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(Message started by: tannero on May 30th, 2004, 11:39am)

Title: meds vs. oxygen
Post by tannero on May 30th, 2004, 11:39am
Haven't posted much but I read all the time.  
Thanks to this place I learned how to correctly use oxygen about a year ago and it has stopped the clusters since.  I have been able to catch them before they got control.
My questioin is, "Has anyone been able to stop the meds, mine are Lithium and Verapamil twice daily,  and controll the beast with just oxygen?"  At times I think I can tell when I am in a cluster but other times one will strike right out of the blue.  I am going to see my neuro next week.  She will just tell me to stay on the meds and stop drinking and smoking.  
Just wondering if anyone here had any advice.


Title: Re: meds vs. oxygen
Post by FZfan on May 30th, 2004, 1:01pm
I have done that, but in my case it was easier because I haven't found any prevents that work for me, although I haven't tried the verapamil/lithium cocktail.

Like you, I learned how to use o2 correctly when I found this site. In my case, o2 completely aborts about 80% of my attacks, but it doesn't abort all of them. So for me the decision boiled down to - do I want to take meds all the time for the two out of ten attacks that o2 doesn't abort, or do I go med free and just tough out the few that o2 doesn't help. I chose the later.

This has been discussed many times just in the short time I have been here. Going with o2 only is not a choice everyone can make because everyone's situation is different. Not only that, but your cycle can change too, so while it was easy to go with o2 alone this time, maybe it won't work so well next time. You just never know with this beast.

For myself, I decided that, for a six week cycle, I can live with suffering through 20% of the attacks if it means not taking any meds. If that percentage rises, though, I would certainly talk to my doc about some of the other preventative strategies I've learned about here that I haven't tried yet.

Drinking is a big no-no for me. But smoking may or may not be a factor. There are some who smoking is a trigger for, but there are also some (me included) who claim smoking actually helps in dealing with clusters. I actually smoke more during a cycle.

The one problem that remains when using o2 only is, there is still the matter of the 2am wake-up call. So sleep disruption is still a problem for me during a cycle. Again, this is something I have chosen to live with in return for not taking meds.

control the beast with just oxygen?"  

The key word there is control. What defines control of the beast for you.

If you're episodic, and you're already into you're cycle, I think dropping your meds and trying o2 only is a viable strategy. The worst that happens is, it doesn't work and you suffer some to find that out. Fortunately your cycle will be ending soon, so why not give it a try? Especially if side-effects from meds are a problem.

Title: Re: meds vs. oxygen
Post by pubgirl on May 30th, 2004, 7:08pm

I'm the same as FZfan, I use only 02, and keep my Imigran purely for the few attacks that for some reason 02 doesn't work for or for use if I am abroad.

I occasionally use triptans as a mop up for 02 rebounds, but other than that I try and steer clear of any drugs at all as I have a personal belief (no medical evidence whatever) that long term drug use just makes CH worse.
I also feel (weird idea this I know) that there will be the same number of attacks whatever I do, so preventing them just delays the inevitable and prolongs the cycle.
I therefore just hit each attack as it arrives and pray for the end of the cycle


None of this is scientific of course, just personal.

Title: Re: meds vs. oxygen
Post by andy on May 30th, 2004, 7:57pm

on 05/30/04 at 19:08:12, pubgirl wrote:

I'm the same as FZfan, I use only 02, and keep my Imigran purely for the few attacks that for some reason 02 doesn't work for or for use if I am abroad.

None of this is scientific of course, just personal.

I have relatively short cycles because  i dont use prevents...just 02, and imitrex inj. for the bad ones.


Title: Re: meds vs. oxygen
Post by notseinfeld on May 31st, 2004, 1:53pm
As a chronic I gave up all meds and saw great reduction in duration, severity, and frequency using only 02. I'm gonna guess that you're chronic as well b/c a Verap/Lithium combo wouldn't (or shouldn't) be given to an episodic.

I shudder to recommend dropping your meds but just offer my experience as a possible outcome. Had been on some form of drug for 3 years mixing and matching, as you know. Finally about 6 months ago I thought "if I'm gonna feel like hell even when I'm not in an attack, what's the point?"

So I basically dropped all the prevents & abortives and only used o2--well, and lots of coffee. Very glad I did. Still have triggers of Alcohol & Television but generally been feeling much better.

best of luck,

Title: Re: meds vs. oxygen
Post by kissmyglass on May 31st, 2004, 6:51pm
I tried O2 only a while back.  I weened myself off Verap & tried not to use Imitrex & only use O2....I found that O2 would only delay the attack instead of actualy abort it like Imitrex would do. After aborting with O2 I would get attacked again in an hour. Abortig with Imitrex I wouldn't get attacked until the next scheduled one.

All I can say now is thank god for Lithium & Verap. & the great people on this board for giving me the wisdom....

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