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(Message started by: rbmb on May 4th, 2004, 5:04pm)

Title: HA times have shifted
Post by rbmb on May 4th, 2004, 5:04pm
Had been waking up with a HA an hour or so after falling asleep, now I'm getting them in the early evening or just as I go to bed. Last evening I was mowing the lawn and felt one coming on, so I went in, took a DHE shot, paced around for a long time till it finally took effect, finished mowing and said to myself, "Since you've already had a headache, it's probably ok to have a glass of're not likely to get another one."
Well, that was wrong.....I got another HA, although not as bad as the first one(I only did all this in the interest of science of course). Bottom line is I guess I'm not quite ready for alcohol yet.

Title: Re: HA times have shifted
Post by Superpain on May 4th, 2004, 5:24pm
No... You won't be ready for alchohol till they're gone for good.
The good news is, this most likely means that your cycle is progressing. Mine always change up in the later stages... So you're just that much closer to the end, hopefully.

Title: Re: HA times have shifted
Post by joesf on May 6th, 2004, 12:32am
Ditto what superpain says. No alcohol till you are sure they are gone and then sparingly just in case.  After that you're ok.

Title: Re: HA times have shifted
Post by Mac_Muz on May 12th, 2004, 1:19am
I am curious about the time and the timing. I might like to know this about others as well specificly.

These HA began with me just a month ago, and were at 6:30 PM to about 7 sharp, and I was hating that hour

Now my worst day so far was this past Sunday and at 5 PM ahead of time this began and laste 1.5 hours, then simmered to tolerable for 1.5 hours which mush have been the eye for storm as it returned full bore for another 1.5 hours... and repeated that again in one night 3 for 1. I was not so very lucky.

I get these every day unless I get lucky and skip a day, which is not often.

I thought I was going to skip this evenings as it came on hard a 11 pm.

My times seems to be from 5 PM to 11 PM... Anyone else like this?  Mac

Title: Re: HA times have shifted
Post by HypnoticFreddy on May 12th, 2004, 11:58am
Cluster headahces are notorious for attacking at certain hours of the day. A lot of CH heads can pinpoint almost exactly when they will get them (to the hour). I think this MIGHT have to do with CHs connection to the hypothalmus.


Title: Re: HA times have shifted
Post by Mac_Muz on May 12th, 2004, 12:53pm
I understand timing is common for this.

My query is what times for each one who replies to this thread..

My first were like as if set on a timer at 6:30PM sharp, and then are moving both forward and backward in time to 5PM and 11 PM.

The learning curve I am riding is fast and all up just now..

I have leaned alot in a few hours right here. Finding I am not alone has angered me. I am something of a thing to deal with when angered..

I have no anger for a living soul here, but I do for this affliction.

Sooner or later I will come to understand what the cause is, and the sooner I do the better.  Mac

Title: Re: HA times have shifted
Post by Superpain on May 13th, 2004, 6:15am
Good luck on finding the cause Mac. You might want to go ahead and enroll in some sort of anger management program though.  [smiley=laugh.gif]
Read up on Dr. Peter Goadsby's research. He's come the closest so far in coming up with ANY answer.

As far as timing goes, it changes, at least for me. I'm pretty sure you'rs will too. Just wait till they start coming primarily at night and you go weeks without sleeping. That's when I get angry! >:(

For me, they alway get worse, longer and more often as the cycle goes on till it's unfuckingbearable, then one day all of a sudden *POOF* they're gone. :) Till the next time.... :(

Title: Re: HA times have shifted
Post by Mac_Muz on May 13th, 2004, 1:56pm
Well, not trying to insult you Chris, it seems as if I have started these at the end of a cycle, or I am not ready to believe these can get any worse than they are.

So please excuse me for my tude' and believe I am not angery with a one of you.

Thank you for the tips to search. I will investigate that, and still work on my ideas as best I can.

The very worst I can do is fail right?

I admitt I have a lot of learning to get done, and from the begining. Comes under Know thy Enemy. I have no choice do I?

Once again I would request the apx times anyone replying to this thread has come to find their pattern is.

