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(Message started by: k9n8 on Jul 13th, 2004, 5:34pm)

Title: we are given only what we can handle
Post by k9n8 on Jul 13th, 2004, 5:34pm
In religious context, that is the case, God does not put more on our plate than we can eat. But I am not religious. Maybe Ch sufferers are given this gift because we are the only ones who can handle it, but what is the definition of handle? Most of us are still alive, (we haven't taken our life yet) but maybe all humans are capable of living through this (again, what is the defintion of living?....not living well, thats for sure).
Are we being groomed for some position of pain later? Will we be called upon to do something that we have been training for? Nope, yet again it is a battle with no end, an enemy with no weakness, and no light at the end of tunnel except for the fortunate that turn an age past CH. No goals, no end, just the ever present threat of enormous pain.
Bring it, Ill be right here waiting.

Title: Re: we are given only what we can handle
Post by Prense on Jul 13th, 2004, 5:53pm

on 07/13/04 at 17:34:56, k9n8 wrote:
Most of us are still alive, (we haven't taken our life yet)

Most...   [smiley=huh.gif]

There's no doubt that CH sucks.  I do not dwell on it though.


Title: Re: we are given only what we can handle
Post by Superpain on Jul 13th, 2004, 6:00pm
It's just a test.

Once you die and you have access to all of the infinite information that is now stored in the unused parts of your brain you will understand.

Title: Re: we are given only what we can handle
Post by farmboy on Jul 13th, 2004, 9:44pm
i am not sure i buy that.  Why would god want to make us feel so bad??????   some kind of test??  No i don't think so i think it is just something that nature has messes up on when we were conseved.  it is in our genes.

Title: Re: we are given only what we can handle
Post by Sean_C on Jul 13th, 2004, 10:00pm
I've only lived a third of my life pain free, the other two thirds have been rather challenging to say the least.

I think your thinking to much ;;D


Title: Re: we are given only what we can handle
Post by chrismo on Jul 13th, 2004, 10:49pm

Isn't that just an imaginary friend for Big Kids?

Title: Re: we are given only what we can handle
Post by floridian on Jul 14th, 2004, 10:09am
Well, the 'why do bad things happen to good people?' question is philosophical/religious.  I personally think that evil or randomness is a better explanation than 'God's will' when trying to explain mass murder or muscular dystrophy.  If you have a concept of God as someone that is all powerful and who constantly intercedes in everyday affairs, then it would be logical to blame God (and then perhaps to rationalize that our frequently wretched condition must be for a reason). I personally look at God as all good, but not all powerful - humans have a role in carrying out his will / acting good, and what we do matters.  Maybe the universe is evolving towards goodness.

Turning towards God/The Good can help some people deal with the shit they are dealt. (or lead them down the road of invading a neighboring country or drinking cyanide kool aid).  But some of us get dealt winning hands and others don't, which takes us back to the question - Why DO bad things happen to good people?

Title: Re: we are given only what we can handle
Post by don on Jul 14th, 2004, 11:14am

Isn't that just an imaginary friend for Big Kids?

No it is not.

Depends on your conceptions.

Title: Re: we are given only what we can handle
Post by Superpain on Jul 14th, 2004, 4:02pm
Bad things happen to all people, good and bad.

We all go through bad things to learn lessons, to become stronger, and to become closer to being a perfect soul.

Once all the lessons are learned and your soul reaches the highest level you will remain with God and have no need to come back here and suffer anymore.

This whole lifetime is but a blink of the eye in the greater scheme of things that are unknown to us now on this earthly plane.

You will understand once you "die".

Title: Re: we are given only what we can handle
Post by Pinkfloyd on Jul 14th, 2004, 4:28pm

on 07/14/04 at 10:09:01, floridian wrote:
 But some of us get dealt winning hands and others don't, which takes us back to the question - Why DO bad things happen to good people?

As a poker player, it's very clear that many people toss away what others use to win the pot.
It would be nice to draw a Royal Flush each time (except no one would be left to play and they'd all be pissed) but that doesn't happen to anyone. Sometimes you just need to be happy with the Ace high and do the best you can with it. The guy that tossed in the pair of deuces feels stupid and the guy with King high wants to know why YOU always get dealt a winning hand.

"Too much to handle", is a much smaller load when you're carrying it by yourself.

Title: Re: we are given only what we can handle
Post by 911please on Jul 14th, 2004, 4:46pm
Hmmmmm... we are only given what we can handle
I was jostled by the beast in 1978, could not handle them then, and surely can not handle them now.

God, whoever that might be has never been to my house cause I have asked him a million times "why me"?
without a reply just another hour of rolling pain.
I don't think that anyone who has these things can actually handle them, and my heart goes out to the chronics, cause I would cease to exist if this was not broken up with real life pain free.

Perhaps this is just a lesson in life, making some of realize that we have arms, legs eyes,(that burn) etc.

