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(Message started by: Crying on Jul 3rd, 2004, 2:22am)

Title: Saw nero but
Post by Crying on Jul 3rd, 2004, 2:22am
Finaly got in to see my nero on Tuesday.  He prescribed verapimil 240mg, zomig spray and O2.  Had an attack kip 5 while I was waiting for the meds to be filled at pharmacy.  Luckily doc gave me zomig samples took one and Thank God it worked right away.  Later that night was just turning on computer when wamm! Started right at 7 rocket up to 10 in under tem min.  Tried zomig spray again but didnt work and oxegen supply place hadnt called back yet .  So no O2 yet.  My husband sent our son to grandma's and took me to ER.  Took an hour before I even was seen in ER ( they were'nt that busy either but insitead I go through triage and no skipping ahead in line)  heard recption say how I was over reacting!!!  Mad me so mad if I could of walked staight would went over and strangled them!  In so much pain could barely walk but couldn't stay still either.  vomited all over myself.  Then they said well maybe she really is in pian.  No duh.  I was at 10 kip!1  Then when doc sees me won't give me O2. Gives demeral instead but it does nothing. Give me 3 shots( only rember getting 2 shots by the way.)  So doupped up can't feel my legs but can still feel the pian in my head now a 7.  Fiannaly gives O2.  Pain goes down in five min.  feel much better in 15. I arrived at ER at 8:30pm I didnt get O2 until 12:30pm.  Got home at 2:30 am.  Today is friday and just got my O2 delivered.  I hope I don't ever have to go back to the ER again. Any ideas on how to better deal with idiot ER people?

Title: Re: Saw nero but
Post by Superpain on Jul 3rd, 2004, 3:10am
If you are going to insist upon going to the ER, as many people do, I have and many more will try.....

90% of the time, you are wasting your time and alot of money unless you educate them prior to your arrival.

Go in when you are not getting hit and give them the skinny on what the appropriate steps are, and convey the sense of urgency they need to act with upon your next visit.... O2, lots of it, QUICK! Maybe an imitrex injection... But all narcotics are gonna do at that point is make you puke.

Otherwise you are better off staying at home riding it out. :-/

Title: Re: Saw nero but
Post by Jayne on Jul 3rd, 2004, 3:32pm
Don't bother with the ER. Next time you are caught unawares by the HA, go to your nearest fire department and ask them to let you breathe their 02 at a 15ml per flow rate. The firemen are far more helpful, plus they don't have a long line of people waiting, and they usually don't charge you for the little bit of 02 that you use. Hope that helps you for next time.

Title: Re: Saw nero but
Post by forgetfulnot on Jul 3rd, 2004, 5:11pm

on 07/03/04 at 15:32:53, Jayne wrote:
Don't bother with the ER. Next time you are caught unawares by the HA, go to your nearest fire department and ask them to let you breathe their 02 at a 15ml per flow rate. The firemen are far more helpful, plus they don't have a long line of people waiting, and they usually don't charge you for the little bit of 02 that you use. Hope that helps you for next time.

ERRRRRR we have had recient reports of people being turned away from Fire stations, probably a liability thing.
Check with them first to be sure.  ;)


Title: Re: Saw nero but
Post by E-Double on Jul 3rd, 2004, 5:46pm

on 07/03/04 at 17:11:39, forgetfulnot wrote:
ERRRRRR we have had recient reports of people being turned away from Fire stations, probably a liability thing.
Check with them first to be sure.  ;)


Happened to me 1/2 dozen times :( Should have my o2 tuesday. good luck to you

Title: Re: Saw nero but
Post by kissmyglass on Jul 3rd, 2004, 6:14pm
vomited?  Arrived at ER @ 8:30, under attack and didn't get O2 until 12:30??  So you had at least a hour hour attack? with vomiting?   I'm not a doc but it sure Doesn't sound very clusterish to me....


Title: Re: Saw nero but
Post by pubgirl on Jul 3rd, 2004, 6:41pm
Dear Crying

Have to say I agree with Kev. That's VERY long for a CH attack.
I am interested to know what is the longest unaborted attack anyone on here has had.
This would help me when I'm talking to people on the Helpline and am trying to separate the chronic migraine from the CH where there is overlap on symptoms.

Think I'll start a thread!


Title: Re: Saw nero but
Post by E-Double on Jul 3rd, 2004, 7:20pm
Crying could have vomited due to the anxiety or the pain! Not "nausea"

When these started hitting me I'd go from 0-10 in no time and go into panic mode. HAd to hurl. Wasn't nauseous as with migraines but was ovewhelmed by the severity.