As I said mine began at 6:30 to 7 pm, then changed to closer to 11 pm, then went to 5 pm.

Last night was a no show. Tonight remains a mystery.

I am not sure, but I think I have a shadow now..

Oh a wee note: I am not after anyone here, or trying to be the tuff guy of all tuff guys.

I am a 52 year old Northern Yankee lad, maybe even a hick. I think we are about all like me. I am willing to meet anyone I can reach and speak the same way I do face to face... My bet is we would all get along fine.

I am used to taking care of me and mine for all the needs I have. I can't think when I have hired help for much of anything. I sure don't mean to come acroos as mean and or angery with any persons here..

I am angery with the affliction, and I am ever so sure that shows.. Please don't put that before me, and or take it personal. There is only one real reason we are here, and unfortunatly I have become aware of that myself.

Had anyone asked me last week what CH means, I would have just said Huh?  Mac

Title: Re: HA times have shifted
Post by rbmb on May 13th, 2004, 3:57pm
    I share your HAs have been coming in the evenings, but they are all over the map, at 11pm, 7pm, 1am, 8pm, sometimes just one a night, sometimes one with a 3 hour break followed by two more an hour apart, sometimes three about an hour way to predict it.

Title: Re: HA times have shifted
Post by Mac_Muz on May 13th, 2004, 5:02pm
rbmb, Thank you for that info..

Sunday night I had 3 each was 1.5 hours and the space between was 1.5 hours. Needless to say I wasn't in a grand mood after #3.

Because I took this as sinus infection OR something, I failed to keep a log, but that has changed for me..

Perhaps it is just being new to this game, that I think I can do something, or find something..

There sure is no reason to not try right?

I wonder if any one gets these as a morning event, or mid day?

Most of what I read leads me to believe it is more or less evening times for everyone. I have not been here long enough to have read everything, far from it...

Probably I will be asking dumb questions for some time to come.  Mac

Title: Re: HA times have shifted
Post by Wendy1 on May 13th, 2004, 9:45pm
I remember when I first started cluster... 20 some yrs ago.  They were always predictable... night time ONLY, after I fell asleep.  The past 5 yrs or so, I too have found them coming at odd times, which really makes me mad.  I find that if I'm lying in just the right (make that WRONG position) I can trigger a h/a just like that.  When I'm in a cycle that is.  I also have them during the day also.  This is where/when you REALLY have to watch your triggers... heat, processed foods, ANY alcohol.. etc.  ABSOLUTELY NO alcohol till you're for sure, sure they are gone.  WHAM!!!

Title: Re: HA times have shifted
Post by Mac_Muz on May 14th, 2004, 4:50pm
Wendy1, I got in my hot truck which had been is the sun windows closed, and got that warning sting.

I had to wonder.. The Ch failed to develope, but maybe because i was retuning my welding O2 tank and took several breaths of it before I loaded the tank.

Just now I am only learning about the triggers.. I can see i will have to think some beofre I just do things.

As I took these Ch's to be sinus infections and or pollens in new leaves here in NH USA, I forgot about when these CH's first came i had been stung by a hornet at that time.

Normally a hornet just ticks me off about as bad as I tick it off.. All forgotten in 15 minutes or so..

But this time there was a mild infection at the sting site, and it itched for 10 days... Still I thought nothing of it.

I have been sting by hornets, yellow jackets, bee's and the demon white face wasp. That White Face Wasp packs a punch, but the others aren't so bad...

But now i wonder if that was the trigger to bring me to this new life adventure?

In truth I have no idea if it could even be connected.

All I know was I was wrong about the sinus infection, and have CH suddenly..

I had an attack at 11 sharp last night, but armed with info and O2 ideas much better that I was guessing, I beat that attack as it began and never suffered hard.

