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(Message started by: J.ten_Dam on Jun 21st, 2004, 3:31pm)

Title: things can get better
Post by J.ten_Dam on Jun 21st, 2004, 3:31pm
:D Hi  everyone. I have not been on the message board for quite some time, but I have been very buisy and I have been enjoying my nearly pain free time.
For the ons that do not know me I have been cronis since 1998. Never been PF for longer than two weeks with or without medication. Yet sice April this year although I have not been PF the pain has become bearable. I have not used Imigran since the beginning of April and have been med free since May. I still have the shedaws every day and short attacks at kip 3 everyday but this is a great relief. I used to get hit 3 to 5 times a day by kip 7 to 9 and used half a dose of imigran upto 4 tims a day depending on how bad it was.
I am strongly convinced that too much and too long usage of the medications we take are the bad doers.
I noticed when I had to stop medication because I had become immune to it that the longer I stayed med free the better my new prescription worked. When my neuro wanted me to try  prednison I refused and just stayd med free as long as I could with the help of imigran and ice and then restarted my medication.
In this manner in december I started melatonin at 12mg at night after being totally med free for two excruciating months of hell. I stopt medication in April because as I mentiond above things were going good. The speach and memory problems as wel as the tyerdness and heavy sweting at night that I used to have while taking Verampamiel are things of the past. I feel great even tough I definitly am not PF and my eye stil swels amd hangs and my nose gets stuffy or starts running. Maby I am growing to old to be a clusterhead. ;;D. I wish everyone better days preferably.
regards Joke

Title: Re: things can get better
Post by thomas on Jun 21st, 2004, 3:43pm
Joke, that is such good news, I'm am so excited to hear that you are doing so well. ;;D

Title: Re: things can get better
Post by firebrix on Jun 21st, 2004, 5:14pm
Wonderful news J.!!! You must be so happy!
Thank you for posting what worked for you.
It is so encouraging to learn that CH does improve sometimes.
Have fun, laugh a lot and may CH be gone forever!

Title: Re: things can get better
Post by ave on Jun 22nd, 2004, 4:22pm
Congratulations, Joke! Seeing all the pain that you had to deal with, it  is absolutely great that you found melatonin to work for you.

I am so happy for you!

Title: Re: things can get better
Post by J.ten_Dam on Jun 30th, 2004, 12:58pm
Thank you and I hope you all may also have a break. I am still doing resonably fine but am affraid that the good times are changing. I can see now what an episodic might feel.
regards Joke

Title: Re: things can get better
Post by miapet on Jun 30th, 2004, 8:17pm
We are sending you lots of *positive energy and light*
We too believe that the medications the medical world so strongly believes in, is really not helpful to clusterheads . . .
I hope your pain stays away . . .minimal at worst . . .gone at best *smiles*
*positive light and energy*
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