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(Message started by: pubgirl on Jul 3rd, 2004, 6:44pm)

Title: Your longest attack
Post by pubgirl on Jul 3rd, 2004, 6:44pm
Can I ask people what their longest lasting unaborted CH attack has been?

I'm referring here to a full blown attack with autonomic symptoms and severe pain, not shadows or low level attacks.

I don't use a clock but estimate my longest before I got good abortives and stopped them all was about an hour.

I'm not just being nosy, this will help when talking to new people on the Helpline where there is a migraine/CH symptoms overlap.



Title: Re: Your longest attack
Post by forgetfulnot on Jul 3rd, 2004, 6:55pm
I dono, blew my head off  ;;D

4:30 yes I was talking to the MAN


Title: Re: Your longest attack
Post by UN_SOLVED on Jul 3rd, 2004, 7:15pm

on 07/03/04 at 18:44:22, pubgirl wrote:
longest lasting unaborted CH attack  ......  a full blown attack

About 2 - 2.5 hours ... long time ago. Couldn't handle that again.


Title: Re: Your longest attack
Post by E-Double on Jul 3rd, 2004, 7:27pm

on Today at 6:44pm, pubgirl wrote:
longest lasting unaborted CH attack  ......  a full blown attack  

I've gone a bit over 3.
I hope never again.

I keep this sick spread sheet which has only shown that I can go for an hour with zomig or 3 or 25 minutes or fill in the blank.

No more fo all!!

Title: Re: Your longest attack
Post by Melissa on Jul 3rd, 2004, 8:15pm

Title: Re: Your longest attack
Post by mynm156 on Jul 3rd, 2004, 11:16pm
Hey PubGirl,

I think it was about 2.5 hours I get consistant 1.5 CA though.   I was at a my girlfriends/ future wifes house and it was the first time she ever saw one. (she lived one and a half hours from my house)  Her mom was an LPN and I was without drugs at the time.  Her mom gave me some Vicodine at the time but she was the perfect Angel trying to take care of me yet understanding there was nothing she could do.


Title: Re: Your longest attack
Post by Jayne on Jul 3rd, 2004, 11:19pm
Mine was 3 1/2 hours. It's a good job there wasn't a gun in the house that day.

Title: Re: Your longest attack
Post by FZfan on Jul 4th, 2004, 12:04am
1 and 1/2 hours here. I'm a clock watcher when I get attacked, so I'm certain on this.

Title: Re: Your longest attack
Post by chrismo on Jul 4th, 2004, 1:09am
2 to 2.5 hours

Title: Re: Your longest attack
Post by pubgirl on Jul 4th, 2004, 2:05am
Interesting. I had never heard of someone having an attack longer than 2 hours.

Of course the 'experts' say 15 minutes-3 hours, or it probably isn't CH.

I ask because although in theory we have the restlessness and abrupt onset/cessation differentiator as well, there are migrainers who have those, and migraine attacks that can be that short.
So I also want to know if there are many CH'ers that have long attacks when I talk to callers with confused symptoms.

Thanks folks, keep 'em coming


Title: Re: Your longest attack
Post by Ronny on Jul 4th, 2004, 2:47am
It started about 7 years ago, from time to time i had an attack which lasted 15 to 30 mins. Since i didnt know what it was, i took a few pain killers and poof, 15 mins later the pain was gone. Good pain killers i thought. I would never leave home without them. Then, early this year, all of a sudden, the attacks changed from 15 mins to 2 hours, then i realised that the painkillers didnt help, took a whole bottle the first couple of times. So, since this year, the attacks last for at least 60 mins, with an average of 90 mins and peaks of 120 mins. 2 during the day and 1 at night.

Keep smiling.

Title: Re: Your longest attack
Post by ave on Jul 4th, 2004, 4:07am
Usually did 20 - 40 minutes. Just once had an all day attack with waxing and waning, but mixed in with a migraine - which uses the same side of the head.

