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(Message started by: 9erfan on Apr 21st, 2004, 12:18pm)

Title: 1 9erfan + 1 Triptan = Bad Idea
Post by 9erfan on Apr 21st, 2004, 12:18pm
I AM SO FRUSTRATED!!! I just had the night from HELL!

Why do triptans work for everyone else and not for me??  I know you guys don't have the answers, I'm just venting.
I've now tried Imitrex (all forms), Zomig, and Relpax.  And instead of aborting my headaches, they make my headaches WORSE!!  WTF??

I'm SO sick of this!   :'( :'(  I'm tired and beat up!

Ok, I'm done.  Thanks for listening.

Title: Re: 1 9erfan + 1 Triptan = Bad Idea
Post by floridian on Apr 21st, 2004, 12:42pm
You aren't alone on this one - I used triptans once. It aborted the headaches for a day, but left me too sick to do anything.  Normally I get beat up by the beast in the early morning and then go about my business.  But after a tab of Amerge, I was SOL for a day.  Some people just can't handle those meds.

Title: Re: 1 9erfan + 1 Triptan = Bad Idea
Post by Roxy on Apr 21st, 2004, 12:50pm
ah hell V....I'm sorry you had a bad night.  Wish the triptans would work for you, how's the 02 doing?  Any help at all?  Talk to your doctor, and try another kind...have you tried any Axert, Maxalt, or maybe an ergotamine?  

I do have one thing that might cheer you are coming to the convention... :o.  My treat, and no arguing.... :-X.


Title: Re: 1 9erfan + 1 Triptan = Bad Idea
Post by 9erfan on Apr 21st, 2004, 1:25pm
OH, there's going to be lots of ARGUING!!  And don't try to avoid my calls with caller ID!  I will hunt you down.  Don't forget, I'm bigger than you so I can take you in a wrestling match!  You've got enough stuff coming up for can't be my sugar momma too.  ;;D

And yes, oxygen does help me to some extent.

Title: Re: 1 9erfan + 1 Triptan = Bad Idea
Post by broomhilda on Apr 21st, 2004, 1:31pm
I am so sorry V, rant away :). I hope you find something that works for you....



Title: Re: 1 9erfan + 1 Triptan = Bad Idea
Post by thomas on Apr 21st, 2004, 1:37pm
amerge, axert?

Title: Re: 1 9erfan + 1 Triptan = Bad Idea
Post by 9erfan on Apr 21st, 2004, 1:40pm
I have not tried either one of those.  Are they also triptans?

Because at this point I'm too frightened to try any more triptans.

Title: Re: 1 9erfan + 1 Triptan = Bad Idea
Post by thomas on Apr 21st, 2004, 1:51pm
Yeah, V. they are triptans, but I got very different results with them than I did zomig or imitrex.  I prefer amerge, but my ins company will not pay for it any more, so I get zomig, and it works great also.  (and yes Rock_Lobster, I've got a friggin stash of the stuff)

Title: Re: 1 9erfan + 1 Triptan = Bad Idea
Post by kimh on Apr 21st, 2004, 2:00pm

Try:  Chock fulla nuts STRONG ritaway along with maxalt mlt 10mg.    Have the coffee pot ready for onslaught....also, those maxalts come in a pre-wrapped thingy.  It's a pain in the ass gettin the buggers out of the wrapper, i'd advise POPPIN them babies out of the wrappers and keepin em on "alert mode"  LOL.

There's BUNCHES of triptan abortives these days - try em.  Believe me hot coffee plus a triptan at immediate onset helps more times than not.

Well wishes - kim

Title: Re: 1 9erfan + 1 Triptan = Bad Idea
Post by Karla on Apr 21st, 2004, 3:46pm
First mediine I ever tried was migranol nasal spray.  It worked wonders for me but then I tried imitirix and liked it better.  Maybe you might want to try migranol it isn't a triptan.  

Title: Re: 1 9erfan + 1 Triptan = Bad Idea
Post by wingnut04 on Apr 22nd, 2004, 2:15am

Title: Re: 1 9erfan + 1 Triptan = Bad Idea
Post by Lizzie2 on Apr 22nd, 2004, 9:31am
Hey Ginny,
Triptan list:

Each works differently, and so many doctors have you try all of them (not at the same time, of course) because there just might be one out there that might work for you.  Amerge is the first out of 4 that has done any good for me, but I also have insurance issues with it, like Thomas.  

Imitrex made my head a whollllllllle lot worse and also tachycardia for me can't handle it.  Thought I was gonna keel over every time I used it.  But I do ok with some of the others.

Good luck!
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