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(Message started by: mynm156 on May 10th, 2004, 10:26pm)

Title: The War inside my head!!
Post by mynm156 on May 10th, 2004, 10:26pm
Wont go away and this has been going on without mercy sence February.  How Much Imitrex SubQ can I safely take in one day two hasnt helped.

anyway hope your days have been better guys.


Title: Re: The War inside my head!!
Post by UN_SOLVED on May 11th, 2004, 12:22am
Is the Imitrex taking away the headache, but then you have another headache or is the Imitrex NOT helping ?

If it doesn't work, stop taking it and look for another abortive.

I'm chronic. Imitrex is my only relief. I use it as often as I need it. (4 mg injections) Anywhere from 2 - 8 times a day. Gotta keep an eye on the BP though.


Title: Re: The War inside my head!!
Post by notseinfeld on May 11th, 2004, 9:54am
Does oxygen not work? And for you unsolved? I found that triptans (imitrex) gave me such rebounds that it wasn't worth taking. Actually, about 5 days after the last pill my h/a became far more infrequent--but that's another story.

Just for giggles mynm--how has your sleep been since Feb? Are you employed?

Title: Re: The War inside my head!!
Post by mynm156 on May 11th, 2004, 5:26pm
Yeah I am OVER EMPLOYED.  I have sleep Apnea that I was put on CPAP for about a month aga that has helped some but not much.  

Title: Re: The War inside my head!!
Post by Sean_C on May 11th, 2004, 5:49pm
Really a tough question dude.

If you do take more than recommended you should get checked by your doc regularly.

Try O2 with the trex and maybe a different preventative.

PFDAN to ya'll


Title: Re: The War inside my head!!
Post by Prense on May 11th, 2004, 5:55pm
I don't think anyone here in there right mind would recommend that you exceed the daily dosage limits set by the manufacturer.  Have you tried the imitrex tip?  If you are one of the fortunate ones that only need 1/3 dose to abort, then you would have 6 per day without exceeding the daily limit.

Additionally, I use alot of trex and I have never had a rebound HA.

You can't go wrong with O2...


Title: Re: The War inside my head!!
Post by BlueMeanie on May 11th, 2004, 9:47pm
1/2 shot works for me most times. Read the info about O2. It will help from having to take so many shots all the time.

Sending Vibes. Sounds like it shouldn't be much longer if your episodic. Hope your cycle ends soon.

Title: Re: The War inside my head!!
Post by UN_SOLVED on May 11th, 2004, 9:56pm

on 05/11/04 at 17:55:51, Prense wrote:
I don't think anyone here in there right mind would recommend that you exceed the daily dosage limits set by the manufacturer.

I agree with Chris. Just because I've handle it, doesn't mean you (or anyone else) could. Imitrex could cause serious heart related problems. Everyone reacts to meds differently. Seek a neuro's advice on how much is 'enough'.


Title: Re: The War inside my head!!
Post by HypnoticFreddy on May 11th, 2004, 11:08pm
I have just had a CH revelation. It often appears in many posts, that  many CH sufferrers have other physical problems in addition to CHs. Like Sleep Apnea. Or maybe its not as serious and they only have BO or bad breath.

Maybe I am wrong and should go to bed? But since I can't remember where my bed is due to 7 years of serious pyschotropic medicines prescribed to fend off CHs and other conditions, I may just crash here.

Still beats a CH. Goodnight from Loserville......Population....Me!


Title: Re: The War inside my head!!
Post by UN_SOLVED on May 11th, 2004, 11:14pm

on 05/11/04 at 23:08:53, HypnoticFreddy wrote:
I can't remember where my bed is

One word ...


"BeEn tHeRe AnD dOnE tHaT"


Title: Re: The War inside my head!!
Post by Wendy1 on May 13th, 2004, 10:00pm
I am a veteran (20+) yrs. of c/h.  I have tried just about everything and been to just about every h/a clinic.  My last cycle over a yr ago, I was prescribed Verapamil (I had tried Verapamil previously with no luck).  I was prescribed 240 mg twice daily.  I upped myself to 360 mg twice daily and for the first time in 20 odd yrs I was able break my cycle with this large dose.  It did take a while to kick in, but I truly believe the large dose of Verapamil stopped my h/a and broke my cycle.