So cluster pain rather inseperable, but never over a kip 7 that day, I think. Migraine reigning supreme at mig 10. Which excarbated the cluster symptoms.

Lots of fun was had all round...

Title: Re: Your longest attack
Post by Tory on Jul 4th, 2004, 9:26am
Hi, Pubgirl,
My longest attack was 1 hour 15 minutes. It was only the second attack I had ever had and I ended up in casualty. The ususal amount of time is 15 to 20 minutes. The second longest was 45 minutes (on a coach in Paris last week!!).
I have been keeping a spreadsheet aswell. Trying to find a pattern.

Title: Re: Your longest attack
Post by Jayne on Jul 4th, 2004, 10:55am
Just to add, my usual attacks were 1.5 to 2 hours, but that day I had the 3.5 hour attack, it was a cluster, I have never suffeered with migraines.

Title: Re: Your longest attack
Post by Redd715 on Jul 4th, 2004, 11:13am
Before I knew what these were and had any meds to help?  Never had one only last 15 minutes.  Always lasted between 2 and 3 hours.  I don't think the topomax ever did anything but rip me off of a good chunk of IQ points, but I will say the Verapamil must be whats helped to shorted them to 45 min to an hour without aborting.  I really hate having to ride out some attacks because they won't allow me enough Trex.  But I do.  Talk about effecting productivity in the workplace.  Oh well what ya gonna do?

Title: Re: Your longest attack
Post by Rock_Lobster on Jul 4th, 2004, 2:26pm
About 1.25 - 1.50 hours.
Now I abort them in 1.25-1.50 minutes.

Title: Re: Your longest attack
Post by Prense on Jul 4th, 2004, 3:33pm
My average attack duration without aborting is about 2 hours with my longest lasting just under 3.

When I abort, they are normally 30-45 minutes.  The length is due to me being selective on which attacks to abort.

Good thread Wendy.


Title: Re: Your longest attack
Post by pubgirl on Jul 4th, 2004, 6:37pm
Brilliant info. Thanks folks. Apart from poor Jayne's nasty, the 3 hour limit suggested by the Doc's looks relatively sound at the moment

Can I add in another question?

These very long attacks, did they end abruptly, or did they 'wane'?


Title: Re: Your longest attack
Post by Biker on Jul 4th, 2004, 7:55pm
Before being told I had CH,  I thought my brains were leaking out.  Not real sure just how long they lasted.  A couple of hours seemed like weeks.  Never really remember looking at a clock.  I do know now, that it takes Imitrex from 40-60 minutes to start working after I swallow it.  Never had a CH  stop abruptly.  They kinda wayne away in waves.  

Title: Re: Your longest attack
Post by Kris_in_SJ on Jul 4th, 2004, 8:13pm
My longest was 2.5 hrs - just before I was diagnosed.  It was the third night in a row.  If I remember it right, it kind of waned.  

The ones I have at the beginning and end of a cycle now (the ones I try to "ride out") are like that too- though shorter - beyond 15 minutes and I'm reaching for the Imitrex (relief in 2 minutes max).  I have a few seconds of the most intense pain imaginable (10+ if possible) then it starts to decrease in intensity.


Title: Re: Your longest attack
Post by jonny on Jul 4th, 2004, 8:22pm
3 hours

Title: Re: Your longest attack
Post by Melissa on Jul 4th, 2004, 8:30pm

on 07/04/04 at 18:37:21, pubgirl wrote:
Can I add in another question?

These very long attacks, did they end abruptly, or did they 'wane'?

Mine always end like a big wave crashing into shore and whisking them away.  They leave as quickly as they come.  I suppose that would fall into the "abruptly" catagory.


Title: Re: Your longest attack
Post by don on Jul 4th, 2004, 9:22pm
I didn't realize there were that many people here that actually GET CH !

