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(Message started by: mrataxic on Apr 17th, 2004, 10:51pm)

Title: advice pleeze...........
Post by mrataxic on Apr 17th, 2004, 10:51pm
First of all I want to say that this is an AWSOME place, and i hope to meet people with ch.  I would like to kno how maney ch'ers have  allergies.  I had a pin test and was positive for EVERYTHING.  but I also read another note by some one who tthinks ch is associated with apnea aan insomnia,witch i have.........I also think it  very much has to do with where i live.  I live in Fresno CA, witch is now considered to have the countries worst air.   Would any of u move to better you ch's?


Title: Re: advice pleeze...........
Post by HypnoticFreddy on Apr 17th, 2004, 11:15pm
Oh yes,

There is a town in eastern Wyoming called Oxytrex. It has a Triptan and oxygen plant in it and I hear it is growing!

Sorry, that is the sort of stupid humor you'll get here.

Air quality does not seem to be a precipitating factor (as far as I know). I really think moving isn;t the answer.

The point made about sleap apnea and insomnia may be related. Cluster headaches have a notorious record of rythems. A common pattern is to be awoken 1-2 hours after falling asleep. Many cluster heads will probably attest to that. These are usually the worst (in intensity) , at least for me.

But they happen at the same time. Some cluster heads can tell you the exact time they will get a cluster headahce. Although, for some, it is unpredictable and they can't tell when they are going to get hit.

Recent brain imaging studies have shown activity in the hypothalmus area of the brain during CH attacks. The hypothalmus controls circadian rhythms, sleep/wake cycle, etc. This too, may relate to the regularity of the headaches.

Read links on this and the OUCH website. Lots of good information.


Title: Re: advice pleeze...........
Post by UN_SOLVED on Apr 17th, 2004, 11:17pm
Would I move to better my CH's. YES. But I don't think sleep apnea, insomnia, or allergies have much to do with CH.
I was told by my neuro that about 80% of CH'ers have sleep apnea. Insomnia is probably quite normal among us too. Allergies...I'm not sure about. I wouldn't think that is the norm, just another problem you are facing.

Title: Re: advice pleeze...........
Post by BobG on Apr 18th, 2004, 4:53am
Fresno huh? I spent a week there one day.

Sorry, just adding to Scott's stupid humor.

Would I move to better my CH's. Yes, if there was a connection between bad air and CH but I doubt if there is. Don't sell you house just yet. Go stay a few days up in Big Creek or Huntington Lake. Maybe it'll clear up the dirty sinus'.

on 04/17/04 at 23:17:33, UN_SOLVED wrote:
I was told by my neuro that about 80% of CH'ers have sleep apnea.

I think your neuro is nuts.

Title: Re: advice pleeze...........
Post by floridian on Apr 18th, 2004, 8:43am

Cephalalgia. 2003 May;23(4):276-9.

   Cluster headache associated with sleep apnoea.

   Nobre ME, Filho PF, Dominici M.

   This study of sleep changes in patients with cluster headache (CH) was conducted in view of the nocturnal predominance of this condition, the efficacy of oxygen and the fact that the attacks follow oxygen desaturation. Proposed mechanisms include impairment of carotid body activity secondary to hypothalamic vasomotor regulatory dysfunction. Sixteen patients with episodic CH and 29 healthy volunteers underwent nocturnal polysomnography. Five (31.3%) patients with episodic CH were found to have sleep apnoea (SA). Two patients with SA experienced two attacks during the study period. The attacks followed episodes of oxygen desaturation and were associated with REM sleep. In two patients with SA and CH, treatment with continuous positive airway pressure abolished their oxygen desaturation, sleep apnoeas and headaches. Our study confirmed the high percentage of CH associated with SA. We suggest that oxygen desaturation may be a trigger factor in some patients and play a role in the pathogenesis of CH.

Title: Re: advice pleeze...........
Post by joesf on Apr 18th, 2004, 10:42am
Too bad you can't get out on the deck of a ship in mid ocean for a week to find out. A calm ocean.
I am near the ocean in san francisco. We have pretty clean air and I still get them but the cypress trees are full of pollen. Iwonder about the connection to pollen and air quality as well as  body clock. I never have gotten these due to jet lag. Thinking about it I always got them in the spring. The times i got them other than spring I was in poor air quality condtions like indoor construction sites. The last time I had a fall CH attack I was in dusty dirt road New Mexico which had the worst air quality and working construction.
Now that my cluster cycle has ended I feel the pollen here a bit. An hour north of here in the wine valley I am coughing from the pollen.
If pollen and air quality are triggers there still has to be something else because they dont happen every pollen season.
If you can get to a place with better air quality it might help, but pollen is everywhere and you can't live in a bubble.
As far as the clock and pollen triggers go I am just wondering when the most common time for Chs is in the southern hemisphere?

Title: Re: advice pleeze...........
Post by Melissa on Apr 18th, 2004, 11:28am
I live out in the country in central WI and while I do get the usual spring/fall allergies, it hasn't made a bit of difference since when I lived in the middle of the city with more pollution.

If moving to Barbados would help my ch's, you can be I'd be moving down there. ;)


p.s. welcome to our family Mike!:)

Title: Re: advice pleeze...........
Post by Thorns on Apr 18th, 2004, 10:56pm

on 04/17/04 at 23:15:39, HypnoticFreddy wrote:
Oh yes,There is a town in eastern Wyoming called Oxytrex. It has a Triptan and oxygen plant in it and I hear it is growing!

LMAO! I'll move there--maybe get a job at those plants  [smiley=laugh.gif].

I tested positive on all 88 of those damn allergy shots and I have had surgery to remove nasal polyps and fix my deviated septum for sleap apnea. Nonetheless, I have had always had allergy problems and only recently CH (6years). On the bright side, I do sleep a little more soundly now (or soundless)!

I admire your access to journals and ability to use them in your postings. Has anyone here ever contacted you or posted saying that they were a part of any of these studies?--just curious,

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