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(Message started by: IndianaJohn on Aug 8th, 2004, 6:38pm)

Title: Re: nauseous clusterheads unite!
Post by IndianaJohn on Aug 8th, 2004, 6:38pm
Hi there

Glad you're here.  Sorry that you have to be.  

Not to be short , but I'm having a tough day.  My kip 10's will 90% of the time have nausea with them.

Best Wishes

Title: Re: nauseous clusterheads unite!
Post by pubgirl on Aug 8th, 2004, 7:35pm
The trouble with making more play of the "atypical symptoms" is that people with very treatable headache conditions may then diagnose themselves with CH.

The simple fact is that the vast majority of CH sufferers are not photophobic, do not suffer nausea beyond that brought on by extreme pain or get relief from vomiting, and do not lie down during any attacks. They also do not go years between attacks by avoiding MSG, though some individuals find MSG may trigger an attack when in cycle.

To put these symptoms in any differential diagnosis list for CH would cause an avalanche of migraine sufferers to say they have CH


Title: Re: nauseous clusterheads unite!
Post by ex_pat_asia on Aug 8th, 2004, 11:08pm

Don't let pubgirl's dismissive remarks put you off. (Reminds me of some of the doctors I have encountered).
Factually, it almost doesn't matter whether you have migraine or cluster in terms of your participation on this board. You are welcome here in either case. (Tiresome..this "clubby" attitude you will see occasionally reflected in the posts here, as if clusterheads wanted to guard the gate.)   Most of the posters here are people of extremely good will and will welcome your comments and engage you in exchanging info.

I just wanted to tell you that many years ago a neuerologist told me that he suspected I might be experiencing migraine overlay on a cluster cycle. In hindsight I suspect he was reacting to my report of strong shadow headaches between major bouts during that particular episode. At the time he mentioned a study that supported the idea that both maladies could exist in a single patient. This particular Dr. is not one easily dismissed. It was Lee Kudrow, a lecturer at UCLA - Med and founder of the California Headache Clinic in Encino, California. His son, David Kudrow, continues to practice and operate the clinic. I suspect Lee has retired.

I have been curious about his remarks and occasionally will attempt to search the literature. So far I have found nothing and it is entirely possible that the theory has proven to lead nowhere. Still, whether you suffer cluster attacks or migraine attacks, the two are very kindred phenomena and we proably have much to learn together.
Hope you have all PFDAN

"Prejudices are most difficult to eradicate from the heart whose soil has never been loosened or fertilized by education; they grow firm there, firm as weeds among stones."     -Charlotte Bronte

Title: Re: nauseous clusterheads unite!
Post by pubgirl on Aug 9th, 2004, 5:10am
You are reading and attacking me on stuff I didn't write again ex-pat asia (halo and horns effect)

I am not dismissing gr8fulnauseous girl, I sympathise with her as I have symptoms very like hers as I am a migraine and CH sufferer and they often overlap in a person with both conditions.

If you read again, you will see that I am explaining why making the atypical symptoms as high profile as the 'classic' ones would be likely to result in an avalanche of migraine sufferers misdiagnosing themselves. CH is a chronically misdiagnosed condition, and the downside of the work that is being done by the various OUCH organisations to make the medical profession more aware of it is that they are now frequently diagnosing any one-sided headache as CH, when it could be something more easily treated.
I talk to very large numbers of migraine sufferers who have been told that they have CH and vice versa. Even more worrying , there are many who have the short-lived headache types, most of which are very treatable who are also being told they have CH. This is borderline criminal when one drug could end their pain. The lines can be blurred, so it is better to start with the International Headache Society criteria for new visitors here, or huge confusion can result.
The initial entry to the site gives good and clear indicators of what these criteria are, the atypical symptoms can be discussed here as gr8fulnauseous girl did.

I am not clubby, nor am I a 'gatekeeper' (I let Jonny and Ueli et al do that!) nor do I dismiss migraine sufferers, in fact I have often defended them on here being one myself if you had been around long enough to see all my posts rather than just picking on me for two you don't agree with. I also try when I am on here to pick up the people with symptoms of the other TACs who are being told they have CH. So please do not accuse me of being dismissive when you don't know the whole story. Just look at the medications board threads if you want to see how 'dismissive' I am of other sufferers here.

Try attacking the people who don't help rather than those who try to contribute.


Title: Re: nauseous clusterheads unite!
Post by ex_pat_asia on Aug 9th, 2004, 6:22am

on 08/09/04 at 05:10:52, pubgirl wrote:
You are reading and attacking me on stuff I didn't write again ex-pat asia (halo and horns effect)

I am not dismissing gr8fulnauseous girl, I sympathise with her as I have symptoms very like hers as I am a migraine and CH sufferer and they often overlap in a person with both conditions.

If you read again, you will see that I am explaining why making the atypical symptoms as high profile as the 'classic' ones would be likely to result in an avalanche of migraine sufferers misdiagnosing themselves.

Ok.. I did re-read what you wrote. I'll give you this one in the sense that my interpretation of the remarks you made may have been overboard. But the implication through ommission of what you didn't say has the same result.

You could have added that migraine and cluster are often co-mingled, and that you wanted the writer to appreciate the importance of proper diagnosis. Instead, through that ommission your remarks tended to rebuke what the poster had written.  I may have been hasty due to my bristling at what you wrote on the other thread. I think that your statement about diagnosis is a valid point and worth much discussion. Still, I can read and I am not directing my remarks to anything other than what you wrote (and didn't write) and the general timbre of what comes through. So maybe you're just insensitive. For all of your protests about how helpful you are to people you certainly didn't come across that way to me in the thread regarding carotid pressure. You need to review your stuff more objectively. You are probably a good person...who the hell knows...I can't tell from what you write.

on 08/09/04 at 05:10:52, pubgirl wrote:
Try attacking the people who don't help rather than those who try to contribute.

Wendy, I am really not intending to attack...but I admit that you made me feel defensive. I am not a stupid person, far from it...and I am not a kook.  Thats the way you made me feel. Apologies for carrying this over here. The end as far as I am concerned.

Title: Re: nauseous clusterheads unite!
Post by Mark C on Aug 9th, 2004, 6:48am
First...welcome to the board...

Second....I too get nauseous when the pain level gets high....but not usually...only about 5-10% of the time..

Third...I too prefer darkness and to be alone.....

Fourth....I celebrate (?) 30 years (!) of CH this year...textbook ECH....

Fifth...who gave jonny the keys to the door!


Title: Re: nauseous clusterheads unite!
Post by pubgirl on Aug 9th, 2004, 7:06am
ex-pat-asia :-*
gr8fulnauseousgirl [smiley=hug.gif] migraines stink, clusters stink worse, having both is unfair!


Title: Re: nauseous clusterheads unite!
Post by synergy2120 on Aug 9th, 2004, 8:01am
Welcome to the board!!

Marc gets very nauseaus at a level 8 and if it hits a number 10 then he has to have the attack leaning over the toilet as he is constantly sick.

But marc has always had a weak stomach apparently - the slightest thing (like a dirty nappy or the smell of strong food) will make him sick.

Title: Re: nauseous clusterheads unite!
Post by don on Aug 9th, 2004, 11:58am

Factually, it almost doesn't matter whether you have migraine or cluster in terms of your participation on this board.

You better read the sign on the front door of this site dude.

This site is devoted completely and exclusively to those that suffer from, and to the supporters of those who suffer from Cluster Headaches!

By the way, an overall sick feeling including my stomach is my first indication I have one coming.

Title: Re: nauseous clusterheads unite!
Post by Samantha_Smith on Aug 9th, 2004, 12:04pm

Welcome to the board.  I'm glad you posted.  I have dealt with nauseousness also--it's a tough symptom to beat and I have struggled with my weight (loss) for several years because I just don't have an appetite for food. Oftentimes I have turned to Ensure or other supplemental type drinks in order to get the calories and nutrients I need. Also, I tend to eat smaller but more meals throughout the day. In addition to clusters I have migraines also and sometimes the symptoms overlap and melt into each other.  I'm sorry that you had to witness "misinterpretations" here on your first post--I hope this doesn't deter you from posting in the future. Feel free to PM me if you want more tips on how to deal with nauseousness. Welcome to the family!  PFDAN's to you---Samantha

Title: Re: nauseous clusterheads unite!
Post by Margi on Aug 9th, 2004, 12:36pm
Hi Gr8ful,
Sorry to hear you're going through this.  Your symptoms do sound like cluster, even though the nausea is rare for most sufferers.  

Wendy brought up an excellent point (even though she had to defend herself!) - there ARE a lot of misdiagnoses out there and treating non-cluster with cluster meds can be very dangerous if not fatal.  THAT's why we (yes, I said "we", call me a clubby if you will but this IS the reason we are this way) are quick to pick out any and all anomalies in symptoms.  

