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(Message started by: Crying on Jun 25th, 2004, 10:25pm)

Title: A bunch of ( I hope there not stupid) questions
Post by Crying on Jun 25th, 2004, 10:25pm
[left]Hi, everybody! Ok.  This is my second time I have posted at this site. I have been having headaches for years and was diagnoised as a migrain suffer.  Problem is my headaches have been changing.  Last 2+ months I have been having headaches almost every night and sometimes in the day.  My symtoms are now more like CH .  No araus , 15-90 min. long droppy eyelid  pain 8+ on kip scale dancing but I have severe nausa and and I periods of mild pain  around eye and pain change sides once between one headach and the next but mostly stays on left side. I have  read some of the info on the site but I have a bunch of questions.  Some of them have problay have already been asked and answered before but anyway here we go...

  • What questions should I ask of me nero?  (I have an apptment on Tues. June 29th.)
    What should I tell my nero or bring to apptment?
    My nero has me on trazadone/desytril is it any good for CH?
    What exactly is a shadow? How painful do shadows get? Do they come before or after both?
    Do allergies affect CH?  ( I am very allergic to mold and dust.)
    I am on zyrtec and flonase for my allergies.  Do they help or cause or no effect on CH?
    You keep metioning oxegon for CH.  How dangerous/hard is it to use.  My house uses gas for heating and cooking and I am worried about blowing my self up!  I have noticed feel better when they given it to me in ER though.
    Is stress a trigger? Doctors are always telling me to eat better avoid stress and lose weight.  As if head bashing headaches every night aren't stressful!
    Does diet help or vitamins help?
    Is weight a factor?

Ok.  I'm done for now can't think of anymore stupid question. ;)

Title: Re: A bunch of ( I hope there not stupid) question
Post by miapet on Jun 25th, 2004, 10:36pm
Well, I can't answer all of your questions, but I can share a little . . .Flonase would bring on h/a if D used it during cycle.  We don't have gas, but we hauled o2 everywhere and didn't blow up . . . When in cycle stress did bring on h/as . . .

Read about the medications, know what they are, and ask questions.  Advocate for yourself as much as possible.  

I'm sure others will be in to answer your questions *smiles*
*positive light and energy*

Title: Re: A bunch of ( I hope there not stupid) question
Post by Rock_Lobster on Jun 26th, 2004, 12:19am
Thoughts... (not a Doctor!)...
Obviously all the advice below assumes you are diagnosed with CH after your neuro visit... very very important!!!!

For your neuro trip... print... read... summary info on many of the current treatments (not all!)...
Note... the O2 numbers are low.  You want 15lpm.

CH tends not to change sides on the fly...

Shadows... go down half a page and read the thread 'What exactly are "shadows".  For me they are not tied to a given CH... they are just a fun part of an episode... have had a minor shadow all day... I know my head is there... and I know I am in an episode.

Oxygen... no danger, unless you smoke near it.  A common sense thing.  Kinda like skydiving... the uncommonly stupid are quickly culled.

Diet may have an effect, only in the sense that some foods may trigger for some people.  Eat much alcohol?  Alcohol is a common trigger for episodics.

Doubt weight is a factor.  Note that on Topamax you will lose weight, since everything tastes like shit.

Nighty night.

Title: Re: A bunch of ( I hope there not stupid) question
Post by UN_SOLVED on Jun 26th, 2004, 6:21am

on 06/25/04 at 22:25:08, Crying wrote:
[left] pain change sides once between one headach and the next but mostly stays on left side.

Uncommon but NOT unheard of. My attacks are about 90% left sided now. They never switch sides during an attack. The first 12 years (epesodic) .. all my attacks were right sided. I had never experienced an attack on the left until I became chronic in 2000.

trazadone/desytril ? I can't help you with these meds. Sorry

I do believe that stress can bring on an attack.

Try to get as much info as possible to take with you to your neuro appointment. Your the first person who has asked about trazadone/desytril that I know of on this board. Find out the most common CH Meds ... like Verapamil, 02, Triptans (like Imitrex), Lithium, Topomax, Depakote, or for short term use ... steriods (like a 60 - 80 mg taper of Prednisone, a Dex Pack, or Medrol Dosepack)

Goodluck and be careful with O2 & open flames !!