Maybe we have taken something for granted in life and  so we got levelled out with a balancing act..

who knows.... in the meantime I think I'll marry my O tank.

have a pfd (i'll pray for ya but I don't know who to direct my prayers to)

... Doug...

Title: Re: we are given only what we can handle
Post by Gator on Jul 20th, 2004, 3:55pm

on 07/13/04 at 17:34:56, k9n8 wrote:
...God does not put more on our plate than we can eat...

Bull$hit.  Tell that to those who couldn't handle it and committed suicide.  Oh, wait, you can't.  They're dead.  Try telling that to their significant others.  


Title: Re: we are given only what we can handle
Post by notseinfeld on Jul 21st, 2004, 1:27pm
Don't ask God for a lighter load; ask for a stronger back. ;;D

Title: Re: we are given only what we can handle
Post by sandie99 on Jul 28th, 2004, 10:27am
Hmm... ever since my first CH attack, I have been wondering that what is this pain trying to teach me?
Well, I think I got it. Patience. I have always wanted everything to happen NOW. But with CH, I have started to appreciate moments even more instead of living in the future.
And it has taught me to put me first every now and then. I used to think just what I can do for the others and forgot what I wanted. Well, now there are some space for me-time.
And I changed my diet. CHs are now bit milder, but they still come each day. But at least, I am enjoying those PF moments between attacks more!

God bless!

Best wishes,

Title: Re: we are given only what we can handle
Post by StressFree on Aug 5th, 2004, 6:03pm
I came to a strong faith while suffering the worst periods of cluster attacks. I've realized that God is real. The light bulb really came on when I realized he suffers what every person suffers now, as well as the pain of every person through all of time. I hope all of us suffering CH can be touched by God, instead of pouring our anger out at him. Prayers for all, Rich Jr.

Title: Re: we are given only what we can handle
Post by IndianaJohn on Aug 5th, 2004, 6:22pm
I have to agree with sandie.  I do enjoy the PF moments much more.  I am also not so caught up in the rat race that society seems to value so much.  I also know what REAL physical pain is, and have taken the lesson to other areas or incidents in my life.  More than once I have had surgeries for unrelated things or been to the ER only to be asked "doesn't that hurt?".  If they only knew.  Sometimes the suffering that we have to deal with lets us easily carry the load of other issues.  We KNOW what pain is.  We Know that a broken arm or post op recovery or a broken heart or whatever it is nothing compared to it.  We know this because we live this and have carried the pain ourselves.  The only thing that has been true relief in my book is the oppurtunity to communicate with other people who have carried the same pain.  Sure the abortives may work wonders, the prevent meds too, but is it not the ability to share what is going on with us the greatest relief of all?  It is for me.

Title: Re: we are given only what we can handle
Post by IndianaJohn on Aug 5th, 2004, 8:56pm
Then again, I could be just full of shit.

PFDAN to All,


Title: Re: we are given only what we can handle
Post by ex_pat_asia on Aug 5th, 2004, 9:33pm

on 07/13/04 at 17:34:56, k9n8 wrote:
In religious context, that is the case, God does not put more on our plate than we can eat. But I am not religious. Maybe Ch sufferers are given this gift because we are the only ones who can handle it,

Great thread k9, and it has kicked off some interesting ideas and a peek or two at how we handle this burden from a spiritual point of view. I liked all the posts so far...for their diversity of thought...and for the remarkable candor. Honestly, this thread embodies what I think is greatest about this BB.

I was struck by Floridian's comments in which he fashioned his comments with a philosophical logic.

I am not religous so God holds no special meaning to me. But if we accept that "G o d" are the abstract symbols which we acknowledge mutually stands for all good...then I think I would conclude that our headaches are not bad or good...that they are not a test, nor portent of things to come, or things that reach beyond me in any important way. For me it is a personal quest --sometimes a  riddle to solve, a gambit to counter with whatever wiles I can muster--or even a level of acceptance that I have to achieve. While I get a great deal out of the sharing that occurs here daily, it is my own path that i will choose, as I think most everyone active here does.

I think PinkFloyd offers us the best in terms of a morale and a guidline to a strategy. I agree with his analaogy to poker...and believe it fits my personal strategy well...both spiritually and factually.
He wrote:

As a poker player, it's very clear that many people toss away what others use to win the pot.

There is a Darwinian simplicity in this statement that can help us frame our spiritual approach to this dillemma of ours.

Thanks to all the posters for some though provoking remark

Title: Re: we are given only what we can handle
Post by sturgida on Aug 6th, 2004, 5:41pm

on 07/13/04 at 22:49:00, chrismo wrote:

Isn't that just an imaginary friend for Big Kids?


[smiley=laugh.gif] [smiley=laugh.gif]

Title: Re: we are given only what we can handle
Post by sturgida on Aug 6th, 2004, 5:53pm
I don't buy the "what we can handle" line. If I needed to learn humility god could've caused me to get fired from a high paying job that I really liked but acted like a pompous bung-hole about. God could make me have to wait in line at the DMV several times in a week to teach me patience. I learned to always enjoy my loved ones and keep them near after my father's death when I was 13 and 9-11 taught me to not to take life for granted.