The thing that scares me most about your posts here is that you were diagnosed by a friend?  Are you not under the care of a cluster knowledgeable doctor/neuro?  Have you tried oxygen as an abortive?  
Also, I see you're from Kingston, ON.  My husband is, as well (we now live in Calgary though).  We've started a Canadian cluster website (O.U.C.H. Canada was incorporated January, 2004) and have a growing number of Canadian sufferers and supporters online now.  Please feel free to visit us there as well - we do have other sufferers in your area!  It really can help you to talk to other who understand your pain. - we have the same format message board and the link to it is on our home page.  

p.s.  not sure if you've tried Gravol to try to help get you through the night.  It prevents you from getting into REM sleep which is when the nighttime hits occur AND it will help IMMENSELY with your nausea.  It's available in generic form at London Drugs, Safeway and Shoppers Drug Mart without prescription.  Please try it.

Title: Re: nauseous clusterheads unite!
Post by JDH on Aug 9th, 2004, 2:48pm

on 08/08/04 at 23:08:35, ex_pat_asia wrote:

Factually, it almost doesn't matter whether you have migraine or cluster in terms of your participation on this board. You are welcome here in either case. (Tiresome..this "clubby" attitude you will see occasionally reflected in the posts here, as if clusterheads wanted to guard the gate.)   Most of the posters here are people of extremely good will and will welcome your comments and engage you in exchanging info.

Fact is we do want to guard the gate as there are many migraine related sites BUT this is the only place for cluster h/a sufferers.
The web site administrator will confirm this.


Title: Re: nauseous clusterheads unite!
Post by thomas on Aug 9th, 2004, 5:24pm

on 08/08/04 at 23:08:35, ex_pat_asia wrote:

Factually, it almost doesn't matter whether you have migraine or cluster in terms of your participation on this board. You are welcome here in either case.

Yes it does indeed matter.  And even us good-will people guard the gate, laddie.

Title: Re: nauseous clusterheads unite!
Post by purpleydog on Aug 9th, 2004, 7:37pm

on 08/09/04 at 12:36:27, Margi wrote:
The thing that scares me most about your posts here is that you were diagnosed by a friend?  Are you not under the care of a cluster knowledgeable doctor/neuro?

The best thing for you to do is to get diagnosed by a doctor who specializes in clusters. Not by your friends, not by reading books. Then you will know exactly where you'll need to be as far as treatment. I too have clusters and migraines. I don't get nausea with CH.  


Title: Re: nauseous clusterheads unite!
Post by 9erfan on Aug 9th, 2004, 8:26pm

on 08/08/04 at 23:08:35, ex_pat_asia wrote:
Factually, it almost doesn't matter whether you have migraine or cluster in terms of your participation on this board. You are welcome here in either case. (Tiresome..this "clubby" attitude you will see occasionally reflected in the posts here, as if clusterheads wanted to guard the gate.)    

Uhhh...wrong.  It DOES matter!  As Don said, check the sign at the door.  This is not a migraine site.

gr8ful-  I get very nauseous when my clusters get their worst....KIP 10's every couple hours...I don't know if it's nausea from extreme pain or from excessive medication.  I usually wind up throwing up after a few days of constant 10's.

Title: Re: nauseous clusterheads unite!
Post by ex_pat_asia on Aug 9th, 2004, 9:38pm

on 08/09/04 at 11:58:14, don wrote:
You better read the sign on the front door of this site dude.

THAT's why we (yes, I said "we", call me a clubby if you will but this IS the reason we are this way) are quick to pick out any and all anomalies in symptoms.
 I think you meant "this is the reason we are here" but I could be mistaken.

Uhhh...wrong.  It DOES matter!  As Don said, check the sign at the door.  This is not a migraine site.

Yes it does indeed matter.  And even us good-will people guard the gate, laddie.

Ok folks...why?  Why would we want to exclude posts from migraineurs? Is it your opinions that we have nothing to learn from each other? Is it really concern that misdiagnosis could occur by their participation? If so doesn't it seem counter intuitive to try to discourage their postings so we can review their experience and offer some guidance about the distinction?

Look, forget a minute that I used the word "clubby". I admit that I used it for the negative connotation it usually carries. Let me replace it with a more accurate word-> exclusionary. Exclusionary is fine...we should be exclusionary. This is a board with a topic and we should try to stick to it. Best way to do that is to ignore unrelated posts. But my contention would be that migraineurs have a malady that is very similar to our own and that much of the research overlaps as do many of the therapies offered. Testimonilas on this thread suggest that there is at least more nausea within this group then one may have guessed. Is it overlap of two maladies...or is it a part of Cluster for the very rare clusterhead?

I realize there is a real education challenge for clusterheads in terms of getting the medical and general community information that promotes a better distinction and places cluster in a realm that is recognized for its uniqueness. We have a legitimate reason to want more focused research.

However, I know no better way to draw distinctions then to benchmark both sides between that which you want to distinguish.

Frankly, if I thought this BB was simply a place for us all to get together and posts "Gee ain't it awful" and "Boy aren't we poor lost souls" and other soft stroke pablum, I wouldn't bother. What I am primarily interested in is information -- real stuff that helps me get a handle on this irritating part of me. There is a place for expressions of empathy and that is a wonderful aspect of these threads but fo rme it is the least this thread has to offer. I still feel that migrainuers may offer us something. But that is just my humble opinion.  

Sorry to hear you're going through this.  Your symptoms do sound like cluster, even though the nausea is rare for most sufferers.
I agree and that is my point. In this case, a terse post tended to make the opening author feel repudiated (as she has noted) and yet she is likely a clusterhead. It could've been end of story, so that not only would a possible cluster sufferer gone wanting support & information...we wouldn't have all the other posters admitting that nausea plays a role in their cluster. Even more interesting to me is the aspect of enduring both conditions hinted at in this and other threads. I have yet to see a study or reputable source on the topic and would love to because I have a friend who may be experiencing that very thing.

In my opinion there is a potential for error on the exclusionary side that does not support the minimal risk a little more tolerance would involve. That error includes the diagnosis issue as well as the error of closing our minds to potentially helpful info. I feel that being to quick to dismiss someone's ideas or anecdotal information can be folly. I do not think that there are bad people here...and I apologize for using the term "clubby" which may have been to inflammatory. Still, I would plea for a little more tolerance when first hearing a poster out.

Title: Re: nauseous clusterheads unite!
Post by don on Aug 9th, 2004, 9:48pm
My reply to all that is a simple one.

Go do all the work, put in all the time, invest all the money, that the webmaster of this site that is  
devoted completely and exclusively to those that suffer from, and to the supporters of those who suffer from Cluster Headaches!
into a site that suits your preferance. Until then the sign, put there by the owner of this site, remains hung. Not by you. Not by me. By the owner of the site.

Title: Re: nauseous clusterheads unite!
Post by ex_pat_asia on Aug 9th, 2004, 9:57pm

on 08/09/04 at 21:48:54, don wrote:
My reply to all that is a simple one.

Go do all the work, put in all the time, invest all the money, that the webmaster of this site that is  
into a site that suits your preferance. Until then the sign, put there by the owner of this site, remains hung. Not by you. Not by me. By the owner of the site.

Don, I won't argue the point with you...because you are not reading me correctly on haven't said anything that dissuades me. My argument would be that posts from a migrainuer could have value for us...and is not at odds with the spirit of the statement you quote above.

Title: Re: nauseous clusterheads unite!
Post by don on Aug 9th, 2004, 10:03pm
But I am reading you correctly and I agree that input from any chronic pain sufferer is valuable.

The point you are missing is it is not for you, me, or anyone else to decide what is presented on this site.

The originator has already decided that.

You know what is really ironic? Iam making this argument under the heading

"Cluster Headache SPECIFIC".

Title: Re: nauseous clusterheads unite!
Post by JDH on Aug 9th, 2004, 11:04pm

on 08/09/04 at 22:03:00, don wrote:
You know what is really ironic? Iam making this argument under the heading

"Cluster Headache SPECIFIC".

'nuff said  [smiley=laugh.gif]


Title: Re: nauseous clusterheads unite!
Post by ex_pat_asia on Aug 9th, 2004, 11:28pm

on 08/09/04 at 22:03:00, don wrote:
But I am reading you correctly and I agree that input from any chronic pain sufferer is valuable.

The point you are missing is it is not for you, me, or anyone else to decide what is presented on this site.

The originator has already decided that.

You know what is really ironic? Iam making this argument under the heading

"Cluster Headache SPECIFIC".

Specious argument Don. Factually we disagree on the spirit of the definition. Also: we do decide what is posted, by our very post, and are subject to censure if the BB owner chooses. But look, enough said..I don't think we are getting anywhere. Wish I understood what you were clinging to but I don't. Still, I surrender this topic as it isn't going anywhere. We can agree to disagree.

Title: Re: nauseous clusterheads unite!
Post by Ueli on Aug 10th, 2004, 12:46am
Ex, the reason we don't want to discuss meegraines here is very simple:

There are about a 100 times more meegrainers around than clusterheads. So we must forestall by all means that the meegrainers take over this site, or we would be back the conditions that caused DJ to create this site: He got tired of wading through hundreds of meegraine posts just to find something about CH.  

Click on the button at right About This Site ( and read what DJ has to say, including this
When my annual cycle started a few years ago (April 1st, 1998 ), I immediately got on the web to find out if there was any information that I could possibly use to help me cope with the upcoming three or so months. Much to my dismay, there was literally NO information out there! I couldn't believe it! I thought to myself, how hard could it be to build my own site?