Title: Re: Your longest attack
Post by catlind on Jul 4th, 2004, 11:20pm
I would think one of the key things to help differentiate would be to use the IHS criteria and query about the nature of the pain.  As far as I know CH pain is always boring or piercing in nature, and migraine pain generally has a throbbing or pounding quality to it.  So if there is some question as to which it is, ask the person to describe the nature of the pain maybe?

Just my 2 cents worth :)


edited to help Don past the easy mark LOL

Title: Re: Your longest attack
Post by don on Jul 4th, 2004, 11:30pm

generally has a throbbing quality to it

Nah! To easy.

Title: Re: Your longest attack
Post by pubgirl on Jul 5th, 2004, 3:59am
sadly, pain descriptions don't really help. Until you have had a CH attack, you think a migraine is agony, and describing the type of pain is often really misleading, or the person just can't find the words (often they are quite old or a bit confused)
and frankly, my migraines don't throb.


Title: Re: Your longest attack
Post by Prense on Jul 5th, 2004, 9:47am

Regardless of duration, my CH attacks always end the same.  Without warning, the attack is just over.  There is a distinct difference when I abort with trex.  Trex "dissolves" the attack over about a five minute span.  The correlation would be the difference between driving down a slight hill and taking a roller coaster straight down.

On the flip side, I have no warning preceeding an attack either.  It's like a light switch.


Title: Re: Your longest attack
Post by Redd715 on Jul 5th, 2004, 10:00am
For the HA's I have to ride out, there is a short period of letting up just a little bit then...Poof...gone with my face sort of feeling this funky tingle from under the left eye back to the scalp.  Sometimes there is a twitchy nerve under that eye too.

Trex aborted, the HA ramps up a bit before the Poof. The same tingle in the face, but a sort of fuzzy, hazy hangover feeling all over in my head.  

Title: Re: Your longest attack
Post by ave on Jul 5th, 2004, 11:22am
My attacks usually just stop, as if somebody just threw a switch.

The loooong one waned, but I cvan't be ure becauseof the migraine mix-up

Title: Re: Your longest attack
Post by alleyoop49 on Jul 5th, 2004, 12:12pm

on 07/04/04 at 23:20:30, catlind wrote:
CH pain is always boring or piercing in nature

Piercing-YES;   Boring-NEVER!

Seriously, my shorter ones end abruptly while the longer ones(up to about 3 hrs.) seem to ramp down toward the end.


Title: Re: Your longest attack
Post by Jayne on Jul 5th, 2004, 12:21pm
I would definatley say that my 3 1/2 hour one ramped down, oh and the  pain was excrutiating.
I think the reason I had such a long one is the fact that I was under incredible stress at the time. My little sister from England came to visit and I had to drive he to the airport to fly back. My ha started just as we were getting ready to go, I begged my roomate to help so he drove while I was in he back of the car in agony, then we had to go into the airport as I ws not going to leave my young sister alone. It was a bloody nightmare.
So I couldn't be alone and ride the pain, I had things to do while it was happening. Never want to go through that again.

Title: Re: Your longest attack
Post by ZAIRA on Jul 5th, 2004, 3:34pm

3 hours (and it was my first attack.... 11 years ago >:( )

Title: Re: Your longest attack
Post by firebrix on Jul 5th, 2004, 5:39pm
Mopar's ha.s rarely exceed one hour. Usually 45 mins.
They end almost as quickly as they start.
A long way from being "Boring" tho'!! Altho' the ha. feels like someone's got a jackhammer on the trigeminal nerve. He has no migraine symptoms at all. Just chronic Clusters. :-[
Maybe, like Jayne's, his ha.s are worse, occur more regularly and are more intense at times of great stress, but we try to avoid that now, so its hard to say......

Title: Re: Your longest attack
Post by Crying on Jul 5th, 2004, 8:35pm
My longest CH was 2hrs 45min kip 10 waned then 80 minlater got hit with a 7 kip lasted 45min it just left like someone turned a switch.  I think the demeral/pain killers the doctors gave me in ER might have caused the second.  Doc said gave me 3 shots(only rember 2).  I couldn't feel my legs but I could still feel pain(down to 6-7kip) in my head.  [smiley=huh.gif] Very wierd feeling.  Hope I don't go thru that again.

