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(Message started by: mynm156 on Jun 22nd, 2004, 10:47pm)

Title: A Trip To A New PCP.
Post by mynm156 on Jun 22nd, 2004, 10:47pm
Good Lord!!!

This was probably the single Worst DR experence I have had as of late.

I took my son and I to this new Group.  This young (GOD COMPLEX DOC) sees me and in less than two mins says U dont have CH U have Migraines.  He wants me to change my diet Here is that SAME DAMN MIGRAINE TRIGGER LIST) and take this souped Acetaminophen...  Yet after talking to my 15yr old son he say well he sounds more like CH than U.  The first thing he says to us is its 1000am I have a phone interview at 1015am  so I was not happy about it at all.

Gives him Verampamil and says share my zomig with him.  What a dick..

I called the office Manager there and let him have it and they set us up with the head doc next week FREE.  Not that it will make that big a diff.  But My concern is I watched my son come flying off the couch from a deep sleep last week holding his left eye crying out in pain that he had a head ache and I dont wish this on even that not a very nice person that saw us today much less my own flesh and  blood.

Good Vibes and Love My Brothers and Sisters in Pain!!


Title: Re: A Trip To A New PCP.
Post by JDH on Jun 22nd, 2004, 11:12pm
Sorry to hear that your son might be getting CH's. That's got to be an awful experience to see a family member going through it.
As for your Dr visit, the way you were treated the first time you should both come out of that appt. next week with a bunch of free samples.
good luck,


Title: Re: A Trip To A New PCP.
Post by E-Double on Jun 22nd, 2004, 11:14pm
Fly me to mesa and I'll show the Doc some real pain. Broken kneecaps New York Style!!!!!!
(Don't sound like the nice guy,
special ed.teacher/behavior analyst that I actually am  ;) whatta prick the PCP was!!)
I wonder if PCP could actually be an abortive? Nah you'd actually see the beast come out from our heads! That would be freaky! [smiley=laugh.gif]

I think I would have put a hurting on the guy!
I hope you are well and pray for your child!!!


Title: Re: A Trip To A New PCP.
Post by Sean_C on Jun 22nd, 2004, 11:20pm
Sorry to hear about your son Mynm, I hope his cycle ends soon. Hang in there and have him come to, I think it would help him alot.

Big Vibes to you both.


Title: Re: A Trip To A New PCP.
Post by Gator on Jun 23rd, 2004, 4:14am
Geez, sounds terrible.  I've told my wife more than once, I'd reather be the one suffering than the one that has to sit and watch helplessly.  That would kill me.  For it to be a kid would make it all the worse.

I hope things get resovled quickly for both of you.

Damned dumba$s know-it-all docs.  >:(

Title: Re: A Trip To A New PCP.
Post by Superpain on Jun 23rd, 2004, 5:20pm
That wasn't at foothills neurology was it?

Title: Re: A Trip To A New PCP.
Post by mynm156 on Jun 23rd, 2004, 7:12pm
No it was a new Primary care doc.  I told him of course I have clusters and wanted to taqlk to him about my kid a bit.  I Had that real bad allergic reaction the other day at work with the Demerol and needed my Blood Pressure meds too.

Nope next tuesday there.  



Title: Re: A Trip To A New PCP.
Post by Superpain on Jun 24th, 2004, 3:58pm
Well, that's good news.
Tell me again, what meds have you taken lately that were unsuccessful?
Have you done a pred taper?
Has the O2 been effective?
Any imitrex injections? Message Board » Powered by YaBB 1 Gold - SP 1.3.1!
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