Ex, you can't convince me with
But my contention would be that migraineurs have a malady that is very similar to our own and that much of the research overlaps as do many of the therapies offered.
This is a oversimplified wishy-washy statement, often quoted by people with not much knowledge, who get a headache too when they drink too much.  

Agreed, there are some meds that help both, like the triptans that act on the common crossing point of trigeminal nerve and neighboring blood vessels. But IMHO, here end the similarities between the two diseases. Searching for any further commonalities does a disservice to clusterheads, and is likely to cause further suffering through wrong treatment of CH. Just think about those that were poisoned for years with beta blockers, almost useless for CH, and consequently needlessly suffered, just because some ignoramus thought: Beta blockers make good preventative for meegraines, so why not for clusters too?

So, let's keep this site clean of any discussions about meegraine treatments!

Otherwise we get thrown back to the dark ages and we will once again have to dig through heaps of meegraine related stuff to find an occasional bit about CH.

Ueli                 [smiley=smokin.gif]

Title: Re: nauseous clusterheads unite!
Post by UN_SOLVED on Aug 10th, 2004, 1:03am
uuuuummmmm......I never get sick.  


Title: Re: nauseous clusterheads unite!
Post by AnthonyT on Aug 10th, 2004, 8:18am
I often feel a touch of nausea with an attack. Nowhere near enough to vomit, and not particularly bothersome... but one of those things familiar to me when the puppetmaster of pain decides to take over.

Title: Re: nauseous clusterheads unite!
Post by thomas on Aug 10th, 2004, 8:44am

on 08/09/04 at 21:38:31, ex_pat_asia wrote:
Ok folks...why?  Why would we want to exclude posts from migraineurs? Is it your opinions that we have nothing to learn from each other?

It would be like having straight couples post on a gay marriage site, yes they both live together, both couples love their respected mates, and they both have sex.  HOWEVER, they don't have a frickin' clue what the other couple is going through or talking about for that matter.  I hope this helps you understand. ;;D  (This post was not meant to offend those of any sexual persuasion, just trying to illustrate a point.)

Title: Re: nauseous clusterheads unite!
Post by JDH on Aug 10th, 2004, 9:05am

on 08/10/04 at 08:44:39, thomas wrote:
It would be like having straight couples post on a gay marriage site, yes they both live together, both couples love their respected mates, and they both have sex.  HOWEVER, they don't have a frickin' clue what the other couple is going through or talking about for that matter.  

Good analogy T-man.


Title: Re: nauseous clusterheads unite!
Post by ex_pat_asia on Aug 10th, 2004, 12:54pm

on 08/10/04 at 00:46:53, Ueli wrote:
Ex, you can't convince me with
This is a oversimplified wishy-washy statement, often quoted by people with not much knowledge, who get a headache too when they drink too much.  

Ueli, this kind of comment is counter productive and vapid to an extreme - much like the rest of your post. I don't have anything to prove to you about my experience with CH (30 years) or the extent of my knowledhe about them or why your arguments void of rationale. You wouldn't understand them. It is self evident to any person with any intelligence. So take your insults elsewhere.  

Thomas, you come closest with a rational argument by posing an analogy that slightly fits. It doesn't pursuade me completely. Actually, this whole discussion took place because a psoter was treated dismissively by another...and it turned out that the original poster was most likely a clusterhead.

I appreciate DJ's intentions here and am thankful for all of this. I have expressed so many times. Those of you clusterheads with experience and rational though will selectively read and note posts that are worthwhile. In the end that is all we have anyway.  

I pormise not to issue any mass invitations to migraineurs.

Ueli  - Buzz off

Title: Re: nauseous clusterheads unite!
Post by don on Aug 10th, 2004, 12:57pm

Ueli  - Buzz off  

You know. You really haven't been around long enough to say that.

You have just asked a valuable and long time contributer to "Buzz off"?

Thats balls.

Title: Re: nauseous clusterheads unite!
Post by ex_pat_asia on Aug 10th, 2004, 1:09pm

on 08/10/04 at 12:57:28, don wrote:
You know. You really haven't been around long enough to say that.

You have just asked a valuable and long time contributer to "Buzz off"?

Thats balls.

Nope  not asking...telling because I can use the ignore. But Don, there you go is a club isnt it? You just confirmed it. And I am the newbie you want to slap down.

God you folks are so self absorbed that you don't see the prize. Look, the simple fact is that Migraineuers will drive the R&D dollars in vascular headache. The simple fact is that there is much overlap in the two maladies. yes they are distinct and I am all for keeping the integrity of the board and its focus on cluster...for gosh sake...I have them too. But you guys are way off base. And Ueli with the insults will buzz off...doesnt have a far as my reading is concerned. Why waste the time?

Title: Re: nauseous clusterheads unite!
Post by don on Aug 10th, 2004, 1:16pm
You are going to interpret any post to fit exactly what you want it to mean.

And I am the newbie you want to slap down.  

Again not even close.

Title: Re: nauseous clusterheads unite!
Post by IndianaJohn on Aug 10th, 2004, 1:49pm
"Can't we all just get along?"

Wonder if we scared her off? Hope not, she did sound like she did have CH.

Title: Re: nauseous clusterheads unite!
Post by pubgirl on Aug 10th, 2004, 2:00pm
ex-pat, I know you mean well, but you are reading what you want to read again and it is getting frustrating.


I just said that we should not "highlight upfront any atypical symptoms for newbies" as this would cause (in my view) huge numbers of undiagnosed people who do not have CH thinking they do. The upshot of this is that they go down a difficult treatment route for a condition they do not have and very probably miss a simple treatment which could relieve their pain.

The symptoms gr8fulnauseous girl (wish I had a name, feels awful using just that, sorry) has are NOT typical Ch symptoms. This doesn't mean she doesn't have CH. She knows better, but many, many who come here do not.
I feel a sense of responsibility to try my best to make sure that if somone doesn't have CH that they get the right treatment for the headache condition they DO have. Check the archives if you think I'm bullshitting


Title: Re: nauseous clusterheads unite!
Post by writer on Aug 10th, 2004, 2:32pm
Ex_pat_asia makes some good points.  I made one reasonably well-thought-out post here, some time back, and was so curtly and quickly dismissed I have not cared to repeat the experience.  


Title: Re: nauseous clusterheads unite!
Post by pubgirl on Aug 10th, 2004, 2:41pm

I can't get my PC to find your old posts. What was your point? Would it help to make it again with everyone (including me  :-[) to remember that we have to stop being cranky impatient sleep deprived clusterheads (which many of us are) and listen.


Title: Re: nauseous clusterheads unite!
Post by don on Aug 10th, 2004, 3:09pm

Ex_pat_asia makes some good points.  

Never said he didn't. What I did say is that he seems to be missing the whole point and intention of the site.

Title: Re: nauseous clusterheads unite!
Post by Prense on Aug 10th, 2004, 4:30pm

on 08/10/04 at 13:09:54, ex_pat_asia wrote:
Look, the simple fact is that Migraineuers will drive the R&D dollars in vascular headache.

Pass that on to Goadsby and ask him to stop wasting his time...

Out of all the websites out here that are devoted to head pain, I ended up finding the only support board for CH...

Wonder why...


Title: Re: nauseous clusterheads unite!
Post by E-Double on Aug 10th, 2004, 8:25pm
Pain Sucks!!!!!!!!!!

so does the intolerance and the impatience that some of us develop from this damn affliction

I support those who need it and ya'll are my family.

Now besides the prevents and the aborts ... take a Xanax and chill because all the drama is going to trigger someone into an attack! ;)

Thanks for listening...
Love ya'll and here to help if I can.


Title: Re: nauseous clusterheads unite!
Post by don on Aug 10th, 2004, 8:46pm
Decaf dude. Decaf.

Title: Re: nauseous clusterheads unite!
Post by E-Double on Aug 10th, 2004, 8:51pm

on 08/10/04 at 20:46:50, don wrote:
Decaf dude. Decaf.


Sorry Don but I guess the point was made ;;D


Title: Re: nauseous clusterheads unite!
Post by ex_pat_asia on Aug 11th, 2004, 3:11am
All points taken, will think them through...believe as always that in the loggerheads good points can be missed.
Special apologies to Ueli for telling him to "buzz off". Don't do it and allow me a retraction.

Written with humility and a sure knowledge that I won't always be able to get a point across.

Title: Re: nauseous clusterheads unite!
Post by Margi on Aug 11th, 2004, 9:06pm
hey, great post, nauseagirl (we gotta find you a better name! ;))

We have some sufferers in your area over at OUCH Canada - they may be able to get you in touch with a cluster knowledge doc in Ontario, ok?  Please come visit us.

And, again - please try the gravol.  It's magic.

Hope to see you north of the 49th!

Title: Re: nauseous clusterheads unite!
Post by IndianaJohn on Aug 11th, 2004, 9:17pm
Yes, Great post ngirl, welcome back!