I am not saying this will work for everyone, and it might not even work for me the next cycle... you know the saying, what works one time doesn't necessarily mean it will work the next, and vise versa.

It's worth a try.  Be aware of low blood pressure with the large doses though.  Good Luck.

Title: Re: The War inside my head!!
Post by UN_SOLVED on May 13th, 2004, 11:51pm
I've heard of a few that has stopped their cycles using large doses of Verapamil. But,  .....
When I tried to up my dose ... it nearly stopped my heart. And I was only up to 400 mg.

Unsolved (

Title: Re: The War inside my head!!
Post by mynm156 on May 14th, 2004, 9:54am
Yeah Well after the ICEPICK that took me from my sleep lastnight and tormented me for the next two hours DEATH was sounding pretty damn appealing!!  This shit is getting old...hehehehe.....  but the 90% H2Os  have appeared! [smiley=bigguns.gif]


Title: Re: The War inside my head!!
Post by Wendy1 on May 16th, 2004, 11:09am
Mynm156....  I hear ya... loud and clear...

Never in my wildest dreams would I have thought that I would contemplate..... however... unfortunately there have been MANY times when I'd prefer death to ANOTHER one.... I would be embarrassed to admit this to anyone except my friends here.

Sometimes when a cycle starts, I just cry because I just don't think I can do it again, anyone feel the same?

Title: Re: The War inside my head!!
Post by mynm156 on May 16th, 2004, 12:56pm
RIGHT ON Wendy!   This place is my only solice sometimes.   If it were not for the fact that I can come here and see that I am not alone in my dance with the BEAST I dont know if I could make it.


Title: Re: The War inside my head!!
Post by Sean_C on May 16th, 2004, 1:46pm
At my darkest moments I would beg god to do it but he never would.

The beast can take you for a roller coaster ride, and its never fun.

PFDAN to ya'll.


Title: Re: The War inside my head!!
Post by tgz23 on May 25th, 2004, 12:37am
The hill seems to get a little bigger every time I get hit and I dont think I can climb it again but I do. It just seems the longer it goes on the harder it gets. I thought I was going insane during my last cycle, I was really depressed. My neuro asked me what I thought a good way to get rid of the pain would be and I told him get a gun. He said that sounds about right. Anyway I'm hoping my next cycle never comes. PFDAN to ya.


Title: Re: The War inside my head!!
Post by k9n8 on May 25th, 2004, 6:17pm
I think the worst part is (WAS) that I could not make anyone understand what this is all about. My family could not begin to understand, my friends thought I was crazy or just a puss. That makes things so much worse, thinking that there is something/someone is out to get me and they are pretty close.

On the other side, I have stitched my own cuts, have won countless pain dares, and am ready for torture (they will get NOTHING out of me). Nothing and I mean NOTHING compares to CH. Not a big kidney stone (it hurt, but not as bad), not a dog maul (that sucked, but again, no contest, and neither were the stitches I put in)

Title: Re: The War inside my head!!
Post by rbmb on May 25th, 2004, 7:48pm
The pain from CHs is really something that has to be experienced to be can try to describe it to people but you can't really make them understand.
    The only pain that came close that I remember was from an infected ear I had once. I was in my 20s, young and tough, wouldn't go to a doctor until the pain got so bad I was driven to go. The Dr. examined my ear and gave me some antibotics but wouldn't give me anything for pain (I guess he thought I wanted drugs to get high.....I don't know why, he'd already examined me and knew I had an infected ear.... the bastard). I went home, took the antibotics(which take a long time to take effect)and swallowed aspirin by the handfulls. The pressure and pain in my ear got worse and worse and I was moaning and thrashing around on my bed. Finally I heard a popping noise and blood started running out of my ear and eventually the pain subsided. Never went to that doctor again. That the closest thing I've known to CH pain.
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