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(Message started by: wingnut04 on May 3rd, 2004, 10:00pm)

Title: Couple o' ?'s
Post by wingnut04 on May 3rd, 2004, 10:00pm
Hey all-
Couple of questions I'm hopin' to get some help with.....

1. Exactly how do describe a shadow? I was under the assumption that a shadow was when you get all the signs of a comming attack but it never develops and you are PF within minutes again. Kinda like an aftershock of an earthquake. OR is it a lingering, nagging dull ache that can come at anytime or stay with you for hours after an attack?

2. The Doc says that with the preds and verap that I'm on the attacks should be under control by now. Been on em' a little over 2 weeks now. So, he is sending me to a neuro. What can I expect from the neuro?


really considering tryin' schrooms.................. [smiley=huh.gif]


Title: Re: Couple o' ?'s
Post by Little Deb on May 3rd, 2004, 10:48pm

In my opinion, both of your descriptions fit for shadows.  I get them all the time and don't actually get hit.  But when I am in cycle, I get them alot more, and sometimes they are nothing and mostly they come right before the hit.

Regarding the meds you are on...some people go for a long time trying different meds and still don't get under control.  If you find something that works, it may take a couple weeks to start to work, or you may need to up the dose if you are still having bad shadows and some hits.

Read lots.  You will find all of your answers here, and a great group of clusterheads.

23 years episodic...Little Deb

Title: Re: Couple o' ?'s
Post by Renee on May 3rd, 2004, 11:35pm
Hopefully the neuro will give you o2 if you do not already have it.

A neuro will be more familiar in dealing with headaches and hopefully ch also.

My shadows are just like you explained above in both examples but mostly the signs of a coming attack.

chronic here since 1997.
good luck with the neuro

Title: Re: Couple o' ?'s
Post by wingnut04 on May 4th, 2004, 12:45am
Little Deb and Renee
Thanks guy's.
My heart goes out to all chronics out there. I honestly don't know how you can handle it!!!

A full night's sleep to all!!!!!!!!

Title: Re: Couple o' ?'s
Post by Ann on May 4th, 2004, 10:53am
My shadows are exactly like you described in both examples.  For the long dull ache one, I'll take a couple of motrin and that usually does the trick.

As far as your verpamil..what dose are you taking?  Are you on the slow release or the immediate release?  Immediate release works best, in my opinion.

good luck and let us know how it goes

Title: Re: Couple o' ?'s
Post by Prense on May 4th, 2004, 6:23pm
IMO a shadow is a low scale CH attack that never gets above a kip 4.  For me, those can last several hours (>3 hours is not uncommon), but are nothing compared to a CH attack.  That is the reason I call them "shadows".  These shadows have never developed into a full blown attack for me.  Again, in my opinion, a mild HA that preceeds a CH attack is just a CH attack that is ramping up.  

There is no doubt we are all different though.


**edit**  I actually look forward to these shadows as it means I will not be getting hit for a while.  Also, OTC meds do nothing for even my shadows.  Trex works like a champ though.

Title: Re: Couple o' ?'s
Post by BlueMeanie on May 4th, 2004, 6:41pm
TONS of coffee seam to keep my shadows under control while in cycle. To me, a shadow is just the light annoying feeling I have while in cycle to remind me the Beast may hit and any given time or day. I concider a shadow anywhere from a KIP 1-3 range that continuously gets heavier & lighter throughout the day until finally the Beast arrives. Once the CH is gone the shadow returns to remind me that another torture is is just around the corner waiting to take me hostage. Message Board » Powered by YaBB 1 Gold - SP 1.3.1!
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