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(Message started by: E-Double on Aug 18th, 2004, 7:58pm)

Title: feeling "strange"
Post by E-Double on Aug 18th, 2004, 7:58pm
Gotta a question and ofcourse we're not docs but maybe someone can either say don't sweat it or kick me in the ass to go get help now....

My BP was always fine so I do not know what it feels like if it gets too low but here is what I'm feeling...

Yesterday I forgot my verap dose @ 630p I took it at 10 I then went back to my regular schedule this morning...

Take @ 630am and literally as the am progressed (by 8am) my right side the CH side started going numb. My arms, hand, neck.... My "clusterlump" got bigger but no major hit.

When I got my feeling back it just felt achey. Really achey.

Since I've felt lethargic and just Yucky. Had these feelings on and off all day just shitty.

I know that is not normal but should I be worried?

I also just finished a taper yesterday. Maybe that is why. Just curious.

Thank you,


Title: Re: feeling "strange"
Post by IndianaJohn on Aug 18th, 2004, 8:01pm
Hey Eric,

The symptoms sound like a result of the taper than the verap.  Low BP make ya feel weak and lightheaded (had that before).

Best Wishes Bro'!


Title: Re: feeling "strange"
Post by E-Double on Aug 18th, 2004, 8:04pm

on 08/18/04 at 20:01:54, IndianaJohn wrote:
Hey Eric,

The symptoms sound like a result of the taper than the verap.  Low BP make ya feel weak and lightheaded (had that before).

Best Wishes Bro'!


Kinda feeling that too...
Don't remember feeling this way after any other time on Pred though.



Title: Re: feeling "strange"
Post by ex_pat_asia on Aug 18th, 2004, 9:00pm
I am more inclined to suspect the mis-timing of the Verapamil. I didn't have time to look for it but there is an instruction with Verapamil that limits the window for "catching up" if you a miss a dose. The Verapamil feels "druggy" to me,  ligjt headed, giddy. However,, the numbness you describe is a bit more worrisome and may need to be checked out if you are still feeling it.

Title: Re: feeling "strange"
Post by Jimmy_B on Aug 18th, 2004, 9:29pm

Are you still having the numbness &/or aching feeling. If it's still going on...I would get thee to your Doctor.

That general lethargic feeling wouldn't worry me too much. Especially since you said you are just finishing up on a taper. But the numbness & achey feeling ain't right. Could be any number of things. I would check it out.

Good Luck

Title: Re: feeling "strange"
Post by E-Double on Aug 18th, 2004, 9:31pm
Appreciate all the ideas/advice brothers!!!


P.S. Jimmy...Space for rent lol! Gotcha ;)

Title: Re: feeling "strange"
Post by Biker on Aug 18th, 2004, 10:30pm
Too much Verapamil makes me light headed, and I also feel a slight numbness in my toes and fingers.  Standing up quickly makes me dizzy.  My heart seems to thump kinda slow when I get too much.  Oh my----the things I do to myself to avoid those headaches.  

Title: Re: feeling "strange"
Post by TxBasslady on Aug 19th, 2004, 2:15am
Ending the taper could make you feel bad, but I have to agree with Jimmy.   If you still have numbness, certainly you need to check that out.

At the end of my taper last year, I felt quite sick.   More like an anxiety attack though....heart seemed to be beating faster than normal....couldn't seem to "catch my breath", and stomach was jittery.

Hope you get to feeling better, let us know.


Title: Re: feeling "strange"
Post by E-Double on Aug 19th, 2004, 7:05am
Again always like to start with the appreciation!!!

Well, I woke up pain free for the first time in ages although i had a 2am and a 4am tease. nice!!

Anyway that's the head ;) the "problems" with the arm seemed ok or just weren't there.

I take my meds @ 6:30, then by 7am I get that achey feeling running from neck through arm again.

Think I'm going to call my doc or if it progresses possibly go to the hospital... Not sure because it doesn't seem to be an emergency... Go figure

Thanks again

Title: Re: feeling "strange"
Post by IndianaJohn on Aug 19th, 2004, 7:59am
Dude, call your doc.  It's worth a phone call at least.

Glad to hear you had a pf night, I did too!  though mine was to to starting the pred, but hey, I'll take what I can get!

Best Wishes


Title: Re: feeling "strange"
Post by lionsound on Aug 19th, 2004, 10:37am
Congrats on the good night!!!!

Hope you called your doc.
Anything different from the norm is worth checking out. And the one-sided ness sounds kind of neuro.

Title: Re: feeling "strange"
Post by E-Double on Aug 19th, 2004, 2:19pm
just got off with my neuro...Nice guy called me back promptly

The lethargy: he feels is attribute dto the verap.
Wants me to taper down to 360.

I know some may tolerate higher but maybe I don't???

As far as the numbing and the pain wants me to go for a Neck CT or MRI to rule out any disc problems.
If there are disc problems I certainly know how I got those
Told me that if I don't get relief soon then we try another taper of roids....

Just sick of this shit!

I don't know what to do?

Well gotta stay positive or try to at least.


Thanks again!!!!

Title: Re: feeling "strange"
Post by Prense on Aug 19th, 2004, 4:05pm

on 08/19/04 at 14:19:40, E-Double wrote:
just got off with my neuro...Nice guy called me back promptly

F R E A K ! ! !


Hang in there Eric!


Title: Re: feeling "strange"
Post by E-Double on Aug 19th, 2004, 4:25pm

on Today at 2:19pm, E-Double wrote:just got off with my neuro...Nice guy called me back promptly  

F R E A K ! ! !


Hang in there Eric!


Glad to make ya laugh!! and I needed the smile so thanks

Title: Re: feeling "strange"
Post by crazy_mj on Aug 20th, 2004, 1:52pm
Glad your feeling better!!!
You will have to tell us what they figure out.

amanda jane

Title: Re: feeling "strange"
Post by Jonny on Aug 20th, 2004, 9:03pm
Missing verap wont lower you BP.....thats what verap does....Lower you BP.....LOL

...............................jonny ;;D

Title: Re: feeling "strange"
Post by E-Double on Aug 20th, 2004, 11:54pm

on 08/20/04 at 21:03:31, Jonny wrote:
Missing verap wont lower you BP.....thats what verap does....Lower you BP.....LOL

...............................jonny ;;D

I had meant that maybe because it was too close together......

Anyway dropped down to 360 today and actually felt better. No arm bullshit. So I guess that is good. Let's just hope that I don't start Dancin all night again.


Thanks all,

Title: Re: feeling "strange"
Post by Kevin_M on Aug 21st, 2004, 9:05am

on 08/20/04 at 23:54:27, E-Double wrote:
Anyway dropped down to 360 today and actually felt better. No arm bullshit. So I guess that is good. Let's just hope that I don't start Dancin all night again.

You'll know in a couple days, good luck E-.

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