For the rest of us, I know I'm a newbie too, but lets not have these kind of debates on a newbies thread.  Can't you see how absolutely discouraging it can be?  I agree that this board should be for CH suffer's only, lord know we get misdiagnosed enough.  But if a debate must take place, could we not start it on another thread?  All I'm saying that we should direct newbies to the cluster quiz and ask questions.  I feel very fortunate to have been diagnosed by a doctor and have most of the classical symptoms.

I wish to say one more thing.  This board and all of you have made an enormous difference for the better in my life.  Just know that you are here makes going through this shit so much easier and I am greatful to all of you.  6 weeks ago I thought that I was completely alone.  Do you remember what that was like for yourselves?  Then I found this site.  And my life and my outlook on it has changed so much for the better.  All of you have given me hope, and comfort that I am NOT alone...



Title: Re: nauseous clusterheads unite!
Post by E-Double on Aug 11th, 2004, 9:22pm

on 08/11/04 at 21:17:40, IndianaJohn wrote:
Yes, Great post ngirl, welcome back!

For the rest of us, I know I'm a newbie too, but lets not have these kind of debates on a newbies thread.  Can't you see how absolutely discouraging it can be?  I agree that this board should be for CH suffer's only, lord know we get misdiagnosed enough.  But if a debate must take place, could we not start it on another thread?  All I'm saying that we should direct newbies to the cluster quiz and ask questions.  I feel very fortunate to have been diagnosed by a doctor and have most of the classical symptoms.

I wish to say one more thing.  This board and all of you have made an enormous difference for the better in my life.  Just know that you are here makes going through this shit so much easier and I am greatful to all of you.  6 weeks ago I thought that I was completely alone.  Do you remember what that was like for yourselves?  Then I found this site.  And my life and my outlook on it has changed so much for the better.  All of you have given me hope, and comfort that I am NOT alone...



Title: Re: nauseous clusterheads unite!
Post by Samantha_Smith on Aug 11th, 2004, 9:26pm
Holy cow!  Gr8fulnauseousgrl survives all the flamings, miscommunications, misinterpretations, and lives to post again while being a newbie!  All hail Gr8tfulnaesousgrl!  Props!  You go girl!  You have my total respect (whether or not you have clusters) just based upon the fact that you posted again and beat all the odds!  Unbelievable! Wow!  Samantha LOL

Title: Re: nauseous clusterheads unite!
Post by don on Aug 11th, 2004, 9:57pm
We sufferer the most intense pain known to man.

What is there not to believe about  that making someone sick to their stomach while being attacked.

Title: Re: nauseous clusterheads unite!
Post by Big Dan on Aug 11th, 2004, 10:34pm
Yeah..... so anyway.

Its not so much that the light that the uber-bitch would insist on shining in my eye (when I used to believe in the ER) really made it hurt more, it just made me want to strangle someone....

.... and the only time I got 'ill' was toward the end of a 6 hour bangfest... and it was purely from exhaustion...

.... and Don's a poopie head.

-Big Dan

Title: Re: nauseous clusterheads unite!
Post by Big Dan on Aug 11th, 2004, 10:40pm
Thing is, gr8fulnauseousgrl (so much easier to copy and paste)....

... is that each and every CHer is different... sure, ya can break it down into those who spew and those who don't... but then it breaks down even farther from there...

... ultimately, you'll just have to find out what works specifically for YOU, while working with a Neuro that's worth his weight in salt....

and PF2U...

-Big Dan

Title: Re: nauseous clusterheads unite!
Post by Drk^Angel on Aug 12th, 2004, 2:47am
gr8fulnauseousgrl...  Just wanted to mention that you may want to google "Cluster-Migraine Syndrome"  Good luck and welcome!

PFDAN....................................... Drk^Angel

Title: Re: nauseous clusterheads unite!
Post by don on Aug 12th, 2004, 2:57pm

and Don's a poopie head.

A poopie head? Your fucking brutal!


Title: Re: nauseous clusterheads unite!
Post by Lizzie2 on Aug 12th, 2004, 7:50pm
So my question is a spin off...what do you take for this nausea?  Anything?

I've been having some major nausea/vomiting lately, but it isnt due to CH.  It's due to the meds for CH.  We figure it is the lithium which is making me so sick since the zonegran WAS making me sick, but that was stopped, so now it seems like the lithium is the culprit!  I have bad reactions to compazine and phenergan, so I just was given Zofran the other day.  I really wanted to test it out, but 10 seconds after I took the pill, I threw it back up.  Oy....

Well hope you get something that treats the nausea!  And I would have to say that I agree with Dan because there are so many tiny variations for people even though we have major things in's rather difficult to pinpoint them all...

Good luck!
Carrie/Lizzie2 :)

Title: Re: nauseous clusterheads unite!
Post by alleyoop on Aug 12th, 2004, 8:31pm

on 08/12/04 at 19:50:15, Lizzie2 wrote:
 And I would have to say that I agree with Dan

.... and Don's a poopie head.

poopie head, poopie head, poopie head...................


Title: Re: nauseous clusterheads unite!
Post by don on Aug 12th, 2004, 9:01pm
Slanderous bastards.

Title: Re: nauseous clusterheads unite!
Post by Axel on Aug 12th, 2004, 9:58pm
        I've been getting ch attacks for a long time and they have evolved and changed in many ways ... and then 4yrs ago and every cycle since, I've been getting  nausea when the pain escalates, and then while getting wacked by the beast on /in the head , and  the K's  start climbing high, I feel a punch in the stomach ...and start throwing up.....usually many times during an attack....Food is not a factor,whether i ate or not before doesn't influence either way. That will last a while during peak weeks of cycle. So it might sound weird to some people, that other symptoms might also be associated with CH , just because THEY don't have them...personally I've learned to expect anything from the beast!!!>! I also have a few other undesirable side effects such as photofobia ,phonofobia and cannot tolerate slightess outside touch....   I finally  got o2 and imitrex this year, and am finally able to abort before it get to that level....    Axel.

Title: Re: nauseous clusterheads unite!
Post by BlueMeanie on Aug 12th, 2004, 11:07pm

You sure know how to start an interesting thread.

Welcome !!!! It does sound like you have CH with some form of Migraine symptoms built in. Many CH sufferers have both from what I've read.

The key here is Cluster Headaches. Sorry you've got the extra symptoms and I'm not downplaying them. It's people posting that anyone can join this canoe club is what's wrong.

For us who know the difference and have been diagnosed with CH's, it sucks bigtime to hear someone saying "yeah, I get those Migraines too". NO YOU DON'T.

Anyone who doesn't get Clusters have no idea what we are talking about. With that said, the door is open to CH sufferers ONLY.

PS: I do get nausea during a high KIP 9-10 but only if I have just ate before the Beast arrives.

Please see a Neuro. Not because I don't believe you about CH's, but so you can get the prevent & abortive meds you deserve to fight the Beast.


Title: Re: nauseous clusterheads unite!
Post by Gator on Aug 13th, 2004, 12:07pm

on 08/08/04 at 23:08:35, ex_pat_asia wrote:

Don't let pubgirl's dismissive remarks put you off. (Reminds me of some of the doctors I have encountered).
Factually, it almost doesn't matter whether you have migraine or cluster in terms of your participation on this board. You are welcome here in either case. (Tiresome..this "clubby" attitude you will see occasionally reflected in the posts here, as if clusterheads wanted to guard the gate.)   Most of the posters here are people of extremely good will and will welcome your comments and engage you in exchanging info.

gr8fulnauseousgrl, I am very sorry you are suffering this horrid disease.  Welcome to the website and the family.  Yes some people experience nausea.  I did a couple times when I first got these things and sometimes when changing meds.  I also suffer from photosensitivity.  There IS a thing called Cluster-Migraine Syndrome where the symptoms of both can occur at the same time.  I thought Wendy (Pubgirl) was very clear in what she was saying and she never said you did not have ch.  She also did not say ch'ers do not suffer nausea.

As far as the rest of this crap...

It was made very clear to me when I first arrived at this site and has been occassionally re-inforced since that sufferers of non-ch headaches are not welcome here.  The administrator spent his time, money and effort to create a disease specific site that he does not charge people to use.  Anyone can peruse the information contained here to see if s/he has the symptoms of the malady and if they do or if they support someone who does they are welcomed to post and if not they are welcomed to move on to a site more befitting their personal problem.  

Our benefactor, the creator of this website, DJ (remember him), has spoken out quite clearly (and fairly recently) on the subject of who this website and message board is for.  It is for Cluster Headache sufferers - period.  It is not a social club for every Tom, Dirk and Mary that has a headache.   Yes, we try to help those who are misinformed or mis-diagnosed either by doctor or by themselves find information and treatment, but the site exists for ch alone.

It is not your place ex_pat_asia or anyone elses to redfine the scope and purpose of this website.


Title: Re: nauseous clusterheads unite!
Post by ex_pat_asia on Aug 13th, 2004, 1:13pm

on 08/13/04 at 12:07:07, Gator wrote:
It is not your place ex_pat_asia or anyone elses to redfine the scope and purpose of this website.

I know you. Your the little runt that waits for the rest of the gang to beat the shit outta whoever they are beating and while the guy is lying on the sidewalk bleeding you run in and hit him with a long stick.

