's I was exausted and a softer pain remained until 7 pm. There was these 3 weeks when I couldn't go to work or get anything done.

Then there are these different symptoms:

Raises in 5 mins, goes away in 15. When it's going away, sometimes I get this large needle/electric thing in the back of my head, which comes every 30 secs or so and lasts 10 mins.

Then you say this, which is the third doctor altogether:

Then, I finally got to the 2nd neuro, I described the symptoms and he laughed and said. "God! It's so obvious you have cluster, you have every symptom"

I was wondering, which of these symptoms did you tell him about that made his diagnosis so obvious?  All the symptoms seem very different to me.  Of course, I am no doctor.  Can you see any continuity to these three headaches symptoms by themselves?


Well, he gave me my first meds and I couldn't believe I got my life back in 24 hrs.

I can't follow this very well.

Kevin M

Title: Re: got nausea?
Post by pubgirl on Aug 29th, 2004, 3:16am

on 08/28/04 at 21:26:43, miarella wrote:
I wish I could show you a proof I am a clusterhead, because another thing I've observed here is that somehow you have to "qualify" to be recognized as a clusterhead. Many older posters go "hummm, are you sure you are a cluster?? do you fit 100% our profile?? because this sounds like...."

I know there's many people who like to diagnose themselves based on internet info, but being so suspicious about is ridiculous. I mean anyone who's not mental does not want to be here. I do wish I had tensional ha or migraine or a screwed muscle on my back. But everything points out that I have cluster ha's.

ok, now flame me again people...


I have no wish to flame you, but you seem to be suggesting that the reason we "older people"  [smiley=huh.gif]question people's symptoms and diagnosis is because we require people to "qualify" in some way.

Actually you are utterly wrong and your words are just going to scare off more newbies.
The reason we do it is simple, other headeache types are often simple to treat and the person could be headache free in DAYS with the right drugs.
If they do not have CH but they believe they have, they could be unnecessarily OR EVEN DANGEROUSLY taking:
Heart drugs, corticosteroids, vasoconstrictors, anti-seizure drugs, anti-depressants, narcotics, and so on.

That is why the "old" people do it.

Just off to get my walking stick and pension now


Title: Re: got nausea?
Post by don on Aug 29th, 2004, 8:29am

I know there's many people who like to diagnose themselves based on internet info,

I dont think you know much of anything about the people who come here.

Title: Re: got nausea?
Post by Pinkfloyd on Aug 29th, 2004, 2:14pm

on 08/29/04 at 03:16:39, pubgirl wrote:
The reason we do it is simple, other headeache types are often simple to treat and the person could be headache free in DAYS with the right drugs.

Really not wanting to start anything. It's just that the brits won a couple of medals yesterday and I don't want Wendy getting a big head....

Everyone is different and making the statement that "other headaches are often simple to treat...." is a little misleading. Many people that suffer from CDH, transformed migraine, etc, go years without ever getting adequate relief. OTOH, many cluster sufferers are "easily" treated, if you like that term. Short cycles that respond very well to medication, long remissions etc. There are many difficult cases and I would say the large majority of the people that come to the internet searching for answers, are difficult cases. Some of us are just impossible.

on 08/29/04 at 03:16:39, pubgirl wrote:
If they do not have CH but they believe they have, they could be unnecessarily OR EVEN DANGEROUSLY taking:
Heart drugs, corticosteroids, vasoconstrictors, anti-seizure drugs, anti-depressants, narcotics, and so on.

Isn't one of the biggest complaints that cluster people have is that all they are ever offered are drugs designed for migrainers? That makes the opposite of your statement true.

Which headache condition could anyone here have that these drugs are not dangerous to take?
Probably the most dangerously misdiagnosed cases of benign headache where medications are concerned, is BAM.

That said, I agree that a proper diagnosis is essential and is one of the most important things that a message board like this can do for people.
I also know that it's pretty much impossible to try and do this (diagnose) without it "appearing" as some sort of exclusionary tool.
"Passing the test" isn't for acceptance into the group, but is required to get the proper diagnosis and treatment. It's difficult to explain to people and difficult to administer the test without confusion of it's purpose.
That and the fact that everyone likes to be "accepted" and not turned away. Even if it's a "club" they'd rather not belong, it's never a good feeling to be rejected by people that share commonalities. Everyone likes (and in many cases needs) to be able to find a home. With each closed door, the disappointment grows.
A problem that isn't easily solved and isn't anyone's fault. It's not the fault of the person looking for answers or the resulting disappointment they show when they don't find them, or the fault of the ones without the answers to give.
How often have we looked at our clear MRI's and showed disappointment. Ya gotta believe the doctor that hears our disappoinment in not finding a tumor, has to be thinking; "what an idiot."

have a PF weekend everyone,

Title: Re: got nausea?
Post by pubgirl on Aug 29th, 2004, 2:34pm

heheheheh, trounced the USA in the 100 metres relay, your team was light years ahead of us in theory but for the first time ever in history we got the baton change right! Suck on that you "head of the medal tables at the Olympics not surprisingly you ought to be as the richest largest most developed nation in them" people. Looked at a globe or an atlas recently and you'll see why we are tiny and proud!

