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(Message started by: ExplodingEyeBall on Apr 28th, 2004, 4:57pm)

Title: CHs...Sinus HAs
Post by ExplodingEyeBall on Apr 28th, 2004, 4:57pm
The more I learn about CHs, the more I think that I have them more often than I thought.

From what I have read, A lot of people who have CHs are hit first with the stuffy/runny nose real bad and then it moves in to the eye real quick.

A lot of times, I get this where first my nose starts getting stuffed up/itchy and starts running. Within a matter of just a few minutes my eye hurts and itches at the same time and my eye/forehead/temple hurt so bad I have literally pulled hair out because of it. I'll usually go through a whole box of Kleenex in one day with this.

I have thought in the past that these are either sinus atacks or allergies.

Does anyone have any words of wisdom on this?

Title: Re: CHs...Sinus HAs
Post by Rock_Lobster on Apr 28th, 2004, 5:09pm
I am currently battling a sinus infection that was most likely brought about by all my anti-CH meds.

I have little doubt that the sinus infection extended my episode.  What I thought were strange shadows toward the end were actually sinus HA's... strong enough to trigger an occasional CH.  Tremendous pressure on the bones around my eye/jaw/cheek.

On a second course of antibiotics and nasty-powerful decongestants now.  If I go to bed without taking a decongestant, I awake with a clogged-solid sinus on my CH side with what feels like the start of a CH... and once or twice actually did trigger a CH, but was certainly a sinus HA initially.

Never had a sinus HA in my life before this.


Title: Re: CHs...Sinus HAs
Post by Redd715 on Apr 28th, 2004, 6:22pm
Expl. Eye.  Yes I know what you are saying to a point.   Attacks such as these have awakened me many many nights over the last year and half.  Read my discription of how my attacks are the discribe your HA post.  Before I was diagnosed with CH  a few weeks back because they started to hit me day and night more than just once every few weeks but multiple times a day...I had myself convinced they were sinus atatcks as well.  Somewhere in here I discribed where I would take sudafed and tylenol PM's and rock on my bed in tears most of the thime waiting for the stuff to "kick in" so I could go back to sleep.  Some times the pain would go down into my upper teeth and they would ache something fierce.  Differing degrees, sometimes I'd just think there was something lodged between them and I'd be flossing till they bled, or I'd literally try to pull them out to stop the pain.  I think I still have a pair of needle nose pliars in the drawer in the bathroom from that last time. LOL.  I had no idea what CH was till a few weeks ago.  Now at least I know I'll never be caught off gaurd again.  That tell tale pain wakes me up that Stat pen will be right by my bed.

Title: Re: CHs...Sinus HAs
Post by HypnoticFreddy on Apr 28th, 2004, 7:36pm
Exploding Eye...what is your name?

For me, it is ALL about the eye. It comes on with the pain behind the eye. The droopy eye, redness, runny nose happens after attack (like 10-20 min into the attack).

I must say, interestingly, because with each cycle I have had (4 cycles between 1997-2004). The frequency and intensities have varied.

This last cycle was 1-2 per day. If I got the 2nd headache, it was the ones that awaken you from sleep. I have posted on this and I truly beleive that THESE are the worst. Simply because you are deep in sleep (1-2 hrs into sleep). The CH is bubbling and brewing and when it finally awkens you, you are in the full thores of the attack.

Like Redd said, I always have my 'Trex injector on my bedstand.

Definitely sounds like clusters.

Not sure about the connection of CHs with sinus problems, but I DO know migrainers with sinus problems.

Hope you are feeling well


Title: Re: CHs...Sinus HAs
Post by Superpain on Apr 29th, 2004, 4:48am
Sinus headaches do suck...

But they are just irritating to painful, and they always last a long time.

I can see how they could be confused, but not for long.

Cluster HURT BAD, and come and go rather quickly.

I said BAD!!! If you have a sinus headache that hurts like that, you need to get your nose cut off! :o [smiley=laugh.gif]

Title: Re: CHs...Sinus HAs
Post by ExplodingEyeBall on Apr 29th, 2004, 10:04am
I don't know now. Maybe my sinus/allergy problems are triggering the CHs. My property has about 20 cottonwood trees on it and I started having allergy problems as soon as I moved in there.

Freddy - I agree with you about the night time ones being the worst. I can deal with 2-3 of them every day while I'm at work because they don't bother me as much during the day, but give me one that wakes me up and I'm up pacing/rocking/crying/cursing.

BTW... My name is Patrick Moore. And if any of you are in to science/space stuff...  I'm not the scientist author that wrote a bunch of books.

Redd - I can relate with the thing about the teeth. I have also been tempet to pull teeth out in the middle of the night. It might be a good idea to hide those pliers from yourself. You wouldn't want to do anything you'd regret. And during a big CH, things like that don't seem silly at all.

Superpain - You said that CH comes and goes quickly. Is this normal with most CHers? I'm asking because when I get a night time one it seems to last at lease 2 hours. Or maybe it's a bunch of them running together. The other more minor daytime ones just make a quick visit and then go away after 30 minutes or so.

I have also considered getting my nose cut off but after seeing how M. Jackson looks without his, I changed my mind.

Thanks all for the wisdom.


Title: Re: CHs...Sinus HAs
Post by miapet on Apr 29th, 2004, 10:45am
D's almost always start in his nose  .. .which is why, over the years, different docs have said 'allergies' 'sinus' etc . . .even now, if it gets stuffy inside, it can trigger a h/a.  THEN, depending on the intensity, he will get the droopy watery eye . . .and sometimes blurred vision in that eye.
*positive light and energy*

Title: Re: CHs...Sinus HAs
Post by Superpain on Apr 29th, 2004, 4:09pm
Yes, they come and go quickly... The DURATION may be long, but the onset of the ha comes quick and they normally go from full blown to nothing in a matter of minutes.

Title: Re: CHs...Sinus HAs
Post by purpleydog on Apr 29th, 2004, 7:55pm
They can go from nothing to full blown in 5 minutes, last 15 min or longer depending where they are in the cycle, and stop as suddenly as they started. I am like Jeckyll and Hyde. Message Board » Powered by YaBB 1 Gold - SP 1.3.1!
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