Hey, don't look now,  but later when no one is watching, when you have the chance, you may wanna read more and, quite possibly, discover that I have made it pretty clear that it is not my intention now or ever to redefine the scope of this thread. just wake up or something? Be careful and don't fall of that horse there pardner. Its a long way down.

Title: Re: nauseous clusterheads unite!
Post by pubgirl on Aug 13th, 2004, 1:30pm

You certainly know how to make friends and influence people don't you.

I am not on here all day but so far I have seen you:

1. Gave  basic CH advice to Unsolved_Equation practically in your first post. This was nearly funny as as I recall you were advising him on abortives. Unsolved is probably the only person on here who has tried nearly everything and is pretty damn knowledgeable as a result. You were cut some slack then, but your time is for slack is running out.
2. Insulted Ueli. He (when he can be bothered with the total crap) sheds a clear and intelligent light on all bullshit that appears on here.
3. Slated Gator who does all he can to make life better for new people when they arrive and old-timers when they are depressed or having a rough patch.
4. Arbitrarily on the basis of two posts accused me of being dismissive to new sufferers when I do my best with limited time to help anyone new or old and have done for nearly 3 years (less than many here I know :-[).

I know you have been a Ch sufferer for many years, but you must remember that others here have too. You do not have a monopoly. You may be a very nice man but you are appearing to be very arrogant.


Title: Re: nauseous clusterheads unite!
Post by ex_pat_asia on Aug 13th, 2004, 2:07pm
Sorry I offend your sense of heirarchy wendy. Proves what I have been saying all along. I waved the white flag, and said all I need to say. So who else is gonna come out of the woodwork to pile on late?

gator, I am sure you are a very nice fella filled with a heart of gold and maybe a pocket of cheap shots? Wendy you are a peach - a real Florence Nightengale that cannot possibly have been guilty of being dismissive. And of course,  Don and Thomas are not the sexual innuendo cretins I think they are.

All you big guns are really wonderful people and I am an idiot to assume that I could possibly be qualified to post some advice. No way compared to you paragons of this BBS.

How come you guys don't wanna give this a rest?  I have tried. Take it to PM if you aren't through. Or sit here and chortle cause I am not going to respond to you or any of your clique.

Title: Re: nauseous clusterheads unite!
Post by pubgirl on Aug 13th, 2004, 2:46pm
Hey ex-pat asia!

I like your style :D

Malign Don and Thomas as well. LMAO

Go for Jonny and you may have a Royal Flush! ;;D


P.S. Chuffed to bits that you are here to give advice, the more the better if people know what they are talking about, but I'm sorry, it's just that telling Unsolved about how to treat clusters WAS funny.

Title: Re: nauseous clusterheads unite!
Post by Gator on Aug 13th, 2004, 2:56pm

on 08/13/04 at 13:13:33, ex_pat_asia wrote:
I know you. Your the little runt that waits for the rest of the gang to beat the shit outta whoever they are beating and while the guy is lying on the sidewalk bleeding you run in and hit him with a long stick.

Hey, don't look now,  but later when no one is watching, when you have the chance, you may wanna read more and, quite possibly, discover that I have made it pretty clear that it is not my intention now or ever to redefine the scope of this thread. just wake up or something? Be careful and don't fall of that horse there pardner. Its a long way down.

ROFLMAO!!!  You crack me up.  Little runt, me.  Yeah, that's me - NOT!  

YOU DON'T KNOW ME.  You've been here how long?  How many people have you actually done research for because they didn't understand the nuances of the web?  How many members here have your phone number with instructions to call you anytime night or day?  How many people have you helped while they suffered through a cluster?  How many cards have you sent to sick and dying members of this family?  How many tears have you cried when someone here was hurting?  How many times have you felt genuine relief when someone's problem was resolved?

Fuck off - you don't know me.

You tried over and over again to ignore the purpose of the site and the title of the specific board to advance your agenda.  

Factually, it almost doesn't matter whether you have migraine or cluster in terms of your participation on this board.

I still feel that migrainuers may offer us something.

My argument would be that posts from a migrainuer could have value for us

Look, the simple fact is that Migraineuers will drive the R&D dollars in vascular headache.

You wouldn't listen until you were beat down by sheer numbers and then you threw one last dig as you raised your little white flag.

Written with humility and a sure knowledge that I won't always be able to get a point across.

I am not always on and reading everything that comes accross this message board.  Because of my particular medical conditions, I read what I can when I can and I post when I feel moved to do so.

In this case, my post was to welcome a sufferer, defend a family member and to remind everyone what DJ himself - you know, the man who allows you to be here in the first place? - has stated about the purpose of this website.

If you have a problem with that, tough shit.


Title: Re: nauseous clusterheads unite!
Post by Jonny on Aug 13th, 2004, 4:28pm

on 08/13/04 at 14:46:20, pubgirl wrote:
Go for Jonny and you may have a Royal Flush! ;;D

I've stayed out of this mess please dont drag my name in to it.

Anything that I would have said has already been said.

I have to get back throne is getting cold ;;D

.........................................Da King

Title: Re: nauseous clusterheads unite!
Post by IndianaJohn on Aug 13th, 2004, 5:22pm
Isn't enough fuckin' enough! Here I started a thread for all this smack down bullshit!;action=display;num=1092431656

Title: Re: nauseous clusterheads unite!
Post by Gator on Aug 13th, 2004, 5:53pm

on 08/13/04 at 17:22:16, IndianaJohn wrote:
Isn't enough fuckin' enough! Here I started a thread for all this smack down bullshit!;action=display;num=1092431656

[Holding head and pacing back and forth] Oh my gawd! can't we all get along?  

No, not always.  Too many different personalities for that.  I think clusterheads have a higher percentage of Alpha Male/Alpha Female personalities 'cause of all the crap we go through.   Shit's gonna happen, better to let it and move on.

We don't need a flaming thread.  We need people that can actually read the name of this website "ClusterHeadaches".com and the title of this particular message board  "Cluster Headache Specific"  

In the immortal words of J (Men In Black) "Don't start nothin - won't be nothin"

Title: Re: nauseous clusterheads unite!
Post by don on Aug 13th, 2004, 10:59pm

Isn't enough fuckin' enough! Here I started a thread for all this smack down bullshit!

I'm fine right here in this thread thank you.

Title: Re: nauseous clusterheads unite!
Post by JDH on Aug 13th, 2004, 11:35pm
I never get nauseous during a CH but 3 pages of this shit has made me that way.
I'm thinkin' ex_pat_asia has gotten the point about this being a CH website. ::)


Title: Re: nauseous clusterheads unite!
Post by ex_pat_asia on Aug 13th, 2004, 11:52pm

on 08/13/04 at 23:35:51, JDH wrote:
I never get nauseous during a CH but 3 pages of this shit has made me that way.
I'm thinkin' ex_pat_asia has gotten the point about this being a CH website. ::)


Yea...I got it. Hey gator, I'd tell you to go fuck yourself but it would be pointless in your case. No overcoming the physics.

Title: Re: nauseous clusterheads unite!
Post by Jonny on Aug 14th, 2004, 12:32am

on 08/13/04 at 23:52:48, ex_pat_asia wrote:
Hey gator, I'd tell you to go fuck yourself but it would be pointless in your case. No overcoming the physics.

Ok ass-hole, heres where I get into it

If you dont like it here go the fuck elsewhere, you take your meegraine sucking ass where people will like you, cause peeps here sure as hell dont like you.

If you want to continue to bust these fine folks balls I'll see that your ISP# is pulled from this site.

Like I said....I tried to stay out of this, but dude your over the line.


Title: Re: nauseous clusterheads unite!
Post by ex_pat_asia on Aug 14th, 2004, 1:32am

on 08/14/04 at 00:32:12, Jonny wrote:
Ok ass-hole, heres where I get into it

If you dont like it here go the fuck elsewhere, you take your meegraine sucking ass where people will like you, cause peeps here sure as hell dont like you.

If you want to continue to bust these fine folks balls I'll see that your ISP# is pulled from this site.

Like I said....I tried to stay out of this, but dude your over the line.


ohhh  ohhh NOW your pissed huh?
Just curious Jonny but what makes my insulting post worse then his? Is it because you have this affinity born of many hours of posting with him and finding common ground. Thats good. That what a thread is for.

But when it gets to be a clubby deal with exclusionary posts (like innunedo sexual innunedo towards  a new poster on another thread, like insults about intelligence, like dismissiveness because someone MAY be a migraineuer instead a BONA FIDE clusterhead. Too bad you are pissed --hard to think when that happens? I am not pissed as much as I am disgusted with the whole lot of you. You have to be one of the most viscous, self congratulatory, moronic club of BB bullies I have seen. You talk about "suck your dick" on the same threads where 16 year old girls are posting heart rending stories of their headache (and that's your female friend to which all the "boys jump into it). You get all macho and like a wolf pack rise to the flame wars, kicking as the opponent tries to leave the room.

OK big guy...pull my ISP whatever. I honestly do not care if I post here again. Actually, if my departure would cause your whole gang to chill for a while maybe that would be a good thing. But it ain't gonna happen. While you all keep congratulating yourselves on your so-called benevolence the real truth shows. You are just a bunch of pathetic BB bullies feeling sorry for yourselves.

