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(Message started by: Brassbear on Dec 22nd, 2002, 7:11am)

Title: a better intro
Post by Brassbear on Dec 22nd, 2002, 7:11am
With the urging and advice from some of  you, I can do a bit of a better intro now. CH is new for me. I've suffered migraines for years, but this is different. It started with a shadow headache that does not go away and I still have today. That was on the 6th of December. Then for 5 days in a row I had CHs 3-4 times a day which lasted for several hours. On the 5th day I had to leave work and have my wife take me to the hospital. It was there that they diagnosed me with CH. They tried O2, which did not work. Now my wife tells me that the doc said the tank might have been empty. Great. And it was only trying to give me 3 liters per min. I took imitrex which gave some relieve for the CH but gave me a new headache. It was different from the CH and was more tolerable. I think I was the first CH patient this doc had ever treated. He did have several other docs working with him. I can't see a neuro doc until well after the holidays when everyone comes back from their vacations and breaks.

From the research that I've been doing most of my symptoms come under the "infrequent" or "occasionally" list. Lucy me, I can't even get F***ed up right.

My headache is always on the left. Both eyes get very puffy and the left eye tears. My nose does not get stuffy but runs like a leaky faucet, again only on the left side. So far I've never dropped under a 2 on the Kip scale since this started. Last night was the first time I've been awakened by the headache. That was about 1AM this morning and I've been up and moving since. Doing WWW.

I have a fairly high tolerance for pain but it was obvious even to my coworkers that I was in a lot of pain. The shadow stays at the left temple. When the CH starts there is a great deal of pressure type pain which is either just above the left eye or just behind it. Then Lizzie Borden sneaks up behind me and slams her axe into my head. This sharp intense pain ususally last 2 to 4 hours. On the first couple of days I think it was a bit longer, but that could be my imagination.

A pattern is becoming evident. I get hit about 11:30 AM, then again about 5:30 - 6:00 PM. As I said, this morning was the first NOC experience.

I'm fortunate that I have a very supportive wife who will be joining the site soon. Look for "Ounce" that will be her.

Thanks to all of you for kind words and support. I do appreciate it. Michael

Title: Re: a better intro
Post by dodger on Dec 22nd, 2002, 8:09am
Michael: The symptoms you describe seem to line up with C.H.'s, pain on one side' tearing eye, running nose.about the nose, for me I call it my indicator. If my nose starts to run bad, Iknow I'm in for long trip.(8and above,45 min-hr. plus) Once my nose stops running, I know that the attack will quickly subside within 10-15 min.  I would do everything I could to get to a neuro. before AFTER THE HOLIDAYS, I'm sure if you explain the condition, they will work you in. You need to get meds.A.S.A.P.  Try icing your head down, and standing in front of a fan. It works for me. Good luck.

Title: Re: a better intro
Post by suzy617 on Dec 22nd, 2002, 10:54am
Michael, Welcome to the CH family. Sorry the beast had to find you but maybe he will be kind enough to give you a Christmas gift of pain free days and nights.


Title: Re: a better intro
Post by catlind on Dec 22nd, 2002, 12:10pm

on 12/22/02 at 07:11:04, Brassbear wrote:
From the research that I've been doing most of my symptoms come under the "infrequent" or "occasionally" list. Lucy me, I can't even get F***ed up right.

*chuckle* (In my best Ricky Riccardo voice)
LUCY, You got some s'plainin to do!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

LOL, sorry MIchael, I am not trying to make a joke of your situation, but as you will soon discover, this is an elite group here, and we are a family unit.  We have sibling rivalry, bickering, and some knock down drag em out fights, but in the end, there's not one member here who wouldn't pull together to help their brothers and sisters of Clusterville.

Welcome aboard, and I'm sorry you've had to find us, but in the words of Jonny and others, grab an oar and start rowin!


Title: Re: a better intro
Post by K bogo on Dec 22nd, 2002, 3:19pm
Welcome, Michael.  I am fairly new here also - I found the site last year.  The people here are wonderful!!
 I myself have year-round migraines and seasonal clusters.  MANY doctors could not diagnose me correctly because my migraine symptoms "ran into" my cluster symptoms.   For example, it is not common for a person with clusters to vomit during a cluster attack.  However, there times I would vomit with what I now know is a Cluster -that was because I already had a migraine before the Cluster attack had started.  (Perhaps that was way to much info on the vomiting thing - sorry ;D)  Anyway,  I believe it is very possible to have both types of headache at the same time - especially if you have frequent migraines.  You may not realize this during a cluster attack - the intensity of Cluster pain far outweighs the intensity of migraine pain.  THE BEAST WILL RULE EVERY TIME!  I mention this because you yourself could very well be experiencing both symptoms at the same time.
 You may be already doing this, but I think you and your doctor will find it very helpful to write every type of head pain down.  (I have tried the headache charts before, but there is not enough room for me.)  I  keep everything in a notebook - like a diary.  That is how I was able to get properly diagnosed - I write the day, time, weather fronts coming in, where the pain is, type of pain, if it is a cluster - the KIP level, any meds and dosage, etc.  I do this every day -  if I have no headache, I just do a smiley face (your option, of course!)  Doing this has helped me and docs see the success/failure of different meds, side effects, and patterns.  If you do have seasonal Clusters, you will be able to look back at your notes and be "prepared" for the Beast when he comes knocking next year!  
 My Dad goes to a VA Hospital in WV and one when he lived in NE.  No matter what he has gone in for, they have always taken good care of him.  I am sure they will take good care of you, too.  Hang in there!!

Title: Re: a better intro
Post by Brassbear on Dec 22nd, 2002, 4:21pm
Dodger, Suzy, Cat & Kim: thanks for welcomes, kind words and support.

Yep, I puke with the migraines too. That sometimes takes the edge of the pain. So far with CH all I've had is nausea. And now I'm getting the stiff, tight neck muscles on left side too. Boy, it just keeps getting better huh?

Took my son out Christmas shopping today so he could buy for his wife. He can't shop worth a crap and I love it. I know. Weird dude. While shopping he decided to flash a strobe in my eyes. Been doing a 4 on the kip scale ever since. fun.

Thanks for being so kind. It's nice to have supportive people. I don't want to be a clusterhead, but if I have too at least I've got good company on the way.

Oh, the "s'plainin". I've got a series of ailments from involvment in Viet Nam. Every one of them I get the "wierdo" symptoms or uncommon ones. Like I said I can't even get screwed up right! Message Board » Powered by YaBB 1 Gold - SP 1.3.1!
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