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(Message started by: tannero on May 22nd, 2003, 9:45am)

Title: Why Take the Meds
Post by tannero on May 22nd, 2003, 9:45am
I put this on my first post but here is an abrviated version before the question.
CH for 9 years
Diagnosed 6 years ago
Ergotamine and verapamil kept them in check with the help of imitrix
Changed me to lithium, seroquel, a prednisone taper and verapamil a month ago because I was having to take one to two shots for over 20days.
Thanks to this site tried the oxygen two days ago and it seems to help.

Now here is the question:

Should I continue the lithium, seroquel, and verapamil?

The heavy shadows still come and if I catch them quick enough with the oxygen or shot they don't get over a kip3 or 4.   My doctor says to stay with the meds.   Don't have any real bad side effects, just seems like a waste of money if the cannibal in my head is going to come knocking every night anyway.

Just wanted some of the advice from people with experience.

Title: Re: Why Take the Meds
Post by Bob_Johnson on May 22nd, 2003, 11:59am
IF you are not chronic, then I'd continue preventive meds for several weeks following your last attack. The only way to know if you can stop the meds is to stop the meds ! A real dilemma--having to wait and see if stopping leads to more attacks or that nothing happens. But that is the reality. There is no test to know when a cycle has ended.

Title: Re: Why Take the Meds
Post by Jackie on May 22nd, 2003, 12:05pm
Bob gives good advice.  I would certainly continue on the meds....especially the lithium and verapamil.  I can't comment on the seroquel as Blake has never taken that one and I'm not sure how it works combined with the other drugs you're on.  You are still having shadows so why not give it a bit longer...make sure you've run the bastard off for sure.

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