PS...Don't fry up any bacon with an O2 mask on !! ;;D


Title: Re: A bunch of ( I hope there not stupid) question
Post by eyes_afire on Jun 26th, 2004, 1:07pm
Hi there,

on 06/25/04 at 22:25:08, Crying wrote:
My nero has me on trazadone/desytril is it any good for CH?

I've tried it.  In my opinion it's useless for CH.

It's not a commonly prescribed anti-depressant, especially not for guys.  I've never heard of it ever helping CH.

I hope you find something that works.  If I were you, I'd start with oxygen and verapamil as they are often the most effective with the least side effects.  Of course, you must be seen by a doc first.

take care,

--- Steve

Title: Re: A bunch of ( I hope there not stupid) question
Post by Lizzie2 on Jun 26th, 2004, 1:45pm
You've gotten some good advice here.  Hope some of it helps!!

As far as oxygen being's only a contraindication if you have COPD or another breathing disease.  In those cases...O2 can be bad.

My roommate is an EMT for our local ambulance, and she said the only thing they fear with O2 is if those canisters fall over and the valve were to be damaged at all, they can take off like a speeding metal rocket.  It's advised to keep it laying down or in a carrier/stand if you can!!! :)

Hang in there!
Lizzie :)

Title: Re: A bunch of ( I hope there not stupid) question
Post by TxBasslady on Jun 27th, 2004, 12:42am
Keeping a diary of your ha's is a good thing to do.
This can be very helpful for your doc.

Note times, intensity of ha, how long the ha lasts, and what, if anything, you took to help relieve the pain.

I have had a few migraines in my life....I thought they were pretty far as pain goes.   THEN....I experienced CH !!!   IMHO, there is NO comparison.

The pain of CH is not something you will ever forget.  For me, it's undoubtedly the WORST pain I have ever experienced.   Child birth was a piece of cake!!!

Hope you get what you need from your neuro.  

PF vibes,


Title: Re: A bunch of ( I hope there not stupid) question
Post by maryo on Jun 27th, 2004, 8:45pm
Trazadone is a pain killer.  I don't think pain killers generally work on CHs.  In fact, I've had CHs triggered by pain killers.  I don't know about desryel.

I do know that no one, not even two neuros I saw while I was lost in the 20-year maze of not knowing what was wrong diagnosed me.  It wasn't until I saw the questionnaire info on this website that I realized I was a CH sufferer and my pattern was classic.  Docs were always puzzled.  One said I couldn't be having CHs since I was female.

I use Cafergot to abort.  O2 has not worked for me.  I am a paramedic and O2 is no concern unless you take O2 by nasal cannual while smoking Marlboros.  Oxygen feeds fire.  It's not a fire hazard per se.  The tank falling can turn into a missile.  

Docs are our partners, not magicians.  Don't be afraid to state a diagnosis if you feel strongly you have CHs.

Title: Re: A bunch of ( I hope there not stupid) question
Post by eyes_afire on Jun 27th, 2004, 10:08pm
Here's some information on the anti-depressant trazodone (aka Desyrel):

--- Steve

Title: Re: A bunch of ( I hope there not stupid) question
Post by Crying on Jun 29th, 2004, 3:09am

on 06/25/04 at 22:25:08, Crying wrote:

My nero has me on trazadone/desytril is it any good for CH?
I am on zyrtec and flonase for my allergies.  Do they help or cause or no effect on CH?

I mentioned deystol because that's what I'm currently on but not helping my headaches go away at all.  The doctors keep giving me anti depressants instead of the  meds I need.  My husband is  on kidney diaylsis waiting for transplant.  He's been on the list for 4 years now.  The docs keep focosing on my "stressful situation".  I have had BIG headaches since I was 12 guys.  He's disease hasn't changed that but docs keep focusing on my stress levels.  I need something to keep these headaches away so I can take of my husband and son.  Luckly water works for me most of the time but I feel like a fish.  Hopefully my nero will help me.  Just a few more hours now before visit 9:15 am (pacific)

Title: Re: A bunch of ( I hope there not stupid) question
Post by E-Double on Jun 29th, 2004, 6:16am

Trazadone is a pain killer.

Trazadone is actually NOT  a pain killer it is an antidepressent that is also used for anxiety.

Should be the med prescibed for the CH but may be used for those "bug- out" times where ya need to calm down and just can't do it yourself!

I personally needed Xanax after I've taken my abortives and still going hard for 2 hours (whole other story) or taken cause developing anxiety over having an attak while teaching. Anyway this is your time.

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