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(Message started by: Tory on Jun 22nd, 2004, 11:58am)

Title: Do you have an ache in the same place all the time
Post by Tory on Jun 22nd, 2004, 11:58am
Ive had three attacks, and my doctor (very helpful) has diagnosed me with cluster headaches. However, during the day, and worse at night, I am experiencing a headache in exactly the same place as the atacks (right temple/eye area). It is the same type of pain, but 100 times less painful. What is this? Does anyone get that aswell? Is this part of the symptoms?

Title: Re: Do you have an ache in the same place all the
Post by thomas on Jun 22nd, 2004, 12:01pm
Some would call it a shadow.  Yes some do have it and others don't and some have it and then don't.

Title: Re: Do you have an ache in the same place all the
Post by jhammer on Jun 22nd, 2004, 12:04pm
Yup...a shadow!

Title: Re: Do you have an ache in the same place all the
Post by don on Jun 22nd, 2004, 12:58pm
From the new visitors page..................

Shadows are sort of "phantom" headaches we get, usually as a warning that an attack is on it's way. There are lots more, but you'll catch on, and don't be afraid to email the poster to ask for an explanation if you don't understand something.

Title: Re: Do you have an ache in the same place all the
Post by E-Double on Jun 22nd, 2004, 1:09pm
Is it uncommon for the shadows to just linger all day long? I mean... I may have a full blown attack then that goes away thank god but then the shadows kinda persist. Does that make sense?
Sometimes it feels like they just brace you for another attack and others they just tease.

Title: Re: Do you have an ache in the same place all the
Post by Kris_in_SJ on Jun 22nd, 2004, 1:17pm
When I'm in cycle, I have shadows all day - usually on a scale of 2-3 - annoying, just hanging out there kind of pain.  They gradually get less noticeable as I go into remission.  


Title: Re: Do you have an ache in the same place all the
Post by don on Jun 22nd, 2004, 2:03pm
Its like this.............

What we percieve as an annoying little head pounder,a regular person would percieve as a full blown headache.

We are tough MFerS.

Title: Re: Do you have an ache in the same place all the
Post by E-Double on Jun 22nd, 2004, 2:12pm
Damn right!!!!!!!
Try expalining these to the rest of the world though!!!
It's a Pain in the ass!!!!!!

Take care

Title: Re: Do you have an ache in the same place all the
Post by BobG on Jun 22nd, 2004, 2:21pm

on 06/22/04 at 12:58:55, don wrote:
From the new visitors page..................

Shadows are sort of "phantom" headaches we get, usually as a warning that an attack is on it's way.

"Phantom" in this case is not to be confused with a person getting all the phantom symptoms, tearing eye/running nose/etc but no pain.

Title: Re: Do you have an ache in the same place all the
Post by don on Jun 22nd, 2004, 2:41pm
Niether should it be confused with the "Phantom of the Opera" whom I resemble while under attack.

Title: Re: Do you have an ache in the same place all the
Post by BobG on Jun 22nd, 2004, 3:02pm

on 06/22/04 at 14:41:58, don wrote:
Niether should it be confused with the "Phantom of the Opera" whom I resemble while under attack.

That was a great play. Never slept better in my life.

Title: Re: Do you have an ache in the same place all the
Post by Gator on Jun 22nd, 2004, 3:25pm
Yup.  I had shadows 24/7 except for the major assaults, until the 3rd doc I saw put me on a prednisone taper.  Killed the constant shadows.  Now I usually have shadows prior to an attack and occassionally in between.

I have definitely re-assessed my definition of pain since getting struck with this disease, condition, syndrome or whatever the hell you call it.


Title: Re: Do you have an ache in the same place all the
Post by mynm156 on Jun 22nd, 2004, 3:48pm

Sorry to hear that you are one of us but WELCOME!!!  Yes as it has been stated these persistant pains you feel are the SHADOWS.  In my case they almost never leave and are what really wear me down. Sure I can fly out of my sleep with the rest of us and suffer through a 10 on the KIP scale. However,  I can knock that oine down a bit its the damn shadow that lingers on forever at about 4 or more that gets me.  It I think is the hardest point to get accross to the doctors is that YES I am in almost constant pain sometimes.

Good Luck and GOOD VIBES!!!

