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(Message started by: maokitty on Apr 29th, 2004, 9:51pm)

Title: Help with an Archive Search CPAP
Post by maokitty on Apr 29th, 2004, 9:51pm
:-/ Can someone help me find anything in the archives to see if sleep apnea might be a trigger for CH?

I use a CPAP machine, but not all the time and wonder if sleep apnea might be a trigger from lack of oxygen to the blood stream or brain?

I just know it must have been covered somewhere already.

Title: Re: Help with an Archive Search CPAP
Post by Homer57 on Apr 29th, 2004, 10:06pm
Hi maokitty- this is Jim.  I too have sleep apnea and at one point thought that there was a connection between that and the cluster headaches I have had since I was 20.  I had the uppp (?) operation in '97 so as to try and avoid the CPAP machine, but it didn't work out.

I must use the CPAP machine every night.  It works for me and at this point I couldn't really sleep without it.  The cluster headaches have stayed on their 2 year cycle (this year I made it to 3 years!) even with the CPAP use, so I don't think there is any real connection.

BTY - 2 days now without headaches so I may be at the end of this cycle!  Good luck in your research and hope your PF as you read this.

Title: Re: Help with an Archive Search CPAP
Post by UN_SOLVED on Apr 30th, 2004, 3:44am
I also have 'mild' sleep apnea. Did all the sleep tests. Doc says it worse while I lay on my back. I used a CPAP machine for awhile (still have it), but it was too uncomfortable and was not helping at all. If it helped at all, I would use it everynight! But for me, it's just an obstacle in my way from reaching my Imitrex injections during the night. I also have a low-flow O2 machine that I could sleep with.. And a full sized O2 tank. None of it helps.
Only Imitrex injections work for me !


Title: Re: Help with an Archive Search CPAP
Post by mynm156 on May 2nd, 2004, 5:09pm
It really depends on how low your SpO2 or oxygen Saturation drops at night.  Untreated, sleep apnea can cause  memory problems, weight gain, impotency, headaches, high blood pressure, and other cardiovascular disease.  Does it trigger a CH?   It is not really known.  I will say that a lack of O2 to the brain will not allow it to function as it normally should and my Neuro seems to feel that thier is some sort of connection between them.  It may not treat CH but the other physiological stresses that it can create on your body cant help.

Good Luck!

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