Title: Re: Your longest attack
Post by Superpain on Jul 5th, 2004, 9:32pm
No meds... Close to 5 hrs.

Relentless, braincrushing agony that left me a sweaty huddled mass of quivering shit on the floor.

Fortunately there's only been a few that have gone over 3 hrs for me. That's just tooooo much. >:(

Title: Re: Your longest attack
Post by Prense on Jul 6th, 2004, 9:26am

on 07/03/04 at 02:22:13, Crying wrote:
 Later that night was just turning on computer when wamm! Started right at 7 rocket up to 10 in under tem min.  Tried zomig spray again but didnt work and oxegen supply place hadnt called back yet .  So no O2 yet.  My husband sent our son to grandma's and took me to ER.  Took an hour before I even was seen in ER ( they were'nt that busy either but insitead I go through triage and no skipping ahead in line)  heard recption say how I was over reacting!!!  Mad me so mad if I could of walked staight would went over and strangled them!  In so much pain could barely walk but couldn't stay still either.  vomited all over myself.  Then they said well maybe she really is in pian.  No duh.  I was at 10 kip!1  Then when doc sees me won't give me O2. Gives demeral instead but it does nothing. Give me 3 shots( only rember getting 2 shots by the way.)  So doupped up can't feel my legs but can still feel the pian in my head now a 7.  Fiannaly gives O2.  Pain goes down in five min.  feel much better in 15. I arrived at ER at 8:30pm I didnt get O2 until 12:30pm.  Got home at 2:30 am.  Today is friday and just got my O2 delivered.  I hope I don't ever have to go back to the ER again. Any ideas on how to better deal with idiot ER people?

on 07/05/04 at 20:35:12, Crying wrote:
My longest CH was 2hrs 45min kip 10 waned then 80 minlater got hit with a 7 kip lasted 45min it just left like someone turned a switch.  


Title: Re: Your longest attack
Post by thomas on Jul 6th, 2004, 10:51am
4.5 hours, came on suddenly and left quickly.  No waning.

Title: Re: Your longest attack
Post by Big Dan on Jul 6th, 2004, 12:41pm
My longest was Wild Turkey and Bud Light induced...

... tried blowing it off with 2 trex injections within 2 hours... and it did.

Went back to the hotel where I was staying while working out of town.  No 02, and I had used my last two 'trexes...

Fucker came back pissed like a m*th*rf**k*r, around a 9, at 12:34am... called the ambulance in Washington, MO (where I was staying)... they brought 02, which didn't help at that point, told me to calm down, and said they couldn't do anything else for me.  So I told them to get the fuck out.

... last time I remember looking at the clock was 6:15am... don't remember anything after that.  Must have passed out from exhaustion... constant rolling around in bed, clinching my stomache... ended up vomiting... pure hell.

Woke up at 10:30 that morning with a 6... nice 'refreasher course'...

... in all honesty... I wanted to die.  I wanted to put a gun to my eyeball and auto-eject that fucking bastard out of my skull.

Without a doubt, learned my lesson with alchohol and trying to re-schedule attacks with imitrex.  Big no-no.

-Big Dan

Title: Re: Your longest attack
Post by ExplodingEyeBall on Jul 7th, 2004, 9:07am
I hate to even think about my longest attack but it was a night time one (After I fell asleep) that lasted around 4 hours.

This one almost killed me.

