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(Message started by: E-Double on Jun 21st, 2004, 9:53pm)

Title: Triggers?????
Post by E-Double on Jun 21st, 2004, 9:53pm
Have any of you been unable to identify triggers?
I keep a journal and have been trying to identify certain variables and can not for the life of me identify one single trigger.
HAppen relaxed, stressed, in a vacuum... everywhere.
Nothing dietary.
It would be great to know so that I may atleast avoid.

Title: Re: Triggers?????
Post by mynm156 on Jun 21st, 2004, 11:17pm
I have found waking up in the morning and breathing seemd to be my triggers.   Really I have yet to find one for sure.  When I am having regular CH I cant drink beer or wine or BANG!!!  for sure but nothing yet that triggers me out of the blue.  :(  Sorry man  Here's to PF days!!! [smiley=me&mb.gif]


Title: Re: Triggers?????
Post by TxBasslady on Jun 21st, 2004, 11:18pm

Can't speak for the others, but to my knowledge, I have no specific triggers.

Some odors seems to irritate me since having CH.   Mainly petroleum products.   However, I have been exposed to these odors and it never triggered for me.  I just prefer to keep my distance.

CH is very unpredictable.   Not sure you will ever figure it out.....or find a specific trigger.  

Keeping a diary is a good thing to do.  This is very helpful for your doc.   If you are episodic, it will pretty much tell you what time of the year or season that you are susceptible.

Good luck......PF vibes,


Title: Re: Triggers?????
Post by E-Double on Jun 22nd, 2004, 5:34am
Thanks for the input.
I know waking up seems to be or is it just being alseep?
Chicken or egg? Go figure.
Otherwise... Did I take a step left or right, front or back? ;;D
Who knows just waiting for the cycle to end.
Have a great day!!

Title: Re: Triggers?????
Post by jhammer on Jun 22nd, 2004, 8:24am
I haven't noticed anything specific...except for alcohol that is.  At the first sip of, beer, Vodka it doesn't matter.  I haven't had a drink in almost 5 weeks, I can't wait 'till this is over I'm dying to tie on a good one.


Title: Re: Triggers?????
Post by don on Jun 22nd, 2004, 9:21am
1. Long drives
2. excessive physical exertion
3. excessive heat
4. Eating
5. frustration
6. dissipation of stress
7. BillL

Title: Re: Triggers?????
Post by JDH on Jun 22nd, 2004, 9:43am
The only 2 triggers that I know of are sleep and alcohol... [smiley=mad.gif]


Title: Re: Triggers?????
Post by Kris_in_SJ on Jun 22nd, 2004, 10:20am
I'm one of the lucky ones - alcohol doesn't trigger.  Good thing, since I really love that daily glass of medicinal wine.  I do garden, however, and have had to stop the last few weeks.  Hot sun and physical exertion triggered me right away.  The only other thing is when the clock strikes 9 PM.


Title: Re: Triggers?????
Post by mynm156 on Jun 22nd, 2004, 11:09am
Well if I listen to my future X Neuro hed say Diet, bright light, natural light, artifical light, Bud light,  excersize , lack of it. SEX, LIVING AT ALL seems to be a trigger to him. Then he says  thank you  thank will be 20.00 bucks COpay

Sorry man

Good Vibes baby


Title: Re: Triggers?????
Post by E-Double on Jun 22nd, 2004, 11:27am
It's good to know that for some of us these things just can't be avoided!! Yeah right that sucks!!
Anyway, thanks for the input because i've been racking my already foggy brain trying to identify some. I can't seem to find one!!
I guess I won't sleep. won't walk, won't work, won't rest,  talk, have sex, eat, drink, what else can  I not do??
Funny shit!!  ;;D
Thanks again!


Title: Re: Triggers?????
Post by Superpain on Jun 22nd, 2004, 6:05pm
When in cycle I've narrowed down my triggers to alcohol, sleep (especially trying to take a nap), and everything I see, feel, taste, hear or do. ::)

Get hit 10 or 20 times a day and triggers become sort of ambiguous, to say the least.

Kinda like, I've only got one trigger. I'm not sure what it is, but my head is set on full auto and the beast has a shitload of ammo.

Title: Re: Triggers?????
Post by Superpain on Jun 22nd, 2004, 6:07pm
Oh yeah... Relaxing. I never get them at work. But 45-90 min's after the shift is over is when the WORST ones come.

Title: Re: Triggers?????
Post by FZfan on Jun 22nd, 2004, 6:53pm
yeah, that's my thing, too. never at work, but if I'm not at work, even if I take a day or an afternoon off, I'm getting hit and hit hard. Fuckin' weird. Sometimes I wish it was the other way around - getting hit at work instead of at home. But then, that would make work suck even more than it already does.  ;;D

Other than that, I'm with the alcohol/sleep crowd as being the only triggers I've found.

Oh, and I get the all day shadows occasionally also, e-double. Usually only on the weekend, when I'm not working. Again, very weird. It's almost as if being at work is the only preventative that works for me. THAT SUCKS!  ;;D

Title: Re: Triggers?????
Post by don on Jun 22nd, 2004, 8:45pm

yeah, that's my thing, too. never at work, but if I'm not at work, even if I take a day or an afternoon off, I'm getting hit and hit hard.

Why now I get it.

It's a conspiracy by right wing corporate America to keep us working and generating profits.

And yes....There was someone on the grassy knoll.

Title: Re: Triggers?????
Post by FZfan on Jun 22nd, 2004, 9:13pm
LMAO! Would a tin foil hat help?

Title: Re: Triggers?????
Post by thomas on Jun 23rd, 2004, 10:57am
When I am in cycle, anything that bothers me, pisses me off, stresses me out, or tastes bad, or smells awful, can trigger a ch.  However the only thing that I know that can trigger a full blown cycle (for me) is cheap vodka........ go figure. :-/

Title: Re: Triggers?????
Post by BobG on Jun 23rd, 2004, 3:27pm

on 06/22/04 at 18:53:52, FZfan wrote:
yeah, that's my thing, too. never at work, but if I'm not at work, even if I take a day or an afternoon off,

Me too. In the 30 years I've had these suckers I don't remember more than 3 or 5 attacks on the job. But I work so many hours I can't remember what I had for dinner yesterday. Someday I'll get a day off. Maybe next February for my birthday. Maybe working 15 days every week is why I haven't had a real cycle in 4 years.
Work, work, work. Over time pay is good though. I'll be the richest guy in the graveyard.

I feel like a fickin' slinky on an escalator.

Title: Re: Triggers?????
Post by jhammer on Jun 23rd, 2004, 4:57pm
I remember hearing something about balancing your adrenaline levels with histamine or something like that.  Typically after a stressful time of year (say April 15th for accountants) your adrenaline levels are starting to come down but your histamine levels remain high thus causing the headache.  It kinda makes sense for me...for the past 2 years I've been a full-time college student at the same time I was working a full-time job.  2 weeks after Graduation I got an attack of CH's.

Has anyone ever heard anything like this before???


Title: Re: Triggers?????
Post by Prense on Jun 23rd, 2004, 6:23pm
Folks here have discussed a lack of stress as a trigger in the past.


Title: Re: Triggers?????
Post by Rick_K on Jun 27th, 2004, 5:25pm
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