I have superpain the member here to thank for the advice that worked for me last night.. Mac

Title: Re: HA times have shifted
Post by BlueMeanie on May 14th, 2004, 6:03pm

Cluster Headaches will definately make you go crazy at times. There is no rhyme or reason as to when and where the Beast will hit. For me, a cycle is like a bell curve almost. Start out 1 or 2 a day. Pretty predictable. Then you get to the middle. THE BIG KILLER STAGE. Now you get 3 to 5 a day any time any place anywhere. Then slowly you come down to being pretty predictable without a lot of time fluctuations as to when the appear.

ALCOHOL is a big NO NO. At the end of your cycle you will still have constant shadows. They remind you that it's NOT over yet. Do NOT drink until those shadows dissappear.

Good Luck and PF Vibes your way.

Title: Re: HA times have shifted
Post by Wendy1 on May 14th, 2004, 8:38pm
Mac_Muz...  Next to alcohol, and falling asleep, heat is my #1 trigger.  However, if I can catch it soon enough and get out of the heat before one is full blown I can be ok.  That is why I HATE summertime cycles, because I live at the beach.  I have literally had to run to ER in my beach coverup before!!!  

I have found that all the triggers for migraines, are usually triggers for a cluster headache when in a cycle.  All the things they tell ppl with migraines to stay away from, cheese, processed foods, red wine, chocolate, you really need to be careful of while in a cycle.

However, when not in a cycle, these items do not precipitate a h/a.


Title: Re: HA times have shifted
Post by Mac_Muz on May 16th, 2004, 3:35pm
Wendy, Thanks for the triggers...  I hardley ever had any kind of headache ever in my life..

I had a few  I deserved the next day after a tad too much fun maybe, but this is all new to me..

15th and 16th are nuthin's for me. No show, but I have this feeling still behind my eye like a slight pressure.

Very mild, and I almost have to stop and think to check on it.. I am getting lucky, but I don't think it is gone.

It almost is causing guilt to be here. Hell I just made club dues and the damn thing quits?

Ah no it ain't over til the fat lady sings, and I will just wait and see what else happens..

It might seem pretty odd to most folks here, but I am a bit disappointed. I am not ready for these to quit yet.

I was just getting to Know thy Enemy well. I can't experiment with things if I don't have the pain..

No way to tell what might work..

I don't want to begin to carry O2 tanks all about and I sure can't ride my motor bike with one.

I am not sure I can drive with the pain, and or anything that will stop the pain in a instant.... I mean ride....

I live for ridin a bike in New England summers, when no historical event is taking place...

Now I wonder what else might trigger from a sporting point of view. Perhaps that might best be a different topic.  Thank you...  Mac

Title: Re: HA times have shifted
Post by Superpain on May 17th, 2004, 5:26am
Ooops. II your other post I thought you were talking about driving a car or truck... No, I wouldn't drive a motorcycle getting hit! :o

You wanna feel the pain? Step away from the tank and drop the statdose. ;)

About the eye... Have you ever tried pressing on it real hard? Mine squeeks, really loud. Still, even out of cycle. I just wonder if anyone elses does.

Let's hope that was your last headache!

Title: Re: HA times have shifted
Post by Mac_Muz on May 17th, 2004, 8:55am
Nuther no show.. I have a rather dull pain where the PAIN should have been last night.. What I have now is a 0.05 on the kip scale. I can tell it is there but it ain't nuthin at all.. I can't reproduce the squeek..

I might try some O2 in this little nag and see what happens to it..

I am noticing not many will reply to me. Am I a fool, have I done something? Is it that one must clear a passage in time to be counted?

Maybe because I was overly angery I caused something? I was not angery with any member, just the pain.  Well off to see my sport thread..  Thanks for the replie(s) Mac

Title: Re: HA times have shifted
Post by Superpain on May 17th, 2004, 4:11pm
I don't think you've done anything.... We're a pretty hard bunch to offend. I wouldn't worry about it. ;)

