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(Message started by: Biker on Jun 25th, 2004, 6:33am)

Title: Dancing again
Post by Biker on Jun 25th, 2004, 6:33am
I have not been in here for a couple of years.  I thought those painfull episodes were finished-----wrong.     For no reason I can put a finger on, CH came back to me in the middle of the night---after a couple of pain free years.    Now, Im getting them day or night in fairly rapid succession.  I got out the old oxygen bottle (which is still fairly full) and the frozen verapamil and imitrex.  I remember being fairly desparate a couple years ago, and read somewhere that LSD has helped some folks avoid the CH.  After much reasearch, I discovered that Jimpson weed has traces of LSD.  I also discovered that the Jimpson weed is some pretty dangerous and unpredectiable stuff.  Now, I find myself waiting for those blue flowers to bloom again so I can use some more in an attempt to get rid of these headaches.  I dread the thought of using such an unknown agent, yet I dread the thought of another episode even more.  People give me a funny look when I pull the Oxygen bottle out at work and start sucking on the hose.  

Title: Re: Dancing again
Post by ave on Jun 25th, 2004, 8:32am
Biker, check out shrooms at

Shrooms  have helped a lot of people and are in therapeutic doses relatively safe.
Only thing is - you left it late. It's best to start before clusters really get going.
But check it out...

Jimson weed I don't know about;  morning glory may  help.

Title: Re: Dancing again
Post by 1MajorPain on Jun 25th, 2004, 8:47am some reading at the clusterbusters site! I am a believer and clinical tests are about to start.


Title: Re: Dancing again
Post by thomas on Jun 25th, 2004, 10:47am
Nighttime hits?
Ch is a terrible condition and they hurt no matter what time of the day you get hit.  Personally, the ones that kill me the most, are the ones that come while I am sleeping.  Many people have had success avoiding the nighttime hits by using melatonin, which in the U.S. is available over the counter.  The dosage varies from person to person, but most usually have success with anywhere from 6-9mg.  Some have had luck with much lower doses as well; you may have to experiment with the dosage, in order to find the one that is best for you.  As with any medication, check with your doctor before you start using it.
PFNAD to all.

Title: Re: Dancing again
Post by floridian on Jun 25th, 2004, 11:34am
Jimson weed does not contain LSD or any clusterbusting medicine, as far as I know. It does contain atropine and scopalamine and other mind bending agents. It is also very toxic - and it is easy to overdose. I strongly suggest you do more research - you may be exposing yourself to a lot of risk with little or no benefit as far as clusters go.

Title: Re: Dancing again
Post by BlueMeanie on Jun 25th, 2004, 2:21pm

Sorry to hear the beast has returned. Sending vibes you get a very short cycle this time around. Welcome back.

on 06/25/04 at 11:34:12, floridian wrote:
Jimson weed does not contain LSD or any clusterbusting medicine, as far as I know. It does contain atropine and scopalamine and other mind bending agents. It is also very toxic - and it is easy to overdose. I strongly suggest you do more research - you may be exposing yourself to a lot of risk with little or no benefit as far as clusters go.

I strongly suggest you take Floridian's advice. He is very knowledgeable in this subject if you didn't already know that. Thanks Floridian.

Title: Re: Dancing again
Post by Superpain on Jun 25th, 2004, 4:25pm
Yeah, I've had that "I think they're gone for good" feeling before.
I just know better now.
I gotta couple of pf yrs ahead of me though.
Chris enjoying it while it lasts...

Title: Re: Dancing again
Post by miapet on Jun 25th, 2004, 10:08pm
We strongly suggest not using the Jimpsom weed . . .and we strongly suggest you heed Floridian's advice.  Check out clusterbusters . . .the research done there is excellent .. .and it works for a lot of people (D has been p/f for 6 weeks and counting) . . .
Please, be careful, and take care of yourself.
*positive light and energy*

Title: Re: Dancing again
Post by Biker on Jun 27th, 2004, 6:21pm
I will most certainly look under the cluster busters topic.  Anything would be better than waiting for the next episode.   While dancing, I get kinda desprate to rid myself of the devil in my head.  Even the shadows are gettin a bit annoying.  I can see myself loosing employment over this----again.  Has anyone ever heard of anyone recieving SSI over the headaches???

Title: Re: Dancing again
Post by miapet on Jun 28th, 2004, 12:52pm
Biker, I wondered about the same thing. . .and I  know there are people who receive SSI or SSD . . .I've read on the social security site, it's not one of the automatic qualifiers, but it can be done . . .We chose not to go with it . . .but have that as a reserve for just in case . . .
*positive light and energy*

Title: Re: Dancing again
Post by Superpain on Jun 28th, 2004, 3:19pm
I had to take a medical leave of absence for about a month my last cycle. I know it sux but it's better than just losing your job. And unless you're an undocumented worker, they have to let you take it if need be.

Title: Re: Dancing again
Post by alleyoop49 on Jul 1st, 2004, 6:59am
Hi Biker,

Sorry to hear you're back in cycle.

I'm diagnosed chronic and have finally applied for SSD. My case is in the early stages of being processed. I did contact an attorney that I found on a link at the OUCH site, whom said they would take my case on a contingency basis. I haven't made the decision yet as to  whether or not I'm going to hire them. I'll keep you posted.



Title: Re: Dancing again
Post by YMe on Jul 1st, 2004, 10:31pm
Sorry to hear that you're back after so long.  I've also just returned after 8 months of blissfull pfd's with two days consecutive kip7's and have all the symptoms of classic sinus congestion.  Going to try a different strategy this season, will try to keep the congestion at bay and see if that will keep the ch away also.  So far have managed the day but have that baseball-bat-to-the-head sensation.
I didn't realise that pain-free spells could run into years.  Yikes! :o Best wishes for a quick return to normal.

Title: Re: Dancing again
Post by 911please on Jul 14th, 2004, 10:46pm
I am researching the shrooms up here in Canada. When I find them and try them I'll let you know how they work. Anything to break this cycle I will try.
I have eaten shrooms before for recreational purposes and always laughed my face off. O to laugh again instead of carrying around the grimace and facial tension that is associated with these.

O mushroom god get here soon.

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