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(Message started by: anvilhead on Oct 11th, 2002, 5:51pm)

Title: Hello pt2
Post by anvilhead on Oct 11th, 2002, 5:51pm
I was diagnosed 4 times with a stubborn sinus infection probably complicated by tooth decay. 3 times by my MD and once in the ER (my first and only 10k so far, knock on wood) by another MD. Cat scans of my head and sinus cavities (2 different scans) showed nothing out of order. The tooth connection was admittedly guesswork but recommended every time none the less. I've had 5 major root canals in what remains of my upper right molars and bicuspids and the wisdom teeth removed. There are no nerves left there to my knowledge. The nerve in my canine was severed during previous repair as well. They ain't pretty but they're better than nothing. My gums look rough too but they don't bleed and aren't swollen or discolored.
Needless to say my view was that having my teeth extracted during this kind of pain was not an option. Gate control or not. No way Jose.
I was released to take my 4th round of antibiotics (1200mg/day Clindamycin) and my 20 Percasets home, thinking, how much could life suck? At least I got to watch Lethal Weapon 1 (censored version w/commercials) on a 4 inch tv through one eye, eat a nice cold hospital meal and meet some sweet nurses.)

Incidently my self described "10k" was probably not technically a 10 for very long. I was actually sent to the hospital because I was violently vomitting with noticable amounts of blood. I had taken 8 Vicodan in the preceding 16 hours. The last 2 on an empty stomach.
The previous night was somewhere between 6 and 8k for 2 three hour periods with no sleep between. I was thrown out of bed with that same level attack the following morning after maybe an hour of sleep. Then I did a bad and ate more Vicodan with just a little water and drove to work to shovel some dry ice. I was feeling as weak as I ever had till then so I forced myself to eat (sorry I love 'em) an Egg McMuffin. McStake. McBigtime. McTrigger? Perhaps. After vomiting as forcefully as I can remember ever having done and seeing the blood, I hunched there thinking, that truly sucked but man do I feel better now!
Then I was hit so hard I just dropped to the floor on my side in sheer terror. The pain was complete. There is just no other way to describe it. All encompassing. My head was being turned inside out and folded in half. I rolled to my knees and shook uncontrollably for about 5 minutes. My vision blurred and at some point I screamed. It was a pathetic scream. I would have thought I could do better under the circumstances. I forced my self upright and made my best effort to breathe. Crying like a baby I made it up and over to the sink and applied cold water to my face for about 2 minutes until it passed back down to the 6-7k or so it was before. Then it went away. I stood there looking at myself in the mirror in shock for a while. My eye looked horrifying. I peered closer to see signs of an alien hatchling escape hole. Nope. Just tears and a broken eyelid. I looked like Marty Feldman after getting his ass kicked bad, only there was no bruises and no blood.
I asked myself.
What did I do to deserve this? How could it just come and go like that? What the fuck is wrong with me?!? How is it that I'm still alive after that?
Then I remembered that I am an unstoppable force and went back out to tie up loose ends before leaving work to my underlings and going to consult a new doctor.
Pretty cocky. I compensated by calling my Mom to take me to the hospital shortly thereafter.
Mom stayed with me for 5+ hours and drove me home too. I love my Mom.
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