IT is a possibility.

Take care and as far as duration will post on the other thread.


Title: Re: Saw nero but
Post by Prense on Jul 4th, 2004, 3:44pm
Agreed Eric, but from 7pm untill 1245 am...

That's long as hell for CH.

Even though I know that ERs typically do jack shit for me, I go when it seems a better alternative than a .357 mag.

If nothing else, demeral will calm me down some, and I normally don't get hit again until at least I wake up feeling hung over.

I've never had to wait (more than 15 minutes) in the ER.  For me, the ER is a last ditch effort...


Title: Re: Saw nero but
Post by Crying on Jul 5th, 2004, 8:07pm
I have O2 now.  I had a script for it the day of the attack but becauce of insurance problems didn't get delivery until Friday.  So hopefully I can stay out of ER now. I have migraines and CH. I have a real over lap of symptoms.   My migraines are rarely over a 7 pain. Usually 4-5 build slow, stay all day without treatment.  CH bangs me in the head sudden like baseball bat to the head!! 7-10 usually 15-30 mins long but sometimes longer and I get sometimes them in strings close together.  I think thats what happened in the ER because pain lowed for awhile then wamm back again. I wish I did have just migraines. They were easier to deal with.

Title: Re: Saw nero but
Post by k9n8 on Jul 6th, 2004, 2:16pm
E-DOUBLE, that is it right there.
I have heard many people say nausia is not normally associated with CH, but the severity of having a screw threaded into your temple can cause vomitting too, this is where I think mine comes in, I will vomit with a CH of kip8-10, depending, and I think I might vomit if someone ripped my leg off, or tried to open my head with a ball peen hammer.

Title: Re: Saw nero but
Post by Superpain on Jul 6th, 2004, 5:30pm
I vomit with the worst ones sometimes.

Title: Re: Saw nero but
Post by Biker on Jul 6th, 2004, 7:17pm
There are times I feel like hurling.   I found it impossible to get a perscription for Oxygen.   One phone call to the local welding shop, and a bottle of oxygen was delivered to me the very next day, along with a regulator, and hose, (that I ordered and paid for). I hooked up an air nozzle and presto----self made oxygen inhaler.  All within 24 hours.  It cost 150 bucks for a 3 year lease on the bottle, and 30 bucks to fill the bottle, but the bottle will last for months.  It worked so well, I got a small bottle from the welding shop to put in my vehicle.  I found that nearly every welding shop also fills the medical bottles.  Its the same oxygen they use in hospitals.    I use to be worried about filters and dirty bottles, but after looking at all the stuff in hospitals, (I have helped build several) there are no filters installed in the lines.  The oxygen supply bottles at many hospitals are the same bottles they trade out to replace empty bottles on welding rigs.   After the initial cost of the lease and equipment, Oxygen runs less than 100 bucks for a years supply.  

Title: Re: Saw nero but
Post by Superpain on Jul 6th, 2004, 7:28pm

on 07/06/04 at 19:17:59, Biker wrote:
There are times I feel like hurling.   I found it impossible to get a perscription for Oxygen.   One phone call to the local welding shop, and a bottle of oxygen was delivered to me the very next day, along with a regulator, and hose, (that I ordered and paid for). I hooked up an air nozzle and presto----self made oxygen inhaler.  All within 24 hours.  It cost 150 bucks for a 3 year lease on the bottle, and 30 bucks to fill the bottle, but the bottle will last for months.  It worked so well, I got a small bottle from the welding shop to put in my vehicle.  I found that nearly every welding shop also fills the medical bottles.  Its the same oxygen they use in hospitals.    I use to be worried about filters and dirty bottles, but after looking at all the stuff in hospitals, (I have helped build several) there are no filters installed in the lines.  The oxygen supply bottles at many hospitals are the same bottles they trade out to replace empty bottles on welding rigs.   After the initial cost of the lease and equipment, Oxygen runs less than 100 bucks for a years supply.  

;) Yep....
I bought my e tank and the whole setup for less than $200 and it costs $18 to get refilled. Sounds like you got an even better deal...

Title: Re: Saw nero but
Post by Crying on Jul 7th, 2004, 1:24am
My husband says wrote time of headache start wrong.  Was  about between 7:50-8:00 not &:00 like I wrote before.  Opps sorry.  I did metion that I had three shots that night and did't rember stuff too well right.  As for nausa and vomoting,  It happens to me sometimes if the pains an 8 or over.  Especially if I had just had a nice big meal.  That night I had fried calamari.  Nuf said. Message Board » Powered by YaBB 1 Gold - SP 1.3.1!
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