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(Message started by: ExplodingEyeBall on May 14th, 2004, 3:01pm)

Title: I knew it was to good to be true.
Post by ExplodingEyeBall on May 14th, 2004, 3:01pm
I just had over 2 weeks with no HAs except for a few minor daytime ones. It was heaven.

Yesterday it rained so hard I got water in my house because of the clogged gutters.

I went up on my roof to clean them out a little and got into all of the cottonwood seeds from the trees on my property depositing them on my house.

Last night the allergy attack started. This morning it was worse. Now, here I sit at work not only suffering from a full scale allergy attack but also dealing with a raging CH that was triggered by the allergies.

So now I have the itchy eye, runny nose, ice pick stuck in the side of the head, tooth ache,etc...

One of my co-workers has already told me 'Dude... You shouldn't rub your face and eye so hard. Your making it red.'

I'm so useless here today that I would just go home if I had the nerve to try to drive right now.

Don't I sound like a big baby?

I knew that if I could complain any place and have someone understand, it would be here.

Title: Re: I knew it was to good to be true.
Post by Mac_Muz on May 14th, 2004, 4:12pm
I have been readin more than sayin these past two days, but I hear that... look at it this way, by my reading this you helped me out... I git in a wee snafu today myself over O2.. I thought that sucked, but what you got sucks worse...

I have come to find O2 too late isn't the best, but if you can get it where you are i would.

I have not yet tried driving with one of these, and I hope I can avoid that one myself..

I just wonder how you folks get by at this point. I know this is not worth much but the post stood alone and I at least can offer a prayer for ya..  Mac

Title: Re: I knew it was to good to be true.
Post by ExplodingEyeBall on May 14th, 2004, 4:28pm
If I'm having a CH, I can usually drive OK for a while.

My problem right now is that I'm having an incredible allergy attack along with the CH.

The allergy attack  causes uncontrollable unexpected sneezing along with a very runny nose and watery eyes. This is my main reason for not wanting to get in my car yet. I'm afraid that I'm going to get one of those series of 5 or 6 very powerful sneezes and run my car into a tree. That would REALLY ruin an already screwed up day.

Title: Re: I knew it was to good to be true.
Post by Redd715 on May 14th, 2004, 4:33pm

on 05/14/04 at 15:01:52, ExplodingEyeBall wrote:
I'm so useless here today that I would just go home if I had the nerve to try to drive right now.

Don't I sound like a big baby?


NO you do not sound like a baby.  That statement right there is one I'm strugling with myself right now.  I could very likely get a position back with my old job right now if I wanted it.  It wouldn't be my field, but it would be income.  But there are to points to this matter.  First, the commute one way is about 40 miles all highway.  With gas prices what they are, I'd maybe break even at the end of a pay period.  But the second issue is that of the fear of getting hit with an attack during either the morning or evening commute.  Not only is my life at risk at that point in time but the lives of anyone else on the highway at the time as well, and could I live with the concequences if something happened to anyone else because of me.  

Vibes dear.....this one shall pass.

Title: Re: I knew it was to good to be true.
Post by wingnut04 on May 17th, 2004, 10:30pm
I've been PF for 7 days and was very excited thinking my cycle had ended...........until I read this post!!!

I won't give up hope..........I AM IN REMISSION!!!!!!!!
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