Welcome to your new family of PAIN


Title: Re: Do you have an ache in the same place all the
Post by Tory on Jun 22nd, 2004, 6:03pm
WOW, thanks for all the advice. This mesage board is better than any doctor. It's the 'not knowing what it is' that worries me most. It's so reasurring. It's funny, before I had CH, I would've probably taken a day off work because of these 'shadows', but they're nothing compared to the BIG ONES.
Thanks everyone,

Title: Re: Do you have an ache in the same place all the
Post by Superpain on Jun 22nd, 2004, 6:08pm

on 06/22/04 at 18:03:25, Tory wrote:
WOW, thanks for all the advice. This mesage board is better than any doctor. It's the 'not knowing what it is' that worries me most. It's so reasurring. It's funny, before I had CH, I would've probably taken a day off work because of these 'shadows', but they're nothing compared to the BIG ONES.
Thanks everyone,

Yes. Agreed. For sure... Word.

Title: Re: Do you have an ache in the same place all the
Post by Tory on Jun 22nd, 2004, 6:48pm
Is there any medication for the shadow pain? I've been taking co-proxamol but it makes me depressed and constipated (a great combination).

Title: Re: Do you have an ache in the same place all the
Post by FZfan on Jun 22nd, 2004, 7:01pm
I've seen a couple of posts about taking excedrine migraine for shadows. I think i also saw some references to taking zomig or imitrex pills for shadows. I was going to try the excedrine migrain last cycle, but my cycle ended shortly after i picked up a bottle. I'll try it next time, though.

Try searching for some threads on this topic for more info, I think a lot depends on the kind of shadows you are experiencing as they can vary a lot from person to person.

No harm in trying some excedrine, though.

Title: Re: Do you have an ache in the same place all the
Post by don on Jun 22nd, 2004, 8:43pm

makes me depressed and constipated

So your sad but dont give a shit?

Keep reading this site. A lot of previous CH mysteries will be revealed to you.

You know, like why I was caught by a neighbor outside in  my backyard, in February, at 2 AM ,in my skivies, doing a dance .

I live in New England.

Title: Re: Do you have an ache in the same place all the
Post by Prense on Jun 22nd, 2004, 9:51pm

on 06/22/04 at 18:48:46, Tory wrote:
Is there any medication for the shadow pain? I've been taking co-proxamol but it makes me depressed and constipated (a great combination).

For my shadows, only triptans or O2 gets rid of them.  I normally will not waste a trex injection on a shadow HA.  They are costly, and a shadow is nothing compared to an attack.


Title: Re: Do you have an ache in the same place all the
Post by Gator on Jun 23rd, 2004, 1:00pm

on 06/22/04 at 19:01:11, FZfan wrote:
I've seen a couple of posts about taking excedrine migraine for shadows. I think i also saw some references to taking zomig or imitrex pills for shadows. I was going to try the excedrine migrain last cycle, but my cycle ended shortly after i picked up a bottle. I'll try it next time, though.

Try searching for some threads on this topic for more info, I think a lot depends on the kind of shadows you are experiencing as they can vary a lot from person to person.

No harm in trying some excedrine, though.

I compared the labels.  All Excedrin Migraine is is Extra Strength Excedrin with a different label.  If it costs more, Stick with the Extra Strength.  


Title: Re: Do you have an ache in the same place all the
Post by purpleydog on Jun 23rd, 2004, 10:46pm
Hey Tory,

I just ended a cycle in my left eye. I have been noticing some shadow pain in my right eye, but I think it's because my neck is out of whack. It isn't anywhere near the burning and pain (to put it mildly! I can't think of a suitable word that describes this pain!!) I usually experience with a ch.

I'll go the chiropractor in a day or so, he'll fix me right up.

I have shadows all day to differing degrees of pain. Towards the end of my cycle, my HA last for hours and hours, therefore shadows.

God I hate these things!! >:( :'(


Title: Re: Do you have an ache in the same place all the
Post by Superpain on Jun 24th, 2004, 4:05pm
O2 for shadows....

Title: Re: Do you have an ache in the same place all the
Post by kissmyglass on Jun 24th, 2004, 4:17pm
I'm guessing the excedrin will make it worse...

Title: Re: Do you have an ache in the same place all the
Post by pubgirl on Jun 24th, 2004, 9:37pm

I use 02 for my shadows if they are really bothering me, or if I haven't already used up my triptan allowance for the 24 hours (2 doses) I use a triptan pill to clear them. I use Zomig for this as they are cheap and my Gp prescribes them freely like sweeties so I have a drawerful. They are too slow for full blown attacks, but good for shadows.
If you do try this, to reiterate, NO MORE THAN 2 DOSES OF ANY TRIPTAN IN 24 HOURS.


P.S. If anyone reading this is having a permanent pain that is more than just shadowing, do check that you don't have Hemicrania continua Message Board » Powered by YaBB 1 Gold - SP 1.3.1!
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