Title: Re: Your longest attack
Post by Storm on Jul 7th, 2004, 5:47pm
Longest attack...5 hours, 2hrs 30 mins right temple, 2hrs 30mins left temple, as the right temple started to wane I thought "Thank God for that, it's going" it went ok, over my forehead & into my left temple & I had the full works, eye running, nose running, ALL my teeth on that side my skull aching, plus ear ache..........only happened the once, otherwise I would not be writing this.   I had a bad one Christmas day 2001, started Christmas day, 5.20pm, ended Boxing day 5.40pm, only relief was when painkillers bit, maybe 30 mins, then back to full bore dihydrocodeine 40mg, limit is 6 a day, in those 24 hours I took 18.......did'nt work.........& last year I had attacks day & night from September 2002 'till the Tuesday before Christmas 2003, needless to say, it stopped me working, did 20 shifts in 2003, not worked since, but I have not had an attack since 14th May this year, it is still there, a little niggle now & again just to remind me.

Title: Re: Your longest attack
Post by Bob P on Jul 7th, 2004, 6:49pm
About 4 hours but it was really 2 attacks, back to back.  Went through about 2.5 hours, rolling around the bathroom floor.  Pain started to subside and I crawled on hands and knees to the bed.  Flopped on my back on the bed and in about 5 minutes the pain started to ramp up again.  Spent another 1.5 hours on that one.  There was nothing and I really mean nothing left of me after that.  I was exhausted.

My norm now, with cafergot and O2, is about 10 minutes at Kip3.

Title: Re: Your longest attack
Post by Maria_Scala on Jul 8th, 2004, 11:38am
3.5 hours, 3 years ago...let's just say if my husband didn't hold me down, i would've done something drastic.  

Title: Re: Your longest attack
Post by pubgirl on Jul 8th, 2004, 1:09pm
I always feel lucky when I read this site as so many people are far worse off than me.

Feeling lucky again now. :-[


Title: Re: Your longest attack
Post by stevegeebe on Jul 9th, 2004, 8:58am
Last year I got hit with one at about 4am.  Too late for the trex and O2 tank was empty.  Hot shower emptied the water heater.  After about 3 hours I finally collapsed in a chair and fell asleep.

Then, after about a half an hour, bang...another bad hit.  Oh no, not again!  

It was Saturday morning and the medical supply place did not open till 10:00.  I begged my wife to just go and sit in the parking lot and wait till it opened.  She got home at 10:30 with three small tanks and by then it had passed.  I was wrecked.  I could not believe how much pain the human body could take.

Now that I remember it I'm glad we don't have a gun in the house.  At the time I was begging for death.

Steve G

Title: Re: Your longest attack
Post by ozzman on Jul 9th, 2004, 9:31am
Two 2 hour ones K10 (in the last 16 years) and one "beauty" that lasted 3.5 hours or so. Two doses of trex later and nothing.
Started at 11:30 PM ( I was waiting up for it, so that I could abortt it and then go to bed, instead of being woken up) After the first hour I figured I had one more to go from past experience. 1:30 am, should be over ' about NOW! Second trex in, I can wait the 10 mins, ok wait 20 mins, 30 mins? Oh GOD! At that point I was exhausted, pacing, forzen peas, standing outside in shorts, 20 degree waether, with a "nice" wind, rubbing my head...nothing!, no relief. Dunk my head in cold water...nothing. Stupidity sets in, "maybe if I hold my head under water, I'll pass out, and I'll be able to get rid of this one", good thing my wife was there... It was almost 3:00 am, when I noticed that the pain was decreasing slowly. After fighting for so long, I had no energy left in me. At around a tolerable K5 I fell asleep. By 6:00 am, sure enough I got hit again, but this time I was able to abort it... fun times..


Title: Re: Your longest attack
Post by MikeE on Jul 10th, 2004, 10:16am
God help you all that have them that long. Didn't know you could live past 1 hour. That was tops for me. Mike

Title: Re: Your longest attack
Post by purpleydog on Jul 10th, 2004, 4:21pm
My longest one was about 3 hours. Bam, there it was and I took a trex pill and a maxalt wafer. Nothing. Wound right up to a kip 10. Went to the ER, this time they got me right in, no waiting. I was almost hysterical, was not making any sense. Gave me O2. Nothing. Gave me lidocaine gel in my nose. Nothing. Finally shot me up with a shitload of demerol, twice. It finally started fading away. I couldn't walk. This was during the peak of my very first cycle. I can't describe the pain, there are no words for it.


