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(Message started by: cakelady on Mar 15th, 2004, 9:24am)

Title: Wierd eye effects?
Post by cakelady on Mar 15th, 2004, 9:24am
I just cycled out of a cluster and am now getting a kaleidascope effect in my field of vision.  I don't get migraines, only clusters, so I am not familiar with "auras".  Could this be something like that?

It is pretty cool, if it wasn't so scary.


Title: Re: Wierd eye effects?
Post by pubgirl on Mar 15th, 2004, 2:10pm

It is worth getting it checked out with an optician to be safe, but aura with clusters is not that uncommon. I can't remember the exact % from our survey but I think it was about 20% of sufferers get some kind of visual disturbances.
I get a  sort of "pixillated" (hard to explain) periphery around the eye on my attack side occasionally prior to an attack.


Title: Re: Wierd eye effects?
Post by KarynG on Mar 15th, 2004, 2:54pm
I have periodic blurry vision in my eye on the affected side but it always ends when the cycle is over.  I haven't had any auras or other things like what you are talking about either in or out of cycle.

Title: Re: Wierd eye effects?
Post by eyes_afire on Mar 15th, 2004, 3:24pm

Perhaps you are now suffering from ocular migraines as well.

--- Steve

Title: Re: Wierd eye effects?
Post by floridian on Mar 15th, 2004, 4:02pm
Could be aura.  I get a blinking blind spot in the center of my field of vision, and wiggly or jaggedy distortions around the periphery.  My aura isn't connected to either migraine or clusters, though I do tend to get it when hot and fatigued - when my electrolytes are messed up and my wiring is misfiring.

Title: Re: Wierd eye effects?
Post by cakelady on Mar 15th, 2004, 7:48pm
Wow. thanks everyone.
Steve... that first link showed exactly what I am seeing.
Now that I am less worried about it, it is a really cool effect. Makes it a bit of a bitch to work though.

Title: Re: Wierd eye effects?
Post by jmorgan52 on Mar 17th, 2004, 8:51am
I also looked at the first link and it was very similar to an effect I had for about 4 hours in early December. I had a sort of swirling at the edges of my vision. At first I thought my PC monitor at work was on the blink, then I realised it was only in my right eye. This was just before my last cluster cycle started with a vengeance.

I remember a few occasions in the past when I had the same thing. They may well have preceded previous episodes. I had not made the possible connection to CH or migraine until now.


Title: Re: Wierd eye effects?
Post by pubgirl on Mar 17th, 2004, 12:32pm

Great picture! It may well be a picture designed to show the effects of ocular migraine, but it is almost exactly like the 'pixillations' I sometimes get with CH though mine are squarish rather than jagged. (I get CH and migraine so it could be that the migraine has made me prone to the aura with CH too)

I also occasionally get a cloudy golden yellow haze in my vision on the pain side too, that one is quite pretty. Seeing the world through a gold light makes it look better somehow.

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