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(Message started by: Lili on May 20th, 2004, 3:00pm)

Title: Can anyone be so unlucky!!
Post by Lili on May 20th, 2004, 3:00pm
Can someone be so unlucky to suffer from both cluster and migraine?? Clusters manageble, althoug I don't understand what is happening.  It's like it aborts for a few days with Cafegot, and then returns, comes and goes.   No daily routine with climax as normal. just sporadic.  Never had it like this?  Trust me, its clusters! I know the devil intemately.   But what concerns me is the broken pattern.  Is the cagergot really aborting it?  And to add to the fun, the migraines driving me mad! Oxygen helps, have triptans. Threw up sunday night for 1st time in my life from migraine. Is it direclty linked to insomnia and stress? I suffer from headaches all my life, but I am highly stressed. My car was stolen 3 weeks ago, and this set off this terrible bout of both, where I sometimes just don't know what to do anymore. Together with NOT BEING ABLE TO SLEEP. Advice please? I take sleeping tablets, which we know is ineffective against clusters, but i wake up at the slightest noise, even the cat jumping over the gate!  And then I just can't go back to sleep.  I can't anymore!  I am so tired!  My therapist wants to book me into hospital to "remove the stess", do brain tests and blood tests, and see (I also have AADD), not sleep therapy though.  SHe thinks my body doesn't release Omega 3 &  6, which is causing insomnia.  She also wants to get behind the cause of the headaches.  Are there a cause for Clusters then? And migraines?

Title: Re: Can anyone be so unlucky!!
Post by thomas on May 20th, 2004, 3:03pm
Try melatonin, see if that will help you sleep and keep you from having clusters.  Yes people can have both, but most would rather have migraine than ch.

Title: Re: Can anyone be so unlucky!!
Post by Lili on May 20th, 2004, 3:26pm
definately true!  can walk around with migraine!  Ch kinda stops you in your tracks.   Do you think it the body's way of FORCING you to stop?  I find specially with the oxygen - it forces me to keep still and kind of settle down, altough calmness is a foreign word.   Any advise on this hospital thing?  It's like a mountain in front of me!   What are they going to proof?  I feel it will be a waste and more medication.   But everyone else seems to think I should go.  Even my mom, who is generally the "leave it alone" type, and my boss.  I just doubt they will find a cause.  What causes CHs?   What causes migraine?  What causes insomnia?  Insomnia is a symptom of headaches, so?

Title: Re: Can anyone be so unlucky!!
Post by thomas on May 20th, 2004, 4:51pm
your insomnia could be caused by low melatonin levels, which can cause ch in some people, i strongly urge you to check with your doc about melatonin.

Title: Re: Can anyone be so unlucky!!
Post by rickie on May 25th, 2004, 10:12pm
I know this may sound assnine ,but if the drugs are'nt working, try starting clean. just a thought.sometime we need to step back and try again.
Lets hang in there and beat this thing. GTO(good thoughts only) or (a cool car in the 60's)

Title: Re: Can anyone be so unlucky!!
Post by aprilbee on May 26th, 2004, 9:38am
I'd listen to Thomas and your Doctor...

I suffer from both CH and Migraine also, and my CH has changed patterns from time to time.

Sending PF vibes to ya  Good luck sweetie!!

Title: Re: Can anyone be so unlucky!!
Post by Lili on May 26th, 2004, 1:52pm
Hi Aprilbee
Please, please can I have your email address.  Of everything, what bothers me worse is the changing patterns of the cluster headaches,  it drives me crazy.  This may sound horrible, but I prefer the way it was, cause I could almost "plan" accordingly - knowing that 3pm and 3am are the most likely time.  Now it's like a timebomb that can go of anytime.  Sometimes days, even weeks goes by without, and as soon as I get possitive, one hits. Message Board » Powered by YaBB 1 Gold - SP 1.3.1!
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