Seriously Bob, as usual I agree with what you say in essence (polite Brit way of saying I only agree with most of it!)
Many, many people come here with headache conditions where the symptoms are confused and/or complicated, or they are very hard to treat (my "simple" word was for the ones which mimic CH closely but on questioning sufferers, actually are the other shorter lived TACs not the ones who have the CDH or daily undefined headaches)
BAM is one of the ones I watch for very closely as triptans can kill, but if someone has come here undiagnosed, or self diagnosed, there are SO many conditions which could either be cured or made worse if we just spout CH treatments to anyone who posts.

You know what these are but many new people who post don't.

Hence the questions which might seem like we are trying to make people "qualify".


Title: Re: got nausea?
Post by Pinkfloyd on Aug 29th, 2004, 3:23pm

on 08/29/04 at 14:34:23, pubgirl wrote:
heheheheh, trounced the USA in the 100 metres relay, your team was light years ahead of us in theory but for the first time ever in history we got the baton change right!

I heard the baton was a compromise between our original suggestion in 1912 of passing a loaded rifle and the Brit's suggestion of a cup of hot tea.

on 08/29/04 at 14:34:23, pubgirl wrote:
Suck on that you "head of the medal tables at the Olympics not surprisingly you ought to be as the richest largest most developed nation in them" people. Looked at a globe or an atlas recently and you'll see why we are tiny and proud!

hehehe, it's always the little one's that say size doesn't matter.

To be the biggest and best is a burden we must accept. But you can visit any time you'd like Wendy.

on 08/29/04 at 14:34:23, pubgirl wrote:
You know what these are but many new people who post don't.

Hence the questions which might seem like we are trying to make people "qualify".


I agree. Just think; if a polite Brit can't qualify the diagnosis without hurting people's feelings, what chance do us brash Americans have? (Even though we have so many more millions of rich, developed, people to choose from lol)

I was just trying to point out the difficulties in doing so without some problems. You have to admit that some people are better at it than others. Some people "care" about it more than others. Some people may even have different motives but I'm not about to be the one that administers THAT test.  ;;D

Good luck in the closing ceremonies. Most of our atheletes have been up late celebrating. You might have a chance beating us around the track tonite.


Title: Re: got nausea?
Post by Redd715 on Aug 29th, 2004, 3:43pm
Pink and Wendy.....

You two are just too cute....get a room and get it overwith.  The tension is killing you both!   [smiley=laugh.gif] [smiley=laugh.gif] [smiley=laugh.gif]

(sorry couldn't resist ... you two are bickering like an old married couple)  HAHA

Title: Re: got nausea?
Post by pubgirl on Aug 29th, 2004, 3:53pm

Being called old TWICE in one thread is TOO MUCH :(

Toy boys are my game now (toyboys to me being 35 and under) ;;D


Title: Re: got nausea?
Post by Redd715 on Aug 29th, 2004, 4:02pm
I WAS 34 with the 25 year old boy toy there a few years back........Hmmmm wonder what ever happend to that guy?

Title: Re: got nausea?
Post by pubgirl on Aug 29th, 2004, 4:10pm
He's probably out there discovering that older women ARE better


Title: Re: got nausea?
Post by Pinkfloyd on Aug 29th, 2004, 4:26pm

on 08/29/04 at 15:43:11, Redd715 wrote:
You two are just too cute....get a room and get it overwith.  The tension is killing you both!   [smiley=laugh.gif] [smiley=laugh.gif] [smiley=laugh.gif]

I tried and suggested going Dutch but she mentioned something about going Greek which I didn't quite understand. There darn international boards are difficult to follow sometimes.

(practicing for the verbal olympics....old married couple division)

Title: Re: got nausea?
Post by bean on Aug 31st, 2004, 3:57pm
I also used to become nauseous during an attack.  Usually only the long lasting ones and after getting a belly full of cafergot.  Barfing would end the attack:quote:

The very rare times I have vomited while having a CH, my HA went away immediately afterwards.  almost as if the act of vomiting forced the beast to go away.  Again, weird huh? :quote:

:my reply:
I get nauseas(spelling?) after every attack. Never during, always at the very end and I barf my lungs out... Vomiting is comforting to me because of this. Then Im able to sleep and feel the pain fade.... Message Board » Powered by YaBB 1 Gold - SP 1.3.1!
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