Title: Re: nauseous clusterheads unite!
Post by pubgirl on Aug 14th, 2004, 4:39am

on 08/14/04 at 01:32:52, ex_pat_asia wrote:
on the same threads where 16 year old girls are posting heart rending stories of their headache (and that's your female friend to which all the "boys jump into it). You get all macho and like a wolf pack rise to the flame wars, kicking as the opponent tries to leave the room.

That is ridiculous and unfair. That comment is actually on a thread posted by a nutter claiming a cure for CH, and every poster on the thread is a mature male, no newbies, no women if you check. I hardly think that what I wrote was particularly bad or harmful in any case, I would delete it immediately if I did.

Also, you are seeing what you want see again. Whatever you may think, no-one posted here to defend me against you because they are my 'friends', never spoken to several of them before in my life, they posted because they didn't agree with you or like the way you post. If you post in an inflammatory way, you get flames back, simple as that. If you don't want to get into arguments, don't post unpleasant comments about other people. I never wanted to argue with you, but you made personal comments about me for whatever your reasons were and have continued to do so.


Title: Re: nauseous clusterheads unite!
Post by Jonny on Aug 14th, 2004, 2:59pm

on 08/14/04 at 01:32:52, ex_pat_asia wrote:
Actually, if my departure would cause your whole gang to chill for a while maybe that would be a good thing.

Your departure will be a fart no one ever heard, jackoff ;;D


Title: Re: nauseous clusterheads unite!
Post by Gator on Aug 15th, 2004, 1:24am

Posted by: Samantha_Smith Posted on: 08/11/04 at 20:26:14

Holy cow!  Gr8fulnauseousgrl survives all the flamings, miscommunications, misinterpretations, and lives to post again while being a newbie!  All hail Gr8tfulnaesousgrl!  Props!  You go girl!  You have my total respect (whether or not you have clusters) just based upon the fact that you posted again and beat all the odds!  Unbelievable! Wow!  Samantha LOL  

Go back and re-read.  No one who posted to her so much as spoke rudely to her, let alone flamed her.

The flames and attacks initiated from one expatdude, when he refused to listen to long time residents of this community politely try to advise him on the purpose and scope of this website.

In all this person's apologies, he called names,  threw digs and made accusations that rendered them no more than attacks on the people he was supposedly apologizing to.

Even under attack, people refrained from majorly fricaseeing the dude, which he majorly deserved, until the end when he just got so out of hand that it was unavoidable.

In my first post, I didn't call anyone any names and didn't flame anyone.  I welcomed a new person and commented on her post in a nice and supportive manner, defended a long time resident  from unwarranted attack and stated what our founder has publicly stated on more than one occassion.

Someone with an attitude and an agenda attacked me, calling names and talking smack so I defended myself and even in that, the worst I said was, "fuck off, you don't know me."

Now Gr8fulnauseousgrl has found it necessary to remove her original post because one person couldn't just say, "Oops, my bad" and drop it there.

I part with one last comment,

ex_pat_asia, it is physiology, not physics which keeps me from fucking myself.  You fucking moron.


Title: Re: nauseous clusterheads unite!
Post by don on Aug 15th, 2004, 8:51am

Don and Thomas are not the sexual innuendo cretins I think they are.  

We are to !

Title: Re: nauseous clusterheads unite!
Post by Pegase on Aug 15th, 2004, 8:57am
Is it finished now... are you all feeling better now.... Weird and sad :(


Title: Re: nauseous clusterheads unite!
Post by alleyoop on Aug 15th, 2004, 11:12am

on 08/15/04 at 08:57:58, Pegase wrote:
Is it finished now... are you all feeling better now.... Weird and sad :(


I doubt seriously that anyone feels any better. :(


Title: Re: nauseous clusterheads unite!
Post by don on Aug 15th, 2004, 11:39am

I doubt seriously that anyone feels any better

I do.

I always feel good about defending the only place on earth in 26 (OK, 27 now) years that I have found that understands this hideous malfunction that I have.

Title: Re: nauseous clusterheads unite!
Post by ex_pat_asia on Aug 15th, 2004, 7:19pm
There is always that moment, after the dust settles, to re-evaluate in a less emotional way, what anyone might have meant by what they wrote. This is especially true for ourselves, individually. No one knows what our thoughts were better then we do.

It is early morning where I live, after a pain free night though yesterday was a tough one. I have spent the last couple of hours wading through most of the posts here, and on the other threads, where applicable, paying special attention to my own words.

First, and foremost, I apologize to the BB members in general. It always takes two or more to argue, and in that, I failed miserably by not derailing this brouhaha early on. I should have just kept silent. Those posts that are rude, or that are rooted in anger, or hubris, or prejudice, or whatever...are likely to be apparent to anyone of intelligence. While it is intelligence that I seek here, it is not my role to admonish anyone. For that, I also apologize.
As I sifted through the posts, I also re-read all the words of all of the opposition. Those that posted in a manner that was not insulting, did so with impunity from me. In them there are bits of intelligence amidst the hyperbole. It is my own failing not to recognize this earlier. My aim is to not make that mistake again, and in my own private way, give credit where credit is due.

I urge all BB members to refrain from trash talk, and I admonish myself for letting anger overcome me. That one post I regret the most. I sincerely believe it is counter productive and inappropriate on a BB like this to use language that is still widely regarded as unacceptable. For some readers, it is certain to drive them away.

I would also urge all BB members to refrain from denigrating other posters. It isn't a requirement to winning a debate or a point in a disgreement... that one must focus on negating another. The only outcome of denigration is to dilute the true purpose of this BB.

Title: Re: nauseous clusterheads unite!
Post by don on Aug 15th, 2004, 8:01pm

true purpose of this BB.

What the fuck is a BB ?

Title: Re: nauseous clusterheads unite!
Post by IndianaJohn on Aug 15th, 2004, 8:02pm
Buletin board = message board

Title: Re: nauseous clusterheads unite!
Post by Jonny on Aug 15th, 2004, 8:23pm

on 08/15/04 at 20:01:12, don wrote:
What the fuck is a BB ?


Title: Re: nauseous clusterheads unite!
Post by don on Aug 15th, 2004, 9:06pm


Now that I know.

Title: Re: nauseous clusterheads unite!
Post by Ueli on Aug 15th, 2004, 9:47pm
ex_pat, could you translate your post into plain English?

Or did you need that many $10 words to pep up your vapid hogwash?

Please note, we can't grant you impunity for not recognizing, that this is a clusterheadache site, and post about meegraine treatments are utterly unwelcome.

Title: Re: nauseous clusterheads unite!
Post by Gator on Aug 15th, 2004, 10:40pm

on 08/15/04 at 20:01:12, don wrote:
What the fuck is a BB ?

A little round copper ball, usually .177 or .22 caliber, that you load your air rifle with.   ;;D


Title: Re: nauseous clusterheads unite!
Post by farmboy on Aug 15th, 2004, 10:45pm

hahahahahahahahaha   good one

liked that

Title: Re: nauseous clusterheads unite!
Post by E-Double on Aug 15th, 2004, 11:19pm
I though he was quite articulate!!!

Well done.

Title: Re: nauseous clusterheads unite!
Post by Gator on Aug 16th, 2004, 12:57am
Dude, lose the "better than thou" attitude and the "communicating as a learned scribe speaking down to the commoners aura" and people might 1. believe you and 2. accept your apology and 3. listen to what you have to say.  

You need to recognize there are people of many different educational levels here.  I'll be the first to admit I'm no genius.  Nobody, including me, likes to read a post with a dictionary.  We do enough of that looking up research data to answer our questions.

You also need to recognize that there are many people of many nationalities who are trying to communicate in the same language which (surprise, surprise) may not be their first language.  

We communicate in a sort of "common speak" here.  You can show your enormous intelligence by being able to communicate on the level of the general audience - not by alienating yourself by using big words demeaning attitudes.

Here's how your post reads to me.  41 year old, white, American male, High School education with some college courses but no degree.

on 08/15/04 at 19:19:39, ex_pat_asia wrote:
There is always that moment, after the dust settles, to re-evaluate in a less emotional way, what anyone might have meant by what they wrote. This is especially true for ourselves, individually. No one knows what our thoughts were better then we do.

Sometimes people get fired up and say things that might be misinterpreted by others.

It is early morning where I live, after a pain free night though yesterday was a tough one. I have spent the last couple of hours wading through most of the posts here, and on the other threads, where applicable, paying special attention to my own words.

I went back over what I said here and in other posts.

First, and foremost, I apologize to the BB members in general. It always takes two or more to argue, and in that, I failed miserably by not derailing this brouhaha early on. I should have just kept silent. Those posts that are rude, or that are rooted in anger, or hubris, or prejudice, or whatever...are likely to be apparent to anyone of intelligence. While it is intelligence that I seek here, it is not my role to admonish anyone. For that, I also apologize.

I apologize to everyone in general.  It takes two to tango and I kept right on when I should have stopped.  Anyone with any intelligence will recognize where the problem was and that was not with me.  It's not my place to put down those of you who are less intelligent.  It's not your fault. I'm sorry.