Title: Re: Your longest attack
Post by Prense on Jul 10th, 2004, 7:37pm

on 07/10/04 at 16:21:53, purpleydog wrote:
Bam, there it was and I took a trex pill and a maxalt wafer.

Ok, you all are scaring the hell out of me...

How many of you are mixing triptans???

I have seen several instances of folks posting similar things this week.  For those that don't know, mixing this shit can kill you.


Title: Re: Your longest attack
Post by jonny on Jul 10th, 2004, 8:40pm

on 07/05/04 at 09:47:41, Prense wrote:
Regardless of duration, my CH attacks always end the same.  Without warning, the attack is just over.  


Im curious, did you feel "The Pain Drain" as I call it?

Your at a Kip 10 and within 20 seconds its gone.....You can feel the pain just drain out of your head like a river flowing, oh man I will never forget that feeling. 14 yrs with no meds and that feeling was better than any sex ive ever had.


Title: Re: Your longest attack
Post by Prense on Jul 10th, 2004, 8:49pm

on 07/10/04 at 20:40:40, jonny wrote:
Your at a Kip 10 and within 20 seconds its gone.....You can feel the pain just drain out of your head like a river flowing, oh man I will never forget that feeling.


It's like you have no idea it's ending until it already ended.  I have gone from extreme agony while (sitting/rocking) to completely PF in the amount of time it took to stand up.  The only thought at that point is "fuck yeah", time for a smoke!  



Title: Re: Your longest attack
Post by jonny on Jul 10th, 2004, 8:56pm
Now on meds for so long I dont get that, It dont matter what abortive.....It takes longer and I dont get "The Pain Drain".............Bummer......Was like an orgasm that cant be beat.....LMAO ;;D


Title: Re: Your longest attack
Post by Prense on Jul 10th, 2004, 9:29pm
LOL, you're killing me!  Trex causes me to ramp down more so over a 2-3 minute span.  I get the insta-off when I ride out an attack.


Title: Re: Your longest attack
Post by Tim_Z on Jul 11th, 2004, 4:04pm
My worst ever was when I was woke up at 6 AM went to the ER at 7 and was home by about 8:30. They gave me a hypo and something else to work with it. This calmed me down enough to sit in a chair. The headache didn't go away until about 3 PM. I'm not sure what happened there but I suspect the demerol just gave me a killer rebound without a gap between the actual cluster and the rebound. Don't know for sure.

In my case when the ha goes away it is just like a light switch all of a sudden it's gone and it's like I don't realize it at first. After that there is this drained tired hangover type feeling.

Normally if I don't have any meds it's about 3 hours.


Title: Re: Your longest attack
Post by farmboy on Jul 12th, 2004, 8:20am
Mine last for about an hour to hour and a half.  Worst was kip 10 lasted almost 2 hours . had to call the rescue to get trip to hospital.

Title: Re: Your longest attack
Post by cazman on Jul 24th, 2004, 1:52pm
last week was my worst and longest ever 4 and half hours of kip 8-9 i had to have my wife hold me cause i simply wanted to die in all honesty i dont know if i could ever go thru that again

Title: Re: Your longest attack
Post by kimh on Jul 24th, 2004, 10:02pm
About 3 hours.  I rode out as best i could at home then went to hospital.  They gave me all sorts of stuff to try and stop it which resulted in some sort of retching disorder (i literally could not stop myself from retching - dry heaves?)...anyway then they bestowed a suppository which stopped the retching.........i was a slab of meat by then.   Later, i went home,  took a shower, got dressed and went to a wedding.

Looking back, i recall being on an assortment of meds and can't help but wonder if that contributed to the hideous turn my clusters took that day.

