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(Message started by: miarella on Jun 6th, 2004, 4:34pm)

Title: Cycle Prevention ???
Post by miarella on Jun 6th, 2004, 4:34pm
Hello all,

After 10 years I as finally diagnosed with CH. That was back in Dec. Neuromagician put me on prednisone+verapamil+amitryptiline, which ended instanctly with the cycle.

Then he said "come back in march so we can figure out when is your next cycle coming and put you again on antidepressants and/or prednisone before it begins"

Now, my cycles dont follow a seasonal pattern and i suspect they are somehow induced by stressful periods, but there is no way i can predict them, aside of knowing i have 1.5 to 2.5 years of pain free time between them. I told that to my neuro, but he ignored me (so strange, that never happens with docs lol)

So, my question is: Has anybody heard of or has had successful experiences in trying to prevent cycles ?? I mean not preventing the ha when you in cycle, but preventing the cycle itself ??

Thanks to all and have a nice pain free day,


Title: Re: Cycle Prevention ???
Post by Giovanni on Jun 6th, 2004, 4:40pm
Cycle Prevention:

I did with mushrooms........only a few small shadows then gone.  My cycles are regular and predictable.

John.....still pf


Title: Re: Cycle Prevention ???
Post by miarella on Jun 6th, 2004, 4:57pm
Well, thanks John, but I dont think that's a suitable option for me. I'd rather stick to the legal stuff (here where I live at least). I really don't need to add more worries to my head.

Anyway, i appreciate your comment


Title: Re: Cycle Prevention ???
Post by UN_SOLVED on Jun 6th, 2004, 5:06pm
There's NO sure fire way to prevent cycles. You may get lucky with timing and meds ... but that's what it would be...luck.


The beast is too unpredictable !

Title: Re: Cycle Prevention ???
Post by Giovanni on Jun 6th, 2004, 8:01pm

Posted by: miarella
Well, thanks John, but I dont think that's a suitable option for me. I'd rather stick to the legal stuff (here where I live at least). I really don't need to add more worries to my head.

Bottom line is that I'm pain free after spending tens of thousands of dollars on legal prescripton medications that did not work.

When you find something that works, please advise and I'll switch.


Title: Re: Cycle Prevention ???
Post by Pegase on Jun 7th, 2004, 1:12pm
Verapimil is a good preventive... for me;-)


Title: Re: Cycle Prevention ???
Post by ave on Jun 7th, 2004, 2:24pm
As far as I know there has been no sure fire way to predict the arrival of cycles that are not seasonal like yours, and like those of a goodly number of people here.

As far as I know, again, there has been only one means of preventing a cycle - shrooms indeed.
If you want to go another way and Vera works for you (as it did for me)  you may think of Oxygen (look at the link to the left) to bridge the gap till Verapamil kicks in.

To bridge the gap between first pain and a doc appointment...  you might bother your doc for a prescripion for  Vera and get the drugstore to give you some from the most recent  batch, which will last the longest.  Enquire after best ways of keeping it.

Or, if they do things like that where you live (they do in this country) you can ask for a prescription in installments, so that you can get the stuff in when needed. Or lodge the script with the drugstore if they are dependable.

Last, not least, very, VERY few here relate a new episode to stress; though they might relate it to the ending of stress. It is the let-up after a hard time that can trigger cycles for  a number of people.

good luck anyway

Title: Re: Cycle Prevention ???
Post by miarella on Jun 8th, 2004, 3:57pm
Thanks a ton for all your responses.

Especially to ave, you pretty much solved my problem. I haven't returned to my neuro because after all I have read about prednisone, I am definitely not taking it 'just in case', to see if I get lucky as Unsolved said. I understand amitryptiline does not have nasty side effects, but i am not much of a fan of taking pills out of nothing (well, almost nothing)

So asking for a Verapamil free pass seems perfect to me. Also, my first choice for the next episode (hoping that it never comes of course) will be oxygen. Actually, I dont know why my neuro did not prescribe it in the first place. Maybe he saw my cluster-face and thought I was going to come back and bang his head with my oxigen tank if it was not working....

About stress, I relate the cluster bouts to the ending of a stress period, but it usually starts when I am still stressed out. I ve never had them the while I am on vacation for instance.

By the way, I remember during the last cycle I had all the attacks in the morning, 10 mins after waking up. But one day it was 3pm and I received a very upsetting phone call. And boom!!!! 10 mins later a kip5 started. So at least I know stress can act as a trigger for me when in cycle

Tickles to all,

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