These CH attacks have only taught me to hate my life (when I'm in the throes of the beast) >:( and to fear the next day (when I'm in cycle) :o. I'm here to tell you I could do without that lesson. :(

Title: Re: we are given only what we can handle
Post by ex_pat_asia on Aug 6th, 2004, 11:18pm
Clusters are an integral part of me. They have been for thirty years, and may be with me for the whole journey. In many ways they shape my actions, decisions, methods, my view of life, how I relate to others, and my spiritual core. Why wouldn't I want to explore this more? Dismissing them as just another reason to hate my life just doesn't cut it for me. In fact, it is just that which I want to reconcile and deal with by digging deeper.

Like many who have posted I am agnostic. Any avenue that takes me down the path of a realtionship with a god leads nowhere. Too bad...since it is awfully convenient to reconcile the whole experience to the story of Job analogue. But it won't play in the "Peoria" of my mind.

So whether I am overthinking or not, I will keep at it and am eager to hear how others view the philosophical aspects of their lives with cluster. I hope you all keep posting and wonder if we could open a thread entitled the "Spirtual Elements of Cluster" or some such nomenclature to draw in others.

Title: Re: we are given only what we can handle
Post by ExPat_jac on Aug 9th, 2004, 10:37pm

>> Clusters are an integral part of me.

For me, you could easily say that they shaped my life...made me who and what I am...good or bad...

(being chronic sort of does that too you :) )

>> Like many who have posted I am agnostic.

As am would be so easy to pass the problem on to "god" and curse...but that does not cut it...

I have it bad...sometimes I get depressed...then things happen like the other day...I was walking and saw the abject proverty of this country and say to myself "fuck..*I* only have headaches!"

Kinda wakes you up when you see the poor local guy with an extra thumb because of the heavy metal pollution and extramly poor diet...the guy with badly bent and distorted legs in filthy cloths begging on the side of the street for on what for me would be about $30.00 a year....

..*I* only have headaches!"  

And I have the gall to set at a computer (the cost of which would feed him and his children for a year or more) and bitch about MY problems.....

yeah...right...who am I to complain

If there IS a god...he REALLY has a nasty sence of humor!'s not easy...I am in amazing pain...most days...but, in many ways I am also lucky...

It all balences out in the end I figure....

Just like I do not try to go out and lift a building off it's foundation, I do not try any more to figure out the "why" or the "how" of us being's no use...I know that I would never be able to understand it...just like I know without trying that I could not life the building I am in....

Does that mean I should not try and figure out the why and how?

Should I go try and see if I might be able to lift this building?

hahaha see? what a plight we humans find ourselves in....

I study animals..cats mainly...

Never saw a cat bitch or moan about the life he leads...good or, why should I.

But I still do...

Guess thats what meakes me human?

Bummer huh.....

But at least I long since stopped blaming "god" for my headaches...

I sleep better at night now (well...when I *do* sleep :) )


Title: Re: we are given only what we can handle
Post by synergy2120 on Aug 10th, 2004, 9:59am
Ive always been spiritual and i can honestly say that seeing marc go through this pain every single day has really tested my faith and made me stronger in it.

I have prayed to god every time marc has an attack - ive even shouted out "why the hell arn't you doing anything?"

But nothing happens - i have even placed my hands on marc and prayed - and still nothing.

It is hard to imagine a god being out there while this is going on but through it all i still believe. I have to or else there would be no point to this life at all.

God could easily click his fingers and make everything in this world brilliant - but then that would be heaven?! People have llnesses etc. because of something going wrong in their bodies or something that is not working properly.

We were put on this earth and given the free will by god to make our own decsions about whether to follow him or not. Some of us have a harder life then others and i believe that there is a porpuse to all this.

I hate the fact that so many are in pain and suffering but there is one thing everyone forgets - there is another powerful force called Satan who also has the strength to dabble in our lives. So dont blame God - blame him.

GOD will use a situation (not cause it) sometimes to help us to learn things and to make us stronger.

Im sorry if there are some of you that dont agree - just my view thats all! I make sure that marc realises how lucky he is every day - we have a home - money - a beuatiful daughter - food - clothes - and we have each other.

luv sarah xx

Title: Re: we are given only what we can handle
Post by IndianaJohn on Aug 10th, 2004, 2:55pm
Sarah I think that your last line summed it up quite nicely

- we have a home - money - a beuatiful daughter - food - clothes - and we have each other

Most of all we have each other...

Title: Re: we are given only what we can handle
Post by synergy2120 on Aug 10th, 2004, 3:03pm
I was a bit worried about posting it to be honest - i dont like to offend people. But even though we are unfortunate in pain (a lot of pain) the majority of us still have other things - espicially people around us who care and love.

Nobody going through this is alone and as long as this website continues no-one ever will be.

Title: Re: we are given only what we can handle
Post by don on Aug 10th, 2004, 4:40pm

we are only given what we can handle

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