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(Message started by: k9n8 on Jul 12th, 2004, 4:27pm)

Title: my boss just told me he has migraines
Post by k9n8 on Jul 12th, 2004, 4:27pm
Great, now my boss thinks that we have the same thing, even though I have told him that they are clusters, not migraines. It hasn't happened yet, but I guarrantee that he will be saying something to the effect of "I had a really bad migraine yeterday and I still went to work" or "I know it hurts but can you come in anyway?" stuff like that.
If I could only show him, just for a second the difference between what we have.......
but no. ok then, bring the BS, I will handle it.

Title: Re: my boss just told me he has migraines
Post by Prense on Jul 12th, 2004, 4:31pm

on 07/12/04 at 16:27:48, k9n8 wrote:
If I could only show him, just for a second the difference between what we have.......
but no. ok then, bring the BS, I will handle it.

I guarantee anyone witnessing one of my attacks will know that it is not just a HA...


Title: Re: my boss just told me he has migraines
Post by don on Jul 12th, 2004, 4:31pm

my boss just told me he has migraines

Poor guy.

Next time he has one attach a rope and clamp to his scrotum, attach the other end to your rear bumper and drive away yelling "AND NOW YOU HAVE A CLUSTER"

Title: Re: my boss just told me he has migraines
Post by Grandma_Sweet_Boy on Jul 12th, 2004, 4:32pm
Ow!!!!  But he would get the message wouldn't he? [smiley=laugh.gif]

Title: Re: my boss just told me he has migraines
Post by Kris_in_SJ on Jul 12th, 2004, 4:45pm
Pretty harsh, Don ... having a bad day?


Title: Re: my boss just told me he has migraines
Post by k9n8 on Jul 12th, 2004, 4:48pm
hahahaha that is hilarious! I cant step on his toes though, his migraines are bad, I am sure, but here is a touchy situation. If I tell him the difference, no matter how I tell him, he will think that I am downplaying his migraines, so I am kind of stuck here. HR has my FMLA and all that is in, so nothing can happen, I just have to put up with him thinking that his stubbed toe is the same as my missing toe.

Title: Re: my boss just told me he has migraines
Post by thomas on Jul 12th, 2004, 5:02pm
Sorry you have such an uninformed boss, you should look on the general board under the thread "Simon's letter."  Go to the link that I posted, print it out and take it to your boss.

Title: Re: my boss just told me he has migraines
Post by don on Jul 12th, 2004, 5:04pm

Pretty harsh, Don ... having a bad day?

One of my better days.

Title: Re: my boss just told me he has migraines
Post by farmboy on Jul 12th, 2004, 6:14pm
Well i don't know about anybody else but my brother gets the migranes and i get the clusters.  His are bad but at least he can go sleep. I on the other hand can't do anything when i am in cycle like right now. The pain is just about unbearable. I think untill they see one first hand of they were to get one they think that theirs are just as bad as what we have to deal with.  I had my back broken in an accident and had 2 surgerys that was nothing lcompaired to  these headaches. i would go thru that again if i could get rid of these headaches.  

Title: Re: my boss just told me he has migraines
Post by k9n8 on Jul 12th, 2004, 7:57pm
I just printed Simons letter and man it is good stuff. I will present it to my boss in the best possible manner, hopefully he will read it and understand. Thank you very much for the useful link, it might just be what I need here.
 In response to the last post, I know what you are saying, pain is just casual compared to a cluster. A giant kidney stone from taking too much coral calcium was not in the same park.

Title: Re: my boss just told me he has migraines
Post by Kris_in_SJ on Jul 12th, 2004, 8:35pm

on 07/12/04 at 17:04:56, don wrote:
One of my better days.

I'm glad I don't have a scrotum!  *smile*


Title: Re: my boss just told me he has migraines
Post by Prense on Jul 12th, 2004, 8:54pm

on 07/12/04 at 20:35:03, Kris_in_SJ wrote:
I'm glad I don't have a scrotum!  *smile*



Title: Re: my boss just told me he has migraines
Post by bluesunshine on Jul 12th, 2004, 10:24pm
Hi k9n8,

I spoke to my boss today about CH, and he told me things about many type of headaches (migraine that majority have, allergies headaches, etc..) which he had, his past co-workers had, etc.  I just hope  he hasn't thought  that I was downplaying those strories.

I told him about the experience that neurologist did with a CH sufferer and 3 doc pluged onto head electrodes(the one involving the pain threshold...) and that next time I would try to hit one of my finger (or all ten) with a hammer to change the pain from my head to the finger.

I don't want him to actually feel what i am going trough, but only to understand and have some compassion.  And I think he will, he his a good man after all (in my opinion).

Thank Thomas, I just printed the letter too and will bring it to work tomorrow

Title: And if noRe: my boss just told me he has migraines
Post by don on Jul 13th, 2004, 12:23pm
And if none of that works there is always the scrotum.

Title: Re: And if noRe: my boss just told me he has migra
Post by purpleydog on Jul 13th, 2004, 9:19pm

on 07/13/04 at 12:23:21, don wrote:
And if none of that works there is always the scrotum.

Wouldn't that be considered a pain in the ass? Oh wait, that would be a pain near the ass. Hmmm yeah, I guess that would be considered head pain more or less.  ::)


edited for don: Sorry don, I couldn't resist.  ;;D  Welcome newbies!

Title: Re: my boss just told me he has migraines
Post by don on Jul 13th, 2004, 9:27pm
I believe I would prefer a CH over having my scrotum go from 0 to 60 MPH  in a matter of seconds but the pain might be comparable.

Title: Re: my boss just told me he has migraines
Post by purpleydog on Jul 14th, 2004, 10:12am
I can't make that distinction, fortunately. I have had very painful major surgery and I would rather go through that again before I'd go through another one of these CH.  But there's really no comparison for me, I can't imagine any worse pain.
And I've just started another cycle.  :'(  Fucking beast.


Title: Re: my boss just told me he has migraines
Post by mynm156 on Jul 14th, 2004, 3:20pm
I get the same type responses also.  I wore my OUCH t-shirt to work for the first time. I was glad to see just how many people asked about it.  However, one nurse said " Those are almost as bad as Migraines."  To which I replied I WISH they were only as bad as migraines.  I KNOW that people with migraines can suffer,  and I will never take that truth away.  However I will say that if they could feel what we feel 2 3 4 times a day they would welcome the migriane over the CH.

GOOD VIBES everybody

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