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(Message started by: Ronny on Jun 28th, 2004, 3:44pm)

Title: Acupuncture
Post by Ronny on Jun 28th, 2004, 3:44pm
Hi, i have a question. My father knows an acupuncture doc (dont know the name) who claims he can help most people with CH! Does anyone have experience with acupuncture. Does it help (partial) or is it a quack? I'm willing to try anything. i Have CH for about 7 years, the first 6 years, from time to time, but the last couple of  months i have them every day. It's only been 2 weeks since i first saw a neuro over this. he gave me Isoptine (3 * 80 mg) and now the number of attacks seems to decrease. There is a light to not so light pain, all day and night, but without the attacks. So if anyone has experience with the needle man, please reply. Thanks to everyone, this place is really, truly a great support to me.

Title: Re: Acupuncture
Post by don on Jun 28th, 2004, 3:56pm

or is it a quack

Like a duck! Dont even bother.

Title: Re: Acupuncture
Post by D on Jun 28th, 2004, 8:32pm
Quack! Quack!

Get some oxygen and run as fast as you can from as many   pharmaceuticals as you can!!!

Title: Re: Acupuncture
Post by crazyauntboo on Jun 29th, 2004, 12:13am
I don't know why everyone is so agains accupuncture.
I've had CH for about 20 years now.
My last cycle I started accupuncture. This was not in place of my meds (now that would be crazy!).
But why not try it? What can it hurt? My cycle actually ended shortly after i started. Now this probably was because it was the end but you never know.  Accupuncture has helped many people for many things. Now that is a fact. So.....why not try it along with your other meds?  If there is a chance that it could help, why not take it?  

Title: Re: Acupuncture
Post by UN_SOLVED on Jun 29th, 2004, 12:47am
From:  The New York Headache Center (Cluster headache specific) board:

on 06/28/04 at 19:24:10, E-Double wrote:
The only thing that I can see being put by is the fact that he also does alternative meds (read your reply about Accupuncture = QUACK)

on 06/28/04 at 23:43:36, UN_SOLVED wrote:
MHNI offers this too. They offer every type of therapy that you can imagine. From accupuncture to neurostimulators. I don't think they're "quack"s.

I'd really like to know what they are talking about HERE (

If medical treatment is ineffective, there is also surgical treatment. This area of research is very promising. For example, there is surgery available which will get rid of the nerve itself that is sending the pain signals. As you may guess, such treatment has its risks, but the pain of cluster may make it worth investigating surgical cluster headache treatments!

PS... BTW ... Accupuncture did NOTHING for my clusters (or for anything else ! )

Title: Re: Acupuncture
Post by D on Jun 29th, 2004, 2:16am
My point was not to promote acupuncture for cluster headaches, doing so or suggesting they can abort or prevent cluster headache = quackery!

But I suppose in fairness if it helps someone in addition to other more reliable treatments... then by all means go have acupuncture.

Title: Re: Acupuncture
Post by BobG on Jun 29th, 2004, 4:31am
I've been around this message board for a little while and I've never read anyone say they have positively helped by accupuncture.

IMHO, the only help it will give is to the accupuncturist's Lexus payment.

Title: Re: Acupuncture
Post by don on Jun 29th, 2004, 5:56am
My "quack like a duck" comment is directed specifically to acupuncture as the question was asked.

Clarification..Acupuncture promoted as an effective treatment for CH is a lie and has not helped anyone I have heard from with a legitimate CH diagnosis and only directs a newly diagnosed sufferer in the wrong direction.

UnSolved...........I would appreciate you not taking my statement out of context by implying that I believe all other legitimate medical treatments or trials are quackery.

Title: Re: Acupuncture
Post by UN_SOLVED on Jun 30th, 2004, 8:12pm

on 06/29/04 at 05:56:58, don wrote:
UnSolved...........I would appreciate you not taking my statement out of context by implying that I believe all other legitimate medical treatments or trials are quackery.

I never implied that you believe "all other legitimate medical treatments or trials are quackery."
Not sure what I said to make you think that ????  [smiley=huh.gif]


Title: Re: Acupuncture
Post by don on Jun 30th, 2004, 10:55pm
Ah who knows! I replied at 6AM after not much sleep. No offense intended.

Sorry Bud.

Title: Re: Acupuncture
Post by ria369 on Jul 1st, 2004, 4:42am
It's easy to get depressed during an episode of cluster headaches, and any optimism or hope for another treatment may be a reward in an of itself.  I myself am going to start accupuncture this week not necessarily to heal CH, but to help my body release the many toxins that I ingest to treat CH.  I say it's worth it.  It can't hurt you, and if it's financially feasible, you should try it. Message Board » Powered by YaBB 1 Gold - SP 1.3.1!
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