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(Message started by: RobHealy on Aug 3rd, 2004, 3:32pm)

Title: Intake doesn't equal the output.
Post by RobHealy on Aug 3rd, 2004, 3:32pm
Hello All,

I am new here, but have been browsing the site and board for the last few years.  I've been experiencing clusters for about 12 years now.  I am 27.

I am not sure if this is in relation to my first "year off" from episodes, but this year I've already experienced two cycles so far for 2004.  The first was a "normal" cycle in March that lasted about two weeks (as per norm for me).  That cycle consisted of mid-grade headaches that would wake me, but I was usually able to deal with them with my old standby shower method, pacing or exercise.

This current episode started about one and a half weeks ago and has been quite strange. These headaches are much more intense and last longer - they are also not reacting to my tried and true abortive methods with any level of consistency.

Traditionally, the onset of a cycle was always around school start time (early September) or around the holidays.  I figure that this cycle coming on in the summer months may be due to dehydration, so I've also started on "The Water Treatment" to no avail.

This is where the subject line of my post comes into play.  I drink water all day long and guzzle it with ferocity when I am experiencing the cluster and still, I only urinate three times a day.  It doesn't carry the typical dehydration hue of darker yellow either, so I know I'm not dehydrated.  No dry mouth, etc.  I'm also eating like mad and constanly feel hungry and as though my stomach is digesting itself.  My breathing also feels way off as though I cannot get a full breath.  It's not like hyperventilation, it's more like what I'd expect histamine buildup in lung tissure or an asthma attack to feel like.  No fluid in the lungs, just diminished capacity.

So, in sum, this cycle is doing more than just affecting my head, sinuses, neck and eyes... I'm getting a whole body through the wringer thing.  Is this a cluster symptom, or is it more symptomatic of sleep deprivation?

Sorry if this message seems jumbled, I am barely coherent after a three hour hell tour last evening.

Thanks very much.  You all are fantastic!


Title: Re: Intake doesn't equal the output.
Post by E-Double on Aug 3rd, 2004, 3:39pm

I used to the same old tricks you mentioned and it wasn't until this cycle that nothing worked anymore!!!

Now unfortunately or fortunately (depends how ya look at it) I'm on meds.

These help! atleast for me not for all. That will be up your body!

Get a good prevent and a real abortive!

Good luck dude!!

Title: Re: Intake doesn't equal the output.
Post by broomhilda on Aug 3rd, 2004, 4:03pm
Rob, as Eric said GET TO A DOCTOR!

If you are drinking that much water you should have more "output"! It may be the amount your body needs but 3 times?

Check it out and I sure hope you get relief soon, see your doctor and get a good neuro!

Andrea, who is drinking so much water its interfering in her quality of life so is going to buy Depends LMAO ::)

Title: Re: Intake doesn't equal the output.
Post by lionsound on Aug 3rd, 2004, 7:48pm
Take care of yourself and GET TO A DOCTOR!

After CH my entire body goes out of whack. Ear infections, chest infections(with breathing problms), fatigue, fever, sick, sick, sick, eating is off, everything is out of whack. Lack of sleep? sure. med residuals? that too. I call it a complete neuro and physical freak out. And always I end up AT THE DOCTOR!

Please go.


Title: Re: Intake doesn't equal the output.
Post by klp on Aug 3rd, 2004, 10:04pm
sorry to hear you're having a rough time. Sleep deprivation causes your metabolism to drop significantly. During this time you produce more sugar which would explain the hunger but not the decreased urination or difficulty breathing. Just because you're your urine isin't dark doesn't mean your not dehydrated, especially if you have been very active. I wouldnt worry about this problem to much. The breathing can be allergies. Try benedry and see if there is any improvement. Also I am a strong supporter of melatonin 9mg at night to help with sleep during cycle. Unfortunatley CH's dont always follow the same pattern and yours is probably changing. I agree with the others, go see a neurologist and get on some meds. Hot showers worked for me in the beginning (first 6 years) but aren't as effective as imitrex. sorry so long winded. good luck.

Title: Re: Intake doesn't equal the output.
Post by Bob_Johnson on Aug 4th, 2004, 2:44pm
Rob, too much of the literature on cluster conveys the idea that everything is regular and stable over time. Just not so. Many of us have found timing, pain site, duration, etc. have varied quite a bit over years of attacks. There seems to be no medical significance to these changes but, at the personal level, it simply means that we need to be flexible and adaptive.

Several of us has confirmed medical reports that elevations in body heat (due to exercise or external temperature) can trigger an attack. You may just be entering into a new phase for your cluster life. Message Board » Powered by YaBB 1 Gold - SP 1.3.1!
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