As I sifted through the posts, I also re-read all the words of all of the opposition. Those that posted in a manner that was not insulting, did so with impunity from me. In them there are bits of intelligence amidst the hyperbole. It is my own failing not to recognize this earlier. My aim is to not make that mistake again, and in my own private way, give credit where credit is due.

I re-read your posts, too.  Those that agreed with me went unpunished.  Some of the rest of you ignorant slobs may have shown a spark of intelligence, as well.  I was too hung up on myself to see that.  In all, I should have known better than to think I could have gotten an intelligent discussion here.  I'll know better next time.

I urge all BB members to refrain from trash talk, and I admonish myself for letting anger overcome me. That one post I regret the most. I sincerely believe it is counter productive and inappropriate on a BB like this to use language that is still widely regarded as unacceptable. For some readers, it is certain to drive them away.

You shouldn't be talking smack.  I kick myself for lowering myself to your levels.  You shouldn't use that bad language, either.  Some people may not like it and go away.

I would also urge all BB members to refrain from denigrating other posters. It isn't a requirement to winning a debate or a point in a disgreement... that one must focus on negating another. The only outcome of denigration is to dilute the true purpose of this BB.

You also shouldn't talk bad about others. (Like I did, but I'll never admit it)

The whole damned post is a way overly worded "YOU" message.  You can't apologize and use the word YOU.

Once more - with feeling this time.


Title: Re: nauseous clusterheads unite!
Post by kimh on Aug 16th, 2004, 8:13am
Language and its subsequent interpretations is truly a thing of beauty - especially when reflected through the rare connection of pain.

It seems i did not need a dictionary for any words uddered here.  


Cheers and PFDAN :)

Title: Re: nauseous clusterheads unite!
Post by pubgirl on Aug 16th, 2004, 8:32am
I was always told that communication was the art of being understood



Title: Re: nauseous clusterheads unite!
Post by ex_pat_asia on Aug 16th, 2004, 11:30am

on 08/15/04 at 21:47:18, Ueli wrote:
ex_pat, could you translate your post into plain English?

Or did you need that many $10 words to pep up your vapid hogwash? Please note, we can't grant you impunity for not recognizing, that this is a clusterheadache site, and post about meegraine treatments are utterly unwelcome.

Ueli, so noted though I am not seeking impunity from you specifically for anything and if you think you have been punitive then I am afraid you have grossly overestimated yourself. I simply apologized to you because my earliest remarks to you were uncalled for and were off the mark.

You also need to recognize that there are many people of many nationalities who are trying to communicate in the same language which (surprise, surprise) may not be their first language.  

We communicate in a sort of "common speak" here.  You can show your enormous intelligence by being able to communicate on the level of the general audience - not by alienating yourself by using big words demeaning attitudes.

Here's how your post reads to me.  41 year old, white, American male, High School education with some college courses but no degree.

Regarding my writing style; it is what it is. It would be farsical to write any other way unless I was writing fiction, which I have tried in the past and did not do well. I have had a little more success writing for journals, and have had articles published on technology, advanced manufacturing, art collecting, fishing, and digital photgraphy. In other words, I am a sort of wannabee writer, not making a living at it nor even trying but I enjoy writing about things that I feel a passion for. I am degreed, but it was a late one, after interuptions by the army, marriage, kids, job, mortgage, etc ad nauseum. I finished my formal education when I was 29. I am now 58.

Title: Re: nauseous clusterheads unite!
Post by don on Aug 16th, 2004, 11:35am

I though he was quite articulate!!!

Read between the lines.

He's still trying to regulate the board.

Title: Re: nauseous clusterheads unite!
Post by farmboy on Aug 16th, 2004, 3:15pm
kimh i would have to agree with you.

Title: Re: nauseous clusterheads unite!
Post by ex_pat_asia on Aug 17th, 2004, 12:55am

on 08/16/04 at 11:35:05, don wrote:
Read between the lines.

He's still trying to regulate the board.

Don, I'm not, and you read too much "between the lines". I have no interest in tilting at windmills which is what "trying to regulate" this board would be. There is no "regulator's button" for me to push. That responsibility falls to DJ without question.

Actually when you think about it, it is one of the built in beauties of this or any BB-- that diverse opinions can be expressed. I guess it isn't unusual for those diverse opinions to break out into a donnybrook such as we have had. It all depends on the restraint on the part of the posters. Again-- I repeat-- I apologize for my lack of restraint. Full stop. Whether or not you, or anyone else for that matter, accepts it, that is all that it is. It isn't material to me that you do or don't. I am simply meeting an obligation that I felt I had incurred on my own.
If, when you say "trying to regulate the board" you mean "trying to infuence the board" then for sure...mea culpa. We all express our ideas with that purpose in mind to some degree don't we? Whether our remarks are aimed at a specific poster or at the board in general is also immaterial. The flip side of this is, of course, that the readers can do with the information whatever they like. That is the balance in this system that makes it truly beautiful. i.e. --You post then I  a) post back kudos b) post back scorn c) say thanks and act on the advise or info d) disregard and stay silent e) puke, or whatever. The possibilities are endless.

Title: Re: nauseous clusterheads unite!
Post by pubgirl on Aug 17th, 2004, 1:45am
Good Gawd

Even I had to look that one up!

To save the rest of you doing it.

parish and suburb of Dublin, Co. Dublin, Republic of Ireland. It was famous for its annual fair, licensed by King John of England in 1204 and later suppressed because of its drunken disorderliness. The disorder gave rise to the term “donnybrook,” meaning an uproarious brawl.


If any of you have ever been to the Puck Fair in Killorglin, you'd have an idea what this fair may have been like. Never seen so many hundreds of drunk people in one town in my whole life! The Irish now how to do it. ;;D

Title: Re: nauseous clusterheads unite!
Post by Pinkfloyd on Aug 17th, 2004, 1:51am
And now we have to use little words???? Dam (I shortened the longer version by a letter to demostrate my willingness to participte properly, so don't anyone give me a spelling lame)

Now I get it!!! Migraine has 8 letters and cluster only has 7. We are suffering from letter envey!! ;-)

The fact remains...

A thread marked "IMPORTANT" about a child with clusters has had 54 replies and this one is now over 90 replies.

Hence forth, I'll try to limit my posts to only conjugations and 4 letter words.

and with that I have yet but to say only,
good nite,

Title: Re: nauseous clusterheads unite!
Post by Pegase on Aug 17th, 2004, 8:55am
Some of us have better writting skills than others.... It's not my case because english is not my primairy language... Still got 2 college degree though... Write as you are dude... I've got no problem with that... I'll miss the meaning of some words for sure but i'll understand the general meaning... but dude remember... like my mother (and Lynard Skinard) use to say... Baby be a Simple Kind Of Man... humility is sometimes your best partner in life...

For me, you shoud have let this thread die... :-X


Title: Re: nauseous clusterheads unite!
Post by JDH on Aug 17th, 2004, 9:25am

on 08/17/04 at 08:55:06, Pegase wrote:
For me, you shoud have let this thread die... :-X


That's what I said WAY back on page 3  ::)


Title: Re: nauseous clusterheads unite!
Post by BillyJ. on Aug 18th, 2004, 4:30am

on 08/16/04 at 00:57:39, Gator wrote:
" You can't apologize and use the word YOU.

Your Wrong you fukken idiot! ;;D
ooops,,did I say that?

I apologize if I offended YOU.  ;)

 Gator you know I'm just messin with ya here.I just
wanted to make a point about how what we say and
the way we mean it aren't always clear in type.
 There are good and bad posts from the same posters,
several of them anyway,in this thread.I could pick apart
all those points.That's just not my style.I don't get involved in this kind of shit because I type slow and it's
just not worth my time.What would it solve anyway?
  The only reason I even replied was because I felt that
the point I am trying to show is one that many,both
readers and posters,need to remind themselves of.NO
I am not pointing fingers at anyone or group specificaly.

Title: Re: nauseous clusterheads unite!
Post by Gator on Aug 18th, 2004, 5:09am
Why you insolent pup.  I ought to...  LOL   I just can't do it.    [smiley=laugh.gif]

I agree, Billy.  Sometimes it's hard to gleen the true meaning out of a person's words.  It doesn't help that our interpretation is usually colored by our moods and our own differing experiences.  Partial quotes (eh-hem) and words used out of context can also alter the meaning of a person's statement, which either intentional or unintentional can cause emotions to flare.

No offense taken here.

PFDAN to you.   Beyotch!   ;;D


Title: Re: nauseous clusterheads unite!
Post by alleyoop on Aug 18th, 2004, 12:19pm

on 08/16/04 at 11:30:04, ex_pat_asia wrote:
In other words, I am a sort of wannabee writer, not making a living at it nor even trying but I enjoy writing about things that I feel a passion for.

Some people talk just to hear themselves talk. That being said, I don't believe that is necessarily the case with you ex_pat. I, personally have no problem whatsoever with your writing style. I think all gator is saying is with all kinds of people reading these boards, a little less pedanticism may ingratiate you more with the masses.


