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(Message started by: trish6128 on Jul 13th, 2004, 7:49pm)

Title: new to this pain
Post by trish6128 on Jul 13th, 2004, 7:49pm
:-[ Please help , i had a total thyroidectomy on july 2nd, 2004 , the day after was my first cluster headache, i also have mugraines and i do know the difference, i would rather have a migraine at it's worst than this cluster pain, mine start out 4 or 5 and are a 10 with in afew min. all i can do is cry or rock. i am getting  between 5 and 12 of them a day . my doc just put me on verapamil 240 mg SR , i get between 6 and 10 migraines a month, and i am on relpax for those , sometimes it works sometimes it doesnt. I dont know how i am going to be able to hold a job with this pain and the deep depression i have fallen into from all this head pain. If i dont work my hubby and i will lose our home .  anyone please any advise , my doc is setting up an appointment with a nuero. . help please? :-[ [smiley=huh.gif]

Title: Re: new to this pain
Post by don on Jul 13th, 2004, 8:59pm
See the neuro and maybe a therapist or psychiatrist for the depression.

Title: Re: new to this pain
Post by slemay on Jul 14th, 2004, 8:34am
I'm sorry you are in so much pain.  It must be really awful to experience both clusters and migraines.  I've had clusters for 28 years now and the way I get through an episode is to keep saying and thinking, to myself, "they will go away soon."  I've tried everything known to reduce or eliminate the pain of a cluster headache.  The only think that has ever worked for me is Imitrex (Injections).  Ask your neurologist about them when you see him.  Hang in there, I know how tough it is to handle these headaches - but remember this during your next headache - the pain will go away (for a while anyway)!  Good luck. 8)

Title: Re: new to this pain
Post by ave on Jul 14th, 2004, 2:49pm
Trish, I commiserate with you, butthere are some things you can do.

Try and get your doc to change the script to conventional Verapamil; for many of us the sklow release does not work so good.

Try and up the Vera dose; some of us go up to 840 or beyond, but DO check this withyour doc.
Try and print out all the info under the buttons on the left and take it to the doc when you visit.

Ask for Oxygen. Many of us have been helped by a judicious burst of O2, through a non-rebreather mask, delivered at a rate 10-15 liters.
Don't accept nose canules, don't accept lower rates. Check out what's under the button named Oxygen on the left of this board.

Youmight ask the doc for a prednison tapoer, which is often used to cover the periode before the Verapamil kicks in (that takes a few days to a week).

Another possibility is asking for Imitrex shots or nose spray, the tablets are way too slow. The shots can be split (imitrex tip on the left).

Go do something trish, And to ease your depression, eat a nice big slice of your favourite pie, then clean up the den or the kiotchen. Both activities will raise the
happiness hormone in y0ur blood. Trust me. BTDT.

But DO something. You are the only one that can help YOU.

Title: Re: new to this pain
Post by Kris_in_SJ on Jul 14th, 2004, 9:50pm
Hi Trish,

So sorry you have to be here, but welcome.

I'm going to give you strongest advice I have to give, and I can't stress it enough.

Call your doc first thing in the morning.  Get a script for either O2 or Imitrex autoinjections (no pills - takes too long to work).  You'll find several links to the left - follow them and print out the info you might need to present to your doc.  

Verapamil is a very effective preventative for many people, but it usually takes a few days (sometimes a couple weeks) to kick in, and doses often have to be increased.  In the meantime, cluster sufferers need an abortive!  No one should have to suffer CH pain while waiting for whatever referral, appointment, or whatever comes next.  You will need to advocate for yourself here - hopefully you'll have a doctor who's willing to listen a little.

Depression is horrible to deal with, but once these CH's decrease in intensity and frequency, my guess is the depression will decrease also.  Don't give up - speak up!

Sending Hugs your way,


Title: Re: new to this pain
Post by purpleydog on Jul 14th, 2004, 9:59pm
Hello Trish,
I know just where you're coming from. I also get migraines and clusters and sometimes they coincide. Ask your doc to get you into the neuro asap. There are several different meds to try. And try the O2. Go to a firestation if necessary, tell them what you need.

Ask your doc about the prednisone taper, it helps a lot of people while their preventative meds (verapamil) kick in. And if they put you on imitrex injections or nasal spray, get as many samples as you can get from the gp or the neuro. If you have great insurance, no problem.

There's a lot of info here, and as it is posted by clusterheads, it is as accurate as it comes. Seeing a therapist for awhile can help you cope with your life while you are dealing with this.

Welcome to the board!


Title: Re: new to this pain
Post by UN_SOLVED on Jul 14th, 2004, 11:04pm
You've already got some good advice above. I think don left you with some of the best advice.

I know everyone here has good intentions ... but every now and then I see a post where someone advises someone else to up their dose of Verapamil (or another drug). This always gets me. I know alot of sufferers benefit from high doses of the stuff... BUT ... others simply cannot handle that much. High doses of Verapamil would kill me. So please ... talk to your doc before upping anything.

During an attack, I always tell myself ... "I WILL GET THROUGH THIS". Try it, it can't hurt you and it seems to help me.


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