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(Message started by: astropuff9 on Apr 1st, 2004, 1:43am)

Title: Numbness
Post by astropuff9 on Apr 1st, 2004, 1:43am
 I am very new to this site and very excited to meet others who have had the great joy to experience these wonderful things called cluster headaches. I have had these headaches ever since I was 13...I am now 21. I have been on every drug imaginable inclubing beta blockers (which really sucked). I have been doing well except for the fact that ever since I stopped taking the beta blockers my left hand has turned blue and gone numb sporadically. The doctors are all stumped. My hand hasn't turned blue in awhile, but now every time my left hand goes numb, my left foot starts to go numb as well. It has been occuring with my headaches especially when they hit the right side. Should I be worried or are there others of you out there who have experienced the same? Thank you and I look forward to talking to as many of you as I can. This site is wonderful!!!!


Title: Re: Numbness
Post by Superpain on Apr 1st, 2004, 1:49am
Sorry Aubry, i've never experienced that, but welcome!

Title: Re: Numbness
Post by pubgirl on Apr 1st, 2004, 2:06am

I'm not a Doctor, but that is a clear indication of a significant circulation problem into your extremities.
That's not something that is common with CH, nor is it to be ignored. I'm not meaning to worry you, but you are very young for this to be happening too.

Prolonged lack of circulation into hands and feet is NOT GOOD! It can ultimately cause damage to the tissues.

You aren't taking any of the ergotamine type drugs are you?
Damaging circulation problems can result from long term use of these. I would also take advice before continuing use of any of the triptans as well.

Suggest your doctors should stop being flummoxed and DO SOMETHING.


Title: Re: Numbness
Post by Superpain on Apr 1st, 2004, 2:14am
Hi Aubry, I see you are in flag...

Do you have a good neuro there?

I can reccomend one here in the valley.

Title: Re: Numbness
Post by Turts on Apr 1st, 2004, 7:45am
Gday astropuff,

This is something i would definately get checked out, as it indicates circulation problems, especially if theses extremities get cold while they are blue and numb.

Id reccomend getting I think its an iodine test where they basically x ray your circulation tract.

Get it looked at!!!


Title: Re: Numbness
Post by echo on Apr 9th, 2004, 12:50pm
Don't know how to spell it correctly - but,  possible that it's the begining of    Ranods, blood vessel contriction My brother has had something similar to that happent to him.

Title: Re: Numbness
Post by Samantha_Smith on Apr 12th, 2004, 12:46pm

A few years ago when my CH's were out of control I would wake up in the middle of the nite and one half of my body would be totally numb and I wouldn't be able to move it. It would last about 20 minutes and then go away but it didn't turn blue like yours and it hasn't happened since 2000.

I'll just emphasize what was said earlier and say that what you have may be dangerous.  Turning blue is a bad sign because it means your tissues are not getting the oxygen they need.  If your doc's are "stumped" then switch doc's and do it quickly.  

I don't mean to alarm you but have you ever been checked for diabetes? If anything I'd go to my primary care doc, tell them what's happening and get a full physical.  Good luck!  Hang in there!  I'm sorry that you are here but I'm glad you found us.     Samantha

Title: Re: Numbness
Post by floridian on Apr 12th, 2004, 3:17pm
Smurf-like symptoms are a sign to see a doctor.

Astropuff - I sometimes get twinges on one side when in an episode, but it isn't like what you describe.  

Raynaud's disease - could be. Most raynauds is on both sides, but it can occur on side only. If it is on one side only it could be some other neurological and/or vascular condition.  

Samantha - Waking up in the middle of the night with paralysis is usually nothing serious - the mind can be awake while the brainstem is still asleep.  But having it on one side only may indicate something else. Message Board » Powered by YaBB 1 Gold - SP 1.3.1!
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