Title: Re: nauseous clusterheads unite!
Post by ExPat_jac on Aug 20th, 2004, 12:33am

on 08/16/04 at 00:57:39, Gator wrote:
You also need to recognize that there are many people of many nationalities who are trying to communicate in the same language which (surprise, surprise) may not be their first language.  


I recently just found this thread...and will post more on it in a bit...but first I just *had* to comment here....

Gator...have an idea what an "ex_pat" is?

Just to give you a is a person living outside their own country...I would dare say that ex_pat_asian is MORE than well aware of the fact that there are posters here that do not use English as a first (or even second) language...fact of the matter is this gentleman is LIVING in a country where there is all likely hood that he does not speak THEIR is much more in tune  with the problem than you could ever be...

Fact of the matter is, I have found that persons with limited English usage often take the time to READ the post, and the effort to UNDERSTAND what is being said before going off half cocked...

What ex_pat_asian writes is both clear, and understandable by many that are not EFL skilled...

It seems to be only Americans (Americans do seem, for the most part, to be very lazy when it comes to language skills.....and do not try taking that as an insult...I am one also) that may have a problem with what he writes

Do like most of the people I deal with daily do when faced with a few words that they do not know or use regularly...learn from it...don't be frightened or offended by it....

I talk with people everyday that know very, very little English, and I know very little of their language...and nether of us become upset when words are used that we both may not know....

Sorry to comment and add fuel to this already hot fire...but it was just such a riot seeing someone that most likely has never stepped foot outside of the state that they were born in attempt to explain non-English speakers to a person who is living in a culture so far removed to anything that they could imagine as to be unreal....

If I am wrong, and Gator you have indeed spent the good part of your life traveling, accept my apologies...but having spent the good part of MY life living in other countries and dealing with other cultures and have learned to be pretty good at spotting those that then to stay close to home...

Now..back to the bar-be-que!  God, this is going to be fun…Not.

Title: Re: nauseous clusterheads unite!
Post by pubgirl on Aug 20th, 2004, 4:07am
Too many words
Verbosity kills clarity in any language

The fewer, the clearer


Title: Re: nauseous clusterheads unite!
Post by IndianaJohn on Aug 20th, 2004, 10:24am
Just couldn't let it die could ya?  Might as well get the replies into the triple digits.....

Title: Re: nauseous clusterheads unite!
Post by IndianaJohn on Aug 20th, 2004, 10:25am
5 pages!! holy cow!

Title: Re: nauseous clusterheads unite!
Post by Prense on Aug 20th, 2004, 10:31am

on 08/20/04 at 10:25:32, IndianaJohn wrote:
5 pages!! holy cow!

It's all your fault too!   ;;D

Title: Re: nauseous clusterheads unite!
Post by IndianaJohn on Aug 20th, 2004, 12:11pm

Title: Re: nauseous clusterheads unite!
Post by Kevin_M on Aug 20th, 2004, 4:14pm

on 08/20/04 at 00:33:31, ExPat_jac wrote:
Fact of the matter is, I have found that persons with limited English usage often take the time to READ the post, and the effort to UNDERSTAND what is being said before going off half cocked...

I thought Gator understood very well the "runt" comment and the slant of the verbiage.  The inference of his limited English usage is unfounded.  His posts are well written and understandable.  Half cocked is an opinion, a not well understood one.

but having spent the good part of MY life living in other countries and dealing with other cultures and have learned to be pretty good at spotting those that then to stay close to home...

What is it about those that stay close to home?  They also don't use the library also?  What kind of inference is meant by "those that stay close to home"?  I guess local dialect throughout the U.S. is a sign lack of good English usage?
 I can't help but think that use of the English language should involve having some sense.

Kevin M

Title: Re: nauseous clusterheads unite!
Post by Jonny on Aug 20th, 2004, 4:23pm day of posting to this thread and Id have  reached 10,000 posts a few days ago.....LMAO ;;D


Title: Re: nauseous clusterheads unite!
Post by pubgirl on Aug 20th, 2004, 4:36pm
and I don't know what any of these Americans are going on about, NONE of you speak or write or spell English properly ;;D

Shields up, phasers to stun!

(Hiding now)

Title: Re: nauseous clusterheads unite!
Post by pubgirl on Aug 20th, 2004, 4:38pm
apart from Ang who started this thread and is a Brit and writes beautifully ;;D

Title: Re: nauseous clusterheads unite!
Post by Kevin_M on Aug 20th, 2004, 5:38pm

on 08/20/04 at 16:36:47, pubgirl wrote:
and I don't know what any of these Americans are going on about, NONE of you speak or write or spell English properly ;;D

Interesting the Oxford English Dictionary was compiled at Oxford.

The 70 years of compiling for it's release, Wednesday, June 6th, 1928 happened at the 148th Derby Day, at the Derby Ball of the Earl of Derby's great race.  The 40-1 underdog Felstead won over the favorite Fairway.  

The ball was Up in London, it was always Up, except for those who lived in Oxford, who regarded going everywhere else as Going Down.  Residents did not leave town much to forsake the sanctity of their hallowed home turf.

The first two copies were given to King George V and Pres. Calvin Coolidge.  So, I guess from that day on, we should be on par with each other.  But then again, it is called English.  ;)

Compiler James Murray was best man for Alexander Graham Bell's wedding and had been given the telephone number of 1.

Kevin M

Title: Re: nauseous clusterheads unite!
Post by IndianaJohn on Aug 20th, 2004, 8:04pm
Hey Wendy [smiley=moonwiggle.gif]

Title: Re: nauseous clusterheads unite!
Post by Gator on Aug 23rd, 2004, 2:27pm
You try and you try.  Well, here we go again.  I got into this the first time to reply to a newbie, defend a long time resident and to remind everyone what DJ himself said about the board.  I ended up getting attacked and defending myself.  Now a new comer steps into the ring again to challenge me.  Besides being supportive to him in other threads, I don't remember saying jack squat to or about him and have been oh so vicously wounded I think I might never recover.   NOT!!!

Gator...have an idea what an "ex_pat" is?

Duh.  If I use your benign definition, I was one myself.  If I use the extreme definition (I assume someone of your alleged intelligence knows what that one is), I shall never be.  Which are you?

What ex_pat_asian writes is both clear, and understandable by many that are not EFL skilled...

It seems to be only Americans (Americans do seem, for the most part, to be very lazy when it comes to language skills.....and do not try taking that as an insult...I am one also) that may have a problem with what he writes

Tell that to Ueli and Pubgirl and probably several others who just didn't say so either to be polite or to keep from looking stupid.  And you sir are a prime example of what you appear to think of Americans.  So high and mighty you even presume to look down on other Americans.  Well done.

Sorry to comment and add fuel to this already hot fire...but it was just such a riot seeing someone that most likely has never stepped foot outside of the state that they were born in attempt to explain non-English speakers to a person who is living in a culture so far removed to anything that they could imagine as to be unreal..

No, I doubt that you were sorry to comment on anything.  You seemed in fact to take great pride in what you consider your intelligence and worldliness.

As far as me never stepping foot out the state I was born in?  Try this on for size:

*March 15, 1963  Born Ft. Riley, Kansas
*During my childhood lived in Junction City, KS; Decatur, IL; Waco, TX; Irving, TX; Lancaster, TX; Gatesville, TX; Clover Leaf, TX; Beverly Hills, TX; Lecompte, LA
*June 1992 Married and moved to Alexandria, LA
*June 1983 to June 1984  Sondrestrom, Greenland
*July 1984 to September 1987  Tacoma, WA
*June 1985  Re-married to a Korean woman and lived in a predominantly Korean neighborhood
*July 1984 to September 1987  Numerous excursions into Canada and Mexico
*October 1987 to October 1988  Song Tan Si, Republic of Korea
*November 1988 to November 1991  Misawa, Japan
*June 1989  Crow Valley, Republic of the Philippines
*Currently living in Oklahoma.
*During a 2 year stretch of doing computer consulting, I worked in Oklahoma, Missouri, Kansas, Nebraska, Iowa, Minnesota, Illinois, Colorado, Utah, Montana, Washington, New Jersey, Georgia and South Carolina.

If I am wrong, and Gator you have indeed spent the good part of your life traveling, accept my apologies...but having spent the good part of MY life living in other countries and dealing with other cultures and have learned to be pretty good at spotting those that then to stay close to home...

I think I know enough about traveling and dealing with people of different cultures and nationalities to say you can take your worthless "just in case" apologies and go piss up a rope.

I do have some advice for you.  All you know about me or anyone else on this board is what we tell you and what you interpret and assume from our writings.  You don't know me.  I'd be a little slower to assume otherwise.

But hey, I'm just a dumb old country boy, so what do I know.

Title: Re: nauseous clusterheads unite!
Post by buckeyescooter on Aug 25th, 2004, 2:16am
Well, there's 45 minutes of my life I'll never get back. When I saw this thread had over 100 replies I thought, "Dear God! Hypnotic Fredo has returned."

Title: Re: nauseous clusterheads unite!
Post by FZfan on Aug 25th, 2004, 1:05pm
How can you be sure that he hasn't?

Title: Re: nauseous clusterheads unite!
Post by IndianaJohn on Aug 25th, 2004, 1:49pm
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