Title: Re: HA times have shifted
Post by Tiannia on May 17th, 2004, 4:38pm
Mac My first clusters started in July. July 13th to be exact. For 2 weeks I got them at 3pm only. Then I started getting hit at 3pm, 8pm and 3am. At that point I went to the doc because I thought I was just having a migraine that I just could not kick.  I was told that I "Could not have clusters because I was a women. But it sure sounds like Clusters."  Got a second opinion that pretty much said the same thing.  Then the HA ramped again. 3am, 6am, noon, 5pm and 9pm or 11pm.  This stayed until the end of Oct and I got a whole 12 day PF.  Then it hit harder then before. I go up and down between 3 to 5 a day.  And few and far between are the days that I dont get hit at all, it is usually just varying degrees of Kip.  Now after almost a year of GP's and Pain mgmt docs, a cat scan and MRI (which both showed nothing, except an infection in my right sinus cavity, well duh I've had bronchitis for 8 weeks) and finally get to see a neuro.  Hoepfully I can finally get O2 and have some meds changed out because the GP's dont know enough about it and are scared to switch out my meds even when I bring them documentation that shows they are used to treat CH.  

On my own, I take meletonin 12mg at night, Valerian Root and B.  With this combo the evening hit I can usually feel the shadows but rarely does it make me rock or pace. Wish they lasted long enough for me to see if the 3am one could be reduced.  That is a killer one.

Good Luck, I would prefer to take natural remedies. I think that is where ClusterBusters have the right idea.   And there are other herbal remedies that are supposed to help, it is just a matter of getting your hands on them.  

PF Wishes

Title: Re: HA times have shifted
Post by Mac_Muz on May 17th, 2004, 5:53pm
Tia, You don't need a doctor to get O2.. I have welding tanks and use that.. I can't go luggin a 4'6" tall tank around any too easy, but it is the same stuff ...

Anyone can lease a tank... You would need a regulator, and some tubing to fit... Superpain set me straight on the how to parts... That works for me..

Probably a doctors prescription even costs more that just getting this on your own..

You could buy your own smaller tanks, but see if the welding shops can refill them.. If not then a lease is the way to go..

I do a 3 year lease plan for O2 and Acetalene for $150. 50 bucks a year isn't to bad on the old wallet....

I'ld like to know all there is to know about herbals and naturals ... I am not into shrooms for getting high and can't get the shrooms anyway, but if I could and I found they could work and leave Me in Controll of myself I would consider it..

I like riding a motor bike and tanks are not much of a option should the time change on me. heavy duty drugs are a option, but I would prefer the lighest dose of a natural thing to anything else.

I am messin with my clock... Going to bed far earlier than normal, and getting up earlier too.. Changing foods I eat, and anything I can do to change from the life I lived before. I am adapatable anyway.

Maybe some of this is working for me, and maybe the demon is sneaking around looking... Maybe I gave it a good run for the money.... Dunno yet...

With Superpains advice I have stopped one of these Ch's before it got to happen.

Where does one get meletonin? And should I be wary of the sun if I take that?

I would guess Valerian Root  is from a herbal store/natural foods, but how to you deal with that?

Drinks? add to food? Just eat it as a stand alone?

General Patton had a sail boat called the When and IF, and like that boat I want to be ready....  Mac

Title: Re: HA times have shifted
Post by wannascream on May 27th, 2004, 2:54pm
mac, you didn't offend anyone, I am sure.  We all are angry at this demon and ever once in awhile, we have to let loose.

I am a newbie,too, with few replies, but the people who HAVE responded (including YOU, by the way) have been very helpful and supportive.

Hang in.

Title: Re: HA times have shifted
Post by Mac_Muz on May 27th, 2004, 7:09pm
Little update.. I killed 2 heads now with 02... 2 with Imtrex to see if and how that worked.. That worked but I didn't much like the first 6mg's dose.

The next one was killed with apx 2mg's or a 1/3rd as best I can guess..

I had a bunch of false warnings, and then not much going on..

I figured a beer test was in order, and that cause more warnings, but no CH..

I guess this makes me episodic huh?

Now come Memorial Weekend and I have to be away and I have to wonder IF I can play....

I do Rondevouse 1800-1840 this time and it is nice to have a cold one looking into a camp fire. Problem is no 02 can be had there any too easy..... Hmmm..  Mac Message Board » Powered by YaBB 1 Gold - SP 1.3.1!
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