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(Message started by: Liz04 on Mar 21st, 2004, 3:13pm)

Title: Okay last one...Ultracet
Post by Liz04 on Mar 21st, 2004, 3:13pm
What was the doc thinking? He said it would take away the pain..didn't even touch it!!!!!!

Have anyone you found relief with this Ultrcet

Title: Re: Okay last one...Ultracet
Post by UN_SOLVED on Mar 21st, 2004, 3:16pm
Tramadol & Tylenol. Didn't help at all here !


Title: Re: Okay last one...Ultracet
Post by pubgirl on Mar 21st, 2004, 6:23pm

Frankly I would want to know what your Doctor is thinking too. if I have read your posts right he/she is giving you a powerful opiate- the one that killed hundreds of people in the Moscow siege (they don't work for CH) an analgesic (they don't work for CH) an anti-convulsant (only work for some CH) and Dopeymax.

Has this person tried you on any of the standard treatments at all?

Just wondering


Title: Re: Okay last one...Ultracet
Post by pubgirl on Mar 22nd, 2004, 2:02am
There are, of course many treatmenst for CH, but they are most usually only tried if Imigran (or other Triptan) and 02 don't work as abortives, or Verapimil, Methysergide or Lithium don't work as preventives.
There is also the alternative treatment detailed on the clusterbusters site if you prefer a non-medical route.

As it stands at the moment (and I'm sure this will change at some point when new treatments become available), the main CH experts say that these are the treatments of choice.

Suggest that since you doctor is prescribing some heavy duty drugs it wuld be a good idea to have a read up on here and on the OUCh site of the main medications.


Title: Re: Okay last one...Ultracet
Post by Liz04 on Mar 22nd, 2004, 2:26am

I appreciate your feedback. I am also intriqued by your comments as my understanding is such that...topomax is used in treating ch as an abortive.  The flurimethane spray is simply for neck modalities, imitrix does not work for me, but the zomig nasal spray does...which thank god my insurance covers.  I'm not sure why you think my meds or dosing is extreme?  I would like to hear more on it as I am learning the more information the better.  

Title: Re: Okay last one...Ultracet
Post by Liz04 on Mar 22nd, 2004, 2:27am
Also, the post i posted previously stated that my my friend had given me an actiq..not my she is a ch sufferer and that is the only thing that helps for her......

Title: Re: Okay last one...Ultracet
Post by pubgirl on Mar 22nd, 2004, 3:02am

Must have misunderstood, sorry if I have. Initially your posts suggested you were taking Ultracet, Actiq, Neurontin, Topamax and Zomig as well as the other drug you mention here.

I was just suggesting that that was an unusual first set of treatments for someone newly diagnosed with Ch or Ch-tic.
Certainly most doctors here focus on abortives first(Triptan/02) and then preventives if the cycles are unmanageable (Verapimil/lithium/short term methysergide) or a Prednisolone taper if the cycle is so bad it needs breaking.

Painkillers and narcotics don't normally work for most Ch'ers and corticosteroids and anti-convulsants tried normally after the drugs mentioned above have failed or stop working.

Things may be different over there, but certainly this would be the standard practice for CH here.


Additionally Prof Goadsby recommends this for Cluster-tic syndrome

" In general, the cluster-tic syndrome is difficult to treat and may require a combination of therapies. Carbamazepine has been reported to abolish the tic like pains, whereas standard anticluster agents are required to treat the features of cluster"

Title: Re: Okay last one...Ultracet
Post by Superpain on Mar 22nd, 2004, 1:50pm
::) Ultracet....

Might as well eat an asprin.

Title: Re: Okay last one...Ultracet
Post by Lizzie2 on Mar 22nd, 2004, 5:00pm
Ultracet did help me with minor head pain, but doesn't touch the big head pain.  It did help with muscle relaxation.

Topamax is not an abortive; it is a preventive.  You can't just randomly start and stop it...can be dangerous!

Topamax and neurontin are both anti-seizure meds, but maybe they work differently.  My neuro had me on both at the same time, but I dumped the neurontin cuz it did absolutely nothing for me.  

Just my .02!
Lizzie :)

Title: Re: Okay last one...Ultracet
Post by forgetfulnot on Mar 22nd, 2004, 6:50pm

Painkillers and narcotics don't normally work for most Ch'ers

Back in the day, before anyone ever heard of most the new drugs my only option was to get a shot of demerol 75 mg coupled with vistaril or phenergan usually at 2-300 AM. It never failed to get rid of the headache, let me sleep and normally would ward off future attacks for several days.
Made for some strage mornings at work the next day but was very effective for me. I have read all the anti-narcotic statetments by Goadsby and others and can't understand why anyone would eliminate this kind of treatment when others may not be available. ;;D


Title: Re: Okay last one...Ultracet
Post by pubgirl on Mar 22nd, 2004, 7:11pm

In full agreement with you, but while treatments that aren't narcotics work for me, I aint goin' near 'em!
I'm frightened of my propensity for dependance/addiction!


Title: Re: Okay last one...Ultracet
Post by forgetfulnot on Mar 22nd, 2004, 8:17pm

on 03/22/04 at 19:11:50, pubgirl wrote:

In full agreement with you, but while treatments that aren't narcotics work for me, I aint goin' near 'em!
I'm frightened of my propensity for dependance/addiction!


Wendy, I can't say that this stuff doesn't make you feel good, but addiction was never a problem for me $150.00-200.00 a shot. All I looked forward to is no pain and some sleep; actually the side effects were a problem trying to work while under the influence. Anyway it’s a good thing this is not the only treatment anymore, otherwise I would be broke. ;)

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