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(Message started by: Redd715 on May 17th, 2004, 7:46pm)

Title: Do I need to talk to Pam again?
Post by Redd715 on May 17th, 2004, 7:46pm
I'm finding I'm getting attacks yet at about the same rate I used to before that cycle started back on March 8th.  I'm not missing doses of the verap or the topa.  Longest PF strech was 6 days, the went to 4, and then a biggie I was able to abort on Thursday.  Sunday afternoon however I was getting alot of small ones. k 3-4. Last about 30 minutes each and came back about 30 minutes after they were over.  Made me a lot more irritable than usual but not worth depleating my trex supply for. Snapped at the kids over little shit.

Pam my specialist has said I don't need to keep track of these in my diary, just be aware of when they happen.  So what might I need to do to from here?  Taking 300mg of verap and 75 mg of topa daily, and the time frame for these attacks to begin is 3 in the afternoon, give or take 10 minutes.

More topa?  Can't increase the verap my BP is as low as they will let it get without routine EEG's.  As Pam puts it ...Its better than the 5-8 kip 8-10 attacks a day I was having in March.  Yes...but is this all the better I can expect?  Any advice would be appreciated.

Title: Re: Do I need to talk to Pam again?
Post by Sean_C on May 17th, 2004, 8:31pm

I'm not on any of that shit so I can't be of much help but I'm sure someone will be here soon.

Sending some vibes for ya


Title: Re: Do I need to talk to Pam again?
Post by Karla on May 17th, 2004, 8:46pm
The ha specialist I am seeing had me try up to 600mg of topamax so maybe you could try to up that some.

Title: Re: Do I need to talk to Pam again?
Post by broomhilda on May 17th, 2004, 8:51pm
Redd, I think its time to check back in with Pam again.....

Hugs and take good care, sorry its getting worse for you.....


Title: Re: Do I need to talk to Pam again?
Post by mynm156 on May 17th, 2004, 8:54pm
Yeah That is a low dose of Topa if it isnt messing you up then That is probably your next move.  The ystarted me out on 50mg Topa Twice a day and I was told by more than a couple of us here that that wasnt shit!

Good Luck and Good Vibes


Title: Re: Do I need to talk to Pam again?
Post by Redd715 on May 17th, 2004, 9:33pm
Before the topa I was getting hit as I mentiond 5-8 times a day.  And I'm not toally f-ucked up on it but I do do some real stupid crap like leave my keys in the ignition of the car in parking lots, turn the wrong way down streets I've driven at least a thousand times. I remember dates but not the event associated with the date.  At 50 MG I was getting hit only ovet night 2 times.  Upped to 75 and the story is up there.  I'll make the call to Pam tomorrow Broomie.  

It's just getting tireing when things were going so well and now it's going back down hill so it seems.  

Title: Re: Do I need to talk to Pam again?
Post by Racer1_NC on May 18th, 2004, 1:57am

on 05/17/04 at 21:33:09, Redd715 wrote:
 And I'm not toally f-ucked up on it but I do do some real stupid crap like leave my keys in the ignition of the car in parking lots, turn the wrong way down streets I've driven at least a thousand times. I remember dates but not the event associated with the date.  

Heck I was doing that kinda stuff before the demon found me the first time and I started taking meds to fight it.  Guess I was ahead of the curve huh?

Seriously......check with your doc....adjusting levels may help beat the demon down even farther. Myself, I'll not be satisfied until I can stuff him back into the hell that he came from.

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