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(Message started by: Dover on Apr 28th, 2004, 1:49pm)

Title: I think I am free
Post by Dover on Apr 28th, 2004, 1:49pm
I think I am free of the CH.  I have tappered off the pred and have not had a CH for what seems like weeks.  I don't know if it was the pred or just the end of my cycle, but I do know this, if this CH hits next year I know exactly what I am going to do and it does not include pred.  Hope the very best for all of you and that the beast in your life may lay down and die.  

It's kind of strange, in a way, the CH has made me way more conscious of my body and the way it works.  I am doing so many things right as oppossed to before that I can't help but be a little thankful for the CHs as they were definitely a wake up call.  That said, I am not so thankful as to ever want to see the beast again.

Title: Re: I think I am free
Post by miapet on Apr 28th, 2004, 3:26pm
I hope this is the beginning of a life time of p/f nights and days!
*positive light and energy*

Title: Re: I think I am free
Post by HypnoticFreddy on Apr 28th, 2004, 7:40pm

I had so many times, where depending on where I was time-wise into my cycles, I didn't know if it was a medication or if the cycle was ending.

What I found out 5 weeks ago (one month into a 3-4 month typical cycle) was that Topamax was my savior.

Certainly doesn't work for everybody. Very awful s/e's for many. Too bad.

You may want to ask your doc about this if the CHs return.


Title: Re: I think I am free
Post by wingnut04 on Apr 29th, 2004, 12:27am
Awesome news Dover.
I as well, think I'm getting near the end of this cycle.
Just yesterday I got some Imitrex nasal. I've had to use it 2x already and both times I was PF within 10 mins.!!!!
I feel much better just knowing I have the nasal Imitrex to abort!!!
Slept 6 1/2 straight hours last night!!!!!!!!!

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