Title: Re: Your longest attack
Post by IndianaJohn on Jul 25th, 2004, 10:57am
My worst was about ten years ago.  Remember it like it was yesterday.  I had about five kip 10's one right after another.  Each would last about an hour or so with a break of about ten minutes between.  Oddly enough, what broke it was my wife putting a cold wash cloth on my face, then it was gone.  Went to a specialist the next day and got prednisone and Imitrex.

Title: Re: Your longest attack
Post by Maggi Jons on Jul 29th, 2004, 1:08pm
hi everybody  

3. hours ca, with no imigram injections.
Sometimes in a cycle i get hit again 10. 15. min later when i think its gone, that lasts from an hour to two.. thats rare thoe... once or tvice in a cycle. They are all very strong, most of them kip 8 to 10 when i get them at night!  
If it wasnt for Imigram injections i prob would not be writing this!!
They are gona make me bankrupt soon thoe!!!

Thank god for you gyes and imigram!!!


Title: Re: Your longest attack
Post by TimJohnson on Jul 31st, 2004, 1:48am
ER visit on Tuesday - Kip 8 -  5 hours on the button - ended as if someone had just thrown a switch - I think the cycle has ended for now.  I have had one other time like this one.  I think it is only when I am off of my Verapamil.  That seems to contribute to the strength of intensity - lack of Verapmil that is.  My choppy sentences are due to Topamax.  :P

Title: Re: Your longest attack
Post by Magman on Jul 31st, 2004, 6:50am
Longest hit....6hrs 15 min. Started at 1320 on New Years Day.

I have not looked at my journal since Feb.....Like a bad even read all I recorded.

Forgive the short plug here, but C.H.A.T.S. will provide answers to this question and many more. I think all of us would be amazed to see such stats as the longest hit, what meds were used by the population, what aborts the quickest, what prevents 'may' be working better than others [on average], and on and on.

Ok, so the plug was not short...... ::)

If you have not seen it...find C.H.A.T.S. presentation at;action=display;num=1090436528

Title: Re: Your longest attack
Post by JDH on Jul 31st, 2004, 12:02pm

on 07/10/04 at 20:40:40, jonny wrote:

Im curious, did you feel "The Pain Drain" as I call it?

Your at a Kip 10 and within 20 seconds its gone.....You can feel the pain just drain out of your head like a river flowing, oh man I will never forget that feeling. 14 yrs with no meds and that feeling was better than any sex ive ever had.


Great description man, I know EXACTLY what you're saying when those med free hits end. I've always tried to descibe that feeling people and like everthing else with this shit they don't get it. That is THE best feeling ever when that mofo "drains" away. And I agree, it feels better than any sex out there.

And as for my longest attack I'd say 2+ hours but who knows, looking at the clock isn't usually a priority.


Title: Re: Your longest attack
Post by eyhavhedaches on Jul 31st, 2004, 4:31pm
1 1/2 hours for me...... and it's unbearable....... !!!!!

Title: Re: Your longest attack
Post by Robert_C. on Jul 31st, 2004, 4:57pm
Usually 30 to 60 minutes.  The longest, about 3 to 4 hours.

I'm a newly graduate to chronic CH  [smiley=sayyes.gif].  It's been going on for 9 months now...non stop.

Actually, I seem to remember one day last spring when I felt better. [smiley=smartass.gif]

Title: Re: Your longest attack
Post by alan_nickie on Aug 1st, 2004, 7:31am
Longest Attack 2 hours, had periods when it felt like it was easing offf but then it  slammed up a level,, This was last night and Ive had a continuous low level backgroung headache since.

Regards Aaln.

Title: Re: Your longest attack
Post by Svenn on Aug 1st, 2004, 7:38am
Dont remember,was hospitolized and under constant morphine drip all the time

Title: Re: Your longest attack
Post by BillD on Aug 6th, 2004, 2:31am
5 hrs here...was interuppted by a trip to the emergency room as I could not deal with the pain. It ranked 11 on the scale. I get one or two of these headaches every episode.

Gee whiz...I can hardly wait for them